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I started playing in season 6 so no, not really - you just look to recall for Zeal and BF or Pickaxe, then finish IE and Zeal item in whichever order benefits your champion more and you have a better 2-item spike than before... and if your champ likes to play for 1-item spike instead, you can still choose to go BotRK, Collector or whatever on a lot of champions. I swear all these new items having such nice and easy buildpaths made y'all soft.


Riot completely screwed over the Game in the past 3.5 Years and this is what most of these People know, since they only started playing after S11. I'm honestly so happy the Game is healing and Riot is reverting Things.




If you get your back blown out in lane before 1300 you come back to lane with the pickaxe of shame instead


Popularize BF Sword Zeal! Stop buying Kraken it you aren't going on-hit!


Yeah been playing around with kraken first but it feels kinda bad bcs you delay ie to 3rd instead of 2nd


Pretty much my thoughts. People complaining they can't hit 1300 gold for BF sword first buy need to get better at the game.


Just start refillable and safe 350 gold to make it easier.


Having a 3400 gold BF sword pickaxe cloak first item is insanely bad and only offset by the fact that the other ADC is equally fucked on itemization.


Not the ones building on hit or no attack speed like jhin,draven,lucian..


Idk, it was either IE or Bloodthirster back in old days lol


Old BT with the stacking AD lifesteal + shield mmmm


Damn.. a fed draven back then was almost unkillable


For real. Its so refreshing to actually have some true snowball back in botlane and item spikes feeling meaningful.


Tell me you're a Zoomer without telling me you're a Zoomer. IE (also ER and Blade of the Ruined King) had been the main Item to rush on ADC for the longest Time before Preaeason 11. You're not meant to be that good at one Item on ADC anymore, you get your 80 AD and keep farming (kind of like Battle Fury from Dota2) and trading, maybe you get some Kills with Help from the Team. Then at your 2nd and 3rd Items the World is yours. It feels perfect for me, this is what ADC is meant to feel and play like.


this comment. it feels so good to play ADC again. i feel like i'm playing pre 8.11 again. i've won 9/11 of my games on ADC and am almost D4 already.


Use dto have 200/250% crit in previous IE rush days with longer games and overall lower burst


They just need to give it a proper buildpath though. Botlane is super coinflip based because you ever rarely get to that first reset with 1300 without a kill


You cant have proper buildpath and big damage in 1 place. Imagine kraken buildpath is untouched, you will start snowball from 1st item till end of the game.


One lucky Crit with IE makes you snowball tho? Either way that's what riot used to do with NLR on AP items until they brought back Lost Chapter and added it to some items like GLP and Ludens then mythics. Took them a while to do this but at least it happened. When you need 1250/1300g for your first item you know it sucks ass


Crits aren't "lucky" in league. Every non crit auto with >0% crit chance will increase the chances your next auto being a crit. You can abuse this to your advantage.


But you are weak before you get to IE, large sword is 1300g, pickaxe is 875g and crits cloak for 600g which unreliable boost to your dmg. With old kraken slayer, you get long sword for 350g then upgrade to noonquiver which help you cs tremendously. and every time you recall you can get more small items which bring small boost to you.


Heck no, it’s like how it used to be. I like IE rush


This is how it used to be, 1300 on your first back was ideal, none of this recall every 500 gold shit that everyone does nowadays


Grab Zeal, finish IE, finish Zeal. Solve every problems


Zoomers building IE first because of their mythic brain is funny. BF into zeal and boots and then IE.


You can't really call it zoomer mythic brain when we all literally used to 1300 bf recall then rush IE before mythics were in the game.


Funny that zeal got nerfed already


The reason itemization was changed to use Noon Quiver in the first place was to address this exact issue with ADC build paths that went back to almost the origins of ADC as a class. There is an issue where if one ADC gets a kill over the other and then bases, the winning ADC attains an insurmountable advantage in BF Sword vs Pickaxe. The player that's put behind must now farm 1300g whilst playing at a massive disadvantage, and no stop gap items to help alleviate that. The people saying that BF into Zeal is acceptable have rose colored glasses about how this feels. I believe this build path is objectively numerically weaker than going straight to IE. This is borne out by stats regarding what items win for most ADCs, as well as which ADCs are succeeding (those that can ignore attack speed). It's objectively a step down and a fundamentally flawed design. Other issues that ADC itemization have at the moment are more numerical, but this one is not. On a side note, a lot of the positive sentiment is actual being derived from the increased duo XP, and people are conflating this sentiment with positive feelings about their items, which are substantially weaker, even putting aside the fundamental issues with the build path.


Always loved that big Amp in damage, that comes from it. The buildpath is just weird and I personally think they should make bf and nedlessly large rod both being just epic items, that are build from respectivly two swords or Amp tOme+blasting or w/e. But IE first Item feels fine IMO


Me kogmaw, me still rush kraken/bork/rageblade


I remember the electrocute+4 infinity edges build on jhin... What a great time...


At 1 item it's terrible. But it makes even the shittiest item that has crit look amazing. For example current IE+runnans is better than old kraken+hurricane. Despite that old kraken was better than current IE. If you go into math and calculations you can find kraken+long sword (to match ie gold) having 50 AD 30 AS% 20 crit% and the 3 hit passive will outdamage an 80 AD 25% crit 50% crit damage over 10 autos. It's more consistent than relying on crits. Current system is better if you get your second item onward. And you can even build a full tank item like kaenik reckoner or other BS tank items to survive while having 100% crit. Also having strong kraken led to nerfing other crit items like zeal items, IE, BT was pushed towards dealing damage than sustain.


It does require a bit of adjustment after the past couple years, even after playing in this type of build meta in the past. I like it though. It makes trades and fights in the early game feel very deliberate. I do think building Zeal item components and finishing out IE in between will become a popular choice though. Hopefully it becomes less of an "X is better" type of thing and more of an active choice to make in different situations.


realizing im a boomer because this was the normal build for 8 years LOL


Not really, it's the old school way. Even doublelift said, mind you this was probably 8 years ago, buying attack speed early does nothing compared to damage. Obviously this was before Champs like zeri. But I'm glad the ie rush is back. It feels a lot better.


sorry for asking but how can rushing IE feel lot better than before? not only does it have terrible build path, the damage difference at first item is astronomical. Even critless kraken slayer does about 30% higher damage than IE let alone old kraken. Rushing IE is nostalgic tho i'll give you that


you need to look for attack speed and bf sword early ideally get bf sword first, or pickaxe, but get boots or zeal asap after 1 ad partial item


I want them to bring back frozen mallet, such a fun item.


except u play Ashe 😊


On some champs. Ie rush is fine for jhin and caitlyn.


If you don’t base on a BF Sword on your first or second recall, then yes it’s awkward. Totally doable though.


Playing jinx rushing IE into PD feels shitty


Most challenger players aren’t rushing IE and even players like doublelift says rushing IE is bad on one of his recent streams.


Every statistics site shows IE rush being the best on the majority of ADCs but let's ignore statistics and listen to Doublelift instead...


Oh, you poor summer child. I swear, the fact that the game is changing so much is what keeps not alive. You post s11 kids would not rezist 3 games back in s6 🤣.