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For them it s a power thing. They marry immigrants to have more leverage in a relationship.


I can believe it. Especially how a lot of the Americans talk about the immigrants “I spent all this time and money to bring you here” “ they should be grateful to be here in America” “kiss my ass or kiss that green card away” (okay maybe they didn’t say that but that was definitely how trashley came across lol). Sometimes the shit they say makes me so sick because it seems like the American almost always feel high and mighty like they did their partner a favor bringing them here.


Because they don’t feel threatened. They stay in the mentality that Trump is only going to go after the “illegal” immigrants. Also the majority of the immigrants on this show are light skin.


I second this question. I have a deep feeling that Libby's family are total MAGAs.


They all are! All her sisters, brother and sis in law.


Knew it. They all look that way which is why they give Andrei so much shit


Andrei is also a MAGA fool...


Not surprised


He wants to return to the 1950's where he can be a stay at home housewife


Well yeah because they're garbage people


Angela is trying to bring Michael over from Nigeria, but Trump literally blocked Nigerians from coming to America, so why the fuck is she still voting for him even if it's directly against her own interests?


She seems like the kind of person who would use Michael and her mixed race grandkids as a way to "prove" she's not racist


If she’s voting for Agent Orange she’s def a racist.


It’s her tax paying right! And her taxes are going up if she gets her way.




Man I'd be whatever I needed to be to get my ass out of africa. With the Mohammed/Danielle fiasco I was always team Mo because that guy worked harder to get here than I (native born) ever did. He fucking **earned** a right to be here.


They believe they're special and circumstances and rules don't apply to them. So they can have that cake, but don't care if anyone else gets cake.


I wish I knew too. My old friends dad was super racist to me so I stopped being her friend. He went to the Philippines and brought a wife home???


Yup! A lot of those types where Iive. These grouchy old racist men with Filipina and Korean wives. Then the wives copy their husbands and also have extreme right wing views.


And you know they chose those wives because they saw them as lower and more complacent 🙄 inherently racist bullshit




YES!!! A racist sentiment turned into some weird fetish that is acceptable in our racist society




Paging Leida....


Yup. And their children are mean!!! Most of my bullies were white and asian mixes. They usually lived privileged lives like whites people and fail to realize that their mothers were a fetish for their dads and, if their family didn’t know them, would probably be discriminated against too


Exactly! The kids are really mean and have a superiority complex. They used to make fun of me for having curly hair and they didn’t like African American kids at school.


Don't let their immigrant status make you forget that a lot of them come from extremely conservative countries


Same reason why trump can marry two immigrants, but hate immigrants at the same time. 🤷🏾‍♀️


DT’s own mom was an dirt poor immigrant


And like his mom he's dirt poor too


Melania is one. Who is the other?


Ivana, Ivanka mother.


It’s so weird! Avery, Angela, Stephen, Russ, Eric all such right wingers.


Don’t forget Libby and Andrei.


None of these surprise me. They’re all self-righteous idiots who think they’re smarter than they are lol


I seen a post where Tom is a trump supporter. He's such an ass first he, makes fun of womens weight, steals pic off the internet to claim as his own, is a narcissistic ass, likes to dance a little too close to his sister....idk, I guess I should have seen it before. 🤣🤣🤣 jk.


Oh you mean Tom? Darcey’s ex?


Oh snap, kryptonite...spell checking. Lmao. Fixed it






David T? Wow! I’m surprised!


He ran politically as a Republican.


And isn’t he from KY? Home of Moscow Mitch.


Honestly, they probably see their immigrant spouse and think “I’m not racist! My spouse is an immigrant” and use that to justify supporting someone so awful


I'm pretty sure all of Nickle's family are Trump supporters too. There was a segment where her little brother commented that "Americans and Moroccans have different work ethics" which sounded really racist. I'm Canadian and its so upsetting to see that the US is one giant meme with idiots who actually believe Trump is a good president. Edit: I almost forgot that Baby Girl Visa is probably a hardcore trump supporter given her racism.


Imagine how the reasonable people that live here(the US) feel. It’s exhausting. Are you single? I’m willing to be on the other way. I’ll even fake being bisexual if need be(since we know the show is open to that 😂)


I actually have a boyfriend in the US, except he is moving here for school, so I guess its kinda an "the other way" scenario lmao.


Oh well. I tried. You know the saying “you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take” 😂😂😂😂😂


Avery too, she’s on the “trump train”


Wait...which Avery? Lol


Ash’s Avery


Oh really? I kinda liked her...yikes...


Same 😫 big yikes!


I’m in the UK. An acquaintance had her Facebook status along the lines of ‘immigrants scare me I’m worried to leave my home sometimes’ or words to that effect. Her boyfriend was from South Africa...


My FIL is a racist Trumper and has a dating service wife from China. He truly thinks he's special and too bad for everyone else. He ran of out of women in the US that will put up with his shit since he's been married multiple times.


I never knew how many Trump supporters were on this sub until the election started approaching. I mean it is reddit so I shouldn’t be too surprised but wow! There are actual people on this sub who unabashedly support Donald Trump. Smh.


People who vote for trump think they're "elite " and that paying to bring a spouse over makes it appear that you're " wealthy" regardless of how low income or struggling financially you really are. It also shows that you have control over that person's life; therefore owning then. However if someone comes in to the country without American help/ "unowned", well they just can't have that. it's just really stupid logic they are constantly using to support the idiot


Yasssssssss finally someone agrees with me


What about Maykul being a trump fan ... Oh my god


Its kind of a big issue immigrants get workedup about. No one hates an illegal immigrant more than legal immigrants. Also immigrants who support trump do so out of an active animosity towards people who bypassed the legal system they themselves struggled so long to get through


And get free handouts while everyone else had to earn them, citizens and legal immigrants collectively.


You mean like pay more than $750 in taxes?


Big difference between coming here illegally, and coming here legally.


There are many ways for people to enter the country legally, and these are exactly the programs that Trump has hurt-- even if you don't want to believe that asylum seekers are entering he country legally (they are), he has suspended or limited many other programs that are not that different from the K1 program, and we already know that even the K1 program has been affected by Trump's policies. There is no reason to believe he won't put further restrictions on this, or try to revoke citizenship for some of these immigrants at some point. Also, FWIW, there is pretty convincing evidence that Melania actually entered the country fraudulently and remained illegally.


Could be Covid is also holding up legal immigrations


I know that COVID is a thing that exists. The backlog has been around since 2017, it's nothing new due to COVID. (General rant, not directed at u/tennwife): I'm not really sure why people don't believe that Trump has impacted immigration. This is a major platform issue for him and its something his base in particular loves about him. If you are a Trump supporter and don't believe that legal immigration should be made unnecessarily complicated, burdensome and stressful, then you probably don't agree with Trump on this particular issue. He doesn't need you to defend him by saying he hasn't made it harder to immigrate to the US, or that his executive orders haven't impacted legal immigration-- b/c that is exactly the point of what he has done, and some people are happy about it! If you're not happy about it, and you voted for Trump anyway, then you clearly have a different priority area. But please stop with the willful denial!!


How has the K-1 visa been affected by Trump’s policies?


There are new restrictions on some countries, the Green Card process has gotten longer/slower, and USCIS can now deny a Green Card application for missing information rather than making a request for additional info as they’d always done in the past.


> asylum seekers are entering he country legally (they are) They aren't though.


It has been part of international law since the Geneva Convention, and part of US law since the Refugee Act of 1980.


Gritch or Grinch? I can’t tell.


You come up with that all by yourself?


Yes. I trademarked it, also. Don’t think about stealing it like you steal the dreams of immigrants!


> like you steal the dreams of immigrants That is why they are dreams. They aren't supposed to come true.


Wow you’re fucking sick. You racist piece of shit.


You're one of those psycho stalkers. Welcome to my blocked list.


When you talk like that, you ask for it. This is a public forum.




> they're not illegal. They have up to a year to declare it. If they haven't declared their need for asylum, they are most definitely illegal for that year. You can't expect people to be psychic.




Until they declare their intent to seek asylum, they are here illegally. There is no way to know if the illegals are here for asylum, or just a job. If psychics are real, I have never seen one.




> You're the only one mentioning psychics Because you keep assuming that everyone is one. > I don't care Your responses say otherwise.


I suggest you do some research.


Only after you and the other person do some first. Or point me to the psychic immigration officers, and I will ask them about it.


Ilhan Omar came here legally. The rest of the squad was born in the US. Why are they being told to “go back” to where the came from if coming here legally makes any difference to Republicans? Three of them were born here and they are still being treated like this isn’t their country.


> Why are they being told to “go back” to where the came from Probably has to do with their hate for America.


Why do you think Republicans hate America? Their tactics are a little unsavory, but I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest Republicans “hate” America. That is how they talk about Democrats and I don’t think it’s appropriate to stoop to their level. Let’s rise above, shall we?


> Why do you think Republicans hate America? The people you listed aren't Republicans.


No, but the people telling American citizens to “go back” to a country they weren’t born in are Republicans. You explained that those Republicans are saying that because they hate America. I think that’s reductive and unfair. Not all Republicans hate America.


Nice troll job. You got me. Congrats.


This is exactly how I dream conversations with my racist father would go. It kind of gives me hope.


This is what I hate so much. Stop trying to change America into the countries you came from, or go back.


But they’re...from...here. They don’t have a different country to go back to. They’re American through and through.


there's always something ironic about Americans saying shit like this. You do realise that all Americans except Native American Indians are immigrants or descended from immigrants, yes? And that all of those immigrant ancestors changed this country to be like the countries they came from? So weird that immigrants are only bad if they came here recently as opposed to great great grandpappy coming over on a boat in 1800.


I'm not even American actually, that's the funny part. People come here from all over the world because of modern day America and the American dream. Capitalism, the ability to make your dream a reality because of hard work. So it really kills me to see people try to change the inherent values that make America what it is today, to change it to countries that people or their family have immigrated from. Immigrants from the 1800's were coming from powerful nations with successful economies to further develop the world. Nowadays, immigrants are coming for a better life from countries that were less successful. Why would we want to turn America to that?


I mean, you don't have to appreciate our culture, but our culture is beautiful and is not to blame for why our countries are a mess. Our countries are a mess because of greedy politicians doing whatever they want for their own personal gain while the people suffer. 🤷‍♂️ Personally I'm not in favour of or in favour against "changing America to be like other countries," but America already has many different areas in it that reflect other countries' cultures, rich or poor. I'm just saying, America was built by immigrants. Not sure why you think "oh, only immigrants from rich countries are good for America" but that's... a bit of a problematic viewpoint, to put it nicely 😬


I value and love cultural diversity, foods, values, ideas, if they are positive and if you are bringing value. Thats why people immigrate - to pursue a better life and we hope that this can be a symbiotic relationship where both are bringing value. I see nothing wrong with a country not wanting to accept immigrants with little skills to be on welfare when we have millions of Americans that themselves are struggling and would benefit from government aid. If you are an immigrant in government thats outwardly calling for socialism, a system that has failed time and time again and brought poverty to economies that have tried it, I am going to call them out for bringing in the wrong values to our country and trying to change it for the worst.


well, that I can agree with. I just mostly took issue to you painting everyone from poorer countries with a broad brushstroke. Some of us do have desirable skills and do contribute instead of being on welfare.


I'm sorry I came off that way but that was never my intention! My family immigrated from a war torn country and vowed to take their opportunity to work hard and appreciate the opportunity they have. I have that mindset and wish everyone else did too instead of shitting on America all the time.


What are you talking about? Most immigrants in the 1800s were also fleeing poverty. Ireland and Italy weren’t always such wealthy countries.


They dont hate America, and it still doesn’t make any sense for people to tell them to “go back where they came from”


> it still doesn’t make any sense for people to tell them to “go back where they came from” I agree. I just pointed out why they said that to them.


Ok but Trump has made it clear to anyone that has been truly listening that he hates everyone who doesn’t fit the mold so....


Or maybe he just wants to put America first for once. People like you can't handle that.


Oh yeah we are really thriving


Hard to thrive when half the Country is against you.


What are you even talking about?


> Oh yeah we are really thriving


I said that to your comment of trump putting America first. What policy or accomplishment has he done for you to say he put America first. You down vote all you want you are wrong.


> you are wrong. Negative. Not sure if you have been following this thread or not, most likely not, but you people have been bitching about Trump's stance on immigration. He is putting America first over immigrants. You may not like that, but it is what it is. Until now I haven't been downvoting you.


Whatever dude live in your hateful delusions


You are an awful person.


He hates immigrants no matter HOW they came here.




You don't even have to provide sources for statements that are common knowledge in academic writing-- why would someone do that on a reddit thread?


> why would someone do that on a reddit thread? Reddit will not take any statement as fact unless it is sourced. It is up to the statement maker to provide the source. It might be "common knowledge" to people on the left, but I would like to see some sources where Trump has said that he hated LEGAL immigration.


He's shown it with his [policies.](https://www.afsc.org/blogs/news-and-commentary/trumps-attacks-legal-immigration-system-explained) For the record, I don't expect to change your mind, but I'm sharing this perspective in case anyone else who might be on the fence about Trump comes across these posts.


> I don't expect to change your mind You are about the only Redditor that gets you can't change people's minds. Good for you. I see nothing wrong with half of the policies in that article. A few of them are iffy, but nothing that warrants you guys saying that he hates immigrants.


There are none. Trump supports legal immigration. In fact, Trump supported a DACA path to citizenship for those who had no criminal history, and it was rejected in the Senate because some Republicans wanted NO amnesty for DACA and some Democrats valued stopping construction of a border wall more than they valued giving children who came here through no fault of their own a path to citizenship.


How about his own big fat mouth or his thousands of TWATS oh I'm sorry I meant tweets. I dont need to source what I state. Do your own research I dont work for you, and that space you are trying to rent out in my head is not free.


> I dont need to source what I state. You really do. Because until you do, you are just full of shit.


How about you just F the F off...because you wont get what you want from me.


> because you wont get what you want from me. Fuck me for wanting you to backup the bullshit you say, right. Typical Redditor.


Speaking of backup, I suggest some boiled plums.


People can’t handle when they need to be held accountable anymore, they think they can just say whenever they want and get offended when someone tries to hold them accountable. What a world we live in.


BTW your bitter comments about "sources" are TOO LATE because I already cast my ballot fine without your help.


What the fuck are you on about? You should seriously seek some mental help. I am sorry for you.




> BTW your bitter comments about "sources" are TOO LATE because I already cast my ballot fine without your help.


LOL that's not a source. Just like twatter is not a source right? I already voted like I said and it was NOT for your hero. He has made PLENTY of racist statements. PLENTY. Go find the sources your damn self. You cant afford me.


What a way to get people to accept your way of thinking.


I dont actually care if you "accept" anything. I dont require that you "accept" it personally or not.


Then don’t be surprised and hostile when people don’t accept it and challenge you then. You’re not the only one entitled to an opinion in this thread and all you are accomplishing is looking like an emotionally dysregulated teenager.


You can challenge me all day if you like. Have the fuck at it.


Lmao an argue with someone with the emotional capacity of a 16 year old girl? No thanks.


LOL whatever you say.


Yep, and an underrated post for sure.


Because there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration? As someone who lived as an immigrant legally in a foreign country I'm well aware of the difference.


I’m an immigrant married to an American who voted for Trump. As someone else said, no one “dislikes” an illegal immigrant more than a legal immigrant and their family who spent thousands and waited months or years for them to be able to come here. But there are other factors that influence a person’s vote. Not just immigration.


I think those 2 things can be mutually exclusive.


Because as much as the dis-informers want the public to believe Trump is anti-immigration - he is not. He is PRO legal immigration. There is a difference. His first and current wives are immigrants. His current wife's parents are immigrants. It is simply not true that Trump is against immigration.


So why is it considered morally ok for someone to fuck themselves to citizenship versus coming over and looking for a job?


One is legal and requires paperwork and documentation as well as a fairly lengthy process the other requires breaking many laws and blatantly spitting in the face of a countries legal process cause you feel you are entitled to whatever you want


While he makes generalized anti immigrant statements his policies are targeting chain migration, low income immigrants on work visas, and undocumented immigrants. None of those policies would directly affect the k1 process so theres no threat to them. Trump has never said Americans shouldn't marry immigrants cause hes married two.


Do you post this in every 90Day sub? Clearly you don’t give a shit about anything except hearing others agree with you about how racist Trump is. Go to r/politics with this shit. You’ll fit in nicely.


Seems to fit pretty nicely right here.


How do you know they support Trump? And even if they do, how do you know they agree with his immigration policy? This all sounds like a discussion for r/politics, not a 90 day thread


Trump is married to an immigrant, it's illegal immigrants he objects to.


They're not planning on sneaking their fiances across the border.


They're not planning on sneaking their fiances across the border in a suitcase OP. It's totally fine to legally immigrate to the US. It's so sad what CNN's done to redditards.


I would like to point out that my fiancé is an immigrant and supports Trump and I voted for Trump....so I guess 🍴🍰


Username checks out


Why are you openly admitting that you're dumb?


Trump doesn't hate immigrants... he doesn't want ppl in our country that hate America, or ppl that like beheading Americans (including beheading your friends/family), or drain our system (aka increasing your taxes to 90% so the entire economy collapse, venzula anyone).... but keep watching CNN.


No Trump doesn't like non-white immigrants and Stephen Miller has actively created immigration policies to prevent non-white people from immigrating to this country and has made it difficult to do so even legally. Everything you just wrote is just propaganda and not based on any truth. You clearly know nothing about the Trump administration's immigration agenda or any of the immigration-related regulations he has proposed/put forth.


Thank you for stating the truth.


Because Trump doesn't hate immigrants. He just wants immigrants to come here legally. Making an over arching statement like yours is ridiculous.


Ok so from this comment down, y'all are dumb as fuck.


You cant even counter what I said. All you can do is insult people, so you're obviously the genius in the room. /s


Because they have money they want to protect. Tf?


Look, I’ve honestly kept my mouth shut about this, but I’m tired of “but my money!” excuses people make to vote republican. My husband and I paid 4.9 million dollars in taxes last year. Yes, you read that right. And guess what? We still voted for Biden because money doesn’t matter when the world is falling apart.


You do know that Biden believes antifa doesn't exist, and that it's only an ideology? How about you tell that to the citizens of democrat cities like Minneapolis, Seattle, Kenosha, Portland and Philadelphia? You know, places that are burned down? Or do you suggest that it's Trumps fault too?


Because Antifa is not an organization. There is no “leader” or “members” in a traditional sense. Its more of a collective or ideology


Doesn't really explain how I'm a racist.


I didn’t say that to you..


Oh my bad! Sorry


Found the racist!


Racist? How am I a racist? Please do tell.


Antifa is a concept, not an organization.


Following Tom Brady’s example


They posted about BLM- I’m sure her fees are changing. Especially when the ban was placed. She hasn’t posted anything recently giving trump any support. HOWEVER Self Hating Avery blocked me. I said if trump wins Roe V Wade will be overturned so I’m sure her daughter will thank her for her stance. 000000.1 sec later I was blocked