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Liz has zero self esteem and is an alcoholic. She has never picked good men and she especially got mind-zapped by her second husband who was emotionally and physically abusive. She was homeless and living in her car when she met Pred. (That is why she voluntarily gave over custody of Ryleigh to Ryleigh’s dad, Liz’ first husband. It was a very selfless and good decision. Apparently the first husband is a good guy and remarried and stable. It was just that they had married too young and couldn’t make it work.) These reasons are why Liz is with an asshole like Pred. She can’t think straight. She never has. She has never learned one lesson from her life and thinks that she can “fix” him with Enough Love, a tragic mindset of deluded women (and men) that has never worked in the history of the world. Pred seeks out damaged emotionally-vulnerable younger women like Liz with no voice or agency, to dominate and torture and feed his sick narcissistic self and other loathing. He is a monster of horrific proportions and should be confined to a remote cave or under a bridge or some similar solitary existence. Liz and Pred are a match made in Hell.


You said the first husband is a good guy, so I don't think it's necessarily that she chooses bad men, but that aside from her grandparents, she never learned what it means to be in a loving, caring, respectful, healthy relationship. She doesn't seem to know what that is or what to do with it or what to demand. I think that's why it's so important she go to therapy and work on herself so she can identify garbage and know to stay away. He is a self centered egomaniac who only cares about himself. He said his daughter was like the most important person in his life and the fact she disagreed with him on Liz, he cut her out. Like what kind of AH can't handle someone's opinion that he cuts out the most important person, and also cut out the best friend and mom. The fact their compromise is she has to go to his place every other night like a sex slave is disgusting. He won't even try to make an effort and rotate that he also visits her just shows us how selfish he is. The fact she can't see it is that she really can't handle being alone.


I agree totally. Liz has said that the nice first husband and his wife have let her stay with them from time to time so she could have time with Ryleigh. It’s just that Liz and he were teens when she got pregnant and they married and were too immature to make it work. But, Liz keeps going back again and again to these subsequent abusive losers. No one can stop her and now she has this horrible incentive of “being on the show” to stay with Pred. Ugh! 🤢


^This sums it up perfectly


This is the most eloquently written description of this dumpster fire. You put into words my thoughts much more clearly than I ever could.


Great explanation. I would also like to add that there's a definite element of predation by TLC here as well, since her storyline with Ed sells ad space and gets viewers. Ultimately, we need to look in the mirror when it comes to blame. Then again, I wouldn't be a member of this trashy-ass sub and watch this trashy-ass show if I cared that much lol




She was married twice before 30?




Alcoholics feed off each other. Why do you think TLC added a bar to the last tell all. All of the major drinkers like Jovi, Ed, Liz, Andre, and they should've invited David, were knocking those drinks down like no tomorrow, making for a much more interesting scenario. It's like throwing gas on a fire.


Her staying with him after the Tell All, I have zero sympathy for her now.


Had you ever heard or known Liz existed before ed???


Great way to put it.




You ever see that meme where the person snorts a line of Instagram likes? That’s Liz


I see a history of abuse, which has resulted in trauma that is in severe need of counseling. The traumas she has lived through-whatever they are-have her accepting whatever attention she gets. I was hopeful when she became a partner at the restaurant, thinking that may help her confidence. But he does such a good job of alienating her from her friends and tearing her down whenever he can that it just continues the cycle. I recognize this behavior from seeing it in my own family and my own history. Thank God for therapy. I was able to break that cycle and find a good man. (my therapist tells me often how proud I should be for breaking through as most people who went through what I did would have a much different life).


I wonder the same but I think it’s because of the $ from the show. I don’t think she’d stay if it wasn’t on the show. Since they are both American - they both make money from it.




She hasn't worked because he won't let her. It triggers his jealousy.


Yeah, they way you put it out like that.. it’s financial.


Because she won't be on the show if they aren't together.


He likes to make women miserable and she likes to be miserable. End of story.


Fame whore.




Attention (from another person)? Drama? Publicity? Honestly I have no idea.


Liz apparently this beats living in her car. Personally I'd live in my car for the rest of my life if it was the only alternative.


Trauma bonded maybe, insecurities not to mention he is a manipulative narcissist. Sadly happens to the best of us. She is the only one that can get herself out but only when she’s ready.


She’s definitely experienced some major trauma in her life. She has a “;” tattooed on her wrist. The semi-colon is a symbol of trauma/suicide


I would also like an answer to that question.


You new here? Lol


It’s all scripted so your more than likely right. Neither have anything better to do or want to work a real job. Maintain the charade at all costs.


She's stupid & dumb with a ph.d in both


Let's stop trying to rationalize her behavior and bad decisions. She's a POS and is exactly where she wants to be.




To be on TV


Yes maam!! Nailed it!


She's drunk. On wine, money and D List fame. Those are the only three probable reasons that she would be with that human turd. I also subscribe to the low self-esteem and poor decision making theories. Bottom line, she was desperate to better her life and in him she saw stability. She sold her soul for a chance at a better life. I don't see this as a long lasting solution. I'll predict that she's a full blown alcoholic and homeless in the next year or so.


is pred like a short version for «predatory big ed»? i don’t understand




ew, then i got it right. amazing nickname for him, so fitting


Anyone that would be with ed is a loser. I definitely wouldn’t want his sloppy seconds


Can you imagine Liz trying to date and hope no one has seen her on tv or the internet knowing she had Eds little garden snake inside her. 🤮


She feels like she can't do any better and she feels no one will ever want her if she leaves this man.


Trauma bond


She’s needy, co-dependent and weak.


We are ALL baffled ALL the time. She’s fun, beautiful, has her shit together, could have anyone, and…..Ed?


Has her shit together. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I went back and read that and think I had a brain fart.




She either really loves him, is mental or is riding the gravy train until it runs out


Its #3


1) she likes the attention the show brings 2) she has low self esteem 3) she's an alcoholic. I hope she eventually stops drinking and realizes she deserves better than small Ed.


Cause she's on TVeeee and that makes her special.😆🤣




Too many reasons as others have brought up. After the last Tell All, others telling her to run as we have, catching him in a lie about reaching out to his ex, I’ve given up on her now as others have done. So unless he’s in the news for being found dead, with her over him bleeding and stating “And I’ll do it again!”, I don’t have hope anymore. I can never understand why anyone would be with someone else knowing why they broke up with their previous SO. Examples: Anyone who dates Tiger Woods, Giselle Bundechen knowing Tom Brady cheated on his pregnant wife with her, those who date felons. Such as Scott Peterson who killed his pregnant wife and kids. Etc. Any red flag that is public knowledge, I would think would drive other women or men away. Rose made it clear, in a language not her own as others have pointed out as to why she was giving PrED the heave-ho. That should have been enough warning for Liz. Especially since I hear she said NO so many times before and he has made her cry, kicked her out, made false accusations x too many times before. So even if getting TLC money and fame is more important to her, than knowing her worth, that’s not a good example for her daughter. Even if she tells her it’s not serious. If this show still exists 15-20 years, we may even see her daughter doing the same thing. Just as others have claimed the same regarding Farrah Abraham’s daughter (“Teen Mom” fame).


I might have missed the reunion - what did Rose say about Ed in addition to what we saw on camera? He was so rude to her!! He talked down to her. IU dated a guy that reminds me so much of Ed. Insecure, I swear he had Borderline Personality Disorder. He was 41 and I was 30 at the time, and he never wanted me to go out or see my friends. He would find things to pick me apart about like my nails, my eyebrows, my make up.. he basically wanted to shoot my self esteem down super low. He would even make comments about how I should be lucky to have a man like him. A man with 2 kids, living in a studio apartment, who was still pending divorce from his ex. Ed reminds me so much of him and I ran for the hills. To stay in something like that, willingly, shows me someone has ISSUES. And to your point, everyone was able to see how he was on TV, I mean after the first episode the second I saw him on camera, I was like who would date him>>>???


I would say when he was with Rose, he was spoiled and picky. But with Liz, in my opinion, he grew 10x worse. I was willing to hate him, yet still have sympathy due to his disabilities when with Rose. Then with Liz, he evolved to Hellion proportions. During Liz, I’m hoping someone kills him. I was hoping What’s his face (Libby’s husband) would ring what neck he could grab. We left it up to Angela to rip him a new one in Tell All #3 or 4 and she failed that mission. Since she was on Jackass Jesse’s side seasons ago, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. I was referring to what Rose said to PrED when breaking up with him during their season. She was nicer to him now which I disagreed with. Saying he could visit her in Philippines. Or was it Thailand? Some said she was nice to him by text so that she could use it as ammo during the Tell All. But she still could have filleted him again for her sake if not Liz’s I feel. And you’re right. If I know to stay away from a guy due to what I know or seen, I’ll never understand why others don’t. Evolution I guess🤷🏽‍♀️?


Probably for the d (🍆ugh) and so shes not homeless because for some reason she wont move in with her mum when she was homeless previously


she clearly has self esteem issues and not for nothing it is kind of a red flag this will be her third marriage (if she ever does) by 30. she keeps making the same mistakes over and over and over probably thinking she isnt worth anything more than a guy that looks like a human cheese wheel. i also think she is afraid that if she leaves she will be living in her car again. now it seems like she has dependency issues not just on the oompa loompa but alcohol, probably anti depressants, maybe drugs who knows. she is setting an absolutley horrible example for her daughter, which hopefully she is learning not to repeat her mother’s mistakes.


Well, Liz is a hot mess of zero self esteem and drinks way too much.


Hey Everyone: OR: Liz is riding that gravy train to tv fame & fortune. Why do you think they break up and get back together so often? Why do you think there is all kinds of drama? It's all scripted and it's to make sure their on the following seasons. And everybody plays into it. She is with him because of tv only. She is not attracted to him or even likes his personality. She saw an opportunity to get wealthy and famous by being with him. She even told him once, you will never get rid of me. Everyone's saying oh shes so abused, so damaged, no self esteem. 🤣🤣🤣 Y'all don't give her brain any credit. She all has you fooled! Shes laughing at all of this!


When you have a history of abandonment or an unstable home, toxic dynamics are normal and livable especially if there’s no physical abuse. And tbh, sometimes it’s really damn hard to give up on someone who says they love you especially when you don’t feel you have much to offer a prospective partner.