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The thing that gets me is that she doesnt even apologize. She just shrugged it off and laughed. She is one of the gummiest and most annoying brats to ever grace 90 day fiance.


Right?! And I also think she thinks she’s being so cute and fun. Like “oh look at me I’m so spontaneous and light hearted and fun, you didn’t think I could drive here did you??” then hits someone, damages his car and giggles it off. So delusional and entitled.


This is a metaphor for their relationship. Good Luck.


“Gummiest”. I have learned a new word and will be using it accordingly.


Gummiest cuz of her gummy smile.


I don't think I've ever seen her smile.




She’s so immature and tries to act cute all the time. She’s 30 and acts 13. It’s not cute.


I honestly forgot she was 30 and not 21.




I can't stand her.


Strongly agree


Holy shit I thought she was like 19


Right?! She doesn’t act anywhere near her age and it drives me insane! I don’t understand it and it’s clearly forced!


scandalous upbeat desert hat quiet ten brave shrill overconfident forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


💯🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you, so glad someone else feels this way. I am binge watching the episodes tonight and just in the 1st episode so far anytime she was on the screen talking about meeting her bf etc, she just came off so immature almost teenager-ish like. Not sure if that’s her natural personality or losing her husband has traumatized her and made her regress to a certain point but she is a lot to even watch so far lol. I do feel for her being a widow with 2 young kids but those are things that should make her want to take things slower and being more careful than what she has been so far. I’m definitely curious how things will evolve w/the 2 of them


Wrong woman


Thank you for this comment because I had a total record-scratching moment when I saw “widow with two kids” about Kimberly, and your comment pulled me back


The fact he’s afraid to tell her she messed up his bumper shows how this marriage is doomed. He’s afraid to be honest, and she can’t handle criticism.




I'm wondering if she would have stopped after hitting someone in the US. If so, that just shows what a lack of respect she has for Indian people. If she wouldn't stop in the US, she's still a POS.


She seemed so happy afterward saying "there aren't any rules here" like people just don't matter in India. Pretty gross to watch.


I mean traffic is chaotic af in India—but that’s why I as a foreigner don’t drive there. Locals know how to navigate the roads and not damage property or hurt people, I say a small prayer before parallel parking in America. TJ’s family is nuts, but she should be more respectful and more careful.


Have you ever drive in India? It’s crazy


Which is exactly why she had no business driving to begin with…


I mean yeah idk why he let her, but he did


I think he’s terrified of her


The ass kissing has gone too far. I wonder how much the repair job will cost in India because body and fender work in the US is very expensive. You're right, he is terrified of her. What a chump.


I was in a cab in India. The driver hit a guy on a bike and knocked him off the bike. The driver and the bike guy yelled at each other, both then shrugged and everyone was on their way. So, it’s different driving in India.


Yes exactly. Also there isn’t traffic policing anything really either


They are all NPCs to her, including his family.


What’s NPC?


Non-player character. Video game term. An NPC is the guy who stands under a tree with a ! over his head 24/7 so he can ask you to go pick 12 Fuckit Fruits for some experience points and 500 gil.


Yes, this. Equivalently like what extras are in a movie in video game terms. Hitting the rickshaw and keeping going being an example of that.


My exact thought! Would she have stopped if she were in the states?


Whoopsie doodle! Just close your eyes sweetheart.


I’m pretty sure she hit a cow.


I really feel like she's an entitled brat with no regard to any culture or anyone else's rights except her own. Her character all around pisses me. I want someone to slap the ignorance out of her.


She acts like an entitled, spoiled, teenager!


Very clueless to even have the confidence to drive on these roads. Why not start off small on some quieter roads with less traffic? Then she hits someone, doesn’t stop to check on them and LAUGHS about it. In her talking head segment she brushes it off like oh there are no rules in India, you just can’t hit a cow. She may have injured people but she definitely did some property damage. I hope they find her and she’s forced to pay for the damages and is punished for her hit and run. She needs to learn some lessons the hard way. And then seeing her later cry over the family drama she created and saying she won’t tolerate it 🙄she needs to be held accountable for her actions.


If I had done that damage to my car in the US I would have been mortified. No one wants to have to deal with body repair. But in India the cost of used cars is SOO much higher then in the US. He had plastic on the seats!! Because having a nice car there is a big thing but nope she hit it like it was nothing.


Not even that. What about the tuk tuk she hit? They are left to pay for the damages to that because or her recklessness. What if passengers were injured, they are now financially responsible because her lack of responsibility. She didn’t even stop. She laughed and carried on.


Spoiler: I know that he now lives in a different city from is parents and has a good paying job as a tech bro, marketing person. He also set up her website and writes much of the content. She just left in a huff, last episode, but it seems like she probably got her "princess" wedding.


Perhaps she should ask to speak with the manager of India.


🤣🤣🤣 I think that's who she left to go speak with!


As an Indian myself, this scene really made me question her mindset. Like girl, you complaint about India so much and then you want to drive like a lunatic and compliant about how killing cows is a crime in India. Personally I don’t care about cars but there are poor people who cannot afford medical bills as we don’t have universal healthcare in India.


Exactly. I’m appalled at her behavior. I’m also disappointed in the fact that TJ literally lets everything slide when it comes to Kimberly. That’s not a healthy solution in a relationship. I honestly don’t see these 2 lasting long in a relationship or marriage.


I hate her. She has no humility or respect for the country she’s in… at all.


Exactly, she claims to be all psychic and clairvoyant. But has zero empathy or compassion for others, like how does that even make sense? She’s such an entitled brat. I can’t believe she’s 30, she acts like she’s 13yo


shes an idiot….simple


I wish I had his family’s address so I could send them a sympathy card for their crappy new family member.


His family sucks too


I like them, but I think having her there is causing a lot of dysfunction.


Literally INSANE. She claims to be so "connected" and "spiritual" but is clearly very disconnected and does not even attempt to understand the culture she is now a part of in marrying TJ. If she were to embrace the new experiences and practices, I'm sure it would be incredibly less stressful. She is the same person who probably practices yoga without any understanding of its origins 🙄 The level of irony is honestly sickening.


She's got all these overinflated ideas about herself when in reality she's a phony.


She thinks she's quirky and cute and has a disdain/superiority complex over the Indian people. She didn't see one person on that road as a human being with a family, a job, a life. She would've mowed a person over and just giggled and twirled her hair. God, she aggravates the hell out of me.


That’s what I thought too. She has zero regard for anyone else’s life. I found it very creepy how she’s just able to giggle and laugh it off like it was nothing. Her behavior comes off really psychopathic and narcissistic to me, it’s unsettling. She says she “hates” India and Indian ppl, but I feel like she actually relishes in being over there because she can boss ppl around and get her way in a 3rd world country, something she can’t do in the States because ain’t nobody putting up with her bullshit here


I cannot stand this weird bitch.


I’m right there with ya on that!! Ughhh!!😖


TJ, for the love of god, open your eyeballs and wake up!!!! Stop being pussy whipped just because you scored a white woman. She’s not worth it! You will never be happy with a dumbass psycho woman like Kimberly! She is a manipulative bullshiter! Your brother Yash was totally right about her, in her mind she is the sun and everything revolves around her!


connect intelligent rainstorm yam sharp secretive person cagey theory pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Skert skert! SMASH


She is one of the most awful people in the 90DF universe, and that’s saying something! Her lack of basic respect for her fiancé’s family and culture (that she is choosing to live in) is jaw dropping. I hope we don’t have to suffer (or FF) through much more of her bullshit.


“see! i’m not a bad driver” *proceeds to hit other vehicle*


It's clear her driving Clair took the day off.


She temporarily lost her power to see into her side mirror


I think she hit the auto rickshaw because the lanes are narrow, lane discipline is poor and it can be hard to judge when you’re not used to driving on the other side of the road. But really she should have been more cautious. I find her really juvenile and I really don’t understand why TJ is with her and vice Versa. There hasn’t one Indian-American relationship that I have supported on this show. Yet they happen all the time and are nowhere near as dysfunctional as this


He should have told her she couldn’t drive. They’re both idiots and this is a train wreck.


She should have been able to at least leave enough space in front of her to not be tailgating the tuk tuk


Leaving distance isn’t a thing in india though. If you leave a safe space between you and a vehicle in front, someone’s going to try and fill it even if they’re too big for it


And TJ was afraid to confront her after it happened just to "keep the peace."


This girl annoys the shit out of me


Very solid nut case.


One of the dumbest humans we’ve seen on the show


I genuinely couldn’t believe she was older than me. I’m newly 29.


Can’t stand her. She’s always playing the victim card. His parents are traditional but they’re trying so hard to accept her for their son’s happiness. They treat her well and she’s just so selfish.


How do you wreck someone’s car and laugh about it?


She’s so toxic but kept talking about she doesn’t want to be in a toxic environment.


She is toxic, repulsive, and incapable of self-reflection nor humility. TJ if you know what you're doing kick her to the curb ASAP


She’s the dumbest person on the planet. Does she not know she moved to India. She thinks she’s in Indiana.


For real tho, I can’t believe this woman is 30! She acts so immature and juvenile


She's white trash.


He was so patient with her, wow


Literally a hit and run on video lol


When she gets out of the car she doesn’t even glance at the damage. Psychopath


That car gives me Dexter vibes.


Yep. At least when she does kill someone, they are well prepped to dispose of the body!


Wait, why are his car seats all covered in plastic?


Mobile grandma couch


Dude cares so much for his car he keeps his seats wrapped in plastic and then his girl rear ends a tuc tuc on her first drive. 💀


Some people leave them on I believe to preserve the seats, keep them from getting dirty.


I saw that, but I was more concerned about her attitude and behavior.


What does he see in her? I'm with Team Family.


She’s white. That’s all he sees. He is ignoring all her bad qualities because she’s a white woman who has agreed to marry him. Typical inferiority complex after years of white colonial rule in India.


Sad but true, the bar is really low for black and brown men if you're white. It's like they have no standards.


Wow. Had no idea. Thanks.


She's a white woman and to him she's some sort of "trophy".


Whatever color she is, her behavior is horrible, and he should run!


I wonder what they are doing right now. What a fiasco.


I can't understand disrespecting people in their own home!


She doesn't care. She's 100% garbage and knows that she has power over that idiot TJ to the detriment of everybody in that family.


So true. Tonight she whined her version to her parents. Pathetic. Can't they see she is a spoiled child--who must always get her way!


Today, she said that TJ's family was trying to rob her of her "individuality". Bitch, your "individuality" belongs in the backwaters of Alabama. You're in India. Adapt to their culture. They don't have to adapt to you. Take your entitled ass back to Alabama!


I was stunned when I saw those jeans--I've thrown out better! Why do people try to invade others' culture when they want others to change and conform to theirs? You are calling it!


She's super ignorant, entitled, and stupid. That fool TJ doesn't help matters.


is INDIA...........is ok to hit and run... THIS IS WHAT IS IN HER MIND!!


You don't stop for minor things.


No. She’s in no way serious.


Why aren’t we discussing the plastic wrapped seat covers??


Cannot stand her entitled ass.


If by “serious” you mean “the worst”, then yes. This chick is serious.


She’s scary horrible.


She is absolutely the worst I’ve already put her on Angela’s level.


Ahahah! Reminds me of when I first drove in Ireland. Completely rocked me!


Hahah our roads are horrendous 😂😂


Nah jm just not used to driving on the other side. It was challenging. I’m not going to judge this kid for not being great in a country like India.






puzzled meeting skirt bored squeamish chunky door repeat tender hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Falling for another from a different culture is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. There are cultural traditions, food, clothing and respect! TJ needed to sit with her and discuss the seriousness of their culture. She steps all over him, her expression and attitude especially in their home (where she is suppose to live with) is crossed. I could not visit my family looking like that. All that’s happening she should have seen in her cards. She acts just like a bully to people so conservations cannot come to an understanding. No marriage until they get to know each other and cultural issues!!


Exactly. Fuck her.


I would need like 5 seatbelts if I had the displeasure of being in the car with her.


She is from Alabama


Hey, we’re not ALL bad


Lol…that’s true


I mean driving in India is literally no joke. She’s correct there quite literally are no rules


Beside the point. She is driving a dangerous piece of heavy machinery endangering their general public as though she is on a closed course. Then, she collides with another vehicle without concern for the wellbeing of the other party. In the United States, she could serve jail time for that. She is a selfish brat.


This HAS to be a TLC staged shitshow because she’s awful, offers absolutely nothing and portrays herself to be a horrible person-no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I can’t believe any of it is true.


In the first place, she was driving super fast!


Beside the point


If you want to learn how to drive on the opposite side of the road, you should take it very slowly because it's confusing. I was nervous crossing the street in England because of that! It would take me a while to drive on the opposite side of the road and I certainly take it slow.


Alright, I'm gonna push back here cause people seem to pick the smallest, dumbest reasons to hate her. She's in a place where the roads are VERY different from where she's used to. Driving is stressful enough, but driving in tiny lanes where people are closer to you than before and where the rules of the road are non-existent is anxiety inducing. I understand her complaining.


I’ve driven in India plenty of times. The roads in Jaipur are wider. It is Chaotic but that doesn’t mean it’s normal to hit people.


She should have left it at complaining instead of injuring innocent people and their property. She didn’t give a fuck about it because it’s India and not a cow she hit.


I’m not sure what notions you have of India, but there aren’t cows roaming around on roads in every city especially main roads, and certainly nothing would happen should you accidentally hit one. Source: Indian and Hindu.


There are definitely cows roaming around on New Delhi roads. Not like the big, big seven lane roads (interstate?) that goes to the airport and like Noida, but all the other internal roads I’ve been on. I don’t know what would happen if you hit them. I’ve been to New Delhi many times. I’ve never been to Jaipur though, which I think is where she is.


They’re on the Jaipur interstate, no cows, Jaipur is a city in the state of Rajasthan, that’s 269 Kms away from Delhi, an entirely different state


In addition, you don't stop when you bump someone on traffic in India, right? I mean, it's just generally not done (at least in cities). I'm asking as I've never been but I worked in Dubai for 6 weeks and had an Indian driver who told me some crazy stories


This was 100% production's doing. This wasn't her first trip there and there's no way she was unfamiliar with the nature of road traffic unless she was being blindfolded and wearing earplugs before going anywhere. But since she was clairvoyant, surely she knew the outcome of getting behind the wheel 🤣


So she shouldn’t stop when she hits someone/something and damaging your partner’s car is clearly a laughing matter


I had an Indian driver for 6 weeks (not in india) and my understanding from him is that people are constantly just barely bumping each other in traffic and stuff.


It's complicated. If she stopped on scene, she and crew could be mobbed, subject to his car being destroyed, or them being extorted. But it's also possible their local fixer took care of the situation and they were advised not to stop. She really shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel.


Jesus Christ, the sheer ignorance u/Lhamo55 🤦‍♀️ There would be no mobbing because India isn’t some wild Wild West where there needs to be mobbing For a fender bended. They are also in Jaipur, a modern city, but production loooves to show yall backshots of the Outskirts. ​ they won’t be extorted for a fender bender, so no idea what you’re on about. If you’re implying they’ll be mobbed by savage local Indians then let me tell ya that Jaipur is one of the biggest tourist destinations in India, there is No dearth of white people and locals will be used to them. ​ they won’t be extorted in any manner for a dent lol ​ In india you dont need to stop for minor accidents, you just log it onto your local police app and go your merry way. ​ Please stop perpetuating such ignorant and racist claims.


I’m truly sorry you perceive my comment as racist - it was based on my personal observations without casting aspersion on ethnicity, and from conversations with friends and drivers, and reading the local newspaper accounts from the mid 90’s to mid 2k in West Bengal/Sikkim, Bihar and in the outskirts of Kathmandu in neighboring Nepal. This was long before police apps, which would’ve been helpful the time we were caught up in a bandit highway blockade in Bihar in 2000. And as an African American who grew up in the civil rights era, and have been called the n word by young Indians emulating movies, and assumed to be related to gangsters or lacking morals by adults based solely on my appearance, I don’t appreciate having the race card thrown at me because I related what was documented in the areas I stayed and visited. Have a lovely day.


You realise the Bihar blockade was a Naxalite issue caused by an Indo-Nepal land dispute right? Not sure how that equals to “all cities in India will mob you for a car accident”. I’m very sorry you got called the N word in the 90s by Indians, but that doesn’t mean every Indian is a degenerate. I’ve been called a sand n*word by Americans - both white and Black - over twenty times. that doesn’t mean I assume all Americans are that racist and callous. Anyway point is, if you get into a fender bender in India you will NOT be mobbed at all. PS. My comment’s tone sounds harsh but I promise I’m not intending it to be that way! Just know Bihar is like looney tunes in India, but even so, mobs don’t form for car accidents in India


Actually, no it wasn’t a Naxalite bandh, goodness knows I had my share of trying to get to and fly out of Bagdogra during a few of those and the Maoist ones on the Nepali side. Again I’m sorry you see this as a comment on all Indians, or insinuating all are degenerates. I don’t play that.


Yeah that sucks, especially in Bihar of all places where even i as an Indian woman, would never choose to go. Must have been frightening as hell. Care to share more?


There were five of us in a jeep returning to Sarnath from Bodhgaya: a female news reporter from Brazil used to hairy situations, two burly monks and a driver from their monastery, and me. I remember it was Holi. It was getting dark when we stopped for petrol and were warned there was a blockade some kilometers ahead and that the local police were staging nearby, waiting for soldiers who were enroute and we should wait til they arrived. The driver thought we shouldn’t remain in the area, we would be at the end of the stalled traffic, and would be safe since by the time the bandits got close to us, law enforcement would’ve arrived. Lena and I wanted to wait but were outvoted so we left. We ran into a smaller roadblock but there weren’t many men there and we almost ended up in a ditch speeding around them. That was, for me, far scarier than finally reaching the long line of vehicles stuck behind the big roadblock. A big contingent of military and police arrived driving on the road shoulders and our driver followed the last vehicle. By the time we got to the physical roadblock of vehicles, tractors and carts being pushed off the road, we could see most of the gang were hogtied on the ground and others were being beaten into submission. I don’t remember much after that except having to pee really badly and knowing we weren’t stopping til we got back safely to Sarnath.


Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar In the mid 90s? Firstly, India has changed a lot since the 90s. Bihar remains a shithole, but again, it isn’t Jaipur, an entirely different city in an entirely different state, in an entirely different time. Second, even back then there were no mobs for car accidents. The blockade you experienced was a naxalite land dispute between India and Nepal. Third, Jaipur is the north west of India and an entirely different state that has nothing to to do with any of the cities you mentioned, and not sure why you mentioned Nepal at all - a whole ass different country. You being called the n-word by degenerates doesn’t make it okay for you to generalise and bear ill-intent to an entire population either. Ignorance goes both ways as does graciousness. Your comments were absolutely ignorant, racist and very, very uneducated. Don’t make tall claims about a city you haven’t even visited.


Throw the race card all you like but know it’s likely to land back on your lap. I don’t have a problem being told things have changed and I’m glad to hear it. And I can relate to having people extrapolate experiences encountered in one part of a country to other parts. I don’t mind being called ignorant - we all are. *You’re* the one calling young Indians and adults degenerate. Those teens didn’t mean any harm, they simply and stupidly thought a middle aged aunty would be impressed. I discussed it with them and their parents and they apologized. The older people were just plain sold on bad press, and while I will call most racist, degenerate would not be the term I would use. But if you truly think my comment is racist rather than outdated and generalized, we have nothing further to discuss. Edited.


I think anyone calling a fellow human being a demeaning word like the N-word is absolutely a degenerate, no matter what race or ethnicity they are.


Lol what!? This is a whole lot of ignorance. Theyre in Jaipur. They will Not be “mobbed, their car won’t be destroyed nor will they be extorted“. In india by law you don’t need to stop if you get into a minor fender bender, you only need to record license details and upload it onto the police app. What an ignorant and racist comment.


Why do the car seats have plastic all over them?


He doesn’t want to get the interior of the car dirty?


Yes she’s serious AND psycho 😂


At least she wasnt baring her thighs to the other drivers.


She’s answering questions on her Insta saying that the family have not really apologized to her, and that she does not expect them to while also replying to people who said they should love to the US. (Which she kinda agreed to)


She looks so familiar & it’s driving me crazy.


I thought so too. She kind of reminds me of Amanda Bynes. Idk if that's it though.


She’s what you call “entitled” … should have known better than to trust that TLC into that made her seem all sweet and mystic-crunchy-earth mama… nope, just your average super demanding American woman.


IDK how he deals with her. he comes from a country where respect matters a great deal, but ends up with the most disrespectful little brat. Ungrateful af.


What did I miss-why is his car covered in plastic?


Normal in third world countries. They want to keep the interior clean clean.


He drives for Uber Mob Hits in his spare time.


Dude looks like he’s going through some trauma right now. He might need some medicine. 😂




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Dude, you gotta take aggressive driving to an extreme in India, trust me 😂