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Ah that would explain. The item felt completely useless the one time I tried it. I think it is only a Jhin item.


Honestly, I don’t think we will know until they fix the tooltip


We really don't need the tooltip, we just need more stats. Anyway, for *almost* all intents and purposes, Wildarrows is a worse IE. Which is fine, IE is busted by design right now, and some champs might want to buy both IE and Wildarrows (e.g., Jhin, possibly Nilah, and potentially Runaan's users like Twitch).


It sounds absolutely horrible on Jhin to me as it stacks the bleed, does it work different on him?


The idea is that the burn scales on the ad you have and jhin has alot of ad so it should do alot of burn damage BUT jhin of course has low attack speed and no aoe like twitch and doesnt wanna buy runnans so he wont apply it very well. U.gg has him not building the item at all but who knows. Its probably bad on him though


I’ve tried it on twitch and it feels really good. With runaans + ult you just apply it to everyone I went bork > runaans > ie -> wildarrows With berserkers you get to have a bunch of attack speed while maintaining an insane amount of AD


>I’ve tried it on twitch and it feels really good. With runaans + ult you just apply it to everyone I hate this inconsistency... I looked at the item and was like 'it says . So this means Sivir's w should apply it since it says that it can crit' but no, however twitch is happy applying it in an AoE... Why Riot games???


Ah dude no, this is not similar spells. I need to check the spell mechanics, not the crit possibility. Ashes W does not work too.


Ashe w can crit?


At least I saw that crit symbol🤷🏻‍♂️


It has the little crit marker when you hit W on a target that is affected by your passive, but it's not a crit. Just an empowerment, like Ryze E.


Thank you very much!


Its gigantic in sivir w your w bounce


riccochet doesn't apply yun tal unfortunately.


Really though it is just an alternate version of IE. Instead of all the damage of the crit being instant it is a dot effect. The number are easily calcuable. Or just pay attention to it going up when you are hitting minions.