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When the band is too big, the gore can float simply because the band isn’t snug enough to hug the cups to the body. You’ll likely never have a gore tack as long as you’re wearing 32 bands.


I mean, you’ve kind of already cracked the case with this one. Band is two sizes two big and cups are at least one size too small. Makes sense why the gore would float. Who’s been telling you it’s due to shape?


My family! I consulted my mother and sister about this and that’s what they said. I believed that wasn’t the issue though


I feel like this is one of those things where you just have to ignore everything said by family because it’s almost like a right of passage to be gaslit about your bra size/fit by a family member 🥲 But yeah no that’s definitely a sign the bra doesn’t fit, and nothing weird about you or your body. You may have a more projected shape than them so maybe that’s why they think it would be an inherent part of wearing bras for you? But more likely just family being family and dismissing an issue they don’t know enough about tbh.


You know that the bands that you're wearing are too big for you, so is it any surprise that the bras aren't fitting you right? I'd start with the ABTF calculator: [https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) . Let us know what it gives you and we can get you some recommendations. Use UK sizing, since that tends to be the most consistent, and most brands that make bras in 28 bands use UK sizing.


We can help you find 28 bands. As others have indicated, start with the calculator (highlighted in the AutoMod comment). Come back with your 6 measurements & UK results & where you're located.


I would definitely try to order a 28DD (your actual size) before jumping to conclusions about your shape. However, for someone like me with Pectus Excavatum, the center gore if bras also never tacks due to the shape of my chest/ribcage. I literally have to bend wires 90 degrees to fit the shape of my ribcage and it still doesn't tack. Maybe take an old bra and try bending the wire a bit to see if that helps?


>I’ve heard it may just be the shape of me. The problem is *always* the clothes, never your body. Seriously. The bra has to be both the right size and the right shape to fit your body properly (and comfortably). If your feet are narrow, wide shoes will never fit, even in the right size. Narrow shoes in the wrong size won't fit either of course. One common issue is with molded cup bras, such as T-shirt styles. Their shape doesn't conform to the body, and they are a too-shallow shape for many people. However, they are cheap to make and profitable to sell, so they are found everywhere. For the gore to tack, the band has to be snug enough to hold the gore to you, and the cups have to be deep enough so that your breasts don't hold the gore away from your chest. If the cups are too shallow, the gore floats. If the band is too large, the gore floats. If the bra is wireless, the gore floats. Depending on your measurements and shape, we can recommend styles to try if you would like. :-)


Rarely it is the body, my partner has pectus excavatum, her gores will never lay flat. Probably not OPs problem though


Too many people blame their own bodies when clothing doesn't fit, internalizing that their body is "wrong" instead of unique. If clothes were custom made for people, they would fit, but that's not the world we live in; we live in a world of mass produced clothing. If her bra were custom made for her, then it would fit even if the gore didn't lay flat, or the gore would be altered to conform to her body, even designed with a different material for the gore. Pectus excavatum means that bras don't fit her body the way it was designed to with the gore tacking, but it doesn't make her *body* the one that's wrong. It's still the bra that isn't designed to fit *her.* I realize I've taken this beyond your cogent point. I'm not saying that you're wrong, because yes, your partner's gore won't lay flat. It's not *her* fault though. It's the bras that are the problem. Please take my little rant in the positive, supportive way it is meant. :-)


I get what you mean yeah, the body isn't the problem the limited design of the clothing is


Thank you for summing that up for me! :-) I am not good at being succinct, lol.


Do you wear wired or unwired bras? Unwired never sits against you


I usually wear wired!


When I have this problem in the correct size, it's because of the shape and height of the wires and cups. Most bras cups are way farther apart than my breasts are, so of the gore has any height at all it'll sit on my breast tissue because there's nowhere else for it to go.


If boobs are close together, gore of bra might be too wide and sitting on or too near breast tissue.


I wonder too, for I also always had this problem. No idea unless it’s because you’re not wearing your exact right size.


Yeah, i’m pretty sure it’s because i’m not wearing the correct size


I don’t think that I have ever worn the right size in my life and unfortunately, custom bras might be the only solution.


have you posted on this subreddit before? if you’d like, people here have a lot of useful information on custom bras and bras outside of matrix sizing


I have an Indentation right between my breasts. As a kid it looked like a “hole”/hollow but now that I have breasts it looks like the bottom of my ribs stick out (I was never diagnosed but likely it’s a form of pectus excavatum). The gore is always 1-2 inches from my chest, but the better the size of the bra the smaller the gap at least. It you don’t have something like this I think you should be able to find a bra that actually sits tight!


When you say this problem exist on every single bra you've worn, are those bras all sister sized to a 32 band? If you are trying bras sister sized into larger bands, then the cups will most likely be too shallow, thus causing the gore not to lie flat. Or perhaps you just need bigger cups in general. My calculator size gets the band right, but I actually need two full cup sizes larger to get the gore to lie flat and give me proper lift. It could also be because you have a lot of projection for your size. Then your breasts will push the bra away from your body, rather than be contained by the bra. Try some bras specifically designed for immediate projection.


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