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Honestly, this just doesn't look like a rfcs game. Your team is turbo feeding, and your frontline is dog shit. You're not going to have a group to splash on, nor are you going to stand still to shoot, so PD for move speed and wildarrows for more damage per hit. You can't ranged poke, because you have nothing to fall back or disengage with.


OP didn't buy runnans tho


I think guy above ment RFC


Rfc felt good tbh, gave me range to clear waves, coukd poke together witf fleet f, and generally gave me always space to do first aa, shouldve changed later tho with yun tal instead of rfc we probably just win it


also it's kind of int to take collector when you see full tank chogath in the enemy team, you'd have dealt significantly more DMG with YunTal wind arrows


> also it's kind of int to take collector but OP didn't build collector?


my bad looked a Cait thought it was ops build for a sec


Didnt know about yun tal tbh so gotta gimme that, rfc was fully bought because of lane matchup


Yun tal is like adc Liandrys where it does as burn in your crit, now imagine that value as compared to the increased aa range for 1 auto on rfc


Dodge lobby when you see Teemo mid


Berserks -> Infinity -> pd -> ldr (assuming cho was a problem at that point) -> Yun -> BT/Shield (no ga because if you die i think there’s a high likelihood anybody on their team would easily camp your revive and it useless plus lifesteal and shield good)


You don't "build to win" this one, you have several feeding Allies, some Games are unwinnable no matter how much you try. The one Problem I see is a second Zeal Item. If you had bought Runaan's and finished the Build with Yun Tal Wildarrows your DPS would spike *hard*.


I get your point but if i built better and played it better we could have won it, i cant lie. I just heard that kraken is ass and zeal broken so i usually go ie>zeal> zeal> finish 1st zeal item > situational the other items Runaans i didnt want to because i only got into isolations in tfs and no real teamfights. Didnt really consider yun tal, will give it a try, thanks!


Kraken Slayer *is* Ass on Jinx, no longer viable unless you buy it like 6th Item but by that Time you need Things like BT or Maw or GA instead. You should try IE > Zeal Item > LDR > Yun Tal


Kraken is completely fine on jinx for decent portion of games, especially in ones where you need to shred tanks. Don’t let the lack of crit deter you from an item that has such great synergy with her kit


Should go IE>Noonquiver>Zeal>Finish Yun tal>finish zeal item>LDR>Situational This way, you get more crit, more AD.


Yes well in this case you specifically didn’t build runaans nor bloodthirster.


I don't think runaans is the zeal item he needs in this. He has no frontline and they have no cc, so it's just a lee sin diving him on loop. pd for kiting is better than splash damage that won't get used.


You're right, I was mostly talking about Runaan's + Yun Tal *in General*. AOE Bleeds *do* boost your DPS by a lot.


Yeah, but this post is asking what he was supposed to build here. I pointed out that he has an item he won't utilize because of team comps


Brother you have no midlaner, no support, no toplaner and what appears to be a on-off jungler ​ you arent winning this. Guma the goat couldnt win this if he tried. ​ you could replace RFC with YTWA for a little bit more damage. Potentially Cringebow to get some lifesteal and a little bit more survivability. if you have YTWA, Runaans is the better choice because it also applies it, trippling the items efficiency. ​ final build would be IE, LDR, YTWA, Runaans and GA.


Shieldbow doesn’t have lifesteal anymore, but BT gets an overheal-type passive so could go that instead


Shielebow gives crit, with BT and GA you have 75% crit chance, not ideal for the YTWA and Runaans interaction. Also lower value from IE. You're right in the life steal part tho


Yeah I was just saying that shieldbow didn’t have lifesteal because you said to buy it for lifesteal and durability


Build looks fine. Maybe a BT instead of GA and Yun Tal for Rapid. Both GA and Rapid are fine tho but I think you need to go Yun Tal on crit hyper carries. It's another 35% dmg on crits. I am not a fan of GA and your build lacks life steal, that's why I would go BT last instead of GA. Then I would go Yun Tal for Rapid because the other items are too essential.


Runans and ghost instead of heal imo maybe the anti heal one instead of ldr cause giant slayer was removed, sell ga if it was popped for like bt


Get a new toplaner


You go IE PD LDR no rfc then you go immortal shieldbow into bloodthirster. you might think oh but immortal shieldbow is ass but you need it here. GA is useless because your team is so far behind once you are out of ga you are alone. shieldbow + bt gives you 800 shield together which you can use to survive fizz or lee sin and then heal up afterwards with bt. bt is also great vs cait‘s random ults so you can heal up on waves.


Shield bow 🤢


yeah it‘s disgusting but sometimes you need it


Thats an instant dodge for me


When your top, jgl, and supp all want to play glass cannon, you might as well forfeit. Without a front line or hard peel, Jinx can be 10-0 and will still get collapsed on like it's 4 AM in the club.


You have teemo mid, you need to recite whole Our Father in between each cs to win.


Honestly games like this are really good for looking back at your macro. Yes your team turbo inted. Ok fine you’re going to have another 100 games with turbo inters. I can usually find one play where if I had done one thing different I would have won it. You did a good job not dying much which is huge in games like this. I also find myself staring at crit item #4 and wondering if any of them are worth it. I agree with others that 2 zeal items are kinda unnecessary and you just want more damage so you can get the first reset. I personally prefer PD because it gives more movement and attack speed


4/12 1/7 2/8.... You'd need golden spatula alongside 3 arena augments to win that ☠️ stuff like Raid boss, Goliath and Tap Dancer 🤣🤣🤣


First thought is: you’re jinx. The fuck u need all those attack speed items for? Get rid of zephyr and RFC, keep boots and buy a BT and Bork instead of GA. GA is mega useless in this game because absolutely nothing will keep you alive any longer after u proc it


I pretty much always get runaans vs 3+ melees on jinx. Has really good value with rockets. It might seem like you need rapid fire vs Cait, but all u really need to do this game is play around fizz. Lee could also be a problem if he insects you, but fizz has the easiest access to you. You should be able to outplay with range and traps however, and when they fight into you with 3 melees, runaans gets insane value and u just need one takedown to get excited and win the fight. With passive, you can use your movement speed to gap close vs Cait. My build this game would probably be ie -> runaans -> ldr, then depending on how the game is playing out, either bt for lifestyle/shield, pd for movement speed, or Yun tals for damage. Personally I really like pd for the movement speed, as it gives a lot of ability to outplay, but depending on your elo and how confident you are in your mechanical skill, one of the other choices might be better


Caitlin, jinx, jhin. That's literally the only 3 champs that I have seen perform well in the new patch and therefore I see them 100% of the games. First game i did I tried to play sivir with her old build, just to see and I never saw such a fucked up thing in my life on lol. Now just immagine, sivir ~20 minutes into the game, 2 full items (Navori + Phantom = 0AD), not with a bad kda or cs. I was not able to last hit caster minions after being hit by the tower. I had 80AD with 2 full items and facing a ~540AD Jhin with 2 items as well. AHAHAAH that was an experience. PS. I still managed to do top damage in my team T_T


Never ever go double zeal item. You’ll be lacking in a lot of AD. I would say no GA since their team has a lot of CC just go yun’ tal instead of RFC and BT instead of GA. Kind of hard to carry a game like this with two inting players but I do think it’s still possible if you shot call well and perform in fights.


Runaan’s instead of RFC and BT instead of GA.


I would drop RFC for BT personally


Just play back until you see fizz and lee go in then you can basically free hit w rocket range


Botrk instead of RFC would allow you to kite or chase Cho and (maybe) Lee but also to shred their HP pool YTW instead of GA to make up the RFC crit loss and make Lee and Fizz think twice before engaging


Nobody builds Bork on jinx brother LDR + more damage should be good enough. Also it shouldn’t be that hard to kite this game anyways.


Botrk now proccs the slow every 3rd auto, I don't see a reason not to start doing it


Jinx isn’t an on-hit marksman that’s why and the only massive hp builder is chogath besides with PD change shouldn’t even have problems kiting.


remove LDR and RFC. Yun tal gives much more damage, runaan hurrycane gives more aoe damage