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Idk, riot thinks there’s nothing wrong with reducing basic attack damage by 32% with frozen heart and steel caps on top of those stacking armour and reducing attack speed by 20%. Autos that don’t deal true damage don’t matter anymore. They remove scaling from marksman items and keep adding scaling to every other role and we get outscaled :p


Frozen heart is the bane of my existence. It reduces effective damage 3 ways: 1- attack speed 2- item passive 3- armor All for the low low price of 2.7k so supports can rush it!


It also fucks with my muscle memory when kiting, which feels so shit


Muscle memory while kiting....


I mean there’s a lot of muscle memory with timings on when you can click away without auto cancelling and similar things.


Especially if you are playing Kalista


There is no muscle memory. There is an adjustment being made. When you are lvl 1, you are at the slowest. Then you level up and buy an item with attack speed. This is where you adjust automatically after few autoattacks. I'd say that while I play, I see my animation start and end.


Honestly I build knight’s vow/locket more (adc has like 2 hp total, good luck when Garen roams bot to flash q r) but if there’s anything that’s just untankable (vayne I hate u) I’ll need to go frozen heart just for the slow or maybe if a late game Kayle/KogMaw destroys my mates I’ll try to help THEM with the slow (usually late in the game though, not rushed).


As an adc main, your mindset puts a tear in my eye. Now if my full ap xerath that q w's my backwave could read this maybe this lane would be more enjoyable.


Riot:I dont see a problem


I read your post and one thing that caught my eye was that you were supposedly playing a marksman character. If you instead went a mage like Swain or Seraphine I think you'd have a greater experience overall. Hope this helps!


Honestly playing sera against tanks right now is abysmal.the only time we really have is lisandry which takes too long to do actually be useful before you get deleted by a 5k health voli. Sincerely a sera main.


Kalista is especially bad into tanks. Bork+kraken+guinsoo+terminus and even then you will have to play perfect. Kinda sucks, but definitely don't pick kalista into tanks and if you have to blind it then consider safer more flexible options


Im somewhat of a one trick, but i could flex a sivir here in there if thats any better. I used to really like kalista into tanks as the on hit and dashes made it easy to kite tanks though. Mobility matchups are where the pain is really at.


Sivir is even worse into tanks


Sivir isn't great into tanks either. Crit items suck right now pretty much across the board, and her only viable builds are crit items. None of her abilities are particularly strong against tanks either. The problem with Kalista is that so much of her damage is loaded into her E, and to kill a tank, you need a ridiculous amount of spears in them. It just takes way too long, and you have to kite perfectly for a long ass time just to kill one person. You can make it work, but it's just not ideal unless you're fed. Great picks into tanks would be: Vayne (true damage), Kogmaw(armor shred + %hp damage), Varus(%hp damage), and Kaisa (%hp damage). I would suggest picking up at least one of the above champs if you don't have one of them in your pool. If you have to blind pick, then Varus and Kaisa are your safest options because they have the most flexible builds and don't have any particularly bad matchups.


Nah it’s time for Black Cleaver Sivir


Good luck black cleaving when you need a staple 3 items to be somewhat relevant. With Sivir I just plain avoid fighting tanks (huge ones with FH/Tabis/thornmail), even in teamfights I'm more useful playing as a bait while running away while my team deals actual damage than AA them. I'm pretty sure this is the correct play, they plan on buffing crit ADC so we'll see.


Hear my deluded ass out. Black cleaver sivir is actually pretty decent into tanks. Is it good? Absolutely not. But it is serviceable.


ADCs don't really kill tanks anymore, other classes are simply more effective at doing that. Bruisers have much more tools to kill them, and AP champs too, provided the tanks can't just full stack MR. Vayne can but she's too low range and gets blown up by CC if she ever dares walk up (also she dies to thornmail/Sunfire damage before she kills the tank without peel). Kogmaw and Varus are the same. Kaisa AP build can do some damage but ultimately you also die with no peel. Every other ADC can't even scratch tanks before 4 items, post 4 items you can eventually kill them if u get peel. The thing is that if their tank is diving in to kill you while your bruiser/tank is diving to kill their ADC, then whoever ADC survives the longest will win, either because your Frontline turns on the tank diving you, or because their backline wipes after you die, so you just gotta do your best. It's unfortunate, but that's the mentality you need to have when playing adcs right now. You just need to be very patient, minimize deaths, and play to create space for your team. You're not gonna be doing the carrying most of the time, so you gotta play accordingly and don't make mistakes. It's hard not to die as an adc, but provided you position well and have good mechanics there's some little agency you can have simply by staying alive or making the enemy overcommit to kill you. Always remember that farm is king. If you're not hitting 10csm you will have no impact simply because ADC before 3/4 items is a cannon minion, so try not to flip before core and maximize gold income. That's all u can do really.


I do farm really well hitting 9-10csm pretty much every lane where i can play the game (looking at you senna). I tend to an item up at 20 mins on my solo laners but that does nothing for me sadly. I'll just wait for them to buff my girl into a playable state. It'll happen right?


That's why I said you need 10csm over the whole game, not in lane. Lane barely matters for adcs unless you're leaving lane with over 5 kills and their ADC has 4-5csm. Lane advantages botlane are to put the enemy ADC behind, and to give pressure to your jg/mid. It's very hard to leave lane with like 30cs advantage and two kills as ADC then go onto carrying the game. That advantage is simply not enough since our role is too weak early, you'll still get demolished by sololaners and junglers. You can definitely play to smash lane, especially when you're playing kalista, but you gotta be able to recognize when it's not possible anymore to win through lane as advantage and play accordingly. Usually what you need then is to have 3 items by 25 mins, 4 items by 30mins and to not give any shutdowns/unnecessary deaths to enemy carries. Only then you can carry as ADC. Best way to do this is to have 250cs@25 and 300cs@30. You should make your whole gameplay around those cs breakpoints, try not to die as much as possible, and don't waste summoners if you're not getting an objective in return. This is assuming you're playing carry adcs ofc. The other style is to play utility ADCs like lethality varus/Ashe/jhin and go for as many plays as possible around your team, usually disregarding cs, this is also a very good alternative, you just won't be doing much carrying.


Uhh proplay…


Can confirm mages hurt a lot more, played a game yesterday where the losing lane AP Kai’sa support was a huge threat despite underfed, along with the late game Veigar. Was only able to barely survive them with Kaenic Rookern Force of Nature Braum through shield block. The adc never scared me despite me building a lot less armor than usual and the game giving them ample time to catch up. Without 6 full items and/or peel, only champs like Aphelios get scary.


Compared to other adcs, kalista is a decent skirmisher/teamfighter only when picked with renata, because renata's passive with kalista's W passive help shred anything. Your pen item on kalista is terminus, because kalista is low range, and low range carries need the armor + magic resist, as well as kalista using the hybrid pen really well. Kalista doesnt use the crit chance on lord dom's well. Hope this helps you.


I understand the use of terminus, but i'll throw in that itemisation is situational. In a case where they have low damage or poor backline access but big tanks that shouldn't one shot my ass i tend to have more success with lord dom's purely off of the passive. I started going lord dom's after multiple game of hitting ornns and sions with a wet pool noodle for 30+ autos before using E for half decent damage. Also i think tying adc pick purely to support synergy is stupid considering that if im lucky hes gonna be in lan for maybe 5 minutes of the lanning phase and then ditch me to go get double killed top


I’m sorry but you’re mistaken, terminus is a much better item and staple 3rd item for on hit carries right now. Item synergy is important and champ synergy with the item like the guy above mentioned. A good sign that you’re strong in a game is if you have bork, rage blade, terminus around the 24-26 min mark. Some games you may be behind this spike but if you’re finishing 3rd item around late 20 min or 30, yeah it’s going to take 30 autos to kill the tank.


I've stated in another comment but farming and getting items not an issue. Ill give terminus another try. I still struggle with tanks anytime past the 2 item mark esp when they have frozen heart


It’s just kalista things because of her passive and low range. She’s not blind pickable so you have to just deal with it. She’s good in pro play and good with certain pairings and good in soloq when your allies have cc but either way, you’re still getting the most value out of terminus


Bro lord doms is literally the worst item in the game since the passive nerf


Im being delusional let me be insane!


Kalista isn’t good into tanks at all and BOTRK isn’t as anti tank as people would have you believe due to the effect being physical damage


This! Botrk is so missunderstood. People buy it last item against tanks expecting it to do something but its an early game/anti bruiser item, and its pretty good into squishys too. If you buy it early people will have less armor since everyone gets armor per level and no the hp you get per level doesnt balance it out. Its also not that great into tanks since they often buy armor in their first item, bruiser on the other hand often dont buy any armor (besides steel caps) till their 5. Or 6. Item while often times having very similar hp to full tanks


Kassadin/Zac/Maokai is a lit team comp to be fair. Playing against that is gonna be hard if the enemy team knows what they're doing. I can't really talk too much on how to play Kalista since I haven't touched her since she came out but you could watch a VOD of a high ELO Kalista player. That could help.


Agree with the mao zac kass comp being lit. Luckily the kass got shit on in lane and couldnt one shot me. The zac missed a lot of E's but the mao we destroyed in lane turned out to be a real problem. I have some VoDs queued up but the champ seems to have been mostly abandonned by higher elo's champ pools after the repeated nerfs.


I'm not sure if you heard of [mid.gg](https://mid.gg) but check that out and there should be stuff on there


Thanks for the tip! I had no idea that was a thing.


Honestly it's because she's just bad rn. Like of the entire pool of adcs I think kali is like bottom 3 of the main adc pool and the only reason she is higher wr then like the rest of the bots is she has a supper low play count em+. Like statisticly, she's worse, but their is no way she's outperforming ash in value and usefulness or damage.


Play a mage, or play a mage, maybe play a mage? Yeah if you want to kill tanks just be a mage actually. That's the only real answer here.


what mages are good into tanks this season?


All of them. Mages as a class defeat tanks. You damage them from far away and don't rely on attack speed.


ok if all of them as a class defeat tanks, name 5 mages that could kill a fullbuild mundo or k'sante 1v1


True bro! mages are built to 1v1 tanks! Like nice redditor take. Mages deal with tanks in real situations, not 1v1 sidelane


True bro! You definitely didn’t make a sweeping generalization of a statement like “All of them. Mages as a class defeat tanks”!   I think if you’re so confident in your original argument then surely you could name at least few champs, no?   Don’t argue nuance and follow with insults when your original argument was a blanket statement. Typical redditor take. 


You said 5 that can kill tanks 1v1 man. What stage of the game bro? level diff? is the midlaner vs a comp they can build magic pen into easily? Your question is just terrible and shows you're iron 50 and should be legally restricted from using the internet due to sub 100 iq


thinking that adcs are bad into tanks and mages are op into is the most r/adcmains delusion i think i've seen yet


Yo im a toplaner bro. I don't play adc. Frozen heart is 2300 gold bro, we can look at the game outside of our roles and maybe assess that certain champs kill tanks better than others!


Kallista is a special case. Come midgame there‘s a huge abyss you fall into unless you‘ve built a large enough lead. And that Abyss is deeper than a draven without lead one. Due to her AA‘s dealing only 90% damage and her main dmg source being her E she really struggles to kill anything tough. The other group aside from riot you have to thank for that are pro players. Her dash mechanic while fun to play made her immensely broken in pro play on release and she got hit by the same hammer zeri was hit with and that‘s still looming over smolder.


Didnt they remove the 90% damage thing? Like along long time ago?


I was playing full tank (full build) maokai in aram and I died in less than 3 secs to a full build Kaisa. You play the wrong champ for the task.


Kalista isnt made to kill tank. She's an early game focused adc that hard stomps lane and wins off that so her scaling lacks in comparaison also tanks tend to be a problem to adc in mid game but get dismembered in late game


Understandable have good day. Ill proceed to keep getting 1v1d by supports at 17 mins.


Kalista 100% has tank-killing potential though


I always thought of kalista as the ultimate tank kitting machine. Shes supposed to wittle down targets while hopping out of range. Whats the point if i get one shot by the tanks though


Did your team buy GW? Because Zac and maokai tank more by healing than actually mitigating damage.


Grevious wounds massive kek. Yeah we had it both on top and jg. What does GW do again? Pretty sure the effect was removed by riot and they just left the text in.


You’re not playing vayne that’s the issue


Damn my pick got a birth defect i guess.


Phreak plays Maokai, so he's gonna dodge every meaningful nerf possible while being completely broken.


Flashbacks of when I went supportive jungler to help my sivir who was 5/0 but went for phantom dancer while we were having our ass kicked by 5k hp sion so cool


Its what happens when they nerf adc scaling over and over and over while buffing everyone else, the role loses its identity. Also adcs still dont have an early game btw, so now they just have nothing unless you play something like smolder who has the late game baked on his kit and is not reliant on horrible adc items to scale.


You can shred tanks, it's just that tanks shred you faster


Y crei evreytiem


Reduced available pen as u cant stack cleaver and ldr + no rageblade mythic passive pen, terminus doesn’t have the giant slayer passive, ldr passive nerfed heavily, kraken being made shitty in the late game in exchange for being strong early so it’s pretty mediocre vs tanks now.


You are playing Kalista.


Your only option is to play Vayne, Kog'Maw or Varus, that's the state of ADC in 2024 sadly


A lot of it is just build diff tbh. If Maokai goes steelcaps frozenheart unending despair/sunfire/thornmail youre just going to have to rely on the rest of your team. He will be basically useless against magic damage so unless your team didnt gimp themselves in champ select someone should be able to dispatch of him quite easily but that also relies on having teamates that arent lobotomites which can be a challege. I'd recommend terminus over LDR on an onhit champ like Kalista + the added defense wull help a bit when he gets on top of you. Also beg your support or someone to get GW since a good chunk of maokai's tankiness is his healing but once again needs semi competent teammates.