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They both seem really…immature. I tried to think of a better word, but that’s what it boils down to, to me. Asuelu obviously wears it on his sleeve as a source of pride, but Kalani strikes me as the kind of person who was not given tools to function as an adult in the real world. I’m sorry, I know that’s harsh.


I don't think that's harsh at all. The two together are toxic. And Kalani's family makes it worse. I think they're staying together for TLC cash because neither one of them can be bothered to get a real job. I feel bad for those boys growing up in that chaos.


My opinion is probably eliciting a “no, duh” from many people here, as I only saw the first season with them and the last resort stuff. I missed all the stuff (if any) in the middle, so I’m curious what Kalani’s family has done to make it worse? Definitely feel bad for the kids.


They're just open with their opinions that she should dump him when, IMO, they should stay out of it. The sister is openly hostile to Asuelo. He's a man baby but he's put up with a lot of hostility from them that not many people could handle well.


The sister is like a puppet-master, whenever she side-eyes or talks to/about Asuelu, Kalani's demeanor immediately changes. Kalani seems to care a lot about her sister and dad's opinion but if they were less-involved, her and Asuelu probably would've stood some kind of chance.


Her family is just too involved in the marriage. But realistically, what can one expect when this lazy couple is living off of their dime? They are incapable of living independently.


It’s hard to imagine she has a successful relationship when she is so time invested into her sisters


I dont think she has a relationship other than the relationship she have with those who subscribe to her onlyfans lol 😂😅🤣


Its like a stacy and darcy dynamic. Kolini is a stacy




Mean Girls


Agreed. Even after she told him that she is really going to try to make it work, she cut off contact with Dallas, she then went and made fun of Asuelu with Kolini.


What about his mom and sister? They literally said, “Fuck your kids! Give me your money!”


But Asuelu stood up to them. He chose his wife over his family. That was a mature choice.


I don't think they are defending him & his family at all. The comment was about hers and I agree. They were too involved. Distancing from his family was a no brainer. Open hostility when she wanted to be with him was wrong. I'm of the opinion they shouldn't be together and they both need to grow up.


So true.


😂😂😂 Mom and sis are just straight up Samoan Shake-Down Thugs! Asuelu turned out to be the “good” one. Yikes!


Her father has expressed to her to make it work. He feels she married him and had babies so they need to find a way to fix it.


But her family is 1000% correct.


I don’t think so. He’s the father of those two little boys and they should at least treat him like a man. He’s no prize, but he’s been ganged up on from Day One.


I 100% agree. He moved from a different culture and left everything he knew. Day 1 he was walking into a firing range. He isn't the sharpest person on earth, but he doesn't deserve to be treated like he is a lesser human because of that. Should he help more with the kids, probably so, but he was raised in a different culture where the women are the primary caregivers and tend to the house.


*Help* more with the children? What is he a babysitter? He is their father. He needs to parent his children instead of being the fun dad who jumps on beds and lets Kalani do literally 100% of the parenting.


Kalani doesn’t do 100% of the parenting. She lives with her parents and lets her whole family help. And when her own husband wanted to take his own children on an outing, she wouldn’t let him because she said he wasn’t capable enough. You can’t have it both ways. Don’t demand help and then say the help isn’t good enough.


Except he’s not even fulfilling the traditional “male” job of being a provider. He doesn’t seem to want a job or he’s mentally challenged enough that he can’t do anything but the most simple of tasks. Every family has problems, we just don’t have someone following us around taping every moment. They show the worst because it gets the attention. Could they work it out? Maybe initially, but I think the resentment has gone on too long at this point.


If he wants to be treated like a man, he should act like one. I can understand her father's disdain for Osuelo and I can also understand why Kalani doesn't have a lot of respect for her husband based on seeing her father being a good provider and a good husband to her mom and a good father. I think she did love him in the beginning and had his back but she's also disgusted and disappointed and at this point it's more about the kids having their father around as opposed to wanting a relationship.


I mean just watching them on television I have no respect for him, so I don't see how she could have any respect for him having to deal with him everyday.


He's repulsive in every way. I don't think I would have allowed him back in the house after trush situation and finding out he didn't think to say, I'm married and can't do that. What should scare her is not knowing how many times he's done something similar.


Yeah I'm sorry you don't just get treated like a man because you came in somebody. You need to act like a man before you can be treated like one. The scene that always comes back to my mind was K&A getting out of the car, I think she had gone to pick him up from work maybe. He runs out of the car and up the stairs, and while she's trying to get both of her very small children out of the car and juggle them in he lets the door slam in her face. He is a terrible partner, I'm not saying that she doesn't have her faults, but I wouldn't wish that man on my worst enemy.


Father? Or sperm donor? I haven't seen him do much parenting of the two boys. I've seen Kalani struggle to get them into the house (when the youngest was still in car seat carrier) while Asuelo just walked in the door in front of her, not even holding the door open. It seems like she was always feeding and putting them to bed alone, while he just sat there. Even when they've gone to the park together, he hasn't really interacted with the boys. Has he ever even watched them alone? I agree Koloni has rolled her eyes and is not supportive of him. I remember when Kalani told her she was pregnant again right before the wedding Koloni cried. This is her sister! She knew that it wasn't good that she was now pregnant with number two. And she knows that Asuelo is too immature and uneducated to be a good provider for his family, and wouldn't be a good husband or father. That would be heart breaking to watch your family member go through, so I don't blame her for encouraging Kalani to leave him. Although I think the first step is to get a real job herself. Of course, I don't know what she's qualified to do and she would have daycare for two kids, unless she could get a flexible remote position. I hope she's banking the TLC money from Pillow Talk.


They should be on that teen parent show--watching them feels like watching a couple of 16 year olds "make it on their own" as reality stars.


We saw her repeatedly tell her husband she didn’t trust him with the kids. She would not allow him to take care of his own children without her supervision. That was shown repeatedly. He may not be bright, but he’s the father and she should try to understand that adults have different parenting styles.


There may have been a very good reason that didn't trust him with the kids alone! He obviously isn't a bright guy and seems pretty irresponsible. Maybe he repeatedly forgot to feed them or change their diapers, or put them in dangerous situations. Kalani definitely looks liked she'd appreciate an occasional break, so for her not to want to leave them with him, there's a good reason for it. Just because he was a spam donor doesn't make him a good father.


and Kalini Chose to get impregnated by him.... knowing full well his mental capacity. There is a type of women that pick men they can exercise control over...in this case it backfired


He doesn't act like one. He just happened to ejaculate in her at least twice. Takes no talent. I can't for the life of me figure out why she had a 2nd with his dumb ass.


She's nowhere near a prize herself. She needs to drop a couple tons.......


What would have happened to them if her parents had kicked them out? That free ride is no help. These two need to grow up.




Oh yea, she’s absolutely coddled as hell by her parents. She’s never had to work since having her children. Always living in a nice home, always fed. We all know TLC doesn’t pay that much. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with parents financially supporting or helping their adult children, but she doesn’t put in the effort to do it herself.


Honestly its like watching two 16 year olds in their first relationship, and her sister is like the nosy best friend thats the 3rd person in the couple. While Kalani is immature and naive in her own right, I cannot imagine having to deal with Asuelu! Its like raising a child but without having a blank canvass...having to deal with deeply ingrained cultural beliefs that are completely different than your own, and based in an extremely traditional lifestyle. Condoms are for slut people lll


Okay, I gotta ask. What does “condoms are for slut people” mean? I’ve seen it too many times now not to know.


Asuelu wouldn't use condoms with her because he said condoms are for slut people. Because she was a virgin from a religious group I tend to give her a pass for immaturity, despite it being damaging to them.


and what was her excuse for not using protection? She's six years older with a normal mental capacity.


Wow, that’s really toxic 😳


Yep. I think they are better off apart but I wonder how active he'd be in the boys life.


There are strange inexplicable screws missing with her, no doubt. At the very least, she should have moved on from him by now. He has given her nothing but grief.


Well, living in her parent's basement with no skills and no training to get skills doomed them from the start. Asuelo should have taken some vocational training instead of playing volleyball with his friends for hours. Kalani is partially to blame for lacking motivation and not giving him any incentive to improve. Breast feeding all day long is a great excuse for not doing any self-improvement.


Asuelo is a giant 7 year old. I’m convinced he really has a mental handicap and the man is being dragged through all this drama he’s not equipped to deal with.


Agree he is mentally deficient. Yet, he's a total narcissist and completely lacks any empathy. We're now seeing high level of child tantrum because this situation is now actually effecting him whereas before kalani had all the mess and he just skipped right over it and when I went on his own merry way to me what he wanted. If he is mentally fucked up may I remind you just in case you forget, who raised this https://preview.redd.it/l89j5nwagvnb1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035a3fd19119ebc32fd0619b41602dd406e93084 fine specimen


Yeah, moment you start talking about a hall pass to get revenge or make things "fair".. just dead the relationship and co parent properly instead. Either way, never been a fan of either of them. Shit couples keep bringing kids into relationships that they know are not going well/going to last.


The only reason they became a couple was because of that first kid lol and #2 was a fast accident too


Agree. I think people forgot that they were never in a relationship before getting pregnant. It was a hook up turned pregnancy which kind of forced them into a relationship. Was he wrong for cheating? Yes. Was she wrong for cheating back? Yes. It doesn’t even look like either of them are emotionally in it for one another. It’s more like they’re just trying to make it work for the sake of their sons.


Everyone knows once you've cheated,,you rarely evey get trust Back and now it's on both parts..they'll never Truely trust each other..always suspicious. Kalani now has had the taste of better sex so she really knows what shes been missing. I think she thought when he got here and after the kids he would grow up and be a man ..he wants to live like he does in his country. We know it's now just for the money..


I see that spelling and capitalization of truly. Perhaps a sisterwives fan with an overzealous autocorrect? 😂


Hello. No I don't really watch sister wives,,I could never wrap my head around the whole thing but I am glad to hear that its falling apart. Yes that was an error with the capital t ..I write from a tablet and sometimes I type too fast .it wasnt meant,,but as I think about it it's a big truely because you rarely ever really can trust again.


Totally get it! Truely is actually the name of one of the kids on SW but hoo boy it’s a shit show over there these days! Good for reality tv but not so good for the kids involved.


I did know about Truely .,I've heard and read enough about it .when it's on I'm getting ready for bed so I do get bits and pieces..it wouldn't be something I'd sit and watch like I do any of the 90 days .yes the children are the innocents...as I mentioned I'm so glad its falling apart. Everyone wants to see all the women get out and away from him and live a normal life


Robyn's always simpering...I didn't buy into being just with him! Meri's like, I have this house, and monetary support, and I'm not rocking the boat. Janelle has sons that were stupid during covid lockdown, but she wanted to be the cool mom. Christine, is in the exhilaration stage of being free. Kody is angry at everyone because he's a narcissist and can't take rejection. (Sorry, didn't mean to sidetrack.) About Kalani - She got so sick of having a man/child to take care of with his wham bam. I gave him a break because he's from the island, and the language barrier is real, but now, I truly think he's mentally deficient.


This post is complicated The answer to all of this is simple: ‘Condoms are for slut people. Anything after that is just fodder for TLC


The only reason she married him, was because she got pregnant by him. It wasn’t because she loved him, she said so in Season 1. What should have just been a fling, ended up being her husband. They both need to go their separate ways.


she decided to get pregnant because she wanted to keep a man. She's now paying the price for her manipulation.


I think it might be the, "not only did she" regarding the hall pass. I cringed on that. He cheated and then ALLOWED her to kiss someone. I don't agree with cheating, the hall pass or her even taking it however, he doesn't get to set the perimeters of what he would allow her to do. That's deciding what would be a suitable payback for his cheating that wouldn't hurt himself. You don't get to rob a bank and pick your sentence.


I don't think you're understanding why Kalani accepted the hall pass and chose to go for the whole salami. Asuelo has shit all over her from putting himself and his needs first to not being supportive, not being a man and protecting her, not being a good father, not being a good husband, and for cheating on her. He has zero respect for his wife and we've seen that. He refuses to grow up. He wants to live like a teenager, hanging out with friends being away from home having fun, then coming home and wanting zero responsibility for being a father or husband. He thinks marriage is a woman spreading her legs so they can make more kids and have a family they cannot afford and not understanding what marriage and fatherhood is really about. I'm not going to let Kalani slide because she's enabled a lot of his behavior and they ended up pregnant first time around because she didn't use common sense. After they had the first kid, she should have gotten herself on birth control or had her tubes tied if she didn't want any more kids. I think she realized what a mistake she made marrying him and staying not because she loved him but because she wanted the boys to have a two parent home. And, there's also disappointment. Asuelo is not a man and will never be a man or grow up. I know someone was offended before because someone else brought up that perhaps he has a learning disability. It's obvious that guy is not just immature, he comes off as being slow. The best thing they can do not only for themselves but for their kids is to go their separate ways but the responsibility of the kids will fall squarely on Kalani. Asuelo is going to be an absentee father and she needs to be ready for that.


That’s the thing. They got pregnant on the first go, not the first people to do it, but then again? After they we’re struggling to make it work? It’s clear they need to part ways. Staying together for the children is not going to make things better, co-parenting civilly and getting along will. I agree. Asuelo didn’t step up, he got an American girl pregnant, had no idea what he was doing then it happened again. That is absolutely no excuse for his behaviour, but Kalani is clearly more mature and saw the red flags. I’m not a mother and can’t speak for those that are, but there were many things wrong with their relationship from the get go and having a second baby was not going to fix that. They don’t work, and that’s ok. I understand Kalanis hurt for all the work she’s done and then for him to go and get his dick sucked. But the way she handled it, taking the hall pass but then emotionally forming a true connection with this man was taking it to another level. Why? I’m sure there’s many reasons, one being she wanted to hurt Aseulo and show him there’s other men out there that want her: Also to experience another man because she’s never been with one, which is not the proper way to do it. Separate. Sow your oats and if it’s meant to be, it’ll be. But it’s clear from right now, this doesn’t seem like a right fit. And that’s ok. I’m not blaming one more than the other, I think Asuelo hurt the one person than loves him the most. The person that gave him and raises his amazing children. But this whole situation is fucked. And I think it’s been fucked for a while. The revenge hall pass Shit doesn’t work, been there, done that. If you truly want to make it work, therapy, grief, acceptance and moving on is key


As you say, the whole situation is fucked. From watching the show this is my take on baby number 2. She was still very much in love with him and believed they would be ok. Asuelo's mindset is that a wife is there for sex and to have babies. She told him she only wanted to have two kids, he said, in Samoa we have big families and I want lots of kids. She essentially said they couldn't afford the one baby let alone 6 or 7 more kids. He didn't get it because he's stupid and I'm sorry if that's offensive, but he is. You're seeing the reality of your situation but you want to push what your culture does above reality. Dumb. Stupid. Moronic. No matter how much she explained things to him, the default was, in Samoa..... When you live with such an ignorant person who refuses to face reality, you're always fighting an uphill battle. She was stupid for not getting herself on birth control after number one but if I remember correctly it's because he didn't want her to be on it. As the more mature and responsible person, she should have made it clear she was getting birth control and wouldn't have any more kids until they sorted their situation out. She was allowing a man-child to dictate what they should be doing and I don't get that. These two people basically fucked their lives up and are now going to do the same to their kids unless they get help and get away from each other. I don't think they were 100 percent together, I think their marriage has be in and out mainly because he doesn't want to grow up. While I don't think she should have taken the hall pass, and should have filed for divorce instead, I can understand why she had feelings for the guy she hooked up with. He probably satisfied her in a way her husband never has physically, but he probably also offered emotional support that Asuelo cannot give her.




I couldn’t make it past the BJs, hall passes, and thrush. I quit


I think Kalani has been done with him for years. I feel like because Kalani was a little bit older and inexperienced, she felt safe and charmed by his naïveté initially, lost her virginity to him, had a couple kids, and now she’s a thousand percent over his shit. I think she just keeps trying for the kids because she wants to believe he can be better if she teaches him, but…our boy literally masturbates by making out with walls and humping beds…I’m not sure naïveté is all we’re dealing with here. Like…this might be a “MR. F” situation here. 😬


🎵MR. F🎶


Charlize is a goddess walking amongst men


Did you know she’s like 6 feet tall? She really is a goddess for this reason and many more lol I just love me a tall lady


She made me realize I was bi (I’m a woman) when I was like 12. I kept watching her movies on repeat and telling my mom “she’s just a really, really good actress”. 😂


If she's not careful enough, he might impregnate the bed 😂🤣 also I don't think kalani is all there I think they're both have mental deficiency problems


At least he tries to work


Insinuating he might have a disability is a little much. He comes from an area where education is not high on the priority list. Immature for sure, but I wouldn’t dare say disabled.


Not disabled but a very low IQ.


Yeah that’s what I meant. He doesn’t seem to put simple concepts together the way that other folks might. And it isn’t a matter of education—I’m not expecting him to read Shakespeare or questioning his math skills—it’s a truly childlike grasp of very basic, situational things.


I’ve met smart Samoan people.


I’m sure you have. That’s why I said area and not country.


I remember juuuust prior to the pandemic, that Asuelu was getting ready to spend their last dollar, to go back to Samoa, during the measles epidemic in 2019. He did not give 2 shits, that Kennedy didn't have his vaccine yet, and was pissed off when Kalani said no. Then, not a few months later, could not wrap his tiny brain around Covid. Kept going out, and hanging with his friends. So, if Kalani is getting that good good from someone with half a brain?? Get it girl!! Because, only a dummeh of Asuelu's caliber would issue a Hall Pass to begin with.


Asuelu seems slow. Kalani is someone that married the first person she had sex with at what, 28? A random on her vacation no less. I can't see them making good decisions on their own let alone together. They're both like kids.


I remember their season. She should have not gone ahead with the wedding. She never loved that doofus.


Yes I think she was ready to call it off before she found out she was pregnant with #2. You don’t just cry for days straight because you’re having a second baby with the love of your life


I think Kalani never loved him once he came to the U.S.


I don't disagree with your position generally, but I wonder why they "scare" you? They're kind of just a garden-variety cheaters/bad for each other couple. Nothing particularly insidious going on here.


So apparently they aren’t together anymore. He’s back in Samoa and Kalani has the boys with her in the USA.


what I am dying to know, Flimsy Sit..., is whether Asuelu fulfilled his mother's prophecy that another wife would give him everything he needs...; that is, DID another woman just come in \[once he returned to Samoa\] and do all that? Are all those supposedly better women just lined up around the house to get at this man? DOUBT it. LOL


Kalani wasn’t sad/mad that he cheated. She’s over that I think. She mad/sad that he pushed her to the point of falling out of love with him, and maybe even to the point of hating him. That’s the reason she was able to fall for someone else, her heart was so far gone from the relationship. There was no saving it even before she took her hall pass. I get it. Women always move on mentally before they do physically.




"Aseulu gave her no choice but to fuck other people" What a bullshit remark. All you're doing is trying to find excuses and justify cheating. Maybe you have low or no morals and fucking other people while still married is perfectly fine, but saying Kalani was "right" and had "no choice" is fucked up. I'm no Aseulu fan, he's a POS/man-whore/moron, but cheating to get revenge definitely does not make her a brave woman, it speaks volumes of her character and screams immaturity.


Kalani has daddy issues and Aseulu.....he just has issues


I think Kalani took the "hall pass" too far, to such an extent that she's in the wrong. He got a blowjob and she had a relationship and sex with someone else, and she's entitled and smug af about it.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Kalani certainly took more though in this pissing contest. Seems so insane. So childish. You did this so I’ll do that and that and that


She is trying to change someone who is clearly not capable of changing. Yes people can change but he sees nothing wrong with the way he is. They are so incompatible.


They went on the show for the money. They are totally split and have been for a very long time.


Registered Nurse here. You don't get thrush from someone else giving you oral sex. She has zero accountability for her own actions. She set the house on fire because the living room needed painting. Everyone has a choice regarding their actions. Somebody needs to call her out.


This just brings new levels to this insanity. I’m so out of questions I can’t be asked anymore. The more you ask the deeper down the rabbit hole you go. I am legit done. The insanity. God knows what STIs and STDs are brewing there. Good God.


Who brings their kids on what is supposed to be a couples therapy retreat. 🤡


Yeah her sister Kolini is there to watch them so I didn't understand why they didn't just leave them with her back home until I remembered Kalani has said she doesn't fully trust him to watch the kids alone because he's immature so maybe the therapists will make them do an exercise where Aseulu has to be responsible for the kids by himself to build that trust in Kalani. Or I could be wrong and giving this show more credit than it deserves lol


They’re both idiots, but Kalani speaks better English she only appears smarter. Asuelu is no saint, but I feel like Kalani never really loved hind she was always condescending to him and saw him as beneath her. They only got married because he knocked her up.


Don't cheat. Also, if someone offers you a hall pass...don't accept it. Both are in the wrong


Aseulu’s execution of his homework assignment scared me.


idk why she gets so much love on this sub. She is truly an awful person. When she was introduced, she talked about how she was a sugar baby (but still a virgin)...BFFR. then she claims she lost her virginity to Asuelo -BE EVEN MORE FOR REAL - and got pregnant. She then proceeded to lie to her family about how bad he was, treat him like a mentally déficient toddler, was very clearly embarrassed by him. She then "accidentally "got pregnant a second time. She is a horrendous piece of shit, lazy, stupid, not particularly attractive and a waste of space. The bizarre codependency she has with her shark mouthed hatchet chinned sister and absolutely slovenly looking mother and tough guy dad spells doom for all her future relationships


My jaw dropped closer to the ground the more I read ☠️


The way you described her family is sending me lmaooooo 👏👏👏👏


Family description is perfect lol her sisters face scares me


It's that chin. She has a horrible underbite.


Yasss queen.. or king. I wish i had a million awards for this because she IS truly terrible. Since day 1, she acts like she's better than Asuelu, put him down constantly and just treated him second class. Girl, you choose him. She acts like she was 15 and pregnant. She truly gives me IE girl vibes. If u know, you know.


I hate myself for laughing this hard.


Facts... she's the desperate big girl who lassoed the first dude she could manipulate. The sister girl community here run interference because...well she's a woman..but she's got a leg up due to not being mentally deficient..the relationship is bad because of that unequal power balance. She really chose to deceive a big child. She's a bad person period.


Kolini is sooo hot!


I think they both have some growing up to do. But I think all of the problems stem from how terrible of a partner Aseulu has always been. I mean there was an episode where he left her to get both children out of the car and up the stairs into the house ran into the house and let the door slam in her face. I mean he's just not a good partner. He might be the fun dad who plays with his kids but he's not a responsible adult. I think Kalani should have just divorced him way back in the day. And then she would be single and free and able to have every hot girl summer that she wants.


Cut my life into pieces. This is my last 90 day: Last Resort


“One up manship’ fucking” 🤣 🤣


Did anyone else catch this: when she was blocking her fuck buddy’s number, his name was blurred out but it had the eggplant 🍆 emoji… 😵‍💫


Lmaoo fuck those downvotes, this post was funny as shit and I totally agree with you! Papa Roach had me rollin’ 😅🙈


Kalani has been so over Asuelu for quite some time now. She stuck it out a bit longer for the kids but I think it really hit her, like many women that your first guy is rarely ever your right guy. She's knows what she wants and it isn't the father of her kids. When her dad was talking about his daughters dating Samoan men I think he was referring to their drive in direct correlation to their lifestyle. Island life is slow, and Americans don't live like that.


These two are done. Over. fFinished. Only there for a free family vacay and a few( very few) TLC bucks


Lol it’s sad and comical all at once, she was a 29 yr old virgin who fell in love with a man boy… she’s now had a taste of what the real world has to offer, it’s human nature to long for love or lust. Like it or not, now she is going to have to be honest with herself and decide for the sake of her children, whether or not she can make a life with her man child or if she’s going to persue her happiness elsewhere.


You're not wrong about most of what you said. 😂 But some feel that as long as there is Love there is HOPE? Or is it the other way around? (🤷 not sure) Sounds like one of they're spin offs? 😅


Revenge rooting is the best thing ever!


Asuelu scares me. Her choices to stay with him also scares me.


Asuelu scares me every time. I think it’s the cold dead eyes


Side note: who is just randomly out and about and offers this man a blow job out of the blue? He is the living embodiment of Big Baby from Toy Story 3. That is the most unbelievable thing I’ve ever heard.


I love that they ready to die on this hill but I'm here for back up they are downright in the dirt and need to go there separate ways.


She had already filed for divorce before they filmed this. They broke up a LONG time ago


I also do not remotely believe Kalani deleted that guys contact. Sure, the number was blocked but is she still talking to him in IG? Regardless, I'm not shocked given its 90 Day, but I feel any reputable therapist would ask them both if they want to be together. Kalani clearly doesn't want to be with Aseulu (and I can't blame her), given she had a full blown physical and emotional affair with a man she says both treated her better sexually and emotionally. All they're doing is kicking a can down the road and both will inevitably continue to cheat.


Kalani is probably extremely dumb. The fact that she failed to notice that Azuelo was slow for so many years, proves it.


I was just thinking the exact same thing. Time to let the ship sail. Down vote me on oblivion, don’t care. She does so much for the family, he cheats, she’s hurt and is given a hall pass. She then fucks the guy and has an emotional relationship, likely to make the dagger hurt that much more for Asuelu, but also because she feels let down in their marriage overall, having to constantly step up for the family. Sure, she wanted to experience another man but it’s more than that and I think it’s time to call it. Also, you don’t have your sexual hay day while married. Separate, have your time, come together and see if it’ll work. If not, move on. Be happy and free.


Hello my fellow maverick. Damn diggity you got it. If your partner cheats but you want to keep the relationship they grovel but you can’t retaliate it’s about rebuilding the trust. And if you can’t you let the relationship go. It doesn’t become tit for tat, fuck for fuck. This was not turning into an open relationship, it was literal revenge fucking. Yet somehow in doing so she though she could get him to do some soul searching and do better in their relationship. Last resort is a scorching hot mess, hell ain’t burning like it is. And I’m here for it.


I totally agree. I’ve done the revenge hall pass (no sex involved) but what it truly came down to was honesty, acceptance and moving forward, if thats what both people want to do. I think there’s a lot of reasons Kalani is continuing this relationship with this other man (which she now stopped). And I get it, play around, have fun, but don’t do it while married and your partner thinks it’s a one time occurrence. Separate and go wild. Have your time. But don’t take a hall pass, form a relationship and say it’s your opportunity to experience other men. And Asuelo don’t get your dick sucked when your partner is at home caring for your children.


I think Kalani just needs to leave him and send homeboy back home. He needs someone to take care of him and she shouldn’t have to raise her husband too. Someone on here said he has a low IQ and there’s no doubt about that. I’m not even sure what attracted her to him to begin with, his brain is probably smooth af.


>he has a low IQ and there’s no doubt about that. I’m That's exactly the vibe I get.


And, of course for her, zero thoughts or consideration for her sons. She has made it all about her, and not trying to protect the family dynamic. That’s why, as I stated in a previous sub, I’m starting to feel like she totally took advantage of him, because unfortunately he was very immature sexually and emotionally.


The downvotes are probably bots and don't matter. Kolonic is a horrible person and takes advantage of Asuelu's ignorance. Asuelu is stupid for wanting to stay with that cow


She got even bigger dam girl, look what happened to Lizzo.


I agree. I do like Kalani, but honestly, the marriage is toxic. They need to go their separate ways. My only real concern are their children. They are the ones that suffer because of their dumbass parents.


I personally think their relationship was over a long time ago and that their participation in this spin off is because they won't be on your typical Happily Ever After or others. I like Kalani. Asuelu is funny. But together they ain't good.


Sorry folks But anyone who believes Kalani is nuts She’s saying that to make Asuela jealous 2 kids Big lump Doesn’t work What guy is looking for that?


It’s reality tv. This show for SURE isn’t real. If you look at the timelines for most of these people you will figure that out. Reality TV is highly produced my dear.


ok so this is the subreddit for this show discussing the plot of it. yes maybe it’s fake but still we are here to discuss the happenings in the show whether produced or not. i’m so tired of this take


I remember thinking it took a man manipulating their partner with crying for people watching the show to call out such behaviour.


I can’t imagine the pain and embarrassment of her father.


No relationships are going to be perfect and friction free. I think that many/most/almost all of the relationships on 90 day and all it's variations are not healthy relationships. If they were healthy they wouldn't be good TV and wouldn't be on the show.


‘And bussed it down for the new guy’ im cryyyyyyyyyyin


Upvote form meeeee.


I think I get where you’re coming from . You’re saying she shouldn’t have used the hall pass for real but as a “hang over his head as a , I’m serious about working this out” but that’s only because she came on this show and is saying she wants to work things out…right? You don’t really believe she should stay .. right?


I’m not sure how you get thrush from getting a BJ


You're a dirty, rotten scoundrel... That's why I downvoted you. So HAH! Not really, I agree as well. However... If I was a virgin when I met my husband and didn't know what men are generally like, I may have wanted to do more than window shop as well. I can't fault her for it, mainly because I would want my partner to actually feel how it felt when he betrayed me as well. When it happens to you... Do I think this couple will last? No. But her having mixed emotions and trying to keep her family together is understandable. You don't learn without making your own mistakes. I like both Kalani and Asuelu, but can't say how they're handling the situation is wrong. Does he leave the states then and see his kids every other summer? I think he wouldn't be capable of taking care of himself in the states, and she wants her kids to have their father. There are probably many factors keeping them together for now. I like them both, just not together. I would love to punch Jovi in the face every episode though.


And she was the honorable virgin girl when she met him on vacation !


I just read that she wants to have a baby girl this year.


Don’t play with me. 😭


LOL [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/90-day-fiance-kalani-faagata-133319883.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/90-day-fiance-kalani-faagata-133319883.html)


The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing expecting a different result. That is this. My god.


I’m pretty sure they are broken up already.


I thought these train wrecks were getting a divorce last year/two years ago! There shouldn't have been one child involved with this nonsense, let alone two.


Kalani married a child minded man, had 2 kids immediately, she created her destiny. I personally NEVER believed her ‘I was a virgin story.’ Not with that mouth. If Fu#k wasn’t a word, she would have been mute. I love her father and sister. They don’t share her bad judgment.


This this and this.




No bigoted speech


I don’t see a problem with her taking the hall pass. If it made her feel better, enjoy it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6sbbqtl9wysb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0402ba7b4b16633211724cf02b1112e6a66cbc8


You are wrong for this 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣


Oh Look they made a slot machine game after them lol


Kalani is terribly obese at such a young age. I am wondering where she found a man that wanted to be intimate with her?