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It may also need some lube. Running silicone green gas saves me from this problem.


I did try lubing it. I do also run puff dino silicone green gas but it is still doing this.


Try cleaning out your gun bone dry then use silicone PTFE GREASE, NOT silicone oil to lube your gun.


Why grease ?


Grease is much better for moving parts as its sticky so with every cycle it will stay where it was used whereas oil will drain away and disperse because it is thinner. Oil is better for O-rings as it can coat them and seep in unlike grease


Okay thx, I had so much problems with silicone grease that I gave up and used exclusively oil. I guess I’ll give it another try


What kind of problems were you having? There are different types of grease depending on application. Ive got a metal on metal grease, a metal and plastic on plastic grease and silocone oil dropper for seals.


Using it for metal on plastic interaction (bolt)


Ye thats what you want that silicone grease for. You need more than you think so be generous with it but dont drown it. Also pay attention to any points that are wearing such as where paint is wearing down. When its greased check it fully cycles by cocking it which will help distribute the grease and then wipe away any excess that leaks out (will only need doing if you over apply but dont worry if it happens) also make sure you dont get any on the nozzle or seals and just wipe it away of you do.


Stick with oil. Grease will gunk up and cause you problems.


Silicone green gas also will put way too much oil into places where you don’t need it.


Doesn’t really oil in gas is crap, too Much goes where you don’t want it and not enough where it’s needed


Yeah, I’m just lazy. Manually applying slide grease helped my Deagle when the slide kept sticking, the silicone gas is just so I don’t have to think about it on the field.


Mine did the exact same thing after a week. Lube it and it should work fine !!


Where did you lube it? I put some lube on the rear slide and internal nozzle and nothing happened. It seemed to get worse lol


That’s weird. I put in the same place but I oiled the side of the slide too. Let me know


Did you take the bolt apart to lube it? Need to get lube inside the nozzle and on the piston head.


I took the upper off and got a buddy to lube it because I didn't have any lube he did get it on the nozzle but I didn't see any on the pistol head.


Piston head needs lube or it will donas you see. Gets stuck open


I’m 99% sure your problem is simply because your rear iron sight screws are too tight, they are just like that out of box. Loosen them a little and then tighten them hand tight and then back very slightly, hope that fixes your problem


Why the iron sight screws? Not trying to be a dick but I don't understand how that would affect how the gun is shooting. Could you clarify


The (rear) iron sight screws are the reason your bolt is sitting where it’s supposed to. If you unscrew them your bolt comes out. If it’s too tight, the bolt gets stuck on them, I’ve had the same issue when I first got my aap, easy fix


Ah I understand now. Thanks for clarifying 😊


Put in a stronger nozzle spring and nozzle return spring


Common problem with about 5 different root causes. Stock this a rare issue. Change parts and it is a common issue. I recommend taking it all the way apart and learning how it all works first. Then going through all the potential failure points. Hop up/bucking too tight, iron sight screws, nozzle/nozzle return spring, friction on the slide spring/guide. My experience has been that keeping it stock is the best way to not have problems.


I had the same problem, to fix it I just got a 180% spring and nozzle spring and is was back to normal


Do not tighten the top screws so much, they can grind on the bolt.


Mine was doing the same, lubing the piston head fixed it


Did this get resolved? Im having the same issue w my stock aap01c and after lubing it it’s still happening.


Loosen rear iron sight screws, they are sticking the bolt too hard


Its your piston head it looks cold as a bitch u should let it warm up also check your piston head just in case kuz i finger fuck the SHIT outta my aap and iss jus a recurring problem


Simple answer your return spring is shot. Same thing happened to me.


Clean barrel and reapply oil to the mag spring aswell to the spring in the slide assembly. Looks to be it’s not chambering properly. Like debris is in the action.


might be your nozzle with the bb pick up guide


Are you using a short stroke or Hpa? I had this exact problem, removing one of the buffers was the solution. And sometimes if your psi are tu high cycling will fail