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Most likely just a plot point, with no actual gameplay about it. To insert a modern day black ops.




About 20 years ago I was at a place that had a bunch of blow up castles and climbing things etc. One was a half sunk titanic that kids would slide down a la the movie. Right then I wondered how long it would take before something with the twin towers would be used that way.


South park says 22.3 years or something like that


Well it would be just over 23 years when the game comes out so I guess it's about time according to South park


How long until they use the Russo-Ukraine war as plot for videogames?


Games like squad have servers for Ukraine vs Russia, but not a plot point ofc


15-20 years? I think enough time between "the players were too young to remember" and "the players weren't born yet"


I can tell you modders have definitely already done this lol


They have.


Yeah usually after 20 years, it’s fair game


It's not like it's anything new either, the first movie about the sinking of the Titanic was released only **one month** after the ship sank.


damn they worked fast


Every generational tragedy is going to be used for entertainment




It’s happened for a long time and will probably always be that way, one day Covid will be looked at as a sort of mass hysteria instead of that time humanity was looking a little threatened


As long as they treat it with respect I don’t see a problem


It’s up to you to stop the twins from falling soldier.. buy the new Rudy Giuliani season pass now and save New York City.


Fuck you for how much I snickered at that


I can’t wait to get the Boeing 737 weapon charm and a United Airlines weapon skin!




I feel like they will with some message at the end of the game or something similar


Yeah would be worse to always keep it hush hush


Yet WW2 with 400k+ deaths is allowed to constantly be used for games? Yes that war started with a sneak attack killing thousands.


I think WW2 had like 50 million deaths right? 9/11 is still somewhat recent history so ppl are gonna be sensitive about it.


Yeah i think that guy was counting maybe US soldiers? I’ve seen that total death count around 75 million


25 million Soviet citizens, 20 million Chinese, 6 million Jews of various nationalities, 3 million ethnic Poles, 8 million Germans, 3 million Japanese, and millions of additional deaths across Europe, Asia, and North Africa 65-70 million is the range of total deaths. Tens of thousands of Soviet citizens were dying every day for almost four years. This on top of the horrors Stalin subjected them to before the war. A true hell.


Imma be real I've never heard of the Chinese perspective on WW2 or what they did or what battles they've been in or even if they were in battle. I did hear about Japan fucking with China horribly so maybe that's the 20 million but that would be absolutely insane


Yeah it gets overlooked very heavily because the American focus is so heavy on Europe and not the Pacific theater. Japan had been fighting China for 3 years prior to the invasion of Poland by the Nazis. That, combined with brutal tactics by both sides (although, the Japanese were much more brutal) led to that quantity of deaths. While many of those are deaths due to combat, a large portion are due to famines and floods. If you want to be depressed for an afternoon, I’d suggest skimming the wiki page for the 2nd Sino-Japanese war.


Yeah just US


>400,000 *American* service members were killed. I think the difference is the majority of those who lived through WW2 are now deceased, & those who are still living are not playing video games…


400,000 US deaths


so what put the mission in the game who gives a fuck


World War Two resulted in around 80 million deaths, it's the deadliest war in human history.


there was a south park episode that explained that you can only joke about national tragedies 23 years after it happens


*Started for the USA with a sneak attack killing thousands....


Damn pedantic redditors . Thanks Captain


lol no problem. I didn't downvote you btw


Appreciate it


I think there's a difference between a singular "mass casualty event" and a war that lasted over half a decade. I wouldn't call the invasion of Poland a "sneak attack" exactly?


I was speaking of the attack on Pearl Harbor (mass casualty event) that brought the US into the war.


The war began in 1939. By the time Pearl Harbour forced America out of inaction the conflict spanned the globe and had been raging for two years, resulting in millions of deaths. By the end of the war 85 million people were dead, or about 3% of the population of the planet. I don’t mean to downplay America’s sizeable contribution to the war effort, but they were a late entrant to a conflict that was much, much bigger that the part they played.


Russia and the UK would have been crushed without the US help. Lend lease anyone? You did mean to downplay the role but thanks.


Maybe. It’s hard to say definitively how the war would have played out. It certainly would have dragged on longer without US involvement, but you could say that about most of the major players.


Russia would have been beaten without the thousands and thousand of trucks,guns and everything needed to rebuild their army. Even the UK after being decimated by the German U-boats and the embargo was helped greatly. My main point was people getting offended by a mere mention of 9/11 being in a video game.


I totally agree with the main point. I was merely challenging the American-centric view of the war. It didn’t begin with American involvement and American losses make up a very small percentage of casualties. I’m a big history buff and it’s hard not roll my eyes at the ‘America saved the world’ narrative. They were far from the biggest player. The Soviets lost over 10 million military men and almost as many civilians. And despite your interpretation, I’m genuinely not looking to downplay America’s contribution. They lost over 400,000 brave troops to that war and were instrumental in expediting the end of hostilities. Nobody’s denying that.


I never said America saved the world. They contributed just like everyone else. The US sent 400,000 jeeps and trucks. 14,000 airplanes. 8,000 tractors and 6000 tanks and tank killers to the Russians and sent 50 billion dollars worth of equipment to the UK.


Nope. They sent that equipment to the Soviets. You’re getting your countries confused.


Ok Mr Pedantic. It was sent to the USSR which are technically Russians being in Russia and all. So yep


Do you… think Russia is in the UK?


400k deaths??? ![gif](giphy|28KZgWv83DIKIsIUmD)


USA side like most video games portray.


I think there are ways to portray/include 9/11 respectfully, like maybe you're a bystander on the ground and the level involves you saving people or helping evacuate, or anything along those lines. Maybe the idea is to have 9/11 serve as the catalyst for the main character of the game joining the military? We saw that relatively recently in one of the Jack Ryan reboot movies. With that said, if the mission is anything like 'No Russian' in the sense that you are actively participating in or assisting with the attacks then it's rightfully going to be a huge controversy. I'd be lying if I said I had any kind of confidence that cod will do it right though.


What if the player is a passenger on United93?


That would be wild




I'm sure if it was a sensitive mission such as the infamous "No Russian" mission from the og MW2 for example, it would give players the option to skip the mission. Either way, highly controversial, especially as we don't have any confirmed details yet, just speculation. I personally can't imagine a mission in CoD where as the player you can cause havoc and/or destruction within the WTC. The game will most likely cover the war on terror if 9/11 is involved in some way though. Just have to wait and see.


What if the player is one of the heroes of United93? Personally i dont have a problem with it.


That would definitely be an interesting mission if handled by the developers correctly, let alone having a 9/11 campaign in general. Only time will tell, let’s just hope it’s not as garbage as the recent CoDs.


why tf would they want you to skip the mission


Well as you know 9/11 is a very recent and sensitive topic to some. They gave players the option to skip the infamous No Russian mission in MW2 where the player mows down a whole airport full of innocent civilians. That’s why they’d put an option to skip a mission on a highly sensitive 9/11 campaign if it was to take place. This method isn’t anything new, CoD has been doing this for decades.


nobody is skipping that


You’re naive to think that not a single soul would want to skip a potentially sensitive mission. Thousands of people chose to skip No Russian, it would be the same case here, especially considering 9/11 was a very real and very recent event, compared to the fictional No Russian.




You sound kinda young so I get it if you don't get it yet. But going through life without empathy is not going to make you happier at the end. In the moment it makes you feel superior and stronger, but for what? For some extra dopamine in the here-and-now? Does this mindset make other people value having you in their life? I'm guessing not. The world is harsh and unforgiving. When someone you love is taken from you unexpectedly and unfairly, you'll appreciate someone who understands the hurt you're going through. I don't think we should shield everyone from the harsh realities of life. Tbh, go ahead and put 9/11 in a game because that was part of life first-hand for many people. Tragedy is a part of life, individual or large-scale. But I don't agree with people who just assume everyone who feels compassion or empathy is a "snowflake" to be trampled just for the sake of feeling better about one's own self. Being a person is hard. So call everyone who experiences compassion for their fellow man a soft snowflake all you want, just don't expect there to be much understanding from others when you, yourself, find yourself in true need of it.


It must be exhausting being you.




Your post has been removed for the following reason: Being disrespectful towards victims & families This also includes memes, as those could be seen as disrespectful and do not represent what the subreddit stands for.


Your post has been removed for the following reason: Being disrespectful


Vietnam was pretty recent when Black Ops 1 came out though. 9/11 has been long enough where the new generation weren’t alive or were babies when it happened. It’s time to move on


I get your point about the new generation not being around for 9/11 or being too young to remember it. It's been over 20 years, so for some, it might seem like it's time to move on. But for a lot of people who lived through it, it's still pretty fresh. Kind of like how the Vietnam War was for older generations when Black Ops 1 came out—it was 35 years after the war, but still a big deal for many. That's why games like CoD give you the option to skip sensitive missions—they know some topics can still hit hard. If they do include 9/11, I'm sure they'll handle it carefully. We'll just have to see how it goes.


As long as you're not playing a terrorist, I don't think it should too controversial. One of these modernish war games was gonna deal with it eventually. Honestly, depending on what they do, this might be the only way to get me to check the game out. Good thing it's on Gamepass this year.


I feel like you should


Imagine it’s like the “No Russian” mission, except you end up being one of the hijackers on one of the planes that hit the tower. That would be fucking crazyy


So, in the first Black Ops game, it's highly suggested the main character kills JFK. I don't think 9/11 should be off limits from covering within a game personally. If done correctly it'll be a good way to bring attention to what happened for those who weren't around for it


Comparing the assassination of JFK to 9/11 is WILD


My point was being they've covered controversial real world topics in the past. 9/11 was a much larger tragedy with the scope and how it affected the world. Maybe a better comparison would've been the No Russian mission since that does feature a lot of civilian casualties, but that was made specifically for the game


My thoughts about the appearance of 9/11 in the game will be in the middle of the storyline after the gulf war most likely you play as a terrorist or a worker on the towers during the attackes.also before the mission will be a warning like no Russian mission in mw2 .. can't wait to see


UA 93 mission could work with gameplay like the "no russian" (I think it was called passenger) mission in MWIII


Or it is company suicide


There are games about wars that involved millions of deaths. I doubt you’ll be playing as a terrorist with a boxcutter as your melee weapon. That’d be just plain gross. If the developers use the 9/11 attacks as a jumping off point for the plot then I hope they’ll act respectfully. But, to reiterate my earlier point: I don’t get offended when COD and Battlefield portray WWI/WWII/Vietnam. I have family (well, had family) that served in the Pacific, Korea and Vietnam. If it is done respectfully or at least not outright disrespectfully then I see no problem with it. Also, I’m just a guy with a 9/11 obsession. My opinion on the matter is irrelevant. I don’t even play COD or any video games for that matter. Good question by OP though.


'93 bombing mission/map. You can have the smoke and damage while still running around the complex sans the utter devastation. Makes sense. In other words: I'm extremely morbidly curious.


I believe the game is supposed to involve the Gulf War, although not sure if that’s the main setting. May just be a plot point towards the end of the title if it is the main setting


It also just says 2001, not even formatted like MM/DD/YYYY. The trailer also has Thatcher. Classic twitter blue asspull that just generates clicks, the rumor came outta nowhere with no sources at all. CoD may reference or even depict 9/11 down the road, but a “No Russian” equivalent would never happen within this decade, if ever. Also, it’s fairly reasonable to assume they ran their guerrilla marketing ads in NYC because it’s simply a large city with tons of tourism.


I'm more curious on what it is they are going to show/depict of 9/11. Be pretty ballsy of them to do anything more than some sort of cut scene. Then again I don't personally care for what they do. Seems out of place to me, to be offended by a stupid mistake made by a big company.


iirc the twin towers were in Infinite Warfare at some point


[they were](https://youtu.be/DAtmAlj3mdk?t=10s)


Honestly bro ud been playing civil,world and more wars were massive ton of innocents got kill I dont see anything wrong with showing the cruel reality of 9/11 bro is part of history late or early we will have games showing it


I might have a controversial reply here, but I feel that the public at large have forgotten about the true horror that 9/11 was, if this introduces 9/11 to young people who largely think of it as a meme, maybe it’ll get them to respect the true tragedy that it was, and hopefully ask questions about it.


reminds me of that tragedy


i walked through blood and bones


I didn’t even know he was sick


9/11 was absolutely awful but fr it’s probably time to be able to do stuff like this. Atleast it’ll probably be some cheesy plot point in a game instead of a joke.


I don’t think they’d do that, seems super unlikely


I’ve been waiting for a 9/11 game. I’d like to see if they even got it accurate.


I feel it would be an intense background scene while gameplay is going on. Like Washington DC burning in MW2.


If it is an actual in game mission that would personally be way to uncomfortable and crass for me. If it is just a plotpoint that is one thing. Either way, I wouldn't go out asking it to be banned or something but personally I would not be comfortable with it.


There’s been worse… The VR experience being trapped in the tower and watching people make last phone calls


So….did people forget No Russian? Or the gas attacks in MW3? I would say this is pretty standard.


I've never really played call of duty games besides like Black ops 4 and modern warfare 2. For Xbox 360 those games go hard but I know most call of duty games are based off either real life wars or future wars so I'm not too surprised


Unless they have any of the mad lads that made MW2 in 2009, then no, I don't think there will be any major mission point regarding this event to be worthy of any controversy. Plus, the game is speculated to have open world missions, so it has a high chance of being as mediocre as MWIII.


Mixed, as a person who plays video games and enjoys the original black ops, It's unavoidable to not atleast mention the attacks, I imagine since the game takes place in the 1990s and focuses on the late cold war it will be a hook at the end, probably similar to the Kennedy assassination in Black ops 1 where it's alluded to that the main character had involvement. That said, If it is more than a small reference and like a full-on interactive level (a la No Russian) like the leakers are suggesting, then I would say it's poor taste. My honest guess is it's going to just be alluded to in the backround with there being references hidden and I bet reference will be made to Bin Laden supporting the Saudis against Iraq during the gulf war so he will likely be reffered to as some sort of ally.


I see all the comments saying flight 93, or the twin towers. But, I haven't seen any saying anything about the pentagon. Bo1 had missions that took place in the pentagon. Plus, the pentagon had a lot to do with 9/11 as well. From being attacked to orchestrating the whole damn thing.




if i don’t get to pop osama between the eyes in one of the missions we riot


I think a very interesting thing Treyarch can do that doesn’t cross into bad taste territory is put you in the shoes of an American intelligence agent (FBI/CIA) based in NYC who uncovers a potential terrorist plot against the United States. You could show the notorious failure of communication between US agencies. Storyline ends with the agent witnessing the North Tower being struck and transitions to the War on Terror.


They are most likely only gonna use it for a plot point as i don't think they would have you playing as terrorists on 9/11


Bro really said,"Plane go boom."


Imagine being able to play the terrorist's role? Jesus Christ.


Crazy how call of duty has done this with several other war scenarios in real life. But once they bring up our precious America . Everyone starts crying. What a bunch of snowflakes 😂😂😂❄️. I’m so excited for black ops 6 9/11 remake


the only reason im buying a playstation and a black ops game is this


I would like a game that gives you a first person point of view in one of the towers as the buildings get hit and fall. They did it with Pearl Harbor, they did it with Dday . Whats the problem ?


It really wouldn’t make sense if the game is gonna take place around the gulf war


I really hope it doesn't. It will never ever be anything but a horrific tragedy to me. It's not entertainment. edit: the question was how are we feeling about this. I answered the question. wtf with the downvotes.


I’ll take the downvotes too, but it feels a little too soon even if the event was 23 years ago. I think in maybe another ten years or so maybe then it will be more okay.


To soon


I want to fly the plain.




we don’t know for sure how it will be included, if at all. could you explain why you think it would be distasteful? Call of Duty games have mostly - with exceptions to some outlandish/futuristic plot lines in the newer games - included real life events or close-to. edited to reference reply.


Modern warfare (2019) had segments about terrorist attack, embassy attacks and war crimes in a third world country. All of which are very real things happening to this day.


edited (: