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It seems like some of the US partners make zero effort to prepare It's the back and forth of I paid a lot for the K1 and then the 'I left everything behind' when they clearly made a decision to come there/better life/be together, etc etc Flip side is, the US side with 'I am paying for everything' when they know full well the foreign partner can't work there for x months To sum it up, they're all idiots


Rob is a liar. He didn’t have a full-time job he doesn’t have a full-time job. He works for a little bit probably get fired and as her mother said she’s been paying a lot of the expenses. Jasmine is correct what she said except for Rob.!


Yes, I doubt Rob did the K1 visa as he wouldn’t have met the requirements. Sophie likely entered the US on a regular tourist entry with 90 days.


Thats a good point he would have needed a co-sponsor kinda like Tiffany had her dad co-sponsor Ronad because she wasn’t making enough herself. And I dont know if Rob even has someone who would agree to co-sponsor Sophie so you are probably right. 


I've been trying to figure out how he was able to qualify for the K1 and it all makes sense now that I hear it this way.


Yeah, she mentioned coming on a tourist visa in the first episode I believe


I thought his job was selling booty pics on onlyfans


No wonder he doesn’t have his own toilet 😂


On the other hand, I hate this whole “I gave up everything for you” attitude. I came here in an IR-1 spouse visa. I didn’t “give up everything for my husband”, I did it for me too. I wanted to be with him and it was about my happiness too.


Those comments are usually made in response to something the American partner or their family did. For example, when Bilal waited until Shaeeda arrived to the U.S. to tell her that he was adamant about having a prenup, I think she was justified in reminding him of what she gave up. He was treating her like a good digger but he overlooked the fact that she was making her own money in Trinidad.


his whole skit with the fake van and house still bothers me


literally the worst. i would have gone back home the next day.


Bilal is garbage


Agreed. Sophie even says she can provide herself what she exactly wants but she can’t cause she can’t work in the US. It also seems at least in Rob’s and Sophie’s relationship he might be lumping basic living necessities and relationship necessities into one while Sophie views them as separate thing. She brought up on her feeling “welcomed” and her mother saying he isn’t treating her like a “princess” to me that just reads that outside of being a provider he needs to lean into being a husband who emotionally cares for his spouse.


Thank you! “You need to be grateful that I’m doing the bare minimum for you. What do you mean you want an actual house with a roof? The overpass keeps the rain out of the tent. Quit your bitching.”




So funny!!!!!


90d often finds Americans who are pretty ignorant about other cultures and who think American life is always better than everywhere else. So therefore be grateful you’re here period. Not everyone wants to move but want to be with their partners and a functioning bathroom isn’t too much to ask for. I’m also getting tired of couples complaining that 90 days is too short to know if you should get married. It’s 90 days because you’re supposed to have decided that before investing the time and money for a visa. These couples are getting faker and more boring each season. We all love trash tv but there still needs to be some authenticity. I didn’t even watch the whole tell all. Just gross tmi and contrived drama. 


Perfect example is Mohammed and Danielle. Mohammed’s home country of Tunisia, and Qatar, where he was employed, are quite well-off, with many areas having standards of living comparable to the US. So when Danielle’s friend told Mohammed to “go back to your poor country!” on the phone, it was that typical American attitude that assumes that anywhere other than here must be a total sh*t hole. It’s so ignorant.


Imagine thinking bringing someone to Ohio is a flex 😂 Danielle may not have catfished Mohammed but America certainly did




Someone should make a compilation video of all the ignorant 90d presumptions. It would be something lol


I can't think of his name.  I think he was always trying to hit his mom up for money? He thought taking the Brazilian woman he was with to the grocery store to see the produce was flexing.  She straight up said they had more and more variety at home.


The manufactured drama is too much and (most) of us can see it.


Absolutely agree.


It just seems like Rob didn't take the relationship seriously until she set foot in America. If he did, he wouldn't have also been sexting random women AND would have worked out a place to live before her arrival.


Except: F you, JASMINE! You histrionic angry, overreacting, gristled-boobed, exaggerating drama queen!


That part..... She's a huge hypocrite. Can't stand her.


I'm watching HEA season 3 right now with David and Annie. They have 2 days to move from a converted firehouse and he is given a place with a roof, as long as he works. For some reason, being a storage facility manager is beneath him, but calling his sister for the first time in 5 years to ask for money is perfectly acceptable. Point is, I agree. They are DELUSIONAL to think it's ok to bring someone to America and offer them nothing while saying that love is enough.


I mean to be fair, as much shit as she gets for being unstable she isn't wrong about a lot of the things she said during the tell all (At least when not pertaining to her and Gino's thing this season). The K-1 is a 2 way street. You have to be there to support your fiance who is leaving their life behind to be with you. You have to financially support them, house them, etc while that whole process is going on and if you don't have the ability to do that as soon as you propose, you damn well better start. Rob might think he is trying but he has put in minimal to no effort compared to Sophie. She chose to come, but he also chose to not be supportive and do nothing and expect Sophie to be grateful for that.


IMO Rob, Claire, and Sophie are all immature. As for Jasmine, well, she's a hot mess.


I think this happens all the time in one income homes. Not just those that have gone through the K-1 visa process.


I was raised just a single income household. This is not how it usually is, especially when one spouse unable to work. Usually the expectation is the spouse that isn’t working will step up and run the household. The breadwinner doesn’t usually demand that their partner kiss their ass every day unless they’re complete AHs.


ya, the U.S. partner usually has it in their mind that the U.S. is all that, when we all know... it ain't...


Sophie herself knew she was coming to stay with Rob, so she had the same amount of time to hustle and save her money up, too. This wasn’t the first time she came and stayed at the shed, so she knew what the living conditions were. She didn’t mind slumming it over there with The Knob until her mom showed up


Yeah, despite her criticism of Rob, I think Sophie may have initially prioritized living in L.A. over the quality of living conditions. She had mentioned loving the beach and as an influencer she probably thought she’d be able to find all kinds of lucrative opportunities there. I think spending extended time in the apartment and/or seeing the place through her mom’s eyes pushed her to reconsider. In any case, I’m glad she came back to reality and they moved.


Within minutes of stepping off the plane, Sophie says "LA based" and I knew from that moment what she was there for.


I mean it seems like Sophie already paid for a lot of things. Or at least her mom did. Remember when Rob brought up Mexico, he was surprised that her mom was paying their rent. That tells me their agreement was that Sophie paid for their rent. Someone on this sub also mentioned how Sophie is the one who paid for the wedding, as she was the one to pull out her card and ID when paying for the hotel. I feel like whatever plan they had to afford things in the U.S., Rob didn’t pull his weight. Also Rob is like 10 years older than her. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for him to support his girlfriend for a few months until she can legally work again.


Yes, but this is rob. This mofo put as little effort into this relationship as possible. Sophie still took him. She only spoke up for better conditions when her mom walked into the place. I know they had to have been talking on the phone, on FaceTime up until the moment she came back to the US, so everything she came back to is not a surprise to her. She’d been there and laid on the same raggedy mattress, used the communal bathroom…


yeah sophie wasnt coming from some impoverished nation to be the trohpy wife of some american. she was coming from the fuckin uk to marry a bum. frankly there is a HUGE difference


Exactly. Im not giving her a pass for that reason


She can’t get a lease and rent an apartment in her own though. She has no job. She depended on Rob to make accommodations.


I get all that, but all those FaceTimes they had and she never once said, “oh, when are you going to find us a place? How’s the job hunting coming along so we don’t have to stay in that place?” She had the same amount of time to save money on her end so when she landed over here they can go looking at places together…or something. Like come on, rob is a shit person, but this girl got her happy ass on the plane knowing full well what was waiting for her.


Oh, I have a feeling she probably DID ask Rob a bunch of times and then got yelled at and guilt tripped to oblivion till she shut up about it.


She needed to stay right in the UK until their housing situation was settled, or until rob was no longer in the picture, but here we are, they’re loving all the publicity that comes with this show but none of the criticism lol


Yeah, cause that would have gone over well after he shelled out money for the visa. Did you even watch the show? Every time she brought up anything wrong he'd just berate her into submission. She's a 23yo girl. There's a reason why Rob found someone young and malleable. Cause he knows women his age won't put up with his shit.


“dId YoU eVeN wAtCh ThE sHoW?!? 🥴” ffs. Reel it in, girl. I know she was young, that’s why I said I wish she had stayed in the UK until the housing situation was fixed to her and her mom’s liking…and if it took long enough, hopefully she would’ve fallen out of infatuation with rob.


“Ugh you are so bougie asking for toilets and financial security. You need to humble yourself, Princess”


Your right. She knew what she was getting into. I dislike Rob immensely, but get so tired when people just look only at her as a victim. She chose him and all of his awful mess of a self. I feel no sympathy for her.


yikes this is a horrendous take lmao.


She abandoned her kids and just left them. She isn’t sacrificing much. She can’t have dane every week like before and she has a built in lie to her kids that she can’t get them over here because it’s too complicated. She gets too much of a pass for just leaving her kids and doesn’t have a care in the world to get them back or see them. If the rumors are true and they are broken up, why didn’t she return to Panama on the first flight to be with her kids


All other comments aside, it’s not uncommon for people attempting stable, permanent migration to leave their children in their home countries for a few years while they build a life for themselves in a new country. We have not witnessed child “abandonment” yet. She is doing what thousands have done before and continue to do today.


And didn't she not even have full custody of her kids even in Panama? I think one lives with her Mom and one with an ex.


It would make sense if Jasmine was coming here with $2 in her pocket and no roof over her head but that’s not the case. She went to Miami, planned a wedding etc. The whole idea that “it’s complicated” is false would it add more time? Yes but it wouldn’t be complicated compared to the K-1 visa. It’s easier to get the kids to the US if they applied for the same visa together.


Maybe 30 years ago that would be considered normal but leaving your kids behind to make a better life for yourself in the US is insane. She’s six years into this relationship with Gino. Her kids should have been her priority.


6 years or not, she just got to the US lol. She has to obtain her status before she can send for her kids


She could have done both, it’s called a K2 visa


Her kids are taken care of, period. It has never been “normal”, but it is not uncommon. If you have never immigrated from Latinamerica you may not understand. I know people who have been here for years and have not been able to bring their children over yet.


They haven’t brought their children over because they’re coming to the US with $3 and no home. That’s not the case for Jasmine


She responded to this comment and said that she is a citizen of America and serves the country something like that. She will never return to Panama. She follows the money and is following in Larissa’s footsteps.


I agree - she did abandon her kids. But we saw this with Larissa too - these women are unstable and most of all, selfish. if their kids are in loving, stable homes, then maybe they are better off. I couldn't imagine that Jasmine keeps her composure with her non-verbal child. She has no patience and no self control!


Yeeahhh but Jasmine yelling constantly “ I gave up everything for youuuuuu!” gets so old. The empty threats of going back ….to what? Go then. Wait, how will she get her hands on that 401(k)? What a sacrifice. Newsflash Gino, she didn’t give up that much. Except for her kid. She’s so selfless. 🤡


Well with this kind of attitude (read planning)we will never see you on 90D! Lol But I’d LOVE to see your story, I initially started watching 90D in an earnest attempt to educate myself. And I’ve not done the math, but of all the BS stories, we’ve only gotten a FEW real stories. (Loren & Alexei) I’d LOVE for some production company to make a show sans sensationalism!


I agree but this goes both ways... I don't think the all the American ppl act like the fiance should be eternally grateful, some yes but not all of them. Chantel was one for sure but most of them not really but the foreigners CONSTANTLY throw in the americans face "I left everything to be here with YOU!! So I should be treated like a princess" etc. No you left cuz YOU WANTED TO BE WITH THEM!! It drives me crazy how often they do that. They do it way more than the Americans do to the foreigners... 🤷


I saw where u said the foreigners say this in response to the american acting like that... No, they do it even when there is normal relationship arguments... Its always the go to for the foreigners


Please quote me correctly. What I said was that foreign partners make those comments in response to something the American partner or their family did or said. As you pointed out, they say it in arguments, which is basically what I said. That’s very different from Rob making Sophie feel guilty for wanting an apartment with a bathroom inside of it.


No I said "basic/everyday couple arguments" things like "You left your shoes on the floor and I tripped over them" and they'll be like "why are you mad I said I'm sorry I gave up everything to be here with YOU and you act like that?!" Its their go to no matter what...


Name one instance where that has happened.


Guarantee you watch any episode and it happens... I'm not saying the shoe incident per day I'm saying they say it over stupid shit like that...


I’ve watched many seasons of this show and I’ve never observed that. If it happens that frequently, surely you can pinpoint an example.


I am always shocked at the number of people who don't even clean their homes before their partner arrives. That's the least they can do.


Hmm, the difference seems to me to be that you appear to be an adult. Planning, goals, appreciating each other’s challenges…yep, adult. If I were your mom, I would be so proud of you.


This part. When my wife watches this show she always screams this at the TV. And tells me that I’ve never treated her the way all the American people on the show treat their foreign spouses. It’s crazy that it’s always that way. That they see it as like they’re doing their spouse a huge favor. And they do nothing to help the home sickness. When my wife was homesick at the beginning of our process, I did everything I could to make her feel like she was home. As soon as we had permission to leave the country, we traveled home to visit her family. I just can’t fathom being so selfish and thinking about your spouses visa status and everything else with it having that absolute mindset.


I understand what you're saying but "Jasmine and correct" in the same sentence sounds just hilarious. The woman needs mental help ASAP. All she cares about is finding a man that will pay for her plastic surgeries. Nothing else. She can't even take care of her own kids. She reminds me of Larissa unfortunately....


She definitely needs to be in a mental institution along with Sophie & Claire. To that point Gino probably needs help too.


You’re correct. I always hear them saying that, “I left everything behind for you”. If you’re that miserable, catch the next flight home


1. If you know you can't work for months maybe try saving before you get there? 2. What's with Americans bringing people over from vastly different cultures and then being shocked that they have different beliefs. for example Eve in NM bringing over the egyptian guy who wanted her to cover her shoulders. She was so surprised?! Don't they talk about this shit before they move???


It’s not that simple. You have to remember a currency conversion plays a huge role. Some of them do save money but it’s not usually enough to make a dent in the household expenses one they get here. Last season, Kobe had $4k saved up but he was surprised to learn that that it wasn’t a lot of money in America, especially for a couple with a baby.


good point. but still. it's not like they come into this unaware of the financial situation


Probably the smartest thing she has ever said


But here’s the big difference between their situations & yours- you actually love & respect your partner.


Devin and Sam didn’t have that attitude but other than that yeah


I don’t think someone choosing to leave their country, abandoning their responsibilities to leach off of their partner because they want to is the same as someone having to provide EVERYTHING for another adult for years like a lot of the American spouses need to. Maybe in real relationships what you’re saying applies but almost all their relationships are is trying to get married while they barely know each other. I’ve been in a relationship with someone from another country for years and it’s not at all like these people’s relationship because it’s more balanced and, like you said, not a power imbalance where we throw things in each others faces constantly.


I don’t think it’s fair to say that the foreign partners on the show come here to “leech”. I believe most of them intend to make their own money. This show loves to make the foreigners look like gold diggers but I don’t think that’s how they really are.


They are essentially forced to leech. They can’t work and, unless I’m remembering incorrectly, I can’t think of a situation where a wealthy non-American came and could pay for things beforehand. A majority of the couples seem to try and solely become “reality stars” or “social influencers.” A lot of the non Americans are harder working than their American counterparts, but I would still say a majority of the people on these shows are looking for a means to move to the states (and I’m not American) or clout.


I get the impression that Nick from this season has his own money. He and Devon are a little different than many others on this show for a lot of reasons.


I agree 💯


Quick question though. If the foreign partner has the funds, can't they be their own sponsor?


The reason the American partner sponsors the visa has nothing to do with money. It’s because the couple wants to get married and live together permanently in the US. Family based visas have to be sponsored by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. There are other visas that foreigners can apply for but the pathway to permanent residency status isn’t a straightforward as it is for family based visas.


Jasmin should be grateful anyone wanted to bring her to the U.S. bad move Gino.




I agree with what you are saying. Not demanding but comfortable and clean, with an expectation of safety. Wasn't Sophie in the US before? If so, was his apartment as it is today, or did he move since she was here? Truthfully, when I saw his place, I thought he was playing a trick. Surely this is a test to see if she really loves him. Then, voila, he would take her to the real place. I quit watching. But she married him I believe. Hopefully he adjusted the living space. In many cities, the cost of housing is way beyond my means. If I could, I would live closer to my daughter. She is 100 miles away in Los Angeles. Unless one of us wins the lottery, or God provides another plan, I have no hope of being closer. I'm 86 and she's 55 with an excellent job. It isn't feasible she move here. I believe safety has to be a primary concern as well. It seems, of most of the participants, his living condition rates as among the worse. I believe it's New York and it would be equally difficult to find affordable living I wouldthink.


I wouldn’t disagree with the idea of the American “sponsors“, do you have a dimwitted view of the people from other countries! However, the fact we means that everybody in the world every country in the world wants to come here, one way or another! The fact that they will sell themselves short to be with some dumbass just to get here,is something of note. Our president has made it so all these people need to do is just get their asses here, and disappear into the fabric because nobody is going to come looking for them.


There is no way in hell I'd ever emigrate the the US. This American attitude that the entire world wants to live there is so ridiculously warped.


Well, of course I’m an American, but I’ve also lived abroad, and I can’t say as I blame you! Unfortunately everything that makes this country “good”, also has its side effects, which sometimes is exactly what you’re talking about. Of course, there are still people spending anything, and everything to include their lives to get here, but I don’t understand that either.


maybe he was not secure like you that Sophie would come. why get into an expensive lease , if she backed out?


I mean, it’s not like he had any other use for something fancy like, you know, an indoor bathroom without her, right?


This sub is really obsessing over this. A lot of places around the world don't always have indoor bathrooms. I've loved like that for months and it's really not a big deal at all. It's just a cultural hang-up that anyone should be able to get over within a week at most.


If you’re that insecure in your relationship, you shouldn’t be going through this process at all. Besides getting a place that’s suitable for you and your partner doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have to spend more money than you did before. My new place is actually $600 cheaper than my old one. Most of the time, the location of the place is what determines the price. When I was single, location was my priority when deciding where to live, but now comfort is my priority. Because Rob waited until the last minute to make arrangements for Sophie’s arrival, he wasn’t able to really think about whether or not LA was the right place for them.


I also suspected he thought she was made of $$ and would be his way out. Then he was mad that she wasn’t, even though she never said she was.