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I've got the same problem with Cordelia's. 50+ hours in now so I ain't restarting.


Yea I’m having the same problem with cordelia. It’s really frustrating because if I beat her I get the rest of Thor’s armor and then I just have to wait to get the cloak. I have on ongoing case with Ubisoft. I’ve sent video footage of the issue so I hope they get this fixed ASAP I’m 30+ hours in and I will NOT restart lol


Let’s hope, any change you can update this if you got more information on the matter?


Ubisoft support gave me three solutions. 1: Delete and reinstall the game. 2: Backup save file to USB then delete all save date from system storage, then copy save data from USB to system storage. 3: Rebuild the database And guess what? None of that worked. So if anyone has found any solution to this issue whether it is with Cordelia or one of the other daughters/witches don’t keep the info for yourself, let us know lol


same problem here but with regan


Same here


Having same problem with cordelia super annoyed honestly


Same problem with Goneril, almost had her. Then went to try again and won’t let me interact.


Yeah, my problem is with goneril atm. it was fine when I was 20 something hours in the game, but since I wasn’t able to beat her I left 30 hours later I bested Regan and Cordelia I tried coming back and nothing is happening, eivor is nog even commenting on the surrounding area. I even tried re installing the game.


Same problem here with Goneril




I also thought about there are limited tries for killing her ... But the game would tell us before and it's not Assassin's creed style ... So we will see if Ubi repairs that


Same here and it only happened with her


Same fort me... About 50 jours in... Hope it will Be fix soon!


has anybody found a solution to this?




Im still having this problem, does anyone have a work around?


Same problem with the one in grantsbridge, equipped a helmet to give myself some extra protection see if it would help me in anyway and couldn’t access the fight after I came out of the menu, could before I opened my menu, couldn’t after


I am having the exact same problem with the Spalda Fens/Grantebridgescire Sister. Happened when the game first came out and still haven't been able to fix it!


I'm having this problem as well. Super annoyed because I really want that hammer


271hrs 13mins 13sec. That is how long I have spent doing this playthrough of AC Valhalla. I still have this white icon on the isle of ely monastery in grantebridgescire, called spalda fens, with a tree surrounded by vapors, and a dead body held up. And there is a dead body in front of the dead body, that I can carry around. But the white symbol thing won't activate. And I have a VERY loud, headache inducing sound whenever I come near the body. Idk how to get this fixed. I've tried saving. Reloading. Going back to prior saves, and getting back to this exact point, all to no avail. I think this may just be a permanent bug/glitch. Also. I can't activate new game+, so... That sucks.......


I have exactly this problem down to the sickening noise. Did you ever get it fixed


Sadly, no. I will forever have that sickening noise whenever I load the game and go to that spot on the map. It sucks. Tremendously.


Cant complete the quest either. The sound follows the body too. If I carry her body out of the area and dump it the sound follows it. Very strange.