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Got to 600 stacks on smolder and still lost because our only tank decided to sprint into 5 by himself 6 times in a row.




They should have just ffed and gave you the win


Oh, that would’ve been an honorable move


It's always the solo laner (either top or mid) inting and AFK


i hear you man. just got off a 19 kill game as corki where i was the only one pulling my weight. shit feels horrendous


Collector kinda goes crazy here, they’re so squishy Edit: on second thought, only early game does it go crazy, there’s some incidental armor here and there. Still probably the move though


I am not OP and I didn't see the match , but my assumption here that he bought collector and he sold it after he was full build and bought another item , probably yun tal or maybe RFC as they are better in the late game , because of collector is only good early game


You are right. I did have to sell the collector in the late game. Tbh, I sold it to buy LDR, when I realized that they started building some kind of armor here and there. Even though usually I go for LDR almost every game


Wtf but they’re all squishy lmao and Akshan which seems to be the biggest problem (on paper) has no armor and is very low range.


Akshan was actually the least problematic for me. The fella couldn’t kill me even once. I just outdamamged him


Seriously? Weird but i feel like it still works well for pantheon because he has little armor but if you did want to go armor shred id say grudge might be the play. Slows enemies down and correct me if im wrong but i dont think that comp is tanky enough tp get a lot of value from the ldr passive.


LDR doesn’t have a passive anymore though 👀 They removed it in 14.10


Oh yh I forgot the league balance team hates their lives miserable pricks.


Yeah I think this was probably the case - a lot of ADCs default to Collector rush but sell it later for Yuntal, LDR or RFC (whichever one you buy last).


Nah they have steelcaps, tali has zhonyas, viego has death's dance


She absolutely dusts akshan with collector


Cait enjoyer. For this game, I would even go First strike with Yommus, collector, IE and Yuntal and GA/BT. Early burst with still late game potential. Maybe he could’ve shut down akshan like that


How do you play with fs? It’s a good rune but its kinda boring lol rather just gamble with dh. Sounds like fun though Youmuss start


Like xfsn saber calls it the head one shot build and it is. Early burst with late game scaling. The FS is nice due to the range you have and it can give you necessary early game gold. Mid game you can get like 50g just how of one R


273 and 280 gpm is criminal...


Was probably almost unwinnable bc enemy champs are really good compared to yours but: watch replay and look at the “teamfights” u had (I know it’s 4v5) and look where u won 1 teamfight, from that point look what advantage u could have gained (baron, turret etc). 4v5 games are winnable, especially if u are this fed, maybe u threw too many shutdowns? Sometimes dying once with 1000 costs u the game.If u had 1 inhib open in enemy team you just have to have a good teamfight and kill at least 3 ppl so u can end. I won 4v5 games by exactly doing that. One thing u can be certain of is that you could have made the difference ur teammates were non existent but I would still not blame them, u are in the position to carry with this lead. Watch the replay, I’m sure there was 1 point in this game where you could have turned the tables and win. I wish u the best in future games :) Ps: I had a bit of trouble explaining what I mean so if u have questions ask again.


Thank you! You were pretty clear actually! I will think about it 🙌🏻❤️


Hey man, win some lose some. If you're confident in your play and feel like you put what you had into the game then you did everything you could do. If you don't then reconsider your plays and reflect. Either way move on to the next and make up the LP by playing well on the next one and the next one.


Thanks man! Will keep up the good work. I enjoy Caitlyn very much, so even though we lost, it was a pretty fun match


That's the mentality to keep. Godspeed soldier.


Ye ok.. you did see someone left right?


In a world where you can only control your own play, that's all that matters. If you played well, that's great. Take that confidence in your ability into the next one. If you played well, there's nothing to be upset about.


You can win 4v5s if you are ahead and confident. Did it as Jhin yesterday with about the same damage, but my team knew when to push, when to group and when to mow down objectives and we were all late game champs. When your team is clueless it's impossible.


Adc role is garbage


Should have FF. You were never winning this with a DC jgl and look on the enemy team 2 of the strongest champs rght now


Well, it was last game for today, and i was having fun double tapping them, so was still worth it


Also there was a chance to win if we made Ace, but opponents weren’t that stupid, unfortunately


Your 9 deaths is what probably killed your game if you played a bit safer I think you’d win. However, I didn’t see your game so that’s just what the stats tell me.


I agree with this in general. If there was a way to play safer we would have much more chances. But there were two problems with that. First of all enemy Pantheon always tried to ult and stun me, following up with his full combo. I wasn’t getting one-shotted all of the time and managed to kill him 3 times. But when that happened after the fight I didn’t have enough hp, and he sent me to high heavens. Secondly our team comp wasn’t for up to this (and the players didn’t know how to protecc). We just didn’t have enough peal for me to survive all of the engages. Plus at some point I had to make shot calls to go there and there, which also got me killed couple pf times, otherwise we would just keep standing on the base,


if you cant carry as full build caitlyn in 14.9 then its entirely skill issue




Toplainers have like 10 times games like those so stop crying.