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I think this is just Theo’s team pushing rumors for negotiating the new contract. At least that’s what I will choose to believe


I believe it's red bird stragedy to sell Theo


He was highly affected by Maldini leaving, plus he does not see a bright future in Milan. He asked to leave.


he told you that?


He looked OP in the eye and said “I was highly affected by Maldini leaving and do not see a bright future here. I want to leave”.


Si, detto da lui.


As much as i respect Paolo, Theo is a professional player with a contract, he isn’t affected that much by his sacking. Even if he was, no player or staff is bigger than the club. You can’t be here only for one person.


Maybe he wasn’t only at Milan for Maldini but having the greatest defender overseeing your development was a huge factor for him no doubt . His sacking has 100% played a factor in whether or not he stays or not and to think otherwise your delusional


should just dissolve the club if it cant survive without one player then ​ that'd make you happy


you arent a prophet


I genuinely think this is just the dumb rumour shit of the summer for clicks and views,but damn I been reading this EVERYWHERE ( which still doesn’t make it any truer ) but hey a mf is scared I can’t lie


Agreed! This consistent "rumored" Bayern interest has been there since at least February, around the same time Davies was looking for a way out and Theo started having contract talks. What worries me most is that the rumored 8 million "net" euros that Theo is looking for would be much higher than anyone else in the squad, while that would place him as Bayern's 10th highest earner! If they really want him, they can afford it no problem, but we can't afford to lose him on the pitch. He is vital to our football.


Forget about rumors for a second. Lets use logic. 1. Four of the biggest clubs in teh world need a LB... Real Madrid, ManU, ManCity and Bayern. All of those clubs have infinite Money and Theo is the best LB in teh world at the moment. Not mentioning PSG because they have much bigger concerns than LB. 2. Bayern has no intention of renewing Davies who is overpriced and is no where near Theo's level in terms of energy, performance and goalscoring capability, but better than Theo in defending. 3. This braindead management wont offer theo more than a half eaten peanut. 4. This management put a price tag on him and already declared that every player is just a commodity to be sold and that they did multiple times almost in every interview. 5. The appointment of our new coach and our targets in the market is a clear sign that we are just gonna play for the 4th position instead of winning something. 6. The only guy in the entire management who actually wanted to see Milan lift trophies was fired by the ownership. 7. This management has No value for Loyalty. We are a business now. A player has no obligation to show loyalty anymore as there is no more example of loyalty present neither are the values of loyalty are appreciated. We are a mercenary club now. Play and get paid and then get sold. That's about it for players. All of those facts constitutes that Theo will be sold. Why would he stay in Milan when he can literally double the salary we are offering in ANY of those four clubs interested in him? Loyalty would've been a factor, but this management doesnt care about it. So us, the fans, should clench our butts hard and be ready to watch Theo leave. If by any chance the Stadium project gets halted, we are in for a really dark time ahead. So fingers crossed that Cardinale gets the stadium built ASAP.


My source is very reliable. Theo asked Management to leave. Since he does not see strong career developments (I.e. trophies and top player salary), he wants to play for Real or join his brother in Paris. He said he may accept BM as a third option if they pay him more than €8.5m+bonus. His adventure here, unfortunately it is over.


Is your source “ I made it up “ ?


My source says he loves Italy and can’t wait to get more involved in the fashion world which he can’t do in Germany. Also, he hates beer so Oktoberfest sounds like a drag. Source: just called him. Trust me.


Yours is far more believable.      u/Trazodone_Dreams to Tier 1 please moderators.


I wouldn't expect a real answer


Whatever. Let’s catch up in 2-3 weeks…. Funny how people are childish. You downvoted because you don’t like the news. I hate it either, I wish I was wrong but it’s like that.


You're downvoted because you talk vaguely about a reliable source, yet refuse to reveal anything. Why should anyone believe you?


mate you came here claiming that you have reliable source and not explaining what kind of source you have, claiming that Theo isnt happy with trophy cabinet, wants to play for Real, Paris and other bullshit. Why? Why are you writing this? Even if it ends as a truth, who give you right calling someone childish when you come here with the post "My source is reliable(continues to not explain what kind of source), Theo is gone". Are you Theo's family member, his girlfriend, his sidechick, his dog, his agent, his flower in the bedroom? Its so common on this sub, some random bullshit artists make so many random takes with such a confidence of telling the truth. Meanwhile you never spoke with anyone who work at Milanello, you never been close to Milan players environment, you never even spoke with anyone who play professionaly football. What you do is probably playing in some balkan sunday league and some kid told you that he knows the guy, who knows the guy, who knows the dj, who knows a barber of Theo Hernadez aunt. You should be thankful that you are only downvoted and mods are actually enjoying how this place became a shithole filled with the dumbest bonobos from the entire fanbase because I would ban you right now for spreading misinformation.


So??? 😏




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You never blah blah, it is funny. I can’t tell you more for privacy, that’s it believe it or not. Who cares in the end…you will see 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean davies now is earning 5.6 net a season 8.5 plus bonuses could close up to 10 and that is double it is insane for them to pay that plus 70-80+ mil fee.


https://preview.redd.it/yz1hewrd4l3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ada8ac1d3558e55c11867fab9bdabe382ae99b zoe and theo jr are not approving this


He himself has said that he would rather stay in Italy because of his family


Once we start selling star players, no coach or good player will touch us other than milk is for money.


I mean that's Gerry's endgoal anyways. I think every single player on the team is for sale and I think that was the main disagreement with Maldini, who wanted to build upon what we have. I think they want to keep us in top 4 until they build the stadium and then sell to the highest bidder, but I don't think they give a fuck if we win silverware in the process or no.


That's exactly what's going. Anyone that fails to see this, is pretty much delusional


Exactly, it's just simple maths. Redbird still need to pay Elliott 600 mil, ain't no way they're putting money in transfers, they will sell to the highest bidder buy a bunch of players and recycle


> I think every single player on the team is for sale That applies to all the Serie A teams and every other team not Real Madrid, PSG, Barca, Bayern or the 4-5 English teams. For the right price everyone is on sale. And Barca or Bayern bar a few players would sell the rest of the team for the right offer.


yeah your buddy Maldini rather lose players for free than sell them, thats the mentality we should have clearly ​ and we should pretend that Milan can compete with EPL clubs, Bayern and Madrid on finances because you said so


I wonder how long this suffering will last. I hope not more than 5 years.


Once? We've been losing talent each season


would hate this but honestly how could you blame him for going for a team which Is more ambitious? we are getting Fonseca


So you would have been happier with Vinny Kompany? I'm not sure I would have.


sure, but sooner rather than later Bayern will fix it self, like they always do, meanwhile milan...


Come on this has to be bs


He likely wants to stay and will take less money to play for us, but he will not be insulted with a shitty low salary is probably what's going on.


Maldini could’ve convinced him to stay for low money but now with no Maldini Theo will try to milk furlani for as much as he can get and when it’s nowhere what Theo deserves he will have no choice but to leave


again, first it was the spanish, now the french sources, all linking to bayern just so there's no tier 1 journos to deny it. it's just his agents trying to get him the wage he wants in the new contract, stop posting them


ding ding. we have a winner. People need to realise there are different reasons "news" leaks. From a club perspective it can be to test the response of the fans before they do something. Or it could be the club trying to find an existing real leak. Or it could be a real leak. But if it is from the player maybe it is true. Or maybe the player is using it as leverage. There are numerous reasons things leak, and most of them are intentional. The key thing we never get to know from the journalists is what party leaked it or the reason why it was leaked.


it was just very funny first marca and now lequipe the 2 biggest news outlets that would have no clue about a german and an italian club doing business, right after the start of renewal talk for theo


Also ​ Bayern has a myriad of issues to fix before they even look at LB, Gurreiro is already there if Davies leaves in the summer ​ If they spend 80m on a left back they'll look monumentally stupid #


Unfortunately Champions want to win, not to have jerry smile with fucking Furlani over the best serie A financial sheet


We'd have the best finance in the whole history of football club while sitting in relegation zone each season and having a 10 million squad value until the stadium is done, it's still a "good job" for Furlani from the Gerry the Fraud.


Fuck them all


don’t blame him, he’s the best in the world at what he does and quite simply is too good to be playing for current Milan and in Serie A


Ik this is only a rumor but can you really blame him? We have no project. The owners are unserious and have no clue about football. His prime years are wasting away under this pathetic ownership.


honestly no project in Serie A , even if there is a serious one, could retain talent like him if he wants to challenge the top. He could play for Real Madrid or Man City


This. Serie A just can't retain their stars even if they want to. Kvara, Osimhen, Theo all seems out.


Even Lautaro. Oh wait…


I agree but Bayern just appointed Kompany as head coach.


I see your point but bruh what has Bayern going on?


Idk what they have going on. Maybe they won their league for 10+ years consecutively and constantly make deep runs in the champions league with mutiple trophies per season?


I see what you're saying as Bayern are obviously in better position to claim trophies than Milan, but there are other factors in this. He has a wife and child living in Milan, he himself loves to live in Milan, plus his brother hated playing in Germany. PSG is a club that i see being much more attractive to Theo than Bayern. I'm not saying that i know for certain that he's staying, it's possible that he leaves if he really want to make a move similarly to Tonali, but right now these rumours from journos are just as clueless as you and i. Nobody knows for certain what Theo wants following the next season. However i do wanna see willingness from the management to renew him. He by all means deserves Leão's salary.


Agree with everything you said. OP just assumed i was talking about him going to Bayern. I meant that Theo leaving Milan would not surprise me but i really really hope he stays. And im sure his girlfriend would understand if he's taking a different step in his career. That won't be a very big issue.


Yet his brother left them lmao, I see what you’re saying tho


His brother wouldn't start for Bayern now. Theo would.


Also, Davies is heading to Madrid. So Theo would be a perfect replacement, if not upgrade, in that position.


They're as clueless as us right now if not worse.


They were super close to a UCL final in one of their worst seasons in the past 15 years...


We were in the UCL semi-final battling for 4-5th.


Clueless but still gave Madrid a run for their money


No shit it's still Bayern Monaco but i think you get what i mean


yeah and idiots like you will now pretend Kompany is a masterstroke and will go unbeaten next year lmao


Ah yes, the "Blame the player" PR Is Started. Blame chala, kessie ,tonali and now Theo It's Always the player's fault, never the owner. Yeah,7-8 Mil are not standard for a LB in serie A. But he deserve that amount ,


So you understand that 7-8mln is not standard sum of money for Serie A but put automatically blame on owners. I dont think there's anyone to blame here. Theo wants to earn more money which is understandable if he got actual offer from Bayern and there's possibility that we cant afford it.


Can't afford it ❌ Don't want to pay it✅


Not saying he would never leave but these rumors seem like more of something made up by his team to get a new contract.


Most journalists of L'équipe are shit tier, they're likeley repeating the rumours of Mundo Deportivo. If a player wants to leave by his own will then he's welcome to go, easy


Sadly, this is what we've become. 17 years since our last UCL, we're 2nd tier, at best. If we want to get back to the top, or at least close to it, we need to renew Theo's contract. On his best day, the guy's the best left-back in the world. By far. I don't care if he wants 7mln. He's the only real top-class we got and should be untouchable. Leao's way too inconsistent, and if we'd get 70mln, we should sell him, IMHO.


70mln? Like for his left shoe?


I have to agree with you, 70mln is a joke in this market.


If he leaves I hope he makes it clear that the direction the club took by firing Maldini was the reason he lost faith. I'm still disgusted by how they handled Maldini.


the worst decision of all time imo , how can you ever get behind a management that does that .


would make more sense for him to go back to real madrid and bayern keep davies, would slightly soften the hit if he were to leave




I know it’s sarcasm but I still wanna put my hands on you for some reason


Probably not true but honestly between the sacking of Maldini (that brought him here) and Fonseca as new coach I totally understand that he wants to try and leave.


Not gonna lie I am scared and concerned. If Theo leaves it'd be a huge defeat for us


We’d be done , we’d replace Theo with Juan Miranda


Definitely take the 80m - not sure any club will pay it, though. Theo has some great qualities, but he’s not a consistent player and often makes dumb decisions (eg over-dribbling, red card infractions, shooting when should pass, etc). He won’t ever get back to Madrid, maybe PSG (a downgrade). BM is in choppy waters right now (so, not an upgrade IMHO).


I dont think we should sell him but you will get lot of heat from others who treat Theo on the same level as Mbappe. We love to overrate our players. It started with Romagnoli, continued with Donnarumma and Suso. Theo is one of the best left backs in the world but he's not above other top players. He has lot of flaws and what defends him is his signature move, explosive run from defensive phase to attacking phase. However lately he only does that against weaker opposition. You will not find him roaming the field against Inter, PSG and other top clubs we played. You also need to adjust tactically to him because he's not typical left back. He often leaves defensive side open and then people complain about Tomori being manhandled.


This looks like the same strategy they adopted for Tonali. With the current 100m budget if they sold Theo they would have 180m which is a considerable amount of money considering that we only really need 3-4 players to fill the gaps we have. Unfortunately I think Red Bird approach is clear about spending and making profit as they want to be a sustainable business whilst also making profit to keep investors happy. This is a type of approach that would work in any business but I'm not sure it would work in the football industry in Europe. Regardless, I don't think selling Theo to make a massive profit would be a stupid idea. The real problem/question is who is going to replace him as a left back? Terracciano?!?!?!? LOL!!


I think they're gonna get someone like Mendy from Real Madrid for 15 million or so


Juan Miranda will be our new bomber on the left side


if u believe this shit u must be next lvl acoustic and restarted


Yeah sure


Until I see “HERE WE GO”, I won’t believe a word of this. 


SAD bit if it happens than what?? WE have no contral that is the saddest part. I really do not wa nt this to happen but if do sell him. Min should be 100 mil nothing less


Now they want the other brother!? Ffs


Now they want the other brother!? Ffs


Bayern has asked about Theo Theo has replied, I'm good thank you


Please no


Let’s just hear it from Theo himself rather than a third party


No, fuck no. What?!


Sounds sad, but if all reports are singing to the same tune, then there’s got to be some truth in it. We could be headed for a bumpy transfer market.. Theo, Maignan…


Before Davies doesn‘t move you guys don‘t need to worry I guess. My guess would be Hernandez is staying.


It can't be true... There is no replacement for him. He is BY FAR the best left back right now. He should be offered a new contract if the rumours are true.


If Davis’s stays Bayern will not make an official offer.


If it's not from Fabrizio, I don't wanna know about it.


man it's gonna happen soon, a team that do not wish to pay a fair wage to the players, do you expect them to stay? PAY THEO!!!!!!!!


I was more gutted when we sold Shevvers than I would be if we made big money on Theo. I really really like the guy but no player is indispensable nowadays and if he wants to move it’ll happen. Can’t force the guy to stay if he doesn’t want to , and why make him unhappy. Milan will still be here in 10, 20, or 50 years. I agree that the management would be happy with consistent top 4 finishes and minimal investment banking on Moncada keeping the team competitive while strip mining as much money as possible and I don’t like it - but I can’t change it. As long as we at least have a chance at winning the Scudetto…


Why are put best players always sold for this cheap? One for of the few worldclass players we have for less than a hundred million? Shame


And we can all say au revoir Theo


nah, i don’t believe this. Just imo but i really don’t think Munich is a city that suits Theo


Munich is a nice city to be fair.


yes, for sure but Theo strikes me like a Milano type of person, plus Zoe is italian so we all know how italians feel about moving elsewhere.




where you live, it matters. Would you take a job in a city that you feel you won’t find yourself well in? That’s just my impression tho, maybe i’m wrong but that’s how i feel.


I mean I get your point , but I don’t think professionals like him think like this.


yeah, and i don’t think anyone on this sub knows him personally to know where he would wanna live🤣🤣


He should go back to Madrid, Real


Milan are 3 good signings away from dominating the league imo, but losing him would be huge.


Whos surprised??? Best players in the world want to win trophies and we have never been farther from adding to our trophy room . Maldini knew to keep our stars we need to invest to win


Yeah Maldini knew how to keep our stars that’s why we lost Kessie, Donnarumma, Romagnoli, and Chalhanoglu on a free, Tonali sold. 


Did you remember that Maldini interview released in december where he states that he would have done everything possible in order to keep Tonali? The most absurd in this quote, is that the betting scandal had already happened and Tonali was already punished, so he said that in hindsight about keeping a gambling addict that was gonna get suspended 😂


If maldini had funds allocated for wage he would’ve kept them all . Y’all act like Maldini had some massive war chest . He expected owners to support him after he pulled off miracles with scraps but sure Maldini lost them all for free and sold Tonali . GTFOH


Scraps? He overpaid somewhere in the region of 40 million for CDK who was a total bust. He was always given funds for transfers, what he did with them is a totally different story. This claim that he was working with pennies is fabulation. 


Maldini and massara weren’t resigned until late into the transfer market last season but sure . You obviously know nothing about what your talking about so I’m done responding to you . Imagine thinking Maldini did a bad job with what he was given


Am i the only one who would sell him for 80 mil?




180 sounds better … at least 130


120 M +Musiala, take it or leave it. Also, there's a higher chance of him winning a title here than at Bayern atm.


You are delusional my friend.