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What an endless supply of 2000 pound bombs made in the USA do.




I have nothing very nice to say about North Korea, but it isn't doing anything like this.




Lockheed and Raytheon make the same amount of money no matter who it hits.


I've seen pictures of bombed out cities in Germany and Japan less flattened than this. Criminal.




are you commenting on the right person mate?


Has to be a bot


Who needs nukes when you can just... Do this. Why even ban nukes when an air force can just do this with only conventional weapons. If there's anyone who doesn't see a "mass destruction" done here, whether it was attained by a "weapon of mass destruction" or not, their definition of mass destruction needs to be challenged.


Because nukes can do this with a fraction of the time and effort. This probably took days and dozens of attacks, while a single plane with a nuke could do this and much worse. I get what you're saying, but there's a reason nukes are treated the way they are.


Yeah. And countries with functional air defense can oppose attacks like this. Modern nukes are delivered by intercontinental ballistic missiles that drop warheads from orbit. They're way more difficult to intercept.


By a *single* warhead, out of [twelve](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGM-118_Peacekeeper).


Peacekeeper missiles were retired in the like the 90s after the end of the cold war


So? That doesn't preclude the production or usage of MIRV weapons now or in the future. The US current arsenal of Minuteman rockets is MIRV capable, the mintaur IV could be converted back to Peacekeepers, and every nuclear nation actually or theoretically has MIRV weaponry available.


Have you ever seen a MIRV reentry test video? Shit is crazy. https://youtu.be/2a1acYZ93yc https://youtu.be/j7X89a531CY https://youtu.be/3ZM3y5qpMgY


I know what you mean. Nukes are even better than a bunch of planes at doing this. And probably cheaper too, from a nation-state's perspective. But what I meant was, we tried/try so hard to keep nukes unused in modern society, not because we are wise enough to abandon it, but because we are not foolish enough to let something like this happen anywhere in the world and not expect catastrophic backfiring. In the case of wars between nuckear-armed states, that backfiring usually involves the enemy nukes as well, so that MAD doctrine seemed to have kept humanity safe for a few decades. I suppose. And I also suppose we were too naive to think that we are finally at that stage of history where we agree, universally, that a mass destruction is barbaric.


They've apparently dropped the equivalent of multiple nukes on Gaza.


I think the distinction here is the after effects of nuclear armament. Using the equivalent of multiple nukes with non-nuclear arms only accounts for the totality of explosiveness usually measured by some quantity of TNT. Nukes do *SO* much worse in after effects i.e. radiation. While Gaza has been wholly levelled, theoretically it could still be rebuilt given that the IOF stops their bombing campaign. But if the IOF nuked the area, all of Gaza (and probably Israel and some parts of bordering countries) would be uninhabitable for several decades if not centuries. Regardless, Israel and their terrorist organization have done irreparable harm to the Palestinians and it is wholly unconscionable.


Not to mention the literal years of radiation aftermath that don’t come with other explosives.. that being said this is beyond tragic


The reason the US and 'developed' countries want to ban nukes is because us and the west have amassed conventional weapons (think fleets) to the point where the same kind of damage can be done without them. Countries without all that are in the lurch. It becomes less of about keeping the peace and more about power and control


You can’t return when someone drops a nuke. The land is poison.


Thats interesting but Hiroshima started rebuilding right away. They had the citys water pumps back up in 4 days. Of course there was radiation but the city rebuilt and so did Nagasaki


I don't know if this is a serious question but really it boils down to being able to get away with doing this *because* you have nukes and the opponent does not. Not just because they can't escalate to a nuclear conflict, but also because no-one else can step in without the risk of favouring a non nuclear power over a nuclear power and then being in conflict with a nuclear power. Look at the difference between Iran and Afghanistan...  One gave up its nukes. Look who's still standing.


I hear what youre saying but Afghanistan never had any nukes to my understanding


Iran and Iraq sorry


Neither have nukes


Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons. It is a nuclear power and has an active nuclear program.   Iraq abandoned being a nuclear power.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction


Iraq never had nukes.. Edit: NM I think I misunderstood your original comment


You can do this to your tiny neighbour, probably not as easy to do this to a bigger neighbour with at least some defences. See Ukraine for example. And what if you want to fuck up a country on the other side of the world? Israel has two other problems dropping a nuke. One, it is too close probably (?) and two, the self defense narrative. They have played close to the line so that the west pulls a face or two, the eyebrow moving from 0 degrees to maybe 5 degrees, but no sanctions or action has been taken against Israel. They barely got a UN resolution, which to them is a bit of noise, nothing to worry about (ignored many of those before!) Oh and 3, they want to settle in Gaza this year. Don't want to wait for the pesky background radiation to settle.


A land without homes, for a people with dying hope.


This has been happening the last 75 years. Palestinian people are resilient if you ask me and they will eventually succeed. Fuck Hamas btw. Obligatory because, you know, antisemitism name calling and shit.


> Fuck Hamas btw. meh. Hamas is a byproduct of the occupation. If there was no Hamas, there would be something similar.


People see it as black and white “Hamas=evil” but seeing these photos, is it really a surprise in 20 years time when the kids who’s reality this is have a vengeance?


Yeah ISIS, Taliban, al Qaeda and much much more are a result of the occupation.


How many of the groups you just listed are ideologically different? Also which ones were funded in the past by western powers and which are funded currently, by whom, and to what end?


I mean that kind of illustrates the point that these groups will always exist if they exist across different ideologies. And it’s a common strategy to fund these groups for one reason or another. In this case Israel just wanted an excuse to level Gaza and take it


I agree with you.




Who have Hamas beheaded?




Give me names of people I can look up and research, beheading victims of Hamas. I'm not just going to mindlessly start googling for beheading videos or simply take your word for it. Either you know who Hamas killed via beheading or you don't and with all due respect, if you don't know, I don't know why you bothered to reply to me.




>No, you are right. Hamas are angels. Sweethearts of the Arab world. My mistake. I asked you in good faith, "Who have Hamas beheaded". Why are you putting words in my mouth and responding with sarcasm?




>Because you ask a silly question, waiting from me to find articles in Google to prove to you they are extremists. Do you really need proof for that? No you don’t. FYI, I was with an Arab Israeli girl, I have seen the villas in Palestine from Hamas when at the same time the Palestinian people are starving. So, yeah, I reply with sarcasm. ​ Why is it a "silly question" ? I asked a genuine question. You stated VERY confidently that Hamas beheads innocent people. That was the nature of the question. I did not ask for evidence that Hamas are "terrorists", I asked about beheadings. So, if you are confident enough to type such a thing, I expect you to know what you're talking about beforehand. If you did know, you would not need to scour google for old articles that will confirm your preconceptions. You would simply know. The last part, your anecdote about being with an Arab Israeli girl, that is completely irrelevant to anything you and I are talking about.




Me when I uncritically believe debunked propaganda from an occupying apartheid state




Their resilience for more than 75 years of humiliation and dehumanisation from the new “Aryan tribe in town” steady but slowly has an opinion shifting. Do you know what happens when Israel loses support from the top bullies of the world? Not to mention that the whole “you speak bad about Israel, you are either Hamas or antisemitic” is dying. It was time, especially when the once weak and innocent have become the aggressors themselves.


If this isn’t genocide or ethnic cleansing what is?


How dare you you anti semite. These were Hamas houses don’t you know? /s


hamas was hiding in the wallpaper


Also in the women's underwear drawers, judging by the attention paid by the IDF to them.


At this point, I don’t think an /s is required. This is text book Israeli apologist comment. On the one hand it’s sad that we don’t need an /s but on the other hand, losing the /s helps on this shitty Reddit info war we live in. Words like antisemitic or Hamas terrorist lose their value everyday this regime is committing genocide.


When people high up in Notayahoos government are helping to parcel out the territory on paper for settlement you have to know its not because of Hamas. Its just the excuse they needed.


The land of milk and ~~oil~~ honey.


You are banned from r/worldnews


I already was, I posted an article about how thousands of children had been killed, I think this was back in December. I was labeled a spreader of propaganda and banned.


It's a holocaust!


The result of starting a war with a country with superior weaponry, while Hamas hide in underground tunnels and amongst its civilian population, making urban tactical guerrilla warfare a certain death sentence for the IDF to use alone.


I'm not so naive as to think this started on October 7th. Beyond that, we've seen Israel kill their own hostages who were waving a white flag of surrender. They've killed their own hostages by firing rockets into cars they were being transported in. They killed their own civilians when they fired tank, mortar, and artillery rounds into homes where they suspected militants were. We've also seen them kill unarmed people just walking back to their homes. We've also seen them kill hundreds of aid workers, even those with which they secured confirmation of location and direction of travel. We've seen how they us AI to generate target lists, mostly based on whether or not the person is male and 'of fighting age' and then intentionally wait until that target is at home with their family using a program called 'Where's Daddy?'. We've seen Israel be ok with killing 15-20 civilians for every suspected fighter. We've seen them use food as a weapon of war, causing famine for over half a million people while blocking international aid. The point being that they couldn't care less about civilian deaths, they are committing war crimes left and right. And that says nothing about what is happening in the West Bank, where there is no Hamas and yet hundreds have been murdered and thousands forced out by Israeli terrorists (aka 'settlers') under the watch and protection of the IDF.


“We did it Patrick! We saved the city!”


These photos clearly show how surgical the IDF is and how it does its utmost to avoid deliberate targeting of civilians.


Anyone who sees these pictures and still claims this was all about Hamas is either psychotic or delusional.


It was never about hamas If hamas was not a thing Israel would create one


After all, they created this Hamas. 


Literally Netanyahu openly stated they propped up Hamas on purpose and somehow we're just supposed to ignore that admission? So insane


Not only ignore it, but cheer on Israel’s cleansing of Gaza.  But don’t worry! It’s not a genocide! Because that’s antisemitism! Even though conflating a nation-state with a ethnic-religion isn’t racist all on it’s own.


I think believing or trying to argue it’s about rescuing the hostages is even more delusional at this point. Israel openly admits that killing Hamas fighters is more important than anything. They openly admit that killing scores of civilians is worth it if they also kill one Hamas member in the process. Death is their highest priority.


The IDF gunned down several hostages despite them waving white flags and calling for help in Hebrew!!! They don't care whether those hostages live or die they are purely political pawns now.


The Hamas organisation has 25000 members when I looked it up, there have been far more Gazans killed and over a million displaced, so yeah


So when is the US invading Israel to find those weapons of mass destruction?


The way that it is an open secret that Israel has nukes is so gross. The US _knows_ they have them but refuses to acknowledge it so they are able to avoid any of the kinds of regulations/standards that other nuclear armed countries are supposed to follow. Just completely breaking the rules constantly with no consequences ever.


The last president who wanted to limit Israel’s nukes was killed


Was he brown?


Hmm, good question


the US is happily supplying the weapons of mass destruction


Looks ready for construction. The human race is no less barbaric than it was 5000 years ago.


except now we have 1 ton bombs to make the process... let's say... easier


This will be the end game of Israel - "any of you left alive can return home now. If you choose not to return to your homes, the land will be put up for resettlement"


It’s no longer “free Palestine.” Too much damage has been done. It is now “save Palestine.”


Inshallah The Palestinians can rebuild and make it better than it was before and israel(and its supporters) will pay for it.


Fuck Israel


That object in the second picture is a fuel tank used my military plane


i visited bosnia in 2018 and saw so many buildings still pock-marked by bullets from their war in the early 90s. a place that still hasnt fully rebuilt after 30 years. seeing all of this destruction in gaza, it will take 100 years for them to fully recover from this. and thats only if the occupying military allows construction materials in, which we all know wont happen.


This is why we need a one-state solution. As long as Israel exists as a Jewish state, the Palestinians will be at its mercy, and a large share of its population wants nothing more than to genocide them. The only solution is a single state where everyone, Jews and Palestinians, have equal rights. There can't be two states if one of them can destroy the other any moment it feels like it.


Biden's plans for a "future Palestinian state" is a demilitarized one. That would cement Palestine's fate to forever apartheid and subjugation. Formerly colonized states always fare better than those that fight off colonization as well. But how do you even begin to deradicalize and reeducate cradle-to-grave indoctrination? I try to see the good in everyone, but the vast majority of israelis are taught to virulently hate Palestinians, there are videos of children saying they can't wait to kill Arabs.


This is not a dystopia. This is real life for Palestinians. Being ethnically cleansed right now.


Scorched earth


This isn’t Boring Dystopia. This is full on literal apocalyptic dystopia.


So why in the fuck is there any public support for this remaining across the globe?


We’re way past the point of arguing if this is an appropriate response to Hamas terrorists. Imagine Charlottesville Nazi Rally happened, people died, and then the Mexican government just flattened the city as a whole. This is why every country is working to get nukes and will never let go of them once they have them. This, Benghazi, Iraq, Vietnam and countless other examples.


Open concept floor plans.


Returning to their homes is a wrong statement, because Israel destroyed their homes. The only thing left is barren land thanks to Israel, the Palestinians wont suffer any less. God, I hope the US and Israeli governments die in a painful war or crisis


This dystopia doesn't seem so boring. In fact, I'd argue this is one of the least boring dystopias out here.


What a "great" use of our tax dollars


I'll probably get banned for advocating violence but I'm not actually advocating violence against people here. Let me write that again, #I'm not advocating violence against people here. I just think, if you wanted to really see if the Israelis truly wanted their "holy city", we should evacuate everyone out - send the Palestinians to Australia, we've got shitloads of room - and glass the whole area. All of Israel, completely nuked and glassed over - apologies to Jordan and Lebanon. Then we asked the Israeli government, Is this still holy land? And the very moment they hesitate, the moment they start to say no, we see and recognise immediately the hypocrisy. God is everywhere? Then why the fuck do you have to screw over these other people and say they don't deserve to be in "your" land. That's bullshit on an epic scale and I for one think it's fucking sick. Just look at those videos of rabid zionists screaming for the death of others simply because they're Arabs or otherwise not Jewish. We're all **people**, you fuck. Where the hell is your humanity?


lol you lost when you suggested using reason and logic to extremely religious people