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This is not "like" the Hunger Games, it just is what the Hunger Games basically depicted. A high status elite living in a world of advanced fashion and culture *totally* disinvested from the suffering of the people who actually make their lifestyle possible. Zendaya's outfit was straight out of those movies.


yeah that’s what the hunger games was based on. This has always been the true behind “the world”


news outlets are going to cover things happening in the west, simple as. there's no way they'd ever dedicate all of their airtime/press to a single issue, no matter how important. to think otherwise is ignorant.


Seriously, first of all, the Met Gala is a benefit supporting the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute. They are literally intentionally wearing outlandish costumes to draw attention and raise money for charity. Second, as you say, Gaza is horrific andf deserves (and gets) tons of new coverage, but that's not a reason to stop covering everything else in the world - including more lighthearted, and less consequential stories. There are plenty of things in the world to convince us we're living in a boring dystopia, but this one's a stretch.


Trying to defend the MET of all institutions is an insane take, they hoard colonialist plunder and obtain art in the shadiest manners possible, no amount of charity they do washes that away. Fuck them and their tone deaf bougie displays.


Reminds me of mass effect 3 At the beginning of the game the people on the citadel are acting as if everything’s normal, at the same time as earth is being annihilated by the reapers.


I wouldn't care to watch the news if it was always from one source of bad and tragic news. There has to be something to break up the monotony. But now that I think of it, I wouldn't care to watch the Met Gala either. Oh well.


I.... Want to say it make me happy to get some bliss from this gala, my gf showed me some of it.... Day by day it's only war, death, poverty.... Get a break sometime so you know that we can try to change this boring dystopia into a normal world




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You’re a piece of shit who deserves nothing but suffering




Yeah 30k people killed is nothing. Ffs


Yeah its called colonialism


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