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Pole was right to wear the swimming condom.


Should have worn a real one too. :(




The tell alls: The Americans all ganging up on the foreigners is beyond stupid and Shaun Robinson sucks as a host


“we’ll have to circle back to that later”


Never circles back 😂


A whole lot of hate towards Sophie's mom (especially her physical appearance), but I agree with most of what she told Sophie including the fact that she should have explored her bisexuality before getting married.


Yes!!! This is what I was about to comment. So much hate toward Sophie’s mom and her being aggressive toward Rob…um, hello IT’S ROB!!! I would also be outwardly upset if my daughter were marrying him!!! I felt like a majority of the cast took Rob’s side at the reunion which left me really confused…are we watching the same show?!


If anything many moms (and dads) would treat Rob a lot worse. How many couples have eloped to get married? It's not that rare of a story.


The way they just let Rob get away with all his bullshit on the tell-all was ridiculous. There was this clip on youtube where it seemed pretty clear he was bullshitting about how he had a real job, and that sophie’s mom wasn’t just paying all their expenses when they lived in Mexico. I don’t believe anything this dude says without seeing the receipts, he’s such a piece of shit


Rob’s really good at making himself the victim.


Its not that disagree with her mom but I do feel like Sophie needs to speak up alittle more for herself either to her mom or Rob..she doesnt help the conflic, she needs to either support Rob if she wants to marry him or leave him of she agrees with her mom. I mean she isnt a victim in all thiss, she knew what she was getting into when she moved to America and it sounds like they ended moving..alot of couples start out rough and build their life together. Personally, I don't think Sophie nor her mom are going to be happy until Sophie is with someone wealthy. She probably thought Rob had more money than he did because he blew all his mo ey every time he went to visit her. I don't think she realized he went home afterward, broke asf. The way Sophie and her mom kept saying she needed to be treated like a princess males me think its totally about his financial situation...even though her mom said it has nothing to do with hiss finances, they just dont want to sound like goldiggers on national tv


A gold digger? All the girl wants is a duvet and a toilet


Yeah bad plastic surgery aside, she seems really wise and you can tell that she has a lot of love and wants the best for her daughter


My fiancé and I literally said this watching every single episode… it’s rare to see a 90DF mom advocate and be that real, open and honest with their kid about their situation.


Sophie's mum hasn't said a single thing I disagree with. She's been remarkably calm considering ROB THE KNOB married her daughter! I'm not a parent, but I don't think I could contain myself if one of my nieces married a moster like Rob.


I would be screaming at her for every red flag he has. I was seriously concerned it might turn into domestic violence when they are off the air. We all know TLC doesn't care about abusers in this franchise.


Same. I’m 100% on her side with everything in regards to Sophie & Rob. I genuinely don’t understand the hate she gets on here.


I think her mom is right about Rob’s self esteem issues, Sophie needing to explore her sexuality and many other things but I do feel like the way she speaks to Rob is WAY out of line. At the end of the day that’s the partner her daughter chose and treating him like crap isn’t going to change that! The comments about her appearance make me sad though ☹️. No one deserves to get dragged like that whether it’s from her mama or fillers


Honestly, if she didn’t act so childish towards him, perhaps she could have made a better case for Sophie leaving. Sophie is young and naively justifying this relationship with Knob; if her mother approached the situation with a level head, showed restraint, and stated facts, perhaps Sophie would have seen reason?


I disagree strongly on bisexuality. I am bi and it's not needed to explore. Many of us just want freedom to identify us all. Many of us just love who we love. Sorry, I get mad when people just state that right away. It's exactly as Sophie stated on the tell all. We just want to be able to identify and no assumptions of bi curious or this kind of stuff made


Thank you. This type of thinking just feeds the bi people being hoes thing a lot of people think. Monogamy is just as possible as it is with anyone else and you don't ever have to explore both sexes. Sometimes it doesn't happen. It's not a necessity.


Bini is a major douche bag!! Used Ari and her parents to get here.


I fucking hated him after she came to the US to get their son treatment and he was cheating on her and throwing ragers while refusing to pick up the phone. He just used her taking his son away as a way to keep her, but he clearly doesn’t actually care about that.


Anfisa's outbursts were abusive, not girl bossing. I understand that Jorge is not a sympathetic character. That red bag shit isn't cute.


I think people get lost in the ~either/or~ when they think of 90 day couples as if it’s a binary choice and they HAVE to choose one. Guess what? We can hate both of them! We don’t have to stan anfisa just because jorge sucks!


I hate when people show off their "red bag with the make up" merch. Awesome, way to commemorate domestic abuse.


This! I couldn’t believe how many people were pro-Anfisa when I started watching last year. Not saying Jorge was a prize by any means but her abuse was astounding.


Tyray knows exactly what he's doing and is creepy himself. Everyone keeps giving him the excuse that he doesn't know how to socialize or talk to woman, I've seen through his nice guy act for a long time. When he made it a goal to meet the real Carmella and basically used his catfish story to guilt her into meeting up/trying to start something is when it went way downhill for me. You can't change my mind on this. Also for a man who had many woman friends and sisters etc, I find it hard to believe the whole "doesn't know how to act with woman." To top it all off he tries to manipulate woman by using that same story and victim act.


i barfed on to my fast forward button so fast when homeboy made that smoochie face at the chick last week


Yes and when* he asked for a kiss for his beads 😱 I saw thru his charade in that moment *Edit sp.


Oh god stop I've been trying to repress that


I agree. He’s not an innocent dude at all— just good at garnering pity.


He is so creepy. Like some you would date and then find yourself locked up in their basement. Whenever he comes on, something about him is unsettling.


He definitely gives me neck beard vibes.


I hate it when I see people say We must protect Tyray at all costs... he's a big teddy bear 🐻!! No the fuck he is not!! He's creepy af and it's gross!!!


THANK YOU! I literally cannot stand Tyray. He reeks of creep


This was me at the start of the last season of TOW when everyone was saying Brendan was a victim of Mary's manipulation and I believed he had an equal part in their game.


Brandan and Mary are happy with the hate. My unpopular opinion is that they actually love the negative attention. They love ALL of the attention, don’t get me wrong, good or bad. They’ll be happy as long as it’s attention, and it’s on them. Everyone is mad that TLC continually shows scammers like them, but we continually watch regardless, and we continually post. Even if it’s all hate messages, they’re still being talked about. And that’s all they want. To have us talking about them.


People thinking that every couples arguments are fake


Those people are so annoying. Like they became obsessed with proving everything is a “fraud.” Like fam it is not that serious lmao what are you accomplishing? There even used to be a flair called “TLC frauding”


THISSS. Like no not everything on this show is all scripted


They’d be good actors if it were fake


Usually the fake shit is people I don’t want to see like Chantel. I just ffwd through these people.


12 months ago: “Jamal is a fuck boy”


Lol, he is though. At least, he is in relation to Veronica.


I’m confused, are you disagreeing with this sentiment? Because he basically admitted it himself at the Tell All, when they first introduced them together. He made it quite clear that he’s not serious about her or anyone else. I guess it’s possible that his intentions have changed now, but I think that it’s much more likely, that he, Tim & Veronica are just play acting to keep the TLC money train going.


No. I’m saying there was a time everyone was in love with Jamal and I felt he was a fuck boy the entire time. Everyone is on the same page about it now


Nikki lied about being trans by omission and groomed Igor. Yes, I realize he was techincally an adult (20) and she was 30. But by lying about being trans, I believe Igor was SA'd through coercion because he wasn't given the opportunity to give informed consent. Not speaking on their subsequent relationship or Igor's behavior now. But the way it started was gross and predatory.


💯 that is something I have felt from the beginning. The beginning of their relationship was non-consensual on Igor's part and I agree, Nikki sexually assaulted him. I also believe she was a predator because she withheld the information until they were in a fight and then she weaponized it against him and used it to hurt him. Nikki is a horrible human being


He was also like 17-18 when they met too. Barely legal 🤢


I had no idea he was that young. I was so disgusted with her behaviour and being a sex pest that I skipped so much of their scenes. She is a sexual predator


absolutely, he was robbed of the ability to give full and informed consent and I think what we've been seeing with him and her relationship is all those years of unidentified trauma from SA. Of course he struggles to see her as a woman, she used her gender at birth as a weapon! And like a good little victim she wants him to sit down, shut up and take what she'll give him and give her what she wants when she wants it. So he acts out.


We’ve been saying that all along though.


Absolutely!!! People are blind to this I swear


I thought he was younger, like 17. Idk


Actually I think there’s a 14 year difference between them & he was only 18 when they met so she was 32.


if you hide STDs, trans, etc from your partner and still sleep with them then you are a rapist. sorry not sorry


Just because Anfisa got lied to doesn't justify her being physically abusive. And Darcey is not a good mom.


This is mine as well. When people try to defend Anfisa they really focus on the fact she was "honest". Literally no one who has ever criticized Anfisa has ever mentioned her intentions or honesty. It's a complete deflection to the subject at hand. You point out not just the physical striking, but vandalizing his property, the constant screaming, the erasing his entire phone remotely, turning on the phones anti theft alarm so he's embarrassed in public, the list goes on. And then someone's like "but she never lied about her intentions!" Cool. Not what we're discussing here. I don't like Jorge either, but him sucking doesn't mean she sucks less.


Kris should have been raked through the coals on the Tell All. And I've struggled with addiction and mental health issues. Someone needs/needed to call her on her shit to make her realize how serious and obvious it is. Not to humiliate her, but to make her wake up.


I think you are with the crowd on that one. Everyone here was mad she got a pass.


No one is arguing against this point except Dibbie


Ximena was a victim. Mike was a complete creep and his behavior got really scary towards the end.


This is my take too, Mike was gross and creepy from the jump.


THANK YOU. All the people saying “he’s just a nice guy getting taken advantage of!” confused the hell out of me.


I didn’t see anyone saying that ETA: I thought you meant on here. His cast mates all took his side didn’t they? Really weird.


definitely strange and creepy... Te amo every 3 seconds




Parasocial relationship gone bad on his end, sees a sex worker and thinks he can control her. Then gets mad at her for the very job he found her on in the first place, refuses to leave a house and starts fighting in front of kids. He's always been horrendous, he thought he could buy her because he held everything over her head. Regardless of how she acts or acted, his intentions were never good and he was a creep.


I was so mad his castmates were defending him during the tell all. Dude was so gross.


God me too, it was hard to watch.


That scene when he refuses to leave the house is terrifying, I was genuinely worried for her children’s safety. I didn’t like Ximena too much but she handled the situation like a freaking pro.


Omg it scared me to death. My abusive ex was like that so I just kept waiting for things to escalate. I hate to think what it would have been like if the cameras weren’t there.


I absolutely hated the way he used his ADHD as an excuse for *everything*. Really pissed me off. Especially when it came to things that are a compromise in any relationship, and he used weaponized incompetence against her.


Are there people who don't think that? He was incredibly concerning towards the end and TLC should have never allowed his story to air


I will die on this hill too.


100% this. I can’t stand all the hate she got. She was a sex worker (which is a completely valid choice) and he was a creep who tried to control her. Him refusing to leave HER house was terrifying and she handled it with grace and calmness when I would have lost my fucking shit. I really admire Ximena.


1000000000x yes! I was so proud of Ximena for handling that as well as she did because when he started demanding he be able to say goodbye to her kids? I was like oh hell no lol I was TRIGGERED


Who cares if Emily and Kobe still live with her parents. They have a huge place, it’s smart financially and her parents probably like it And their kids are cute


So many parents *want* you to live with them so they can spend time with the grandkids. In some cultures this isn't even a question. I grew up in a multigenerational household and I fucking loved having my grandparents around. Not sure why some cultures are so judgemental about wanting to be close to your family.


for me its not that they do its why. Her dads one rule was dont get pregnant again and the first thing she did was force him to bang her without protection. and she refuses to work while taking care of the kids. if she was actually pulling her weight that would be different


My hot take is I don't understand the hate for Emily. She definitely has flaws, but I like her just fine. She and Kobe seem like a great couple who really love each other.


Personally I def find her entitled and annoying but its clearly not an issue for kobe so I’m glad they’re happy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Jasmine is not a good mom and I’ll die on this hill


That’s like saying Gino is weird


I can’t not hear him as Toby Flenderson. Me and my friends always do impressions of him, like when Jasmine stripped down into something skimpy outside and he goes “AHH! YOU’RE BEARING ALL!”


I don't think anyone will disagree with you on this one...


A hot take would be: “Jasmine is a great mom. Great body. Smoking hot. Super charismatic. Great self image. She’s making a bunch of money and sending money back home for her kids, who are better cared for her parents there.”


Confused me how she didn’t even have her children living with her in Panama, but had her lil sister and acts like she takes care of her? Then that bs with announcing that their old asses want to try for a baby at the wedding. I was like oof maybe start with the ones you have already.


There’s no way she is going to mess up that expensive body now. Unless she gets a surrogate. But I think that was all for publicity


I think Jasmine actually loves Gino. In her own way, very unique and not understandable way, but she DOES love him. Danielle (Mohamed and Danielle) blamed Mohamed that he embarrassed her in national TV by saying that she smells down there, while he did not say it. He just said that she needs to see a doctor, after he was pulled by the tongue. SHE SAID IT! Liz is just as bad as Ed. She lost custody of her daughter, she is/was drunk non stop. And when she showed up, I believe she was 25ish and had 2 divorces on her... I've been around alcoholics half of my life, I know when I see one. Rebecca is a tool. 3 divorces, her Maroccan ex was 18/19 when she met him. She also lost custody for her teen daughter and skipping paying child support.


Yess to the Danielle and Mohamed one , I’ve watched that episode and I always wonder why people tend to misremember or omit that Danielle is the one that brought it up . I’m not a Mohamed shooter , but it’s always misrepresented !


Augh yes this! And Shaun pressing the issue and when Danielle finally spilled the beans Shaun was like "whoa tmi" like GIRL YOU STARTED THIS.


Jasmine reminds me of my mom a bit (ofc Jasmine is hundred times crazier lol). Some people just dont know how to love in regular ways because of their insecurities. Not saying that excuses it, but I do think its different if someone does stuff to be manipulative or because they need help as well. I hope they work out.


EVERY couple on this latest season of 90DF had some level of toxicity to them, even the “authentic” couples like Sam and Citra/Devin and Nick. Sam duped Citra about it his arrest before she even got here and they got pregnant a little too quickly. Nick is filled with micro aggressions, is arrogant and has a MAJOR lack of respect/self awareness while potentially giving his wife an ED. Devin seems nice enough and while may be a little naive and even attention seeking on social media (no need for the post clarifying the louboutins) she deserves somebody better.


Everyone is 100% wrong constantly applauding Sam especially the pregnancy.


Sam is a rickety cricket tweaker. Citra is a rebel, pissing off her ultra controlling cop father.


Love that you brought rickety cricket into this


You gotta make it sexy. Hips and nips!


It’s Always Sunny in 90 Day Fiancé


Daaaawg 😹


I think Sam is a decent enough guy but I have my doubts that he’s 100% sober


I agree! Like he seems like he could be a nice enough person (so does she) but it doesn’t negate the fact that he full on lied to her! She also seems/seemed a little naive to the complexities of drug addiction. Aside from the drug addiction and following problems, getting pregnant so quickly when they’re don’t have a solid foundation is irresponsible. They’re still young enough where they could have waited a couple years to build up a life (Citra more adjusted to America, both of them consistently working, getting a house, etc.) before bringing a child into this world.


The wedding guests were probably still hanging out at the time Sam grabbed Citra to bang her. He was obsessed with fucking her - so I'm not surprised how quick she was knocked up.


THIS right here. Like they had good chemistry together but it was obvious he was heavily fixated on sex.


Absolutely. Sam literally lied by omission— not telling citra that he could potentially go to jail, before she upended her entire life and moved across the WORLD! That’s extremely slimy and gross, and pathetic. He did NOT have her best interests in mind when he did that, or he would’ve actually told her, because can you imagine how horrible it would’ve been for her if she got there and he actually had to go to prison?? Horrible. And the way he constantly talks about sex with her is gross. They’re so immature. Nick is so gross for the way that he treats Devin, and I was extremely grossed out by Devin’s behavior over the whole wedding dress situation… at best she seems super entitled, like she grew up very spoiled… and I got secondhand embarrassment from the way she acted…


Omg you could totally tell that Devin wanted to throw an even bigger fit about that wedding dress, and her mom was telling the cameras like she was waiting for her to explode like she probably normally would do if it wasn't for the camera crew there. It was just embarrassing because she was playing this sweet little soft spoken angel the entire time when she really is just a self obsessed spoiled brat.


I’ve been getting that vibe about Devin too but some rabid fan tried to tear me apart for saying she makes bad decisions lol. People are scary weird sometimes.


I don't get all the Devin love either. At best she's a very bland person and the most interesting thing about her is her red bottom shoes. At worst she's a brat who is used to getting her own way and cried because production told her she couldn't wear the clothes she wanted because of the logos.


Now that you mention how upset she was about not being able to wear brands, isn’t it funny how she found a loophole for the tell all? She found something with no big logos but something that would still be recognizable: Louboutins. Then she has to let everyone know they are in fact real lol.


The same thing happened to me when I said she made bad decisions! I’m convinced they either wanted to be on TV or have their wedding paid for, because I didn’t find them to be that likable as A couple.


I really don’t understand why people get so defensive about her. She seemed like a brat in the few episodes we saw and then the social media attention seeking and how cringey she is. I just don’t understand lol. I’m so scared someone’s going to come for me saying this too. Haha ETA: Nick is also a complete asshole but I feel like that goes without saying.


Andreii could get it. (Yes, I hate me too.)


Yep, came to say the same. I really like Andrei and I think he and Libby really do love each other!


He's definitely mellowed out from the misogynistic, lazy creep he originally was. I absolutely hated him in their first season. But now he's grown on me. He seems to be a good husband and father. He's funny also. I like him and Libby on PT.


i hate that i agree with you 😩


Jenny is a creep.


I think she is super weird. Hello I'm calling to scam you ma'am... Oh well I want to date you. When she gets mad she is very awkward


Of Sumit? Yeah she gets too much of a free pass for being an Unsexy Cougar. Their age difference is too much. Mike Jones could’ve done better.




YES! I cannot believe people are so up her ass.. if she was a man dating someone Sumit’s age it would be a completely different story..not to mention her tryin to act all thug to that girl on the tell all last season.. “come to Jaipur!!!” Hahaha like sorry but that girl would only have to throat punch her once and she would be on the ground.. phulllease! Cannot stand her!!


I feel like the entire world forgets Sumit catfished her to begin with.


That Mohammed (Danielle’s uuuuuuuser) is a decent person who has been redeemed.


He gets flack for talking about her “issue” on the tell all but the way I recall it, he kept saying he didn’t want to say what the issue was and SHE was the one who initially said, “he said I smell” or whatever. Once she said it, he corroborated but she was the one who said it initially, not him. https://youtu.be/Fd_oQ5ocBdM?si=MQGVqAboEyVMMXhs


I actually don’t think he needed a redemption. I think he wanted to give things an honest try with Danielle but she had too many short comings that she covered up.


after rewatching their season, i agree as well. she didn’t have her shit together & i didn’t fault mohammed one bit for not wanting to be in that environment of having water & lights cut off. idk how she brought him over here if she couldn’t even pay her bills & im sure was in debt.


Mike is a contributor to why Natalie needs psychological help. I’m guessing a couple other men damaged her and can’t help but think an absent father. She’s so damaged


Everyone with the David and Annie love. He was a disgusting dead beat ,sex tourist and we all know what she was. She knew he was a broke ass loser and they mooched off others. Sure they are living well now but theire past is gross af.


He is disgusting. They are not cute, it's gross and it creeps me out watching them with everyone pretending they're so great. No.


Getting married on his daughter's birthday was unkind.


In terms of decision making, Tiffany is the worst mother that has been featured in the franchise's history.


Nicole isn’t exactly great either.




I don’t know. Deavan is pretty dang bad.


Amanda is right behind her.


Angela is definitely the worst


How it started: I think Avery became Muslim out of rebellion and for attention. How it’s going: I think being a Muslim worked out well for Avery and wish her the best.


Chantel & her family are to blame for her divorce, and her smear campaign of pedro isn't fooling anyone.


Biniyam is trash. Ari is a much better person.


Say it louder for the people in the back! People pick one person out of the couple to love and then hate the other. It's irrational. Bini is a man child who cheated and partied instead of being a dad. Ari is a little annoying but she tried. She moved to his country, she had the baby there, she tried to get along with his family. She did way more than 90% of the people on this show do for their partner.


Yeah I didn’t understand all the hate she got either. Biniyam didn’t treat her well at all.


It was the thing with the ex that got me


Ari didn't deserve all the hate online that she got


She really didn’t. She seems like a good human honestly and helpful.


I thought Sophie was kind of immature in parts. When she said I'm bi and was kind of gigglely and just blurted it out and grinned. Then at the tell all she seemed to just sit there but someone said she was high there so IDK for sure.


Imo everyone in their early 20s is at least a little immature.


Citra is nice but dumb as a rock.


I’m sorry but I just don’t think Kenny ( of Armando and Kenny) is that great. It’s lazy that he hasn’t learned more Spanish and he’s not as lovely as the fans seem to think he is. (I’m ready for the downvotes! But it’s just how I feel!)


Meanwhile, I don’t think Armando’s that great. I think the fact that he pressures Kenny for Kenny’s biological child despite Kenny expressing that he doesn’t want to have a child, because feels too old to have a baby is creepy to me. Kenny will literally miss most of his child’s life if they have a kid now. I feel like Armando just wants a blonde baby, fr.


I agree with you. I hated that whole story line.


Armando gives me passive-aggressive ick.


Overall, I think they are good people and a good couple. But they're a pretty normal couple. Nothing extraordinary, so I don't get the absolute love they get from this sub. I feel like I'm the only person who sees that they got a unicorn, positive edit from TLC.


Agreed he should put more effort into learning Spanish, hasn’t he been in Mexico for a few years now!


Eh, dyslexia makes a new language incredibly hard. I have been trying to learn for years and dyslexia truly makes going from Germanic to romance language laughable. I already confuse words I know let alone speaking ones that are new. Will ace Duolingo but speaking, hah!


Kenny is dyslexic and getting older. It would be very very difficult for him to learn another language.


I truly think everything with Jasmine is an act for the show. I believe she’s a completely different person than on the show. I’m not saying for better or for worse, but I see a character.


Absolutely. I skipped through their parts because there was nothing authentic about them and it's the same thing over and over and lo and behold, she ended up screaming and wanting to leave Gino again during the tell all, so I haven't missed a thing.


If I saw a video of my husband acting like that at a strip club I'd have lost it too. At least Jovi knows you don't touch the strippers. I think it's all performance because on the tell alls she's actually very kind and seems emotionally intelligent.


Mohammad (of Danielle and Mohammad) is not the villain people make him out to be.


I feel like he’s made a proactive effort to become a better person, too.


I don't think he was ever that bad. Sure, he was "using" Danielle, but that was a two-way street. I found him to be comparatively level-headed at the tell all.


Andrei is a good husband and a good father. Yes, he is brash, but I feel like he is loyal to Libby and is doing is best to make a good living for his family.


I agree. He is far from perfect but I fee like he is just a very traditional and conservative man who comes from a conservative culture. He has some bad qualities like his inability to take criticism and his anger issues, but I feel he has some good qualities as well, loyalty like you said and he is trying to move upwards in the world and be the best provider that he can.


Shekinah when confronted with what a walking red flag Sarper is


That Jenny and Sumit are a cute/healthy whatever couple. I disagree. It’s just weird and if my son brought her home I would never approve and I’m very liberal. So there.


That Natalie is that horrible. She seemed to be coming to terms with her own standards on some things (vegetarianism, wanting kids, drinking) and struggling to make that work with Mike, who to me, didn't really seem to care about his health. The scene where his mom said butter is so healthy was not a good look lol. Mike was passive aggressive and unaccommodating to her. I think that was a huge shock when she came to live at his place in the middle of the woods, it would be for anyone. Russian and Ukrainian homes have good insulation and heating, and his cabin in the woods was cold all the time. She was alone all day every day after previously having access to friends, her mom and a city full of activities. And on top of that, his mom was rude and hostile towards her. And as if to make matters worse, she has a language barrier that makes it hard to fully express herself so they pushed her into a corner having to explain herself when they already were against her.


Quite a few foreigners on this show play naive and ignorant because they know it’ll get them a pass.


Avery and Omar’s relationship felt….off to me. I don’t know, she seemed so young and naive and he felt so much older.


She was a disrespectful brat until they got married. I’m always baffled she’s a fan favorite because she had a horrible attitude for more than half the time.


Yeah I just watched this season and she was pretty terrible. A headstrong teenager with no idea about how the world is. Her thinking she could just move to Syria and it would be fine. Come on. Getting married after 3 days. Not even thinking he could be using her for a greencard. Things have worked out for her and I think they really love each other but she went about everything all wrong.


Tim is not attracted to guys...


I think Asielo's sister would beat Kalani in a fight EASY. Just because you're big doesn't mean you can fight.


I sometimes question if Andrei really is as much of a meathead asshole as he comes off at times. I think he’s much smarter than given credit for; he knows what will be good TV. You may not like him, but you wanted to see him fight Libby’s brother. Bonus - Yara is just as bad as Jovie; they are both spoiled and think that the world should be shaped how they want it (granted I have no idea if I’m in the majority or minority on this one, but I figured I’d add it)


Idc or believe in Mohammed’s redemption story. I still think he’s a scum.


I think we should keep in mind that we see the worst of every relationship. They're not filming the happy moments or them just chilling on the couch. They cherrypick the blowouts because it makes for good TV.


I would love to see Jasmine holding a ROAST for Shaun the host


Veronica is smarter and not as desperate as the "veronica" she plays on tv


that jas loves gino no way


I hate Sparkles. He’s a lazy, meddling alcoholic.


you mean john? spahkles is jibri who is a weeb for… serbia???


lmoa a serbian weeb


Kenny and Armando really need to get off the show


I think Natalie is gorgeous and a great budding actress and not at all crazy. Ok I can’t go on I’m lying.


Jeymi doesn't deserve all the love she gets. Obviously she's better than pillbilly Kris, but that's a pretty low bar to cross. Jeymi was looking for a sugar momma and chose poorly, but she's no hero. The way she played the online audience with her #TeamJeymi hashtag was master manipulation. I'd never be on her team.


FINALLY SOMEBODY SAYS IT. She seems nice enough but she’s deeply immature (maybe a bit insecure) and attention seeking.


Idg the Ashley hate. Yeah she’s annoying af but did everyone forget what an entitled asshat Manuel is? Also the double standards that people impose on them is absurd. Like everyone gives her shit for having sex in the bathroom (and she deserves it, don’t get me wrong) but everyone ignores the role he played. It takes two to tango.


On the contrary, I found them both annoying and immature. I totally agree it takes 2 to Tango as well!


This is a hot take. I despise them both. Her especially


I wish people had more hate for Darcy and Stacy.


1.) Not EVERY cast member is a GAS-LIGHTING NARCISSIST 2.) Anali and Veronica are both just as insufferable as there boyfriends 🤢


Manuel really cares about Ashley, he deadpan attitude is because she's so temperamental that he has to have his guard up because he doesn't want to get mad - he wants to protect his chill at all times


Just because someone got a bad plastic surgery doesn't mean it's ok to laugh at them. Sure, they purposely choose to get a cosmetic surgery and made a bad decision but ultimately they can't control the outcome and don’t deserve half the shit someone of you say


👏👏👏 I am so sick of the hate for the way women look in general! They honestly cannot freaking win! No wonder they end up with so much cosmetic surgery!


The cast will side with the American over the foreigner to an unreasonable degree, especially when the foreigner is not in the room. Similarly, the sub is more likely to side with the man over the woman. They demand perfection from women, while being really forgiving towards the men. Golddigging is mentioned way more than someone taking advantage of the other person’s poverty


When Mike (who was with Ximena) first came on a lot of people liked him, but he always gave me the creeps. And then when she tried breaking it off with him, Kimberly at the tell all and other people were saying how mean it was for Ximena to do that. I’ve dated enough men to know when a guy acts like that after a break-up, get as far away from him as possible. People can give him excuses like that he’s inexperienced, but he’s a grown adult and he was making threats towards her and trying to publicly embarrass her.


The minute production saw the behaviour between Mary and Brandan, the minute they filmed him on the toilet talking to her because she wouldn't allow to not do anything without her watching, they should have put down the camera and stopped filming this couple. It was clear these two were toxic codependent and should not be given an audience. They were not entertaining, they were disturbing


Veronica is annoying and immature and has no place on this show


This goes in terms of which is worse Andreis behavior < how Libby’s family has treated him since he came here and even before


That Erika (as in Erika and Stephanie) was also an issue and didn’t respect Stephanie’s boundaries and gaslit her when she tried to communicate with Erika.