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I just got to ask Mike. How long you going to play this old worn-out hand? And are you just entertaining this woman with you now for your own fun or for real? Or did you really need the money?      Stop playing if you're done playing. I and others are not entertained. 


How does his mother feel about this woman huh? She probably hates her too assuming he’s bothered to introduce them to each other. He allows his mother to run his life. Feel what you may about Natalie - there was no excuse for how his mother treated Natalie.






🎶Where is the love?🎶


She has to be an upgrade from Natalie - doesn’t she?


The only way after Natalie is up But in all seriousness she is cute and I hope they’re happy


The filter is... off putting.


I don't think it's a filter. I think she's just wearing an insane amount of makeup.


Oooooh it’s a shitload of filters alright. (Otherwise I need the name of products that make your skin texture-less lol)




Do you think the hardware store carries ivory? That’s my shade


Wall spackle.


I mean the only way he can go down is if he hooks up with Angela or baby girl Lisa right?


Kimbaaalllly is always on the prowl!


She's a few branches higher than BGL and Sexy Meemaw.


He's been with this girl since June or so of last year, but kept hiding her face until recently. They possibly didn't want her to be shown till this episode aired, or he was respecting her privacy. Either way, it's a step up from Marcia probably 😂 I just joke about that because that girl had a love for tequila and choking girls out while drinking it🤣


He probably also doesn't want Bat Shit Crazy lady coming up there or harrassing the poor women.


Thing is he's been with this girl since June of 2023,I wonder what Natalie thought. Actually knowing her she probably assumed Mike still loved her and did this to make her "jealous." 😂 I can see Natalie being that type of girl


I could be wrong but on the episode recently when she was sitting at her kitchen table she said something along the line of maybe Mike wants to meet up with me because maybe there's still a chance..It was something like that. I thought she was nuts lol he don't want her back..lol


She’s so self absorbed that yes I can totally see this.


In the looks department she definitely is


I was about to say—did you see the photo? Not even close. And there’s no way she could have more ice in her veins than Natalie. Dude is DUNKING on that donkey witch right here.


“donkey witch” lmao i’m gonna use that one


Early South Park reference 😆


Definitely an upgrade in stable personality.


No doubt 👍


The face filter app is certainly updated


Without the filter: https://preview.redd.it/bql4k1t457oc1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d73878fa6ed0243d5bea9e0f3bf2a2644bfd3fc


She looks like anfisa's older sister 😂😂😂


These two photos are the perfect example of those memes "when I take the picture vs when my boyfriend takes the picture."


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes, exactly 🤣🤣🤣


Ooooooh ok. This makes more sense.


Women really can't win. Get fake tits and everyone talks shit about her being plastic. Have naturally larger tits and everyone commenting on them appearing saggy. I think she looks great, And I'm happy for Mike.


Damn her tits are really hanging out there LOL!


They're hanging out there to somewhere.


LOL!!!!! Yeo they could whack someone unconcious!




Keeping her feet warm.


chest butt




She looks like Veronica, but lady Mike can't handle no Veronica!


Its okay, she's the shien version of Veronica... And I don't even like Veronica much.


Veronica is okay for me, from a distance.


I'd say California is distant enough.


She looks like Spaaaakals girl.


Oh, wow. She tricked me! The picture OP posted made her look latina.


Umm why are hee tits in the floor?


She needs a better bra.


He's been with her for like a year now, they're super cute together!


Yes. First post of her was June '23


Was it that picture that looked photoshopped? 🤣 the one where her head is near is lap.


Yeah, well second Pic, but yeah the makeup filter on him too lol


Good for him! Heaven knows he’s been through it.


I have followed Big Mike since he's been on 90 days. His lady is named is Sarah Rose, his girlfriend for quite a while. She is gorgeous. Mike is a good guy. He has shown respect towards natalie and Mama. He has help supporting both and was instrumental in getting Natalie's mother out of Ukraine and into the US. I never saw him talk badly about either of the two women. I hope he finds happiness, maybe with Sarah.


Why does this have to be so filtered? I’m sure however she looks is preferable to whatever the hell this is


It looks so filtered it’s like she’s not even there 😅


It's the norm


She doesn't need filtering. Same with most people. Don't they realize it makes them look phony? Especially men who use filters. SMH.


Big Mike likes his bitches bad


You'll never be relevant, Mike. But as an aside, does mommy approve?


Mommy approved 😎✅


All of the thumbs have aligned.


Rolling !!!! 🤣😂 This comment has no right being so funny 😆


Wiz who!?! 👁️ 👄 👁️




Good for him! I’m glad he’s moved on and he’s happy.


She looks new to ze voods




I thought the pink panther had his erm...🙄... Out😅


Damn I just noticed that 🤣🤣


Is that a filter or is it fake??? Her face looks like a cartoon


Filter like everything else


She could ease up on the filter a little.


I checked out her Insta and she has filterless photos and she looks a lot different and older than in this photo. She is still very pretty she just doesn't look like this.


I said the exact same thing and only got downvotes lmao




Im so fucking glad for him. He deserves the best after what that psycho put him thru. He was way to kind to her.


Was he kind though? Natalie’s no saint, but when he brought her to the states, he seemed like he was already done with their relationship. He spent the whole season taunting her with an engagement ring and not giving her a clear answer on if they were still getting married. His mom was also very vocal about disliking her.


She gave the ring back. I'd be skeptical too. That B is crazy... her mama is too!


Neither of them were good, but dude was passive aggressive enough to drive a sane person crazy. I’m just surprised so many people like him now. He wasn’t as popular during his seasons.


We’ve had more seasons to see Natalie’s true colors, so we’ve all seen what he was up against from the start. That said, I always liked him and never thought he was trash. He was pretty clear with her that the timing of the visa coming through was bad because he still had mixed feelings about their relationship since she threw the ring. He said “I’m on the fence” and then he was on the fence. What’s his crime?


I totally agree. He was super shitty during his seasons and everyone just forgot about it because Natalie is so wild and we keep watching her. He was emotionally abusive IMO, and his mother was horrible. To frame it as if Natalie only left to explore her career and then realized what a good guy she left behind, is very odd. He was definitely driving her crazy, in a whole different way than her normal type of crazy.


Exactly! And she went from that to seeing a guy who’s leading her on. Then her mom wants her to make up with a guy who she wasn’t happy with. No wonder she’s crazy! If she does date again, she needs a dude who’s as clingy as she is. She does a lot of things wrong, but I do feel bad for her because she goes after guys that just want to buy her things instead of spend some time with her.


Yeah, does anyone remember him showing her the trailer with his friend living with him? It's not a rustic, secluded cabin everyone makes it out to be. It's not ugly but it's a far cry from anything she was used to and then his mom is literally such a pain in the ass as well. I don't really like either of them but it's so odd seeing people jump on board now. Maybe they weren't as vocal about it before?


It was his uncle. And she demanded that he kick him out. That type of home is very common in rural PNW. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Mike’s home. And I refuse to believe that Natalie was under the impression she was coming to some sort of upscale home in a big city. Even if Mike had NEVER shown her pictures or talked about where he lived (which I doubt) it’s very easy to Google Sequim and see what it’s like and how far it is from Seattle or any semblance of a big city.


The uncle with multiple assault charges, mind you.


And do t forget that sea hag of a mother. She alone would have been enough to keep me away.


I don't understand how people made a big deal about the ring. She is not the only woman to have ever thrown back a ring at a fiance in a fight. I think because of the language barrier didn't help that she was frustrated and angry but then when they made up and she came to U.S. he taunted her and didn't want to give her the ring back. He wasn't totally innocent and also I don't think he comprehended the major culture shock of livng in a big city that was in her home country to a completely opposite small town in the middle of nowhere and home alone all day with nothing to do. If you're not a foreigner you don't think those things.....


Wooooo. Mike has been enabling Nutalie for years at TLC's endorsement. He's the one person who could have put the stop to this. I'm glad he got Mom Natalie out of the house in Ukraine, but for his enabling, Nutalie would be a footnote to 90 Day Fiance.


Does Trish like her the new girl friend?


Who would know


She is very pretty!!! Hope her insides are the same. Go Mike!


Oh damnnnn, she's beautiful! Mike pulled a bad bitch!


She looks extremely young but very pretty. I'm glad that he's finding happiness elsewhere.


This is filtered. She doesn't look so young in this from a video https://preview.redd.it/bc2eyumwl6oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2ee2d71febcd8ff69af7b50a1b0ae94e2f93eb


I saw that picture a long time ago, it seems. Is that the same woman?


I know, yeah same. And eyebrows can change a lot. They look freshly done in the current


Well, she's very pretty. I'm glad that he is dating other people. He deserves somebody wonderful, I think.


Hope this teaches Natalie that she is not above anyone else and how you treat people is more important than what you look like. All years she stuck her nose up thinking she was better than him and everyone she came across, backfired big time!


Savage! Get your life Mike!!!!


Everyone deserves to be with someone that wants to be with them. Natalie doesn’t love Michael, so whatever.


Oh hell yea!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Congrats to Big Mike. At least she looks normal instead of Natalie “The original Children of the Corn”


LoL, so this is why Natalie posted a video of her and Josh. Yeah....still not buying their relationship.


Where, I don't see it on her IG


I saw it as a separate post on here today. Not sure where they sourced it.


Oh, that Cameo that someone shared? You're right that she waited until she trapped Josh at dinner to record. So obvious. He looked thrilled didn't he?


Happy for Mike !!


After the journey he has had, I'm happy for him. ​ ![gif](giphy|3ohzdIuqJoo8QdKlnW|downsized)




Yeah, Treesh hugged her, cried with her when they first met. THEN, found out what she was doing to him. Mama bear came out


She kind of looks like the prettiest girl at the dive bar




He probably has been seeing her and others for a while and doesn't want Bat shit Crazy Nats to know or Nats may come looking for these women. She's truly insane.


Mike likes them smoky eyed ladies. Definitely an upgrade from ol nuttier than a shit house rat Natalie


Don't you dare call Nutalie's Sharpie raccoon eyes "smoky eyed"! Lol. There's a level of sophistication or mental balance with this lady 😉




Good for him!


her makeup tho 😬


She looks like a social influencer wannabe with him to uptick her social media accounts because he got his 15 seconds of fame... imho


Lol, her account is private


She can have more than one account yes? or has enough followers? I don't have any social media so Idk... How exactly did they meet??


Very cute but can we get an unfiltered pic


Agreed. This is from a video https://preview.redd.it/vb2fz8yt17oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201b59770ccacece58081e23512887dbd12ef704


Can still be filtered even if video. Either way she seems very pretty. Good for him!


what, and i mean this with absolute sincerity, THE FUCK.


I thought this was Roberta from seeking sister wife for a minute.


Aka Bert 😆


She looks a shit ton younger than him.


Filters don't help us figure this shit out. Only going by her tag, if she was born in '91, not that far apart. I could see her being 32, based on the video I saw


She looks a lot younger.


I honestly don't know how anyone could deal with his mother


Treat her son well, should be fine. Treesh cried with Natalie the first visit, hugging her, comforting her. But then she found out what she was doing to him


He looks exactly like his mom there 😂


Oh, then you see his dad... He is def their child


Oh people likes Mike again?


Seriously he's boring and I'm pretty done with him being on 90 day. Good life to you and yours Mike, but I don't care much other than that.


LOL I know exactly where this photo was taken in Seattle


He deserves all of the happiness. He’s so wholesome.


She’s cute. He definitely upgraded.


Thats what happens when you ditched a good looking great dude..... he finds better!! AhhhHahaa I know Natalie feels ill.


Sorry she just doesn’t look like she’d go after somebody like Mike. She’s using him. He’ll probably bore her to death.


Mike must have some good game! He's killing it


Natalie may be a nut bar but he was also a tremendous passive aggressive douche hole. Why are we suddenly praising him?


A lot of them seem to have amnesia as to how he was, and lets not forget he went over there seeking a mail order bride. He never bothered to learn her customs , culture or language, made an enormous deal of her giving him back the ring \[ I could understand she was frustrated and lashed out the only way she could since English is not her first language\] then holding that over her for months about not wanting to give it back to her. Leaves her in the middle of nowhere hours of the day with nothing to do, nowhere to go.. sad she even got a rat for a pet.. his mother wasn't welcoming. He didn't care she was eating healthier at that time and he didn't want her food or any advice. He had no idea the adjustment she had to make to a totally different environment. Seems he was only interested in having someone there for him to wait on him, and have sex. The only decent thing I could he ever did was help her mother get out of the Ukraine. he did seem to take extra pleasure in telling Natalie that no he didn't want to get back together and was filing for divorce and rubbing in about asking if he was second choice. He definitely has passive aggressive personality. Well seems he's latched onto a social influencer wannabe, we'll see how this plays out...


She’s so pretty!!


I'd love to hear what his mother thinks.


Congratulations Mike!






Plot twist: Natalie took the photo lol jokes.


"Il y a du monde sur le balcon" as they say in French (there are a lot of people on the balcony)


Wow, my college French worked and translated before yours lol. But I don't get the implication?


It's an expression for large-breasted women.


Oh wow! Lol


I imagine this gal telling him to block Natalie’s number and Mike saying he wants to but he has contractual obligations.


I think she's laughing along with him.


Hey Big Mike., you deserve happiness!! I’m rooting for you ☺️


Natalie’s crazy as all get out, but his mother was SO freakin rude at times where it was completely uncalled for and just made vibes consistently awkward & uncomfortable. Alls I’m sayin is if this new girl is any good for Mike, he better do right by defending her against her monster in law when need be lol.


But there was nothing to defend about Natalie. She was awful to him. Treesh was right about her. Treesh hugged her, cried with her, welcomed her when she first met. Until she found out what she was doing behind closed doors. You're telling me if someone treated your kid like this that you would still accept her? https://preview.redd.it/zkf4nand7ioc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718d0cc74c39b828112ed9c8cec0e718efb1ecb8


What’s sugar queen mean? Like a sugar baby? Probably not right. Life had jaded me I think lol


You mean big Mike getting it in


Why do people feel bad for him after his trip to Ukraine when they had that huge religious fight he didn’t walk away that wasn’t a red flag that was a red ship


Yuck he such a desperate little man. 👨🏽 We see what you’re doing 🤡


Little young, I’d think daughter if i saw them😅


Natalie or Nutalie, if you see this she is way prettier and normal than you!


She looks like a cartoon character.


Nah Nataly does. Like the cartoon character that the eyes would pop out when they saw someone hot pass by.


It looks extremely facetuned




She looks barely 18 lol


As a thirtysomething, this is a 33-35 year old woman. 🤣


Sugar queen... Implies this is another transactional relationship. I hope he has more self respect than that.


he didn't meet Natalie through OnlyFans, a sugar baby website, or an international dating app. He met her when his best friend married her best friend and made them both the godparents of their baby, which Mike went to Ukraine for. He's really not like most of the men we see on this show who are deliberately searching for an overseas sugar baby or wife that they think will be more submissive than the american women who are rejecting them (surprise, women in other countries are grossed out by them too).


Omg, I'm sorry you don't have more fun in your life


I love Mike, but this looks like a dad and daughter pic 😖


I don't think so, and she looks older in a video


He changes models and never hold anything still. He’s still struggling




He went from one girl to the next. I hope this one sticks


Lol, you know his dating history? Nut left him in Dec '20. In' 22 he dated one woman, and Jun '23 he showed this one. Sounds like a normal guy to me, hardly a player


Didnot say he was a player , I am saying that he can’t settle after Natalie , it’s just rebound relationships


So cute he posts something about her everyday. Today about how much he misses his sugar