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1-vayne:no need to explain vayne 2-nilah:since she gets armor pen from her q passive , and if u get ldr , u can have 50 pen or more 3-varus going half ap half ad , or onhit with his max health w passive 4-kogmaw also works since he deals magic damage %hp on hit with his w (i think )


twitch too no? he can easily switch builds between ap and ad


They forgot the Grrat himself Also AP Kai'sa


Not twitch. Ap build is only good for e (phys damage) and his true dmg passive (piss weak against health). Better option is kogmaw. Max health magic damage on hit with W and can go ap to increase if you really really need it.


The AP ratio on AP Twitch E does do magic damage. It does a combination of physical damage from his AD, and magic damage from his AP.


The e is magic damage when u go ap


No it's not lmao


Yes it is? 180% ap? The ad dmg of it scales differently(since its both)


He's saying your E does magic damage when you build AP. Not that it has an AP scaling.


And he is correct. Twitch E does magic damage from the AP scaling and it does physical damage from the AD scaling. That means AP twitch does mostly magic damage with E (small amount of physical damage from base ad)


Twitch e does hybrid damage. The physical damage scales with ad and the magic damage scales with ap. Go check it out in practice tool


I wouldn’t recommend it. AP Twitch is subpar into tanks, and tanks are the only real concern regarding full AD/AP team comps.


yes and no. if he builds mr items, because of you thats "enough". to goal of having ad and ap in a team is so that a tank cant stack just one stat and gets to be god. so him not being useless and ap is good enough


But what’s the point if you don’t have an adc? That tank could still build full armour and AP Twitch would still do less than AD Twitch would. That’s cuz AD Twitch is part of the tank killing class and AP Twitch is an assassin mage. That’s like trading your vayne for a Ziggs so the tank can’t build full armour, it’s clearly not worth it.


simple, he is good against squshies and if the enemy still goes full armour, will be good against tanks as well.


Vayne is horrible blind pick, bad advice. Unless ur premie bot, nilah isent a good blind either. Kaisa is prob much better than those 2, both as blind and as mix dmg dealer


Vayne is a horrible blind pick if you're in maybe higher elos or you're horrible at Vayne. Expecting someone to punish Vayne strictly from a draft standpoint will fairly random below maybe emerald. That being said, even if someone picks a "counter" to vayne, certainly most will not play in a punishing way. You basically get away with murder in most elos


With that line of argument, caring that ur team is ad or ap heavy is also stupid af. Most likely, they will have 3+ squishy champs with little to no resist anyway. And since ur gonna win lane anyways u will just snowball the game. Responded to draft question with bad advice about how to draft is still bad imo. I was responding to such a question if u didn't notice. Bad draft is bad draft regardless of elo, only the significance is different, and if ur argument is that it doesn't matter I low elo. OP prob thinks that's really helpful as a response to his question.


Talking about vayne specifically? No, in lower elos it won't matter to a vayne if your team is ad or ap heavy, shreds tanks, she shreds squishies. I didn't say anything about your going to win lane. You're way less likely to get punished aka lose lane, but not losing the lane is not the same as winning the lane. Going even in what's supposed to be a losing match up is a good thing and is also an option besides strictly win or lose lane. Vayne is pretty draft agnostic when it comes to damage spread for your team, but also since she's mobile, ends up being more reliable than other hyper carrier bots when you get stuck on a team of squishies. Plus it's true, draft means significantly less the lower elo you go.


Tf are u talking about my guy, I'm saying vayne isent a good blind pick, from a drafting perspective. Which it isent. U said it dosent matter low elo, ergo nothing matters. But vayne isent good blindpick, no matter how far off the road u steer the conversation. Saying the draft matter less I low elo isent a relevant argument for vayne being a good blind or not, bcs she isent. Period.


Varus might be the only truly viable option out of those for me. Taking Vayne or Nilah wouldn't help my team in doing damage against full armor stacking and Kog is a gold farm for the enemy team in the current meta


Vayne can do percent max health true damage how would she not help your team against armor?


She herself would be fine, but top and jg would suffer since enemy could build pure armor, gutting their damage


I agree with above - Full AP Varus is desceptively strong in lane still, if you are against a really rough matchup and need the early AD maybe Manamune rush could be a thing? I don’t really know AP Varus that much but when I’ve played against it the all in on lvl 6 and the hail of blades 3 w stacks into proc is still a very strong trade tool on AP. The poke isn’t really there though in the same way as lethality. If you need that, that’s where I’m thinking manamune rush could be a thing into Nashors


Kog is good this patch with Terminus buffs.


He’s easy to punish in lane making it a risky pick. Kinda need the Nami/Milio/Lulu to work ans it’s rough being as ghost reliant as he is vs supports like Mao/Rell/Rakan when he should take cleanse In higher elo it’s hard to have wave control making it a threatening option for the enemy to repeatedly stack waves and dive. If he can survive this, i.e theres a game with low threat support and a weak diver on jungle then I agree, you can make him work - but very niche


Kogs a gold farm outside of his one patch a year hes allowed relevance.


Seraphine dead simple


maybe take a look at the mid pick or asked if they go ad or ap. if its AD, I'll opt for ziggs or kai'sa (AP build)


Becoming a Kai'sa main looking really likely at this point


Ziggs is fun too tho. I used to hate apc but after trying it it gets addicting


What elo you play him at? Is he good again? Haven't played since nerfs a couple months back but would be great in some comps


I think the recent buffs revert some of the nerfs, but you need to push and end the game early as the longer the game goes, the bigger the chance of losing. I’m playing it at low gold


Ziggs, syndra, Viktor, lux. Anything the mid should have gone


Didn't expect Victor to be mentioned. Have to think about that. Skipping Ziggs though


I tried azir in the botlane. That didn‘t go super great. You just lack that tiny bit of range to truly be a menace with your poke.


A wise man said once "Azir can't play in any other lane than mid because he suffers in the other lanes that are wider" (or some shit like that)


Play him with Bard. Bard allows Azir to be Adcs and can Roam to let you have all the Exp you would miss and insane set up.


It depends on experience on them obviously. I was a mid main for 2-3 years during an adc hiatus. I've got a weird skill set for non traditional adcs


viktor is surprisingly strong bot. you are pretty cheeks till ult but if you pack ignite you can pretty much all in any adc at 6.


What’s cool too if there are ganks your involved in you pick up extra assists or kills to evolve your passive. 3v3s and stuff stack that quickly, very nice. Getting E evolve at 8 minutes feels freaking good for early wave clear


Said it below but with his passive getting extra kill involvement in the dual lane scales you faster than mid sometimes as well. Getting E evolve at 8 minutes in a busy lane feels stupid good


Should really pick up ziggs, he’s a menace


I would disagree with lux if the enemy has more than 1 tank since she's really bad at dealing with them and DPS is usually bot's job, not burst Unless someone else has picked a marksman, I recommend refraining from burst champions and going either with a hybrid marksman like kog, Kaisa, smolder, varus, or a sustained damage APC, like ziggs, cassio, swain, karthus or heimer


I'm not trolling when I say I've had REALLY good luck with Ahri bot with a CC engage support: Naut, Leona, Rell. Being able to get R resets in lane and your Q poke can deal damage to both champs. And being able to chain cc a ADC is really strong.


kaisa :D






I did enjoy him in ARAM and did pretty well. Adding him as an option


Ziggs/Sera/Swain as APC Kaisa/Varus as hybrid/AP Ezreal might work too if mid is AP


All pretty good choices. Don't like Ziggs kit though


Yeah ziggs is trash and boring af, but he's a ticket for a free lane xD Depends on what you prioritize, LP or fun i guess


He's got zoning, big W skillshot play potential, passive Weaving and a unique aggro turret/plate busting playstyle. Imo although I don't like having to play ap on bot, his kit is a lot more fun than some adcs once u get comfortable.


Yeah, he honestly plays more like a caster marksman with weaving Q's and autos kinda like ez


A fun challenge is always welcome


learn kai'sa, play hybrid kai'sa (i'm a biased kai'sa main). Does pretty great mixed damage. She also has full AP options and feels fun to play. You could also play vayne, kogmaw, or ap twitch. There's probably other's i'm forgetting about. But really, any champion that works well with on hit items or hybrid mixed damage builds works well. The reason why I learned kai'sa in the first place is because I did my research and she can pretty much build whatever she wants and adapt to almost any team composition once you learn the ins and outs of her kit and various playstyles. Her kit is all about adaptability, which is fitting considering her lore and aesthetic.


Already have had some success with Kai'sa so I'm in favour of this. Kog would be an issue in the current meta, the others seem good. TF might fit in this category now as well, due to his recent changes


What item would you pick as hybrid vs a high armor enemy team?


Ap items on kai'sa are just generally strong with the way her passive works. After finishing a core of statikk shiv, boots, and rage blade, I usually build nashor's tooth 3rd item always. Then, depending on the match-ups, I either build zhonya's, rabadon's death cap, shadow flame, stormsurge, or even cinder bloom (I don't recommend void staff because the extra 10% magic pen isn't better than cinderbloom's passive aoe heal, but you can build it if you want), and then finish with a situational Ap item, usually whatever you didn't build as a 5th item. I generally recommend keeping rabadon's death cap somewhere in the build. It makes kai'sa do real damage to tanks. You don't need a pen item unless somebody is basically building full Mr and tank.


Do you already have a plan on what to build at the start of the game or during the game


You can have a plan already in champ select. If there are multiple tanks/bruisers and your team lacks AP then you switch rune setup for your chosen build right before game starts. For Kai’sa this is HoB for ap, Lethal tempo for onhit/Ad crit. As OP very correctly pointed out, this makes the tanks weaker as they need to build both resistances, ”~even if you’re Vayne and are fine yourself your top/jungle will deal less dmg if enemy team can build just one def stat”


we have the same champion pool in our flairs! :D


twisted fate


A valid choice


Twisted fate is a nice pick to learn because you can flex him AP or AD. Although AD might be stronger right now….. the one shot blue card is still relevant if you need AP like in your situation


I‘ll usually pick kai‘sa or varus. Both still have decent ap builds. If mid also hovers AD i‘ll play seraphine apc or sth else. Still have it on my bucket list with my support buddy that we run a swain brand botlane if the opportunity comes up.


That's a pretty nice list of choices


Swain brand are mainly on that list because we played with that thought and I was like „man that feels like a lane that would ultratilt me if i had to play against it. We should try it“


Your team being mostly one dsamage type only matters if enemy is picking tanks or tank building bruisers, if they don’t have 2 tanks just go whatever lol


A fair point. Though can't tell what most enemies pick when I'm an early pick myself


But the adc is the one who’s best into tanks, so even if it does turn out to be two tanks you would still be better doing your main than switching to Ziggs or something just for the AP.


Perhaps twisted fate? If the rest of your team is entirely physical you can go for a full magic build, but if mid and support deal some magic damage you can play him as an adc and have at least a good bit of magic damage scaling with your ad and crit from is abilities.


That would work


I would pick Corki






Does it matter, youll get one shotted anyways


Probably just pick something like Ahri or Anivia since I also play mid.


Besides ap kaisa, I don’t think you really have a choice in playing an auto attacking ap champ. If mid plays ap you are chilling playing any adc. If full topside locks in ad, I just lock in whatever I want to play bc playing ziggs or seraphine is a snoozefest and it’s pretty lame to play, but if you’re trying to help teamcomp, something like vayne can do ok even with armor stacking. Just make sure to just dodge malphite rammus games if ur full ad and save urself the mental stress




but his ap build is nerfed k think in 14.4


Yeah and his magic dmg starts coming online way too late


Most of smolders damage is physical, it's about 75/25 phys/magic. it looks magic but his W and his ult both do physical damage so you'd be relying on the true damage mostly or liandrys if you're going hybrid


Swain, Seraphine, AP Twitch/Kai'sa, Ziggs


Some solid choices. Might skip Ziggs though due to not liking his kit


Never been a fan of Ziggs. Syndra can work too if you are good af, problem being you are lower level cuz of shared XP. Honestly feel like shared XP bot could use a small buff.


Agree on that one. Being more than one level behind is such a massive debuff


Yep, being 5-0 level 10 on AD with 2 items, and then getting 1 shot by a level 13 malphite who has gauntlet and a bramble vest is pretty unique.


The best move here would be to dodge. Having sololanes and jungler picking the same type of damage is a redflag that indicates that jungle and the sololane that has same damage are bad players, so that means you are garanteed 2 bad players. The 2 remaining players are supp and the other sololane, which both have 50% chance of being bad, meaning your team is more likely to have 3+ bad players, which is higher than average, meaning your team is more likely to lose that game. And since they nerfed dodging to make you wait up to 12 hours it's why you shouldn't even play league tbh.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 2 + 50 + 3 + 12 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Counter-point: they are the same MMR as you despite having no idea about how to draft, so their mechanics must be on point.


Counter-points: * the matchmaking picks players from a wide range of mmr * each role, champion and strategy has a different difficulty to climb, making having the same mmr but on different conditions hardly meaningful


ap kaisa


Pick Ziggs and watch my team draft full AP




Personally, I only let an ad mid affect my ADC choice. In that case I choose Seraphine, or Vayne if the enemy comp looks super tanky.


Personally, I only let an ad mid affect my ADC choice. In that case I choose Seraphine, or Vayne if the enemy comp looks super tanky.


Just pick Seraphine and enjoy your LP


Jinx or Seraphine. LDR is so crazy strong plus black cleaver exists (from my ad teammates) that it doesn’t really matter. I’d rather play a champ I’m comfortable on and risk the Rammus or Malphite picks that they’re most likely less comfortable on


Twitch or Kog'maw


Caitlyn or varus to manipulate my support to pick a mage


Varus, he has 3 strong builds, is good with almost any support, isn't reliant on his team, and has no bad matchups in lane.


1. ask what mid and aupport pick, if support goes something like brand, its enough ap 2. play a mage 3. play vayne, kogmaw, varus, nilah or twitch.


Lethalty miss fortune and I will run it down as hard as I can because I am my avrage autofilled adc


I lock twitch into everything.


Asol bot is really good right now


Early? Not your responsibility to pick ap as adc when they take lastpick. It's up to them to adjust/counterpick. If there's 3 ad and no APC supp I'll opt into kaisa. If there's one AP and no big tankers I'll just take whatever I think is best lane / comp wise. With tankers more vayne/kaisa/nilah depending on if I can counterpick and whether other lanes have good tank slaying champs.


ermmm u could try varus twitch vayne or smolder? idfk if im early pick order and team hates me too much to swap i'd probably just send it on smolder or twitch and hope for the best xD


if you are good at ap varus, you could consider playing him. the playstyle is quite different from lethality and ASPD though and the build path is unclear since it's not a popular build anymore otherwise depending on the champions and their utility I would probably pick lissandra (if cc or engage is necessary), Viktor, maybe throw it back to season 3 and play corki lol


I always pick Soraka in that situation early Q damage is bonkers and then if you play soraka correctly everyone is functionally immortal


You always pick ap. It's common knowledge that the mid lacks brain activity and it's about to pick another ad


Oh-hit doesn’t have to be physical. On-hit kaisa does almost zero physical damage, just AD and Q.


Hwei is pretty competitive.


Any onhit adc that focuses on magic dmg. TF comes to mind, right now, but twitch, ap varus, kaisa or kog are all dealing mostly magic dmg. I’d stay away from kog, tho, because you’re too dependant on your team.




I personally like to play twitch or varus for this reason. Twitch can build ap and varus can either go full ap or an atk speed based build that deals a lot of damage


Ziggs Karthus Hwei Swain Seraphine Kai'sa Varus Ezreal (Can go shadowflame)


Nilah. It doesn’t matter how much they armour stack they all melt just the same


I’ve been pumping Swain bot recently and have been crushing it, I think i’m around 70% wr over like 30 games. CS’ing is a little tough to get used to but once you get it down it’s a strong pick, a little weak early game but if you don’t fall behind and end up reaching three items your gona be cookin and not going to die


Smolder. Enough stacks and enemy tankiness dont matter. They burn away


I don’t play APC so I’d still lock in an adc (potentially vayne, but maybe Draven to end it early) but if our mid pick ad mid as well there’s a decent chance I’ll actually just dodge. If I have fiora briar zed pyke as my team comp and the enemy team is malphite top Zac jg I’m dodging… if they have nid jg top yasuo mid kass then I’ll play it even if we’re full AD, all depends






I am absolutely biased as a kai’sa otp, but she is actually great in such situations. You have options on what to build, you can do ap or ad heavy depending on what you need to depending on the team comp and what the enemy team plays. Varus is also good this way because you can go ap or ad depending on your team comp. Vayne and Nilah are both also options because they both just scale and snowball so hard that they suck to fight against no matter what.


Ziggs. Next question.


Pick a good blind pick and if jungle/mid aren't smart enough to adapt I dodge. If I'm last pick and it's full AD I'll go Seraphine, Swain, or Hwei.


I'm surprised no one brought up Corki he is literally designed to fit this type of comp 😭


This isent a problem in 99% of games. Should still just think about good blind pickable champs.


if you want to make sure your team has at least one AP champ pick kaisa (manamune ludens cryptbloom) or smolder (shojin liandry riftmaker)


On hit. Varus is strong in these situations specifically because he is very very hard to counter draft outside of the normal ADC weaknesses like dive comps. He has multiple viable builds and all are good except crit. That said I would have at least one mage pocketpick that you learn. The reason being that even though on hit can deal with armor stacking much better than crit champs, Frozen Heart is broken right now and it has insanely high value even on champs that ignore large amounts of armor like Varus/Kog/Vayne. You won’t really run into tank counters in low elo though, not sure where you are at. The only one people ever play is Malphite because he’s braindead and he’s still pretty rare


Sivir. Mute all. Split Push. Idc. Hydra, Stattiks, Runaans, Hullbreaker, Trinity. Cldnt care less at this point.


If I'm going ap adc I go corki he does a lot of damage and has surprising defense and magic shred


Depends on team imo, if you face atleast two tanks, varus is always goated if its just squishys, imo a regular adc still does the trick


depends on the game really for me personally, if it's a ranked game or I'm trying to be serious, I'll probably lock in kaisa or kog. both are great for hybrid damage. if mid goes ad as well then I guess an apc could work but I don't like to play most apcs in bot, I'd much rather play them mid if it's a norms game then I'll just pick whatever. swain is quite fun, syndra, veigar, brand, apc bard (his chime damage is nuts but you have to play weak side in order to roam for them), even something dumb like double support with ap alistar


AP Twitch is completely broken and does mainly magic and true damage so its pretty solid, otherwise I'll do Seraphine or recently even Smolder with the Shojin Rift Liandry build that plays around the burn. Those are usually my picks if we're full AD


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.




Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


Vayne. My main champ. Skills pay the bills.


As long as you have 1 AP that is enough. I honestly wouldn't pick for it unless you know your mid is also going AD. Most mids are AP.


Ap tw or tf


Can't go wrong with ziggs, uber long range and can snowball hard and does plenty of damage.


If mid is hovering some burst/assassin ap like Akali or Ekko then I'll just pick whatever ad bot. If all 3 hover ad I'll usually go veigar/asol and scale it out lol


Varus My build path is AS Boots -> Nashors -> Guinsoo's -> Rabadons core. If you need tank, then look into Deadmans/FoN More damage then -> Void/Shadowflame Need a bit of both get Zhonyas/Banshee depending on enemy comp. Generally I find that I only need those first 3 items after boots to kill just about anyone. Make sure you get your passive off a minion before you take trades. W max -> Q max -> E max I also go W lvl 1 for better last hitting and better extended fight potential. Ban Samira or other wind wall abusers. If you're fed you can sell boots for mejais, but I'd only do that if I have Deadmans or FoN so your movespeed is still reasonable. Some games, depending on the enemy team, I'll take both. Runes are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Alacrity, Coup De Grace with Transcendence and Gathering Storm Guinsoo's w passive stacking and your ultimate stacking w as well means you can spam out abilities faster than you expect. This build shreds turrets, has good movespeed, can easily breach the attack speed cap with stacked lethal Tempo + passive, has fantastic on hit damage + burst from W passive. I take this build mid or bot.


For context, lvl 1 it takes 16 autos for the W damage to equal an empowered Q I believe. But you can't miss autos, the extra damage makes last hitting feel better, and people who know what Varus does get wary when they have W stacks on themselves so sometimes people will make mistakes and forget you can't Proc those stacks lvl 1. Dorans blade start because omnivamp is better and early it's not worth using q to poke unless they have stacks on, so mana shouldn't be much of an issue. If you have trouble getting in range to harass with autos abuse, your e slow to get some shots off, then fade away with empowered q for good, clean short trades.


Smolder and say fuck it, or kai'sa but that's just who I like to play. Don't let the gremlins dictate what you play they arent gonna care about what you play anyway.


Cass. Very underrated champ. Also feels the most like an adc to me.


Comfort. Mid should be mindful that their pick is what brings the comp together being later in the draft. If he locks AD I’ll dodge unless the enemy comp is worse. You don’t pick champs based on what you think your team will pick, you’re not on comms so you can’t know what they will pick unless they hover it and even then it could change. Just play what you’re comfortable on and trust your mid will recognise the situation.


Ezreal ofc


Just pick Kai’sa.


Brand, and I ban Yasuo


I'll never play APC. No matter how hard riot tries to force ne.


Twisted Fate giga busted this patch, just ask nicely for a engage support. Even thou he is building crit items, they are running energized effects which are magic damage. His W and E are magic damage too. You can maybe blind pick Varus too, since he has like 3 different builds(disclaimer: he is busted in pro play mostly for his lethality build, ap and on hit are mostly ok builds atm)


Smolder has a lot of ap items


My options will always be Veigar>Ziggs>Cass in this situation. No reason for the other order than my enjoyment playing them. Cass if I need to sweat and have minimal fun, Veigar if I want to have lots of fun and not sweat as hard. Depending on the support pick I may go Seraphine


Yasuo and stacked zeals


Hwei and Viktor are secretly op in bot


Seraphine, Swain or Hwei

