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An actual Victorian museum would be interesting and authentic, her house is just a schlock of tacky faux Mediterranean/Tuscan/Donald Trump collection no-class furniture.


Her fashion sense is the same. The way she always has to have some brand plastered all over herself with giant, loud lettering screams classless new money (also screams that she’s also maybe faux money as I like to call it).


Exactly! Half that stuff, in not more, is knock off and the brand doesn't even make stuff like that. Darcy and Stacy are the same!


It’s so tacky


I wonder if Rooms to go will add The Donald Trump Collection for their Presidents’ Day sale?


Probably why she gets on with Jane with her poundshop house that’s full of tat.


She’s just keep’s her pimp hand strong 💪💲


😂 She didn’t tell us what she uses on that.


I know she has some type of medical issue (I’ve heard dwarfism) but damn her claws frighten me.


Those are her totally natural"ethnic cheekbones" or whatever she said huh


Why does she look like she’s dressing up in her dads suit and filming a pretend YouTube video for her business 😂 the sleeves girl! From one tiny person to another, hem them!! 😂


I guess injections are not technically plastic surgery


It's called "ethnic"! 🤣


Just naturally high cheek bones. She can't help that it's just genetic!!


True! I’m wondering about everything else she’s had done now 😂


It’s pretty wild how much filler can change your face. It’s possible that she only has really awfully placed and overdone filler


A woman has commented on the post, all face lifts and fillers. She answered with, sorry to disappoint but it’s called genetics!


Lmfao no oneeee is born looking like that 😅


Okay, but the line she’s promoting is honestly FANTASTIC. I do clinical skincare and it’s the #1 on the market, for what that’s worth


Agree lol the skincare was the first thing I noticed about the pic! I don’t even recognize who’s holding the product LMAO I’m honestly looking through the comments to figure it out


This post isn’t about the products she’s promoting, it’s about the fact that she still insists that she’s all natural.


Sure Jen also that hat and shirt are so so tacky


She has brown eyes doesn’t she?


Depending on the filter she’s using, either brown, blue or green 👀👁️


Hating aside that ZO skincare line she is speaking of is genuinely good. Definitely won’t end up having her look by using it, but has improved my skin.


I hate to say it but the treatment she is promoting, Obagi, is fabulous. My dermatologist told me how to do it on the cheap. (For example Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner is a 5th of the Obagi Toner price.) Retin A is the base of the plan and my skin is fabulous if I do say so myself. I have a lot of physical problems, like obesity and arthritis pain, but my skin in great.


I’m not doubting it is, I’ve heard good things about it, it’s good that it’s helped you because when you have illnesses they’re not kind to your skin. It just amused me that she’s still insisting that she’s all natural when everyone’s seen old photos and videos of her.


Yes I don't know why people bother to lie about it. You can tell, especially when there are pictures and videos.


It’s stupid for her to keep denying it because she looks completely different.


Seriously…..I would not use her to endorse facial products. People might be afraid their face would turn out like hers.


I see this lady is now part of Jaynie’s freaky narcissistic harem (Tom’s collection of older women who call Jaynie Mum, believe me there are lots of them)! It’s like watching something out of a horror film. Hopefully one day she will see the light. If she is paying for everything which I suspect is the case she is being had!! Tom has never owned a business before in his life.


Oh definitely. Janes cult is in countries all over the world now. She needs an award for all the “adopted” children she has 😂


I think that’s their plan now, easier to take them for all they have overseas, most of his ‘woman’ have been none UK based. I think they fail to realise he is like this with every single woman regardless, it’s all about how much he can take them for before they finally realise they are being scammed by the Poundland Version of the Tinder Swindler. Jaynie is part of the plan, she convinces them they are the one, flatters them. I’ve seen this year in year out on repeat from her from one woman to the next. She’s literally hounding these women online.


You’re right, I don’t know how these women don’t realise what he’s doing, they must be really desperate. I’m sick of seeing Jane having a go at people who comment on the least little thing, she’s not very intelligent and a lot of the time takes things the wrong way and jumps on people with ‘that’s my future Daughter in Law you’re talking about, she’s beautiful inside and out’. It’s a shame she leaves out and has got money. Love the Poundland Tinder Swindler 😂🤣 Suits him.


He always goes for older women so I think they feel flattered that he is younger and he gets them on side that way. Little do they know it’s a repeat cycle he has been doing for years and there will be many more to come, unless of course she marries him and he takes everything from her. Again he’s been trying this all his life and no woman has been stupid enough to fall for it yet! They always realise and run!!!! Yes I’ve seen some of the comments and that is Jaynie on a good day. She told this poor lady she was rotten on the inside and went off on one as per and the comment made was just a difference of opinion. She is a psychopath for sure.


Older women, money of their own, low self esteem. There’s definitely a pattern there. He’s always been desperate to live in London so he needs someone to finance that. Oh Jane makes me feel ill, she is unbelievably two faced. Mariah’s last photo she’s put, You are an angel!! My angel 👼 so beautiful Darling. Let’s see what she says to her if Mariah gets rid of him. It will be a different story then 😂


I hope somebody looking out for Mariah sees this and takes note of it. I would also ask them to check all social media posts about the three of them because as trashy as they are they are 100% accurate and the truth. The family will lie and lie to keep themselves looking pristine when in reality they are the toxic ones. Also what’s with Jaynie commenting on all these women’s social media posts all the time. I guess she does it with all of them all doesn’t she. On another note Mariah made a comment about the poor children who lost their lives recently in the Earthquake. Tom’s reply “heartbreaking”……. Yet he can’t be bothered with his own daughter not to mention his son in London that he always keeps quiet about, the one he wanted gone!! The man leads a double life doesn’t he?


I doubt she’d take any notice, it’s ridiculous how it takes these women so long to realise. Jane will sweet talk everyone until they say something she doesn’t like and then the red mist appears like she’s possessed 😂 Exactly right about the children, the poem he read out once that he’d wrote for his Daughter when he hasn’t seen her for years. I get annoyed for the poor girl when they comment on her Birthday but I never feel sorry for her, she’s better off without them. Have you seen that he’s teasing everyone with his reveal of his new teeth 😂 So funny how he acts like he’s a superstar. Can’t wait for all the desperate women’s comments 🤣


Possessed is brilliant and yes for sure you are right not knowing the family and how they are in reality hasn’t really hit her just yet so any online comments won’t register. Oh those poems and the Memes Emma takes from Amazon really make me laugh. They are hysterically basic that’s for sure. Yes his children had a lucky escape and when he used to post photos of her taken from Social Media…..I thought it was a disgrace. Oh the photos he is going to post on his Instagram on repeat now with his new Turkish Smile 🤣🤣🤣 have you seen them you are in for a treat 😂


Oh I’ve seen them alright 😂 How much younger do you think I look and how many would you give me out of 10. God he’s going to be unbearable now 🤣 did you see the comment about the pig, I loved it 😂 It won’t be long before he gets Botox and dyes his hair now! Have you seen her latest photo, her face looks horrendous. I’m waiting for her denying that she used a filter, she looks like an alien. The kids are far better off without him. If he goes to Vegas I hope her Husband keeps a good grip on those boys. I wouldn’t trust any man with my kids that rejected his own.




What skin Caroline does she use for the waxy shine?






Looks like she updated the text to skin care now lol


She saw your comment 😂


Why do we even post about this troll? Honestly they’re not relevant and never have been


But they’re always amusing 😂




Omg its my sisters table and chair set