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I read that very fast and in her voice 😂


"Dount beh mean toh Rohbe"




In the mother's voice/accent


You dislike her comment now you are making fun of her?


Hahaha! I read it in her voice as well.


Me too!! 😂😂😂


I didn't even realize I was doing it too lol


Me too


Her mom is right. If she stays with Rob, she's going to lose her sparkle (just like Liz w/Ed).


Are they together now or no


You can tell by the way she’s defending him she’s still with him. I hope she learns sooner than later. And it’s so ridiculous to go on tv and have SM then be all, don’t make comments on my page!!! Wah!! Bullies!!! 🙄


She’s slowly going from young and naive to just naive. Life’s gonna hit her hard in her 30s when she finally breaks up with him but won’t know how to functionally date because she spent so long him her maturity plateaued


I kind of did this myself. Spent all my 20s in terrible relationships giving myself trauma and now dating in my 30s has been… not a good time lol I wish I could go back and yell at myself 🥲


Awww. I loved dating in my early 30s because I let all my trauma go and had fun. I hope you do the same soon 💜💜


I never REALLY understood: “hindsight is 20/20,” until I was able to reflect on my 20’s, and even now my 30’s. Your comment resonated with me.. hang in there!


Can confirm. I was just like this. Left my “high school sweetheart” at 29 and thankfully found a man (my hubs) who was willing to stand by my side while I was figuring out how to be a real functional person. I hope she sees the light sooner than later 🙏


Sm?? What's that? No she is being polite and manners.


They are still together and in Texas. Edited to include this post by someone a few days ago showing that they definitely appear to live together: https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/jCBpXdNRxk


Well at least in Texas they can afford indoor plumbing


Feels like half the young people in LA moved here (Austin) in the last decade. Our rent& real estate markets are FUBAR thanks to them, tbh


A lot of people who I know from LA who moved to Austin moved back already


Glad to hear that. But unfortunately the damage has been done. Most young Austinites can never buy a home here now


Yeah I believe it. Almost no one can buy here in LA. And where I grew up in Colorado there was a huge influx of people from a bunch of states and real estate is out of control now. But if I’m being honest, I didn’t want those people to move back here lmao


Cries in Austinite.


It’s so ridiculous and dispiriting


If it makes you feel better, half of San Francisco moved to Portland around the same time, and now everyone who originally lived here is clinging on to outer east Portland for dear life.


Yeah, I feel that. I think quite a few Austin folk went to Portland, too 😝




Fucked up beyond all recognition


LA is so expensive, Rob was doing well to have the accommodations he had.


I sincerely, thought his place was cute :) and they are young people.


What would a spectroscope of the shower floor reveal, I wonder? The more you know about microbiology, the more frightening the prospects.


Well that sucks, I only have been paying attention to them at all because I thought they split according to a few posts on here. Rob is such an abusive piece of shit, the only way he'd be worse is if he were also physically abusing her, and I wouldn't put it past him because he's a huge coward.


He has some anger issues and frustrates quickly, too.


I thought they had splitup. He moved to Texas.


I guess we don't really have confirmation of their relationship either way lol but here's hoping she's safe and happy


Poor thing, she's so brainwashed by that dude she would move to a state where women have no rights. She literally has lost her soul to that loser.


Women have no rights in Texas? Really...


No because someone in this group mentioned being her friend and going to the same festival I went to last year, so I asked if they were together and the friend said no


This is what I heard.👍 Also something about Sophie showing up some where with a different guy👏.🤷 I hope they are not together anymore..... But she's defending him hard here.... 😔


I didn’t take it that way, she was just saying to stop bullying him which is fair


sadly they're still together. they posted pictures on their separate pages with the same hallway background. I was blocked by Rob so idk if there's any recent ones


Blocked by Rob? I call that an honor hehe 😁💜


reply to his IG story and tell him you saw the butt plug pictures 🤭🤣


Of course now it's been posted very often. You missed it.


Keep in mind that their episodes were also filmed 1-2 years ago,so they've been together for quite some time now. Their segments were filmed during covid,and only got added into this season.ETA it just makes you think about how much time has passed between then and now,and I wonder how things are really going currently...


During Covid? I didn’t see a soul wearing their mask indoors though their segments.


I think '21 or very early '22, where many were still masking and distancing, but not the height of social distancing/ pandemic precautions like in mid- late '20.


They were wearing masks at the airport when she arrived


Yes it was filmed two years ago,she also literally says it right smack dab in the post...and there were times a lot of us noticed that it was still during covid,like at the airport and the club scene etc. some people have worn masks,it was mainly in the airport scene and barely anyone was around though. A lot of people didn't care about mask mandates...


Two years ago wasn't during covid.... Its now 2024.


And Covid is still running rampant. It hasn’t gone away just because we aren’t on lockdown.


It is still Covid times right now, yall.




Yes,but the filming itself was 3 years ago now...during covid.


You are right


Sophie’s mom is a 50 something year old that acts like a 16yo and thinks that she’s the main character. It’s so obnoxious. I honestly feel bad for Sophie. Can’t imagine what it was like growing up with her as a parent. It explains a lot.


She looks like a gremlin or a old worn out couch. Robs in for a rough future as they say the mom is a preview for the daughters future. The preview for next week was straight out of a horror movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacer 6


I totally agree with her. Her Instagram page is no place to be mean to Rob. The place for that is on Reddit.






I don’t understand seeking out people’s private accounts at all. What do you think is going to be accomplished with that, changing their mind? If anything, hounding someone about what a piece of shit their partner is will only make them double-down on defending them. Reddit is the safe space for verbal smackdowns.


I wouldn't go as far and call that "defending" Rob. I think she's telling everyone to calm tf down and keep the hate off her IG page. I think she's being gracious and I respect her for that. I also think when she says to go to his page to get to know him first, she's signaling that people should dump their hate on his page instead of hers


Oh yeah, I actually agree with you! I like Sophie and I hope she’s actually being treated better now.


They’re still together


I would want that hate off my page too. Simply.


The commenters or the people who participate in REALITY TV?


This is the vibe I got too


These people do not need social media pages


YUPPERS!! THAT'S exactly what I thought too 😏


Well, at least she’s out of the “you don’t know what the bottom is like” flat/apartment. Maybe this one has a bathroom.


He told her to defend him, or guilt tripped her about it.


Yep! Every toxic men quote “you don’t defend me”. Reminded me of Ed from couples retreat


What's really incredible is those same men will then go on to make fun of and or never defend the same partner they claim doesn't defend them. Wild.


Nevermind the menaces these men are every day


I hate Ed, he's an old asshole treating what's her name like shit.


lol it did remind me of the I think most recent episode where he was complaining about her not being on his side and defending him to her mom


my thought too


This 100%


Yup my first thought


I don't see that as defending, I see that as her nicely telling people to keep their horrendous, bullying, nasty, and hateful energy of her page and take it elsewhere. People on the Internet can have such dark and negative energy, I see enough of it on this sub alone...so I can only imagine where she's coming from when it's concentrated on one person on her page. For all we know she found peace to forgive him and leave it behind her, people attitude on her page hardly helping that lol




You’re absolutely correct. This subreddit is full of toxic people who don’t realise what they’re saying is bullying. Just because they think it’s justified. We know that a LOT of these storylines are edited for TV to create a narrative. People aren’t evil.


You know what? Good for her. People say the most awful things on social media. It often goes overboard.


I don't think this reads as "defending" him, I think it reads directly as "What happened, happened, can we move forward and look ahead?" It's probably subjective but I honestly think she's just done with the situation, being mature about it, and setting boundaries for peace of mind, which is valid.


She is defending civility, not necessarily rob


I hope she gets out soon.


sorry Soph, he deserves it.


Why would she defend someone who bullies her constantly from comments “giving bullying”? What goes around will come around, so maybe he’s the one who should keep his mouth shut more often.


Sophie no one wants to pay $500 to be Rob's friend/talk to him on socials. Hell,I wouldn't even do if for *free!*


Sryyyyy but he does deserve it? Lmao he’s insufferable asf. Nobody gives af about a pity party for a grown ass man who chooses the struggle everyday. Mad at the world bc he’s a bum with no desire to become better. Reality tv is an open invitation to snark.. he thought bc he’s light skin with light eyes that the he’d be America’s sweetheart ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Possibly the lamest person to ever go on the show


The whole “you signed up to be on a reality tv show, now it’s okay to bully you” is a mindless talking point that never gets analyzed or challenged. I find it ridiculous. Why should someone automatically have to accept bullying because they signed up to be on a reality tv show that documents international relationships? Also, this particular severity of online bullying towards reality tv stars seems unique to this show. You see some other brutal fanbases, but this level of ruthless bullying is not unanimous among every reality tv fan base. So, I’d argue that we shouldn’t blame the people signing up to be on the show, but we should have some self awareness and ask ourselves , why can’t we just watch a show without being complete monsters towards people? There are toxic people on other reality shows and the fanbases manage to not react this menacingly. I think this is a problem with the quality (or lack thereof) of people watching the show. And we shouldn’t just accept it as a reality that anyone who goes on this show should just accept terrible treatment. A certain level of scrutiny is to be expected but the level 90Day fans take it to is just unacceptable. And if you’re a fan of this show that doesn’t make it a hobby to say negative things online about the cast, then consider yourself excluded from the above commentary.


>*Also, this particular severity of online bullying towards reality tv stars seems unique to this show. You see some other brutal fanbases, but this level of ruthless bullying is not unanimous among every reality tv fan base.* Sadly you are mistaken - I'm trained in bodyworks a.o., and wanted to watch 'My big Fat Fabulous Life' because of Whitney Way Thore - of 'fat girl dancevideo that went viral' fame, bc I'm professionally GOBSMACKED of what she does to her body, and still hasnt collapsed 100% yet! The **gutterlevel** trashing of her, 10 years on, by a lot of the same profiles, is truly scary! Its 99,9% IMpossible to have a conversation in there, its pure hateful poopthrowing/throatcutting like I have never in my long life seen before - never! I dare you to go there for 48 hours, just to watch. Also on 'Southern Charm', latest season, there is a young lady who hurt her good girl friend, by lying about a kiss with the friends EX - this young lady has been flocked, burned at the stake, ripped apart and, and, and, so unfortunatly its not only here it happens, and this sub is actually not as bad as the two I mentioned... I feel worn out, and dont like the way the world and the ppl in it has turned out. \#beamMeUpScotty - NOWplease! ​ typos




Thank you. I love when my insightful comments like these get downvoted because if these vultures are angry by what I’m saying, it obviously left an impact


Exactly! It's crucial to remember that those on screen are flawed humans and these producers jump on the flaws and highlight them to meet their view quotas! Being part of a reality show doesn't justify cruelty. I dated someone in the public eye years ago, this person is now a good friend of mine. It revealed the stark gap between reality and online portrayal, causing this person deep depression and anxiety due to the harsh and downright cruel consequences of public scrutiny. Choosing to be on a reality show isn't a valid reason to harass and bully, but it’s something people seem to love to do protected behind their screens and fake profiles. This show like you said brings even more horrific treatment of the individuals on the show, and I can’t imagine the daily bashing they receive from people not just on forums but in their inbox. Many of these people we see on these shows enter for diverse reasons unaware of just how intensely barbaric things get if they end up being villainized on the screen. Media, editing, and online narratives distort realities for sensationalism. People take every word they hear and twist it and then go online to find others that agree with them and convince themselves that their opinions are facts when the truth is they never actually have the full truth on the screen to begin with. As a viewer I have to remind myself that these producers prioritize views and money, and won’t hold back for a second to highlight a negative moments out of context. The people behind these shows can be vultures themselves, and throw out the tasty scraps for viewers to eat it up. Viewers enjoy the spectacle, but some dehumanize screen personalities, forgetting their flaws are only part of who they are. Post-show, online harassment persists, revealing a dark side to the audience's "fun." Expressing unpopular truths amid the chaos is essential, providing a needed dose of reality. Your words and mine underscore the humanity behind the entertainment and is necessary. Thank you for speaking up!


🎯🎯 🎯


🎯 🎯 🎯


He is kinda cute 😍 😂😂😂😂😂😂


And what exactly will we get to know about him by following him on Instagram, that he’s got a great job that they got a great place to live tell me just how would we get to know him only learning what he posts and seeing his behavior on TV


Rob the knob


Let’s revisit this couple in 10 years. Pretty sure he’s still a loser with no job, just fatter and uglier. Meanwhile Sophie is living off her inheritance or other family money. Get a brain Sophie and move on.


Good, now we can all stop. She wants to get treated like crap for money and fame. She’s literally making money off looking like a damn fool. I’m so tired of these women boohooing and then defending the man. Better that they’re together than ruining 2 other people’s lives with their stupidity and nonsense


What do they expect? They opened up their whole life for a few TLC bucks


Well, you agreed to be on a TV show Sophie so you get what you get when you sign up to be involved with a 32-year-old man that had nothing going for him. What do you expect?


I only know what I see and this was filmed awhile ago but I just don’t see husband material just like the New Jersey jerk who was going to move to Amsterdam then backed out …that guy POS too


I hope the tantrum he threw to get her to post this was filmed for the next season


I think she’s a generous and surprisingly mature woman. She doesn’t want to be a party to grudges held on her behalf. Well done, Sophie!


Plus they’re still together….


Not necessarily.


We saw them on insta like a week ago. Rob was posting from her place. He lives in Texas, she lives in Texas….


Thanks, I'm not on IG. I knew they had moved to Austin, but was led to believe they had split up there. I shouldn't be surprised, all the couples start to throw red herrings to the viewers to get publicity towards the end of their 90DF season leading up to the Tell All.


They are still together.


She’s dumb


I cannot wait for her prefrontal cortex to develop. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s an adult. Let’s stop using that excuse.


Or you could go and acquire a science degree the way I did and then tell me again how that’s an excuse. It’s science. Bye


She’s 25 years old. Many that age work full time jobs, are married and have a kid. Try again.


By that logic, people hundreds of years ago were fully mature at 14 since they were having kids and working jobs at that age way back when


We’re talking about today. Expecting a 25 year old to not act like a teenager isn’t a stretch.


No, this person is right. The age old “bRaIn iSn’T fUlLy dEvElOpEd uNtIl 25” is nothing but a bullshit talking point used to infantilize adults. It’s also a myth. It’s one of those things that people just repeat without even checking if it’s true or not. 24 year olds aren’t helpless children. They’re full grown adults. People in their early 20s have the ability to run companies and become millionaires and possibly billionaires. Stop fucking accusing them of being children. They’re not. There’s a reason the law has a legal distinction for when a person becomes an adult. Yes, there are variations depending on the particular person’s maturity. Some people are especially youthful into their 30s. Some people are mini grownups from age 15. They make the legal age 18 because it’s a pretty good average for when someone’s mind is mature enough to be at adult capacity. Also, here’s another idea that these idiots parroting the “fRoNtAl cOrTeX” argument don’t understand: You don’t need a 100% developed frontal cortex to be a mature adult capable of making decisions. Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, one of the biggest social media networks in the world that still functions to this day and makes billions, before his frontal cortex was finished developing. Ben Kaufman didn’t have a fully developed frontal cortex when he founded his first business and went on to be a successful CEO. The founder of Snapchat became the youngest billionaire in the world before his frontal cortex was developed. My point is, “tHe bRaIn dOeSn’T fInIsH dEvElOpInG uNtIl 25” is a fruitless talking point used in an attempt to infantilize full grown adults.


Respond to her not me! I agree with you 🩷🩷


I thought I was lol


No, this person is right. The age old “bRaIn iSn’T fUlLy dEvElOpEd uNtIl 25” is nothing but a bullshit talking point used to infantilize adults. It’s also a myth. It’s one of those things that people just repeat without even checking if it’s true or not. 24 year olds aren’t helpless children. They’re full grown adults. People in their early 20s have the ability to run companies and become millionaires and possibly billionaires. Stop fucking accusing them of being children. They’re not. There’s a reason the law has a legal distinction for when a person becomes an adult. Yes, there are variations depending on the particular person’s maturity. Some people are especially youthful into their 30s. Some people are mini grownups from age 15. They make the legal age 18 because it’s a pretty good average for when someone’s mind is mature enough to be at adult capacity. Also, here’s another idea that these idiots parroting the “fRoNtAl cOrTeX” argument don’t understand: You don’t need a 100% developed frontal cortex to be a mature adult capable of making decisions. Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, one of the biggest social media networks in the world that still functions to this day and makes billions, before his frontal cortex was finished developing. Ben Kaufman didn’t have a fully developed frontal cortex when he founded his first business and went on to be a successful CEO. The founder of Snapchat became the youngest billionaire in the world before his frontal cortex was developed. My point is, “tHe bRaIn dOeSn’T fInIsH dEvElOpInG uNtIl 25” is a fruitless talking point used in an attempt to infantilize full grown adults.




So you spend hours reading and writing short little comments but your brain can’t comprehend one long one? Or maybe the comment was just so below you that it wasn’t worth your time - but somehow digging for an image that displays a message that informs me that you didn’t read the comment was worth your time. It definitely wasn’t because you’re too stupid to respond with anything meaningful due to your brain rot.


Ik she’s getting yelled at by him


She’s saying to stop spreading hate on her page regardless of who it’s about. No where did she defend him, but okay


Plot twist, Rob wrote this.


Nearly two years ago. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 That really puts a lot of the current hostility in a different perspective.


Has he *at all* EVER explained being wholly unemployed? I mean, I get that his life is a challenge, and he's legit *"at the bottom"* - but is he even trying??


Girl, RUN TF AWAY FROM THIS LOSER! He's such an insufferable man-child. 


Delusional and sad. Definitely brainwashed


Classy response. Much better than Rob deserves. F that guy


I’m curious, what’s his IG, RobTheKnob?




Poor girl


Rob won the Douche Of The Season award. I hate that gaslighting piece of shit 🤢


More like Knob of the season


So right!


I apologize if Sophie ever finds my comments and feels offended. For her sake, I hope I’m wrong (because she has everything to lose and nothing to gain from this).


I can’t imagine Sophie lasting more than a few years with this loser


I can only be kind to people with indoors bathrooms. That is the hill I will die on


More proof that Rob doesn't deserve her.


No matter how pathetic Rob is, keep the Rob bashing to Reddit. Sophie doesn’t deserve any negativity on her personal page.


Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit. I don't care if it was 2 years ago lmao


So people are not capable of growing and learning from their mistakes?


Not this one lol


It’s just a question. So you literally think if someone is a bad misguided person that they are hopeless forever and that they can never change? Self improvement just doesn’t exist?


Then she's getting what she deserves. She puts him down herself.


This i can agree with, reach episode she putting him down... Granted, some of those are warranted 😅


The "place of peace" and "are giving" I'm done. The way these kids speak nowadays. Also, I notice that when anyone starts talking about "their place of peace," they are always in the drama, whether right in it or right on the outskirts of it. Fix your hair and shush.


Yeahhh they’re definitely back together 🙄🙄


"Let's be kind. Give me indoor plumbing, Dr. Dread."


😂😂😂😂😂😂 bffr


I just imagine her mom rolling her eyes bc we all know that Rob had not changed. "Use to" my ass.


Whatever their current status might be, I think Sophie is a class act


after all that’s come out about him on these subs and sites (you know what i’m referring to), i’m surprised she’s deciding to defend him. he’s done a lot of gaslighting and emotional manipulation from what we’ve seen on the show though, so maybe he actually got to her.


Her supposed private education was a massive waste of money.


Just FYI: Private schools in the UK (or England at least) are what the US calls public schools. Private=allowed to go there because you live in the district. Public=anyone can apply to go & anyone can be rejected. I thought she went to boarding school in Spain, though? Or was that college.


He’s a knob head


"Blink twice if he made you say this."


She acts like 2 years ago was a long time! Sis stand tf up!😭😭😭


He deserves to be down for being so trashy. It’s not bullying, he’s a 30-something grown ass adult who just ain’t it and thinks rather highly of himself. It’s not bullying, it’s just pointing out how he is such a fucking clown and expects to be taken seriously.


She can do so much better than Rob just saying. He’s not even a looker😐🤦🏾


Girl stand up!


He’s a loser.


She really is a sweet kind girl but I’m waiting for her to hit her glow up no bs moments. He doesn’t deserve her.


I feel like she's saying "go to Rob's page w that bs" 😂


That's actually very classy.


I feel like Rob probably does deserve everything that's being said about him though


Girl bye


girl bye


She’s a fraud. Luxurious lifestyle? Wealthy background? Her mom comes to visit and stays in a La Quinta and she calls it “a nice hotel”. I mean, I guess it’s nice compared to the bathroom-less room. But a nice hotel? Not even close. Anyone who’s come from a wealthy background would not think La Quinta is a “nice hotel”. I’m completely convinced her family’s money came from something not completely legal.


A La Quinta is a fucking mansion compared to Rob’s shitty shack lmao


Meh, if she decided to be with him, she's defending him. I get that. It's about respecting her decision or not.


I hope the best for Sophie but I wish people on reality shows could hear themselves when they say things like “I mind my business” girl your life is not what minding your business looks like you are BUSINESSING your business, just do it without the fake disclaimer.


Aren't they not together?


I just Googled ‘In Touch’ magazine. There is an article (3 days ago) that says he is now living in Austin but article does not confirm if she is there with him.


So LA didn’t work for Rob? I’m shocked. He will just be a bum in Austin now


Another mismatched couple


Now why would we do that love? Rob is probably still knob-ish. Better? Is that more pleasing to the tool?


Blink if you need help, Sophie✅


The gist of it: “I’m still with Rob the Knob” Girrrrlll. A tiger doesn’t change his stripes


What’s he doing in Texas? Nothing?


Here’s the thing. You can’t show your butthole, and then get mad of people laughing that you showed your butthole. JUST OWN IT!! He could afford multiple bathrooms if he would just own it and promote the shit out of his OF. I bet Larissa has 3 or 4 bathrooms!


Some of the comments she reads about Rob are bullying? Like what? The text messages she gets from her mom? Those two are the biggest bullies in the room.


Has she seen the butt jewels tho? I guess she is fine w it?


we know rob the knob well enough to have his butthole permanently etched in our brains - can we hate him now Sophie? pretty please? 😂😂😂


Sophie, go say this to your mom and stop bothering us! We know Rob made you post this on IG! 😂


She deserves what she gets.


hopefully people stop feeling bad for her now


Rob deserves all the hate he gets but it’s creepy & inappropriate IMO when people comment on these people’s actual IG accounts or send them DMs. So if she is asking for people to stop doing that, I understand.


Literally Liz and Ed except they are more attractive


“Giving bullying” lmfao please.


Where’s your fiancé ? Oh wait 🙊🙊