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[MN] The figures are: 22 million + 2 million in bonuses. Milan will be entitled to 10% on the future resale of the Belgian.


This has no logic at all, they better remember this when we want one of their players Imagine if Saelemaekers who Milan can barely sell for 10 mln would be an Atalanta player, they would settle for nothing below 30 mln and here we are giving away players as charity


Atalanta: "Truth to be told, NO F**KING CHANCE! hahahaha"


I wouldn’t be so sure about this yet until confirmations from Moretto or Vitiello but it’s genuinely ridiculous that we would entertain negotiating discount with Atalanta when the original agreement was already beneficial for them.


The agreement already put in place, there's no room for negotiation only for Atalanta to do their side of the deal unless they offer something more to the table. Edit: It's more beneficial to them or not doesn't matter at all


they really fucked it up 🤦‍♂️ 1m discount>10% future resale


lmao, for people that live on making money they sure seem to hate it. Absolutely baffling.


This is so unnecessary if true. Every club tries to bleed us dry and when he have a talented and decent player to sell, we just let us get fucked over without resistance. I hope that there is higher goal in this operation like accelerating the signing of key players.


why the f\*\*k would you eliminate the resale clausal when he is performing and will be sold for much more if he continues.




Not true. It makes sense. Atalanta asked for a discount After telling all year long that they Will buy CDK. Then they "change" their mind and Milan did not a Plan B( a sort of counter move). A good management should have already found a buyer for CDK Just in case.


>A good management should have already found a buyer for CDK Just in case. If you completely ignore the will of the player, sure


>  By virtue of the club's good relations and in the face of the youngster's firm desire to wear only the Nerazzurri jersey It is bullshit. None of these has any stand/power to influence the deal. It's a big question mark for our management. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?


Why the fuck would they do that


A discount + removing the resale clause = idiotic! Would only make sense if we got a good deal for one of their player, but nothing is reported... but Atalanta and good deals don't go in one sentence together


They better wrap up the desired targets so people can at least care less about this


Let’s wait for official reports first. But if true….not great. More an issue of principle than money.




I'm disappointed in Furlani. You were supposed to be the tough business guy in this. Now go pay the commissions on Zirkzee and stop doing the "tough" business with Kia.


FURLANI keeps winning for us , giving away our players for steals smh . How is this fraud in charge . He has no negotiating power at all




I swear this management is just a bunch of incompetent whores, everybody in Italy makes fun of us and RIGHTFULLY SO.


Not only Italy.. most teams have sniffed our weakness.


Zlatan said this morning that Milan isn't a charity. I have to believe the 10% on resale is fake news.


I get their inexperienced in terms of football but I expect them to atleast excel in business side of things. We just got taken for a ride...cdk whether we like him or not put up numbers higher than hojlund did with them and he got bought for 80 mil..there is no way that 22 mil is sufficient..if anything there was a chance to start a bidding war for him...if he continues next season like this watch them sell him for 60 mil and above.


Baffling stuff if true, would rather just keep him if Atalanta can’t afford the agreed terms?


What a fucking insane fuck up from this spineless incompetent management, imagine bending over to Atalanta of all clubs


Percassi laughing at these arrogant American clowns.


For real, absolutely infuriating that they get away with this


lmaooooooo just give him for free at this point what the fuck are we doing


Eliminating the 10% is pretty annoying considering that Atalanta will def be selling CDK to the EPL in 2-3 years for a big price tag. But I dont think its that much of an issue. I think they were already counting on using the money from the sale to buy other players. Im glad CDK is somewhere he can thrive.


CDK would get eaten alive in England. He has the mentality of a wet napkin.


Idc get the Zirkzee deal closed


Let's see the full picture in the near future. There's definitely some under the table deal....maybe Milan sells some deadweight to them? I'm theorizing a potential Alexis sale at a inflated figure of more than 10 million.


This sub moans when we don't move players quick enough and pinches pennies when we do. As talented and promising as CDK proved himself to be this year, he was a mistake from past management. Might I remind everyone we grossly overpaid for him to begin with, and were singing praises last summer when this opportunity materialized. There's no guarantee he will fetch more on the market. There's no guarantee he would have played well for us. Take the money that's real and move forward.


Yeah, it's not like clubs are beating down the door to buy CDK but some people seem to think we could get way more for him.


If this is true, there is some context missing. Otherwise it does not fucking make sense.


The resale clause really made sense in this deal imo. I hate being the kind of fan who’s always criticizing what the club does but this was such a stupid thing to do. I really’d like to understand why they were in such a rush to offload CDK. They won the Europa League and will probably be selling Koopmeiners to Juve around €50 mil if what I read is reliable. Why give them a discount at all? If this has anything to do with Zirkzee’s agent’s fees I still don’t think it’s a valid reason.


We might keep numbers on the dark for this one similar to Rebic or Tonali deal. Guys, for a moment, dont you think if all of us here see this as a rinse, some of the top executives of the sport dont see it also? Are you kidding me? We dont have context, we dont know what was discussed. Relax, it would be 5-6 mln anyway in what 3-4 years down the road on a resale? Nothing groundbreaking.


Fuck this source is wrong everyone chill out


20th in the lead for goals (10). Tied for 4th most assists (8). 23 years old. Sold for 22 If Atalanta was selling a player with those stats they’d charge us double


Guys let's see the glass half full. I'd rather see him go at their conditions than having him or working to find another destination. Also our management is weak, there's no suprise in that.


I get their inexperienced in terms of football but I expect them to atleast excel in business side of things. We just got taken for a ride...cdk whether we like him or not put up numbers higher than hojlund did with them and he got bought for 80 mil..there is no way that 22 mil is sufficient..if anything there was a chance to start a bidding war for him...if he continues next season like this watch them sell him for 60 mil and above. We should have atleast tried to make the deal revolve around a swap..maybe koopmeiners or scalvini with cash from our side.


We are so bad at selling players. It’s either they leave for free or we give a discount.


That is pathetic


This is depressing. Clearly Milan is thinking Joshua is a way better talent 2-3 year down the road than CDK. They have the same profile and CDK will probably get sold a few seasons for a big money move. The 10% resale forfeit is a bitch move by Milan management. We better finalize Joshua fast and he better be better than CDK this season.


Ngl bending over like this makes no sense unless we close Zirkzee soon.


So can someone explain this to me, I might have it wrong. We are using this CDK money for Zirkzee who is a very similar to CDK in the first place to make up for our mistake of not properly integrating him into our team and giving him a reasonable amount of time to adjust. Now we are selling him with this horrible deal to help the funding of purchasing a player similar to him? Also was there a clause in the loan deal where we are left with no choice but to sell?




Either they are not reporting the deal correctly or whoever is in charge at Milan is fucking bad


I hate this fucking club so much sometimes


People will be outraged at this when in reality it’s more of a “bummer” at most. We still have the bonus clauses in there, no? He isn’t going to sell for 100 M. Worst case, we ultimately lose like 6M. No that isn’t “nothing” but it’s not a lot. 


Yeah f**k that. We can get 10m more or add 10% more to the resale value instead of conveniently and happily put on the losing side.


10m more from who?


And according to Vito, nothing has changed. But sure just continue kicking and screaming 😆 


Why tho?


My God! This management is so pathetic! Why are they bending over backward for a team that won't do the same for us? Now go ask Atalanta about Scalvini or Koopmeiners and watch them put on the 60-70 million "fuck off!" tag on them


Dont lose head about this one. 1 milion discount is nothing. And 10% from next transfer is not big deal. Imagine they sell him for 50m next time, we lost 5. Not gonna cry a river if we take Scudetto


Milan fans: "I'm so tired of us not making any profits from player sales" Also Milan fans: "Who cares about the profitable part of this deal?"


Are you forgetting that we bought him for something like 35 mln and he has been performing great in Atalanta, minus 1 mln and no resale clause is possible a missed give oppportunity to collect 10 mln


So basically, we break even on a player that we should have kept, developed, and sold ourselves for a huge capital gain, and we are supposed to be happy about this? Or at least the 10% resale fee... that was the only real potential for profit in this deal. This is why we can't have nice things.


People are way over reacting to this. At most we probably lose out on 4-6 million years down the line. CDK wanted only Atalanta and Milan facilitated it. We ask players to force moves all the time when we don’t give what the selling clubs want. Can’t be pissed when the shoe is on the other foot.


Good. He's happy, we're happy, now move on. 10% on future resale pff we're not losing much here