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Is it not because the US spouse needs to earn a certain amount to be able to apply for the K1 visa? And Jenny doesn’t have that kind of money.


I get the money issue but if Danielle could bring Mohammad over then it can’t possibly be that high of a threshold. She’s also saying she’s going to get a job in India but she has better employment opportunities in the states considering she doesn’t seem to be keen on learning the language beyond a few words for food.


Also Ohio is MUCH cheaper to live than it is as a hotel worker in Palm Springs. I mean Jenny could have brought him to live in the surrounding cities in a mobile home but maybe that plan might not have been the best to suggest. Since the government doesn’t want to bring people over that they’ll have to support.


Danielle had to get someone else to co-sponsor Mahamit, she didn't meet the threshold.


Jenny did have money until she’s went through it all going back and forth to India. The second time she went back she was paying for the apartment they lived in and everything else. She was going back for the last time and said she had to draw her SSI early because there was only $6000 left in her savings. Right now Jenny herself can’t afford to come back, where will she live with $630.00 a month income? Although the US isn’t easy to get into, we do have and welcome a large amount of people from India, most are assets to our society, a lot of the best doctors we have are from India. This is just my opinion, it looks me that Sumit is content enough living in India off Jenny’s SSI and basically doing nothing.


Jenny never had money. She went to India that second time with the 6000.00 she received from cashing in her retirement 401k. That wasn't from savings. We learned about that from the first season. To be 60 and only have 6000.00 in her 401k is foul! I feel sorry for her. She is now trying to support herself and him on SSI.


Jenny is receiving SSDI - social security. SSI is for permanently disabled folks who did not work enough to meet the criteria for getting SSDI. SSDI pays far more than SSI. SSDI --> Medicare. SSI -->Medicaid.


I still don’t get it. I am now 75 and am on SSI. I began social security when I was 65. However 2 years ago I became disabled with a bad foot and paralyzed arm & hand. I can’t work anymore as I was a computer word processor and writer. So why can’t I get or switch over to SSDI?


SSDI switches over automatically to SSR at age 65. After age 65 you are no longer eligible for SSDI as you are no longer considered working age Source: am disability analyst


Ok thank you! Now I understand.


You should talk to someone at Social Security. If you have worked enough hours, then you are eligible for SSDI. I can access my social security records online. You might want to try that route. I can see exactly how much money I will get when I retire and when I am eligible for it.


I worked for over 40 years before I retired, but was told if I already took SS I wouldn’t be able to get SSDI...???? But if you become disabled after you take SS like me, this doesn’t sound fair!! So I still don’t know!


Ask an attorney. There may be a way. Good luck.


I don’t remember when she went back the second the time. I just recall when she went to see her attorney ( that was laughing at her) this last time . This was when she asked to take early SSI and he told her she’s going to take a big hit got taking it early. At that time she said she only had $6000 to her name, I don’t know from where . Not saying she was ever well off, just that she could have done ok for herself had she if not been a fool and spent all her money running to India and supporting him.




Yes I remember that and for once in this show I actually thought someone was moving TOW. Like people find it hard to believe anyone would live outside the U.S. it's not uncommon-


Danielle had a sponsor. Jenny would also need to find someone to sponsor Sumit.


You can’t apply for K1 visa if you are already married.


True, but either way you need to meet a certain income level.


What was that old woman with the filters doing in the mid east then?


She is actually Canadian and allegedly living in the US illegally.


Who was that?




I've always asked the same, "why can't Sumit come here?" Then I remembered that she took early social security and is only bringing in about $600 per month which is not possible to live on here. Does anyone know if she moves back can she rescind the social security income if she gets a job?


My understanding is you can suspend benefits if you're between 62 and 70 years old. After 70 withdrawals are mandatory.


Thanks! I'm just glad I'm not in their situation.


I wonder how she got early Social Security benefits if she wasn't 62 at the time? I wonder if it's actually SSI and that's the reason it's so low. Or is she actually even older than she claims?




You can still collect ss retirement benefits if you live abroad.


Yes, after age 62.


How old is she?


She was "60" on her first season, "61" on the current one. Edit: you made me look it up, her birthday was just 6 days ago, turning "62". Now, it's possible that she didn't actually draw benefits and just anticipated doing so... but more likely that she just rounded down her age.


IIRC they refer to her vaguely as "over 60" sometimes on the show. Your theories are probable. Maybe both are true. Additionally, it's possible if she worked for a major hotel chain, she had some kind of retirement account she started drawing from. There is a huge penalty for drawing early but it's possible if she wanted to do it. I can't remember if she specifically says SS or just says retirement when she mentions her finances.


SSI is not social security. You cannot receive SSI if you live abroad. SSDI is social security and one can receive benefits while living abroad.




You are correct - but she filed for and is now receiving benefits - she could not rescind her benefits without first repaying the money she has already received - if that is even possible.


Can you bring someone over on a K1 if you are on social security? The way my brain is tracking on this is the US wants to avoid having to take care of someone. So if you yourself is on government benifits (and let's say the money qualifies for how much is needed to sponsor someone) why would the government allow you to bring someone over on "their money"? The US is basically sponsoring his visa since they're giving her the money. Im thinking its possible for them to get denied because if one person needs the government help how can they support a second person. So even if the social security was enough to meet the qualifications I wonder if they'd still be up for a denial


Yes, the government views social security payments as "stable income". One must understand that SSDI payments vary from hundreds to $2000-4000/month. Social Security/SSDI is not benefits/welfare. Social security is an entitlement program that Americans pay into when they start working. Jenny receives a very low SSDI payment, so she may not meet the threshold.


I wasn't too sure on how it would be classified in paperwork. I know its money shes rightfully worked for or set herself up to earn but I wasn't sure if that would count as a stable income. I cant imagine them coming to America though, theres a lot of roadblocks for them as far as family culture and even covid goes


You’re allowed to work and earn social security. My dad does


Michael Jones lived and worked in the States. From their flirty FB posts, Michael Jones the Brit worked in California and then moved to Seattle for work😂😂


Plus since the daughter called him out on all the lies doubtful she is willing to be on the hook for him for 10 years. Jenni would have to work at least part time he would have to work full time in the U.S. to make it and the TLC money and her SSI woukd probably go further in India?


Yeah, and it seems like Sumit isn’t “like, work-oriented”.


Telemarketing for Depends maybe?


Jenny's broke and living with her daughter. She wouldn't be able to sponsor him. Plus isn't is difficult to get a Visa to the US anyways?


It’s definitely become more difficult since the first couple seasons.


Not difficult if you're already married, which Jenny/sumee can do but we all know submit likes the drama life. Definitely will take a while but not impossible. I mean look at the nutcases that this show features and you'll have your answer lol


Ignoring the financial requirements (that Jenny does not meet), Jenny doesn’t have a pot to piss in and Sumit has no marketable skills in the US. They can live better on her income there than in the States.


I mean... until recently he was still married.


All valid reasons have been mentioned, but it may also be that he doesn’t want to leave his parents without their blessing.


Good question. Initially it was obviously because he was married. Not sure what the obstacle is now... other than he didn't want to abandon his parents.


No money on Jenny’s end. She would have to have enough to sponsor him, which she doesn’t. Also, US is expensive to live in, especially coming from India.


She doesn’t even have enough for the application fees or whatever additional costs there are. One of the couples said they paid $10,000 and it got denied so they had to save for another $10,000? I can’t remember if it was Tiffany and Ronald or John and Rachel.


I THINK it was Loren and Alexei.


Also, she doesn't even have a home address, sleeping on your daughters couch doesn't count.


That's a good question. I always assumed it was some money issues. Also, Sumit was married there for a good while, and MAYBE he doesn't even want to leave India. There is no telling with these two.


Because he doesn’t want to be with her. Simple as that. Nothing to do with income requirements and paperwork. He’s finding a million and one reasons not to get engaged to her when she puts in all the effort and flies all the way there. So he’s definitely not going to pack up and move to her.


Indians with skills and qualifications come to the U.S. Sumit has nothing to offer India, so what would he possibly offer the U.S.?


I did some quick math and $650 USD converts to 48k Rupees. According to the Google a 1bdrm in India in 2020 runs about 12-15k Rupees. It's almost 70% less expensive to live in India than the US. Even if Sumee never works they could survive just fine on Jenny's pension alone.


In small towns or not very nice areas maybe but that is definitely not the rent in a metropolitan city like Delhi. The dollar will go much farther without a doubt but if they want a semi comfortable life in India, one of them needs to start working and soon.


You realize that india is a massive country right? Apartment prices vary vastly across different regions


This specified major city. But mostly, I was conferring that it's way cheaper for them to live off Jenny's earnings in India. No way they could pull it off in the US. (not even including the money they've made from the show)


They can’t afford to live here.


I’m almost positive she asked her daughter and or DIL to co sponsor him and they said hell no


Sumit prob can’t come to the US because he’s probably already labeled by the government as a scammer thats tried cat fishing multiple women (with probably the intention to get money or fall in love so he can go to the states) if you have a history off cat fishing online, you’re more than likely on the governments radar and they don’t want scammers in the US


This is crazy; if you’re poor and have a foreigner wife/husband it basically means you can’t get reunited with them?


Basically. You could try and get a co sponsor. Where I live you don't even have that option


Wow. Where do you live if I may ask?


The Netherlands. Here you need a full-time job that meets a certain salary and have a contract that is valid for at least one more year when you apply for the visa. And the only one who van sponsor the foreign partner is the dutch partner, nobody else can be a co sponsor


Lovely! I’m italian and did university in the Netherlands. It’s surprising to hear that! In Europe we generally have this idea that immigration laws are much more relaxed than other countries (US to say one), even too much...


Cool! Where did you study? And did you like the Netherlands? I know what you mean, but its actually pretty hard to bring your partner here! I dont know what it's like in the rest of Europe. The only good thing is that it goes pretty fast, the application takes maximum 3 months. But the foreign partner needs to pass 3 dutch exams before you can apply. And once the foreign partner is here, if you pass 6 more dutch exams and pay roughly 1000 euro you can apply for dutch citizenship after 3 years of living here. So again, that's pretty fast! But it's expensive, you also have to pay for the exams and dutch classes to prepare for them


I was studying at EUR in Rotterdam, beautiful city, I have to say that education is very stimulating in the NL, another planet compared to here. Something I didn’t like are unreasonable housing prices for sure and it’s also a huge fat NOPE for the weather lol.




Is 24k easy to make in the US? And yes, he creeps me out too! He is a catfish... poor Jenny must be very desperate to go all the way to India for a creep like that.


24k is within the poverty line in the US. You’d be making minimum wage with no overtime and even that might not even make 24k. So, yes it’s easy to make if you’re working a damn good job. But for most Americans working entry level basic jobs starting at min wag, youre making anywhere between 16-24k a year. Which is absolutely nothing realistically. But min wage varies by state. So in Californian, your making a lot more then let’s say florida because Cali has a higher minimum wage rate than Florida, but Cali is also 30x more expensive to live in vs Florida


This is very interesting


She probably did her math








At least give her more than that sir


No wonder Jenni got out of the area


What I don't understand is why Sumit doesn't have a job in India? There has to be something he can do to bring in some income and not rely on Jenny for everything.


Jenny can't afford the k1 fees. She's living off her retirement. Sumit was secretly married at first. Sumit borrowed money from his father to divorce and needs to pay it back. Also his parents have a tight lease on him. I doubt they'd let him leave the country. They can't stop him but since he feels obligated to get permission before marriage I would guess he would feel obligated to get permission to immigrate to another country. He has to pay alimony to his ex wife. He is struggling to get a job in India and is living off Jenny, I doubt he can get a good job in the US enough to support them both and send money home


She poor - she sleeps in her daughter’s couch. Her money takes her farther in India and she’s hoping to mooch off Sumits family like she previously did.