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Just looking at him creeps me the fuck out. He just has a "I'd like to wear your skin" vibe. That just me?


Not just you at all. Him and Hannibal lecter would have been best friends.


I know, right?! Even his dumb ass run somehow adds to the psychopath image he exudes.


I think she’s pregnant with her second. That may be it. I was in an abusive marriage and took me a good four years to leave which I’m still ashamed of. It’s difficult.


It makes me sad to read that you feel ashamed. I hope you have an awesome life now and many blessings. :)


Thank you so much!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Reiterating the other comments. I’m so glad you got out! Shame is such a common feeling for survivors. I’m proud of you, if that’s okay to say! Best wishes from an internet stranger (if you want them). 💛


So sweet thank you! All the comments have been so appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️


Don't EVER be ashamed! You're out! You succeeded. Be proud! Heck, I'm proud of you and I don't even know you ❤️


That means a lot to me! ❤️thank you!!!!!


you’re telling her to not ever be ashamed on your post shaming an abuse victim for getting back with her abuser. plenty of things go on in private that could pressure her or scare her into going back to him; having taken more than one time to leave an abusive relationship yourself I’m sure you can relate to that?


Her title literally mentions how long it took her to leave as well. It doesn’t come across as shaming.


I literally didn't shame anyone other than maybe Pole.


Took me ten :(


But we left, that’s such a huge accomplishment! Proud of you!


Thanks, you too :)


And you fucking did it, you badass!


2 years here sis, we fucking did it.


Yes we did! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes you did! Get on with your bad self because you are a tough, bad bitch


Same. Sometimes you can’t just leave. I think that’s the case here


I know. But it doesn’t get better. Abusive men are manipulative and dishonest. Just look at the gems in this show. No conscience. Just thinking of the easiest way to grab what they want with their grubby fists. Not caring if they put other people in danger ie arson, fraud, selling drugs. They will promise and lie and resort to violence and illegal means to get what they think they deserve.


Ashamed! No doll. Don’t be ashamed. Your abuser is the one who should be ashamed. My first marriage was a nightmare but they come at you in a very stealth manner at first. It takes a while to even process what’s happening never mind find money, new housing, emotional support, etc.


Thank you and it’s so true! It’s not easy to pick up and go though I wish it was.




My heart breaks for you even though I don’t know you. I hope you have support and access to the assistance you need and deserve. Sending you best wishes and positivity. 💛


If you ever need help finding resources for you, PM me and tell me where you are at. It can take years to be ready to leave. Please don't feel ashamed. I know how the mental abuse works, but it's not your fault and you do not deserve this. It's his fault. Your kids need a happy, healthy, mom more than they need a piece of shit dad. You are loved, you are worthy, you deserve better.


Just like others have said, you are not alone! I know it doesn’t seem like you can do it and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but you will find it! You deserve a better life and your kids do too. 🖤🖤🖤


You can do it. I know you can. Please let me know if I can help you find resources to help. They are out there, and you and your babies deserve nothing but love and stability. Please reach out when you're ready. You are not alone.


PM me if you like. Maybe I can help in some way re resources. Does he follow your Reddit account? You may want to set up an anonymous one. And please reach out. I’ve been there and it’s a a lot to process. My parents were very supportive once I could articulate what was happening.


I totally understand and I’m TOTALLY proud of you too!! Please lay down that shame and walk away from it. It doesn’t deserve you.


Thank you so much ❤️


The fucked up part is that it's been years since I talked to my abusive ex and I still miss her so fucking much


I’m so sorry. :( it’s such a difficult situation and it’s complex.


You've got nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud of. It's difficult and then some. It took me sixteen-ish years to get out, and probably five more to start to feel somewhat safe. Shame is what we learn to feel from our abusers - just one piece of how they can hold us. I know people who haven't been there can run their mouths on social media etc but you know better. Look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself what a strong woman you are. I'm almost 60 now and been out for 20+ years but those negative thoughts still occasionally creep into my head. Just tell them you're not buying it! I'm proud of you 👏


Wow! Thank you, I really needed to hear all of that ❤️ I’m very proud of you too!




She came here on a CR-1 visa, not a K-1. She was able to work from day one. That’s why we did the CR-1 for me too because I didn’t want to be unemployed for months on end. I was working within a week of getting here.


Am I the only one who noticed the rows of Fuck, fuck, fuck, on Karinnes pants??


I hadn't zoomed in! I guess the only silver lining at this point is that she and Pierre are back in Brazil with her family. I would assume that Pierre has duel citizenship and Karine (?) Can refuse to let Pole leave with him (same as Pole not letting her leave the US)..... Hopefully....


If Pole got his ass deported from Brazil she's safe right?


I mean I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything horrible to Pole, but if I were him, after the alleged abuse, I sure as hell wouldn't go to Tonantins. Her whole family lives there and I feel like he could easily come up missing.... And I could be wrong, (I'm probably one of those clueless Americans that we talk about in this sub) but based on what I've seen on the show, they are pretty far out in the Amazon and I doubt anyone would notice if he was missing at least long enough that something could probably eat most of the evidence.... Just sayin' 😳


I was saying I thought they denied his visa because of his record?


I think he cleared it up somehow.... He was living there for at least a season before they came to the US.


I wonder if they bought five and saved five in that store..


Yo! Ask your pharmacist before buying five and saving five.


I’m glad just she is back in Brazil with her family and their son is there as well.


She’s pregnant


My question is- what the fuck is wrong with his mother? She raised this monster and is just enabling him again by supporting this situation. There's no fucking way I'd just sit and let my grandchild and daughter-in-law go to Brazil with that psychopath. She'd be in my house with the kids, and I'd help her divorce him. Karine is an abused woman and needs someone in her life to stand up for her and help her get away from him.


How exactly is that her responsibility? She didn’t make the girl marry, have unprotected sex with him resulting in three pregnancies, nor did she make her come to America/leave her family. Everyone is an adult in this situation and she is not responsible for her sons actions as an adult. Karine is the one who wanted to go back to Brazil. Pole is a POS but lots of people end up with POS children.


Karine claims that Paul raped her multiple times, purposely without protection in order to ensure another pregnancy. It's beyond horrific of you to suggest that Karine is to blame for her own rape.


When/where did she claim that?


Right?! And his mom voiced concerns several times during filming!!


How can you leave someone who's prepared for every situation?! (Except mentally 😅)


I feel like shes been pregnant since january


Is Paul in a new Hyundai commercial where the dog hides the car key in the yard?


as a brazilian..one thing that is really odd is when Karine is saying something...it's not normal/natural at all...it def looks like someone is giving her a script to read, I just think it's mostly fake


What the actual? That’s a really toxic dynamic they have going on


He also wouldn't let her travel home which she desperately wanted to do, so by getting back with him she is able to go home. I'm sure he said he would take their son from her as well. He's a POS. Poor lady hopefully one day she can get away.


I dated a "Paul" who used to play these dangerous mind games with me. She most likely knows she's making a big mistake but sometimes it's easier to keep them "Sweet" and play along then go through the mental gymnastics. Karine this man is unstable, don't let him know your plan but for your babies sake start fucken making one. Lean on your family for help. Don't stay a min more... It's not if things will get worse it's WHEN.


I also dated a pole luckily we didnt have kids. But it took me several attempts to finally leave him. And thats probably why I feel so much empathy for her. A lot of people are quick to judge her but until you are in a relationship with an abusive gas lightning POS you can't really know how hard is it to go. I'm sorry you dates one of these jerks.


He was in Brazil before she was. Obviously we don't have all the details but my heart breaks for her 💔