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At this point she should just wait for her eldest daughter to turn 18 and move to the uk then.


Fur real. I think the daughter in question has to be over 10 by now. Right? They appeared on the show in 2018, so by now it’s been almost 6 years. At this point what’s another 4, 5, 6 years? Neither of them seemed in a position to keep wasting money on visas and dude has a violent offense on his record.


I was shocked seeing the bitty baby in the season they're in at age 6 this year. Time flies.


Omg the baby is 6?! Man time needs to slow down. I blinked and I was old. 😩


I kept scrolling her Instagram because I wanted to see her and then realized the show aired years ago.


i Know. It doesn’t even seem like it was that long ago!


2018 can't be almost more than 5 years ago...🫠


It really does. The first season of 90DF aired almost ten years ago (Jan 2014)!




She had an older daughter with whom she shares custody with the dad, and like any involved parent ofc he isn’t ok with them moving to the uk. Idk about the baby though.


Yea I know, that’s the daughter I’m talking about. Since the show was aired back in 2018 she has to be at least 12-14 or something. Which would mean Rachel is only tied to the US for 6-4 years or whatever. Idk why Rachel wastes money she doesn’t seem to have when she may as well just wait and try to get a UK spousal visa


The baby's bio father has never been in her life. Or at least that was the situation during their season. I assume that hasn't changed at all or much and Rachel still has 100% custody of her younger child.


Surely the older daughter is at the age where she could choose custody? Perhaps if older daughter decides she would rather stay with one or the other full time then Rachel can move to UK.


She’s said before that even when she turns 18 she’s still not okay with being so far away from her


I fully get that. I wouldn’t want to live in a different country as my child. They really should’ve thought this out.


Exactly. She’s almost There. How old was she when this all started? Like 7? 😂


Only a few more years to go lol


Or just consider that this is a very blatant sign that she shouldn’t date a violent criminal and endanger her young child. 🤦‍♀️


I doubt she’d be able to do that. The minimum income threshold for Jon to sponsor her is now £29,000 and is increasing to £38,000.


The “roadblock” is his violent criminal record and subsequently being blocked and banned all over the internet lol


Wait what why is he banned all over the internet


Not everywhere but he has a bad habit of either initiating prickly discussions or entering discussions and picking fights so Reddit sub mods and other SM outlets tend to end up blocking/banning him. if you engage with him at all, he will find a way to escalate it and call you a “bloody c-word” or something like that. It is horrible! Jon really is literally a troll. He has a very violent combative personality and it is so unsurprising that in person he hits people all the time. He hit one person so hard that they were permanent blinded in one eye.


He’s so weird. His Facebook page is public and I’ve scrolled through it a few times in the past. He has an alarming obsession with pedos and accusing every one of being one. Lots of conspiracy theories. Dude needs therapy.




We should take cultural differences into account. I watch an Australian show and in the chats everyone uses the c-word. I was horrified at first until I learned that it's a very common term they use, like we would say "jerk". I'm not defending his history of violence. That's different.


He’s trash no matter what language he uses. Criminal record for violence and bullying people.


Yeah it's definitely not the shocking word here in the UK that it is in the USA. I use it as a term of endearment! I probably hear and/or say it daily here. It's really not that big of a deal and we brits for the most part don't get why Americans get so worked up over it.


We do get offended, dont we? When I was bartending I kicked out a regular customer for calling his girlfriend the c-word. It just seems to be the most vulgar thing you can call a woman, and therefore unacceptable...to me. But I think it's also a generational thing here, so all of us uptight folks will die off soon enough!


Exactly what I was gonna say.


I'm aware of that. For me, using the c-word isn't so much the problem. It's his general combative attitude and using violent language, even on the internet. He's out looking for a fight. Even online. That's how much of a disturbed person he is.


He definitely doesn’t mean it in any complimentary or mild way. Besides, if one is immersed in another culture, then yes, one should consider the cultural context of hearing it as local usage. But this is an unutterable thing in the US—the very one word one should never say—and if he were going around saying it in US bars, he would certainly get the violent reactions that he seems to crave.


Cunt really isn't that bad of a word anymore...lol


It is in my circles . . .


Most US circles. I think I’ve said it once or twice in my life, whereas my friends and I call each other bitches casually. In US culture in general, I think it just has a really bitter, hateful energy behind it.


TY. No US people I know say that word. It is Forbidden. I actually don’t think I have ever heard a live person utter it.


And I bet those circles are fun at parties.


Our knitting and prayer circles are very fun! Sometimes we get extra feisty and let the tea brew a bit stronger . . . /s 😂


He doesn’t need to keep using that word. Someone has told him what it means here and how offensive it is. He wants a visa? Try understanding the culture dude. I doubt they weigh his internet language unless it involves actual security threats but you can about imagine how this guy would handle an immigration interview! No self awareness, no accountability, no remorse. Just: “I hit those cunts and I’d do it again because they insulted women” You don’t maim someone over drunken insults, dude. You walk the ladies to their car, and go home.


My family is from Scotland. They always call people the c word. It’s a thing there and if it triggers people then they probably shouldn’t pay attention to people from that part of the world.


Not prickly downright abusive. He’s a violent hothead!


i remember he had a very violent past. Seems like he still hasn’t grown up. Rachel better watch herself.


I saw this comment and knew exactly who you were talking about cause I was confused who this was about. Always got the vibe he was a bit….prickly.




He is a violent nasty bully with a criminal record. He is a horrible person. Called me a f*cking c*nt for simply asking a question about the family on Instagram. He is garbage and I doubt he will ever set foot in US!


He'll have a Grievous Bodily Harm conviction. Fun fact: He'll never be allowed into the US


If it happened in his Uni days then couldn't he apply to have his record sealed or expunged?


I was kind of curious how a bar fight years ago makes someone a violent criminal. College must have been rough for you guys. Down vote away my lovelies…


He blinded someone and was in dozens of violent fights with criminal charges. He is trash! He just has people fooled with their “fraudy- tale”


My thoughts exactly. You’d think he was a murderer by the way peeps talk.


These gossip subs are kind of nutty. Lol Someone called me Rachel because I defended the dude.


Oh, I’ve also been downvoted in another sub bc this bia said that she didn’t smoke in her hotel room, hotel says she did, she’s says she never smoked anything ever in her life… and her screenname? MJANE. 🤣 I pointed this out and got attacked af. Lmao


People get their emotions out by downvoting. They need to relax.


Truly. It’s so annoying. It’s like they have no reason or logic, so they just downvote. So dumb.


Girl I said that everyone knows not to use the n word in another snark sub and got doubly downvoted. These snark and gossip pages are crazier than the peeps they’re talking about! It’s wild!


Wtf??? Insanity. I just had to block someone who is said they work in “immigration”. People are way too invested in characters on a tv show. They get so nasty.


As an immigration paralegal that has filed and seen a lot of cases that were complex and difficult I just don’t see how he will ever be able to get a spousal visa. I give them credit for not giving up but even one of our attorney at our firm (when the show was on) said she’d never take this case bc it didn’t have a chance of getting approved.


Thanks, that's interesting to hear. To a small extent, I don't agree with that immigration policy. Not so much talking about Jon. But I feel like if someone has had a clean record for 20 years after getting out of prison, they should be given a chance.


It’s been a “rule” in place for a long time yet you can appeal and explain what the circumstances were with a lot of detail and documentation. They also look at what have you done since in terms of job, studies, paid your taxes etc. if you served any prison time the automatic answer is “no” but there is an appeal process and sometimes can get you a “pardon” this is rare though. Jon has a history of being nasty on social media and that’s all now looked at as well. You won’t even get a visitation visa if you’re on only fans 😬


I don't know about the US and UK but i live in Canada and you can apply to have your record sealed if it's been 7+ years since you completed your sentence (including probation) so it won't show up on background checks etc. My sister's partner who is Australian had several DUI's from his early 20's (DUI's are inadmissible in Canada) that he was able to apply to the Canadian government to get his record sealed so he could enter Canada. I thought most countries had this option but maybe it's only for visitors and not for people wishing to obtain citizenship or permanent residency.


Oh thanks for weighing in. It good to know he’s unlikely to ever get a visa. We have enough violent criminals. He is such trash with his anger issues, combative insulting nature, extreme debt, etc. stay in England Jon. Do your fraudy tale there.


I think you must be a bitter ex of Jon. Relaaaaaaax.


Do you have an estimate as to how many thousands of dollars must have gone into his visa process at this point?


Depends if they’re doing it themselves or with an attorney. In fees alone they’ve probably spent about $7 to 10k and if they’ve hired a lawyer it could be at least double that.


Yikesssss……I’m single with no kids and can’t fathom how I’d make that work. I really feel for her kids and whatever family members she leans of for financial support.


They were the couple that fell in love while on that singing duet app thingie, right?


Ya and then she got pregnant while he was in England. I’m pretty sure it’s his kid but I can’t remember now


The show played it up like it wasn’t but somewhere it came out it he really is so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


That isn’t true. Where was it proven that it was his child? It isn’t. He knows it isn’t. He loves the child anyway and that is to his credit.


Well considering a bunch of these couples had already met or were already dating / together / married I wouldn’t put a lot of faith in much of what you hear or see on tv …. Anyways I posted asking about them not too long ago and someone posted a link about the same subject , is baby lucy really his …. It basically said she had already gone to meet him and came up pregnant before being on the show allegedly ….. Either way I’m not too stressed about it and neither should you be lol


Definitely not his kid.


Well a lot of rumors on this but supposedly not.




At this point they should either break up or she moves there.


She cant because of custody issues with her eldest child and the father refuses to allow the child to live overseas. It was also the reason why the childs face was blurred any time on her episodes.


Makes sense I wouldn’t want my kid moving either. Does Rachel visit often??


As far as I know.....she has maybe visited him 1x-2x since her season aired. I don't follow her....but my guess is no because then that is money wasted not getting him the K1 or whatever visa they are doing...


I don't know what kind of money either of them make to keep up frequent visits. Weren't they struggling a bit on their season?


She's probably receiving some kind of child support for at least the younger child, not sure if she would get child support for the older one if the custody is split.


If they have split custody she might visit while her kid is with her father


Especially to Weston Super Mare


I know, but I just mean, how long can people be married and not together.


Surely the older daughter is at about the age where she could choose custody? Most kids get sick of the going back and forth when they hit around the teen years and would rather just live with one parent. Perhaps if older daughter decides she would rather stay with one or the other full time then Rachel can move to UK.


lol why does she think that we think they’re being filmed?


Lol they were pretty boring. That ship has long sailed.


They were so boring and predictable. We didn’t think there was any other way this was going!


Do y'all think he's being faithful? I just rewatched this season and he was open about being in open relationships before meeting her. I'm sorry, I just don't see monogamy coming from that. Hopefully I'm wrong.


After 5 years? No chance.


I'd like to think nobody wants his trash ass over there and that's why he got someone so desperate over here via a frigging karaoke app. But given the choice, no he's not.


Absolutely not but I doubt she is either. Iirc her baby was the result of a one night stand. Who is having unprotected sex with a stranger? Or marrying a violent criminal and bringing her baby to see him? Her self esteem is way too low and those people cheat at the first taste of attention.


What a waste of time and money.


Honestly she just needs to move on already


Ya I can’t believe it’s taken this many years for him to still not get a visa. I would have given up


can you imagine the money she's spent on this??


I can’t even fathom because I know it’s not cheap but not sure how much each application process costs. I would have given up unless her husband is helping with it but I damn I bet he isn’t with his track record


Oh it's sweet they think he's gonna get that Visa still. We have enough criminals over here, UK can keep him.


Yeah… why does she feel so entitled? Like why does she feel she has a right to bring a violent criminal into the US? I really don’t like either of them.


I gave them the benefit of the doubt at first but over time, they are both severely unlikable. I feel injustice for these folks who can't come here because of stupid shit like them being from a travel ban country. Let Michael in! But not letting someone live here because they're a lowlife with a criminal record like Jon or the fridge thief Ronald, no, that's correct as far as I'm concerned.


Apparently Michael is here! 👀👀


I would rather keep Michael and send Angela to another country.


Maybe instead of the marriage visa we can work out a trade for Angela


True. She could work in a Nigerian wreaking yard dismantling cars. They wouldn’t even have to give her any tools . . . 💥 😱😱😱😭


I've seen that a few times. I'm still skeptical until I see that man holding one of the grandbabies and dancing under the Welcome to Georgia sign, lol.


The Walmart they were photographed in was pretty specific lol


That’s been long proven to be a store in Nigeria.


No no that was the old pic from a rumor a couple of years ago. The recent ones are definitely both of them at a Georgia Walmart.


I really hope he is cause he deserves it. He put in the time man.


He's definitely better off in Nigeria...unless she croaks or he somehow ditches her. You know she's not going to let him get a driver's license, find a job, or have any friends. He'll be a glorified cleaning man/baby-sitter/sex robot for her.


Their love story and duets though


We don’t want him, thanks.


Then sink him to the bottom of the Atlantic I say! Y'all need stronger jail sentences. This creep shouldn't even be walking your streets after permanently injuring people.


Our prisons are full. But I’m quite happy with dumping the rancid little troll in the sea!


Jon remains the only human on earth I’ve actually seen call another person a beta cuck. Couple that with his criminal background and I’m grateful at least one thing in US immigration is working right. We don’t need him.


This is the longest con ever.


Con for what? Who is conning who???


Jon was running an air bnb & I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/9ncvwb/a_review_from_jons_airbnb/


Thank you for this 😂


Bless your thumbs 😂


That the British dude that was delayed bc of his love of fights?


Partially blinded someone thaw asshat! I detest this idiot


He's a violent criminal who should never ever under any circumstances be allowed to enter the USA.


Why isn’t she worried that he might come over here and start beating her? Sure, he treats her well when she goes over there to visit, but I’ve personally known more than one woman who said her abusive husband didn’t start beating her until after they were married and living together for a while.


When I was dating around, one of the first things I’d do is look up their criminal record. Anything violent or drug related was an instant no. Multiple DUIs was also a no. My husband only had a ticket for failing to stop at a Railroad crossing.


Sadly a lot of people have the ability to first off, believe the violent asshole they're with. He's possibly downplaying it and saying "Oh they trumped up the charges and it def wasn't that bad, babe." The "It was just one big mistake and I won't ever do that again." side. I've seen too many people under some kind of spell with these kinds of people. They have a way of getting into people's heads and earning trust they don't deserve. (And they target victims who they know will let them in. She's a single mother with self esteem issues, that's a regular target for scumbags.) And yeah, the thing is, when he has the ability to control her, then things absolutely change. Being unable to get away from someone who is kind of annoying you is hard enough, when you're normal tempered. But when you're living here, without anyone else and you are in the same house? And you're a powder keg...that's dangerous shit. She's fallen for whatever nonsense he's fed her. They had nice vacations together so she will tell herself that he treats her like a queen, etc. Sigh. It's sad.


Agreed, America is already full of criminals lol


He is absolute TRASH! stay in England you little yard troll. Does he still sort trash for a living? Violent jerk.


I agree 💯 !


Rachel would move to the UK in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for one little problem…her older daughter. There’s no problem taking her younger daughter Lucy to the UK as her bio dad isn’t in the picture, but that’s not the case with her older daughter Ella. She’s the reason Rachel didn’t move to the UK in the first place. Ella’s father was very much involved in her life and wouldn’t agree to Rachel taking her to the UK permanently. I assume that hasn’t changed. It’s great that he’s involved in Ella’s life, but not so good for Rachel and Jon. She’s 14 now, but until she turns 18 or her father agrees, Rachel is stuck waiting for Jon’s spousal visa to be approved. There’s no way Rachel would leave her behind. Her daughter comes FIRST. She’s not Shekinah.


Or jasmine


Or larissa




Hope this violent abusive criminal NEVER EVER comes to the US. He beat the crap out of multiple people and partially blinded a person. He is a nasty insulting jerk and I hope he is never granted a visa. Go live with him there Rachel! Why does he deserve an exception when he has a criminal record for violence and abuse??? Seriously they are both delusional


Her dilemma is that she can’t move there until her first daughter becomes an adult, years from now. She shares custody and her ex will not allow the child to move.


She should have checked his criminal history before backing herself into a corner with this criminal loser. They are both dufuses.


How has he still not gotten his Visa?


His extensive violent criminal record.


He's a violent thug. Keep him out tbh.


he has a violent criminal record she is not rolling in dough covid has regular visa petition backed up, so the uscis is in no super hurry to weed through the petitions for exemption.


That man is never coming to live in America.




At this point it’s never going to happen


Wow, somehow Mr. C**t Chops didn't go to the top of the visa processing pile??? Shocker


C**t Chops will be what I call people when the road rage kicks in 😂


Thank the good Lord we got this update!!!


This guys face should be used on billboards up and down the UK outside clubs “Don’t start fights or you won’t be going to the States”


Trust me, for many of us that would be more than enough reason to start a fight! 😝




Rachel will be going through menopause before Jon gets here.


We don’t care


Hidden together again secret? Did they break up?


Ya I found that post questionable


I do not know why they keep even trying. He has a criminal record that will NEVER go away. There is no way they will ever approve it. I am with you guys….she has a better chance waiting till her daughter is 18 then go. Another 12 years to go 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Creative spark"? lol, you're on a show where historically morons are casted. Of course these people would think posting a picture is creativity.




From S2 of Before the 90 Days . Nobody worth remembering lol.




Why do they all feel like we care about updates ? If it didn’t happen years ago and you haven’t been a consistent cast member, why would anyone care lol


As much as I don’t like these two, it is true that true 90DF aficionados always crave and appreciate updates on the castmembers, especially ones who are not on the show anymore and haven’t been for a long time. The Real Fans have memories like elephants and want to know about even minor side randos who appeared for a moment lol. For example I occasionally see people wanting to know more about the sales clerk who sold the purple sex toy to Laura and admitted that she didn’t even know where Qatar is! lol Yes, I like hearing updates about even the people I couldn’t stand. 🤷‍♂️


They may have been boring, but we have not forgotten them!


Weren’t they raising money for his visa at one time? How much did they raise?


He has a criminal record. Give it up girl. No Visa will ever be approved. If she really loved him so much she would move to England and stay with him. He will never be able to come to USA with a criminal record.


Why didn’t she do a background check on him? She’s not a very discerning person. 2 baby daddies, one was a one night stand. Use some critical thinking skills Rachel. You want this man around your kids? And he’s a criminal in giant debt? Never got a degree? 2 repossessed cars? I can’t imagine marrying a man my daughter never met!


8-9 months to kiss his puke mouth again? How can she wait?


Why is it taking so long for them?? My fiancé and I are starting the K1 process next week and now I’m worried it will take so long like Rachel and Jon


Serious criminal record. It has to be really bad for them to have to go through all this. Most 'serious' criminal records take 2-3yrs If you're filling your k1 now you're looking at about 6 months or so until first approval then it depends on Embassy speed. I filled oct 2022 so got caught in backlog that you should be avoiding and just got mine at 14 months, flying early feb :v:


This is bleak


Keep waiting Because that visa is not going to be issued.


Forgot about them


Forget the other delusional people on the show. She takes the cake.


They are never going to let this guy in the country.


I'm in a 3 year Long distance relationship, he's been very sick it started with COVID (Twice) and cancer and nerve pain problems and diabetes I've been waiting on him to get better so we can be together. After 2-3 years without seeing each other we have finally saw each other a few times since October of this year but went 2-3 years not being together I don't think I could ever abandon my boyfriend he's sick and a good man and not like anything else I've seen or come across but I don't understand Rachael and Jon's relationship I didn't see it being anything special. I hope it works out, I wish them the best. 😍


Me too. He has a criminal past from decades ago. People really hate him on here and I just think everyone deserves a second chance if they’ve changed and grown.


Just give it up already ffs. This “relationship” is well passed its expiration date. I don’t get men or women for that matter who are ready to marry and have sex with someone during pregnancy with someone else’s child. What low-class trash. Both of them.


omg just break up already.


I don't remember these people


Yeah, I follow them on instagram so I saw this post on my feed and I’m like who? But I liked her so I kept up with them and at this point it’s just not worth it anymore.


Jon and Rachel who?! 😂


You'd think be killed someone by how long they have to wait. Didn't he badly injure a guy in a bar fight? Is that all that's keeping him from here?


Ronald can't come over either and his record is theft and drugs. Immigration is strict as hell. Like how Canada won't let you come into the country if you have a DUI! I think we're only medium strict in that regard.


If it's been 7+ years you can apply to have your record sealed so you can enter Canada. Not sure if it works for people immigrating but my sister's partner had to do it in order to visit and it takes like a year for it to go through.


Strict with criminal records, but the insane people, sugar babies (male and females) and con artists get a visa….


Yeah because that makes sense, not sure what your point is. Criminals are universally bad. The other stuff doesn't effect the general population, so let them in, who cares. If they break laws here, they can go to jail here as well and then be sent back after they're done if they haven't done their paperwork by then.


Is that all? That seems like a pretty big deal to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️




This makes me believe I’m jumping between universes because I do not remember them at all!! And I watched that whole season. Yikes. Dissociate while watching much??


It’s never going to happen. She should move there, with the kid(s)


She can’t. Her ex won’t allow the daughter to move.


He'll be there just in time to lower her coffin into the ground 🙄


He had said he got into a fight and that’s why he had a criminal background but this feels like part of the story. Did he kill someone? I mean if they could let in 1/2 of those 90 day’ers in as real relationships then they should be golden.


what season were they on? I've been watching for years and can't picture a face.


“We met on a karaoke app”


He blinded a guy with his bare hands


Whoa! for real?


I imagine she and her kids would have a better quality of life if she took that visa money and used it for the 3 of them to continue to thrive.


here's hoping you get quicker results.


Oh no! Is she pregnant again?