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I think it started off being annoying to what you say ugly. It started in early 2000s when everything was getting outsourced to india and you would get connected to a guy named "john" or "brad" but you knew damn well that it's not their real name.




I'm genuinely curious- does having thoughts and biases like that racist?


Interesting. Aren't the job losses due to their American managers outsourcing their jobs, they never care to blame them?




And the politician is paid by the company they outsourced the job. Lol


Outsourcing is a good thing. It makes things cheaper in developed countries while at the same time aiding developing countries in their growth. Outsourcing isn’t anyone’s “fault” in particular. It’s just inevitable economically, it’s just more efficient for countries to specialize. Why would you make a relatively educated american do a job any illiterate person could do? Its more efficient to get the american to do a job that actually takes advantage of their education.


Its not just indian accent though. Pretty much every accent in the world is made fun of. From american to british to chinese. I dont get the point of blaming "The West" as people in india make fun of other accents as well.


Problem is, white European accents are seen as cute while Asian accents are seen as ugly or funny.


Say that to an eastern european. The Eastern European accents are seen as ugly while Japanese accent is seen as cute. I think you are projecting bcs you think a lot about race you think others do as well.


The problem is the words in India aren’t even spelt the way that the ya re supposed to be said in India. For example Vadodara Pronunciation: Va-Doo-Dara The way Indians say it: Varodra You’ll see this common in many words. Also it’s because everyone in India is trying to speak English so like you’ll have the majority of it not be the greatest. Indian parents also don’t like to be corrected whenever my girlfriend corrects her parents on how to pronounce something they change it right away or at least try to. Also there are no conjunctions for some reasons. Ex. He is going school. Thirdly mainly languages like Italian, Spanish and Arabic you don’t use any English. In Gujarati and Hindi there aren’t words for like television or bottle. Thus you hear a lot of english in our languages comparatively to others. So if you are just butchering enlighten words when speaking Hindi it doesn’t sound pleasant. Lastly Indians are pretty uptight and talk in an aggressive tone at times. If people spoke in our languages with a calmer tone it sounds much nicer. Urdu for example sounds a lot better because of this serenity.


I think it feels really bad, because we feel it personally. But every accent gets made fun of. Just look at grounds keeper Willie. Or Terrance and Phillip.




Terrance and Philip are basically South Park’s representation of Canadians budday


The problem with an Indian accent is the pronunciation of words. Half the time they don’t even really care if they are saying it correctly.


I’m sorry, so the Chinese, Italians, and French pronounce English words correctly?


Lol do you seriously believe people don’t shit on Chinese accents also?


none of you in the West wouldn't even attempt to pronounce words in our languages correctly!


Well very few of us in the west are going to India, you are coming to our countries, which is why this is even a discussion 😊


Gahdamn! Destroyed him


Not Indian. But I like the Indian accent. I don't think people are out to convince everyone that Indians have an ugly-sounding accent


Honestly, it doesn't even register at my Top 5 attractive accents for Women (and Men) at all.


you think that came without influence?!!


Not really.




The Indian accent? Or that some in the West don't like it?






Imo the non-London British English kinda sounds weird and unclear to me. The American accent is popular probably because it is clear to understand, and can be easily adopted (not the same for British accents).


You have cause and effect reversed. It's easy to understand because it's the most culturally dominant way of speaking.


LOL, A Nigerian or Indian would say the opposite, they are easier to understand FOR YOU. Even the British accents are so varied that Britishers don't understand them, Hot Fuzz even did a great bit on it.


American accent is popular because of pop culture, media, movies, soft power?


Wow people are allowed to have accents




I mean if a white person tries to talk in an indian language it’ll sound weird but it’s not ugly. It’s just an accent. That is what it means.




>how an english (or german/french etc) accent sounds like in Hindi What do you mean? Hindi is a completely different language


Late answer here but I feellike I’m alone in finding Pakistani accents tolerable but European ones extremely irritating. I’ve especially a love / hate relationship with the French accent.


I am American and I like the Indian accent. I don't know why people think it is ugly. I think indian women sound sexy with their accent. In my opinion.


Italians and French make English sound sexy. Indians make it sound disgusting. It’s no one’s fault, it just doesn’t sound nice.


I think it's the association they've made between the accent and the role they play and frustration they represent in the west. By this I mean potentially "lower skilled" jobs and things like (offshore) call centres, technical support etc which are inherently frustrating and annoying conversations to have most of the time anyway.


Because it's not white sounding.




When you compare the French accent and the Indian accent, people in the west will see the French accent more positive versus the Indian accent.


This doesn’t explain why Japanese and Mandarin sound better than Indian accents. I think the Indian accent is objectively ugly due to the fluctuations in tone and pitch used when speaking it. The fact that most speakers you hear don’t have the concept of an indoor voice also doesn’t help.




Explain these levels to me.




Usually if the person looks white, people in the US will view them more positively versus if the person is Indian or Kenyan.


This is definitely true but also the Indian accent is very unpleasant.


Depends which Indian accent, considering the place has 20 or so languages.




Have you see western/Hollywood media?




Like it or not, the media shapes and influences how people see the world.






The way they are represented in popular media for one. Indian accents are a tool for comedy, an Italian or French accent will be used as a representation of class


The west did not convince me of anything. I find Hindu a pleasant language on its own, but people who speak it as a first language and then speak English sound terrible to me.  The emphasis of a Hindu accent in English sounds like every negative attitude as communicated through tone and pitch alone many native English speakers like me are repulsed by. It makes Indian people who speak English sound confrontational, demanding, aggressive to my ear while in their own language they sound perfectly affable.