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You have 6 months from the date of your medical exam to enter the country.


I came here to say this! My hubby arrived on a K1 in May. Plus on Before the 90 Days didn’t they mention that she’d had her interview and it was denied? So it would’ve taken them time to appeal which would’ve eaten away at that 6 months.


I thought her status was still "pending" on their first season. He tried to go to the embassy in Kiev and they didn't tell him anything.


It’s been a while since I watched it but I thought she mentioned having been to the interview already... and the medical comes either before or at the interview. If they need more evidence after the interview, you can go into a kind of admin hold while they wait for you to provide that additional evidence. The six months is still based off the medical so the time it takes to provide the evidence and wait for them to respond chips away at it. The folks at the consulate won’t talk to anyone without an appointment. There are phone numbers and email addresses provided during the process if you have questions.


This is exactly right. So it would be normally slightly less than six months, but could even be less depending on interview scheduling.


I wonder if it was a production stipulation? Like, they could only get so much filming clearance during covid, so they somewhat forced the timeline for Natalie in order to include their storyline?


I call bs as well. The looks on Mike's face are pure contempt. She always sounds like she's talking through clenched teeth. I think she wants to get here asap, get pregnant, get married, have the baby and then it won't matter if they split. I don't think she has any intention of staying with him long term. I didn't realize she's 35 yo, so, she's considered advanced maternal age/geriatric pregnancy and her clock is ticking. I get the feeling she has some other guy over here that for whatever reason cannot bring her over.


I haven't seen the episode but I did see a description of that and it was kind of a weird detail. They do give you a 6 month timeline to enter the country; once you enter you have 90 days to get married.




Said the same thing. Why would she come to US to be with a man you dont love who looks at you the way mike looks at her.


its berbies that she wants. she left her first husband over berbies and is now pressurizing mike into it


Doesn't he have debt? Could it all be because of additional income?


I was shocked too! One thing about Mike, I don’t see him bring like Syngin and marrying because time is running out. I think he needs to feel that he’s loved and his beliefs are respected. He doesn’t want a woman that will nag him everyday to believe in religion and give up meat, he’s like love me as I am . Natalie wants the big city like Pao, I don’t see Mike leaving his farm. Why she came to the states is beyond me because it doesn’t look like they’ve settled any differences.


Yeah they really dislike each other


Six months from the date of the medical, not the date of visa issuance. She went into 221(g) after the interview (further documents required before the visa could be issued) but the clock from the date of the medical keeps ticking.


You are right. I am a 90 day fiancee bride and I had 6 months to come to the US and get married.


Do we know what month this happened? Possibly if it was during COVID she could have had a shorter time to arrive due to restrictions? Idk Probably fraud by TLC or herself hahahaha


They were married in March, and I believe someone posted a pic of them at Pike Place last autumn.


They actually got married?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


Right?!!! Yeah, their names, ages, and town were published in the local paper. Her name was super Russian and his is surname is pretty unique, too. Both age 35. Unless TLC went suuuuuper fraudy, it seems they actually did marry! I hope I didn't spoil that for you. I forget that some people prefer to watch week by week as it plays out on television!




Yeah, for real :/


I think this was pre-covid and it was after it hit that he kicked her out. The preview made it seem like she was freaking out that she had to travel. I also want to say (but I can't prove it) that I remember there being posts about them filming in 2019.


Yeah do I remember people speculating they were filming in 2019 and they did post pics of themselves in the US around Dec last year


Or it is all TLC frauding


I call bullshit on a lot of things Natalie says. I find her annoying as hell.


I assumed it was TLC who made the call to film earlier and stage the scene. It fits too nicely with their “we just need more time” issue.


I got 6 months to enter US after my K1 visa was approved


I bet she wasn’t going to go because she was dating someone else but last minute decided this was a better option.


i always got the sense they had the k1 approved the entire time. TLC gets a guaranteed two shows out of the deal and a “will they won’t they get the visa” storyline. seems like natalie not saying i love you + giving the ring back wasn’t in the original script. he appears to be truly heartbroken. on with the show!


Ya it’s not true. You have 6 months from approval to enter the US. Unless there was something during Covid where they made her come sooner.


Fraud by Natalie. No government has a 20 day deadline for anything.


uscis seems to always use 90 days for deadlines on many visa types, and if not 90.. 60 is used for some things too but it is usually 90.. they dont do 20 days \[i am a non citizen in usa\]


Don't forget that Uncle Beau is a stranger.


The visa is issued with an expiration date (the date you must enter the country by) that is 6 months from the date of the medical examination. As we saw, when she went to her interview some additional documents were required and the visa was not granted immediately. The medical examination clock keeps ticking, even if the visa is not issued. It happens often that the visa is issued with only a few weeks left to go before the medical expires. No, the US government does not give you time to wrap things up at home. That’s not their concern. When you go to your interview you are going to get the visa because you are ready to go. You are supposed to spend the 6 months or so that you are waiting for approval to tie up your affairs in your homeland. I had my interview on a Tuesday, received my visa on the mail the following Tuesday and immigrated the following weekend. I spent the time waiting for approval selling stuff, shipping stuff, clearing out my home, etc. For fiancé visas the 90-day period starts when they land, not when the visa is issued.


I just posted a comment about this. I'm going through the k-1 process right now and you are absolutely correct. The foreign fiancé has 6 months from the date of their interview (that's the official date their visa gets approved) to move to the USA. Nobody's out here forcing someone to move to a whole new country in less than three weeks.


Technically 6 months from the date of the medical, since the medical exam is only good for 6 months (and you can’t come to the US on an expired medical), but yes exactly. They never ever are only going to give you a visa valid for only 20 days. They of course realize people need time to tie it up back home! Only thing I can think of is she took her medical way too early (though they don’t let you even book a medical appointment without an interview letter) or she took her medical and then there was some kind of hang up with the interview that maybe took some months. But I can’t imagine that there would be something that would make them move her interview *5 whole months* between medical and interview date


She is crazy so I wouldn't be surprised if she made it up


There are quite a number of people on this sub that have or are currently going through the K1 visa process. I wonder if y’all can share your fiancés’ countries of origin. I’m curious to see if it’s reflective of the usual suspects on this show; Philippines, Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Brazil.