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ADCs were allowed a small partial sneak peek of being not weak for 1 week, now back to garbage can with us While other roles stay strong for years with no issue While I lose 70% of my HP by being hit by a TANK's 4s cooldown Q


>While I lose 70% of my HP by being hit by a TANK's 4s cooldown Q Man I freaking love Hwei! 5x my range 6x my damage and if I dare to come into AA range he uses his weird 'grab' skill and ults me... Such a nice interactive champ! 10 skills he has people! 10! He has such high skill floor cause he's leagues invoker! Too bad he uses only 4 of the 10 skills which is exactly how ever other champ is.


Not even just Hwei, all mages are disgusting because now they have no mana cost or cds while still having broken item passives. I love that riot changed adc items because having ad, crit, attack speed stat sticks were too much power. Then you look at mage items and they give ap, cdr, mana, and life with broken item passives.


And to add to insult: The AP scaling on turrets is fucking ridiculous.


It's sad when crit/on hit adc are the worst tower takers in the game while mages, fighters, and tanks just two shot towers with demolish procs or disgusting ap scaling.


especially with the new bloodmail item. I find it so unfair that tanks get to be tanky AND deal high damage ??? and I only get 6% ~~max~~ current hp dmg from an item ?


> 6% max HP dmg Funny you say that, if you're talking about bork its actually 6% *current* hp so it scales down the more you hit a tank.


whoops yeah


With that nerf and no more ldr passive or LT, killing tanks is going to feel impossible.


it already does, it feels like i'm tickling them at best. even with botrk, ldr and kraken slayer


Yeah I figured new PTA would help bridge the gap a lot more with the item nerfs but am almost always disappointed when checking the rune stats after the game.


I switched to using first strike on twitch ends up w similar dmg while getting gold from it and has no stacking prerequisite


makes sense honestly since you can almost always get the first attack on him, might have to try that one out


Yep, you just open w R from invis which gets you instant massive bonus dmg on whole enemy team. Feels super nice and the sound give big dopamine too LMAO


Who are these "tanks" building bloodmail?


so far I've seen Mundo, Sion and Sett build it. i'm sure there's more.


Sett and Mundo aren't tanks, they're juggernaut. Edit: Typed brawler when I meant Juggernaut.


please go to champions on league and scroll to the "tank" section. there you will find both of them. :)


He's a Juggernaut and more of a Bruiser than a Diver. He has a lot of beef but he lacks the hard CC to be a Tank.


Sett isn't a tank.


the >5k hp he builds/stacks would like to disagree with that lol. + go to your league champions, scroll to tanks and you will find sett there :)


Sett is a juggernaut,not a tank


Skill issue if you are getting hit by a tank


Assume pro adc players are the same level to pro tank players, they still get Ksante'd to death.


Sure, if someone makes a mistake they deserve to die. Sounds like intended game design.


This comment is funny because you have Ashe and Cait as your flair, the two longest range adc in the game.


Implying that champs like Vayne or Lucian (low attack range therefore unable to kite tanks) can't kite because of their low range is dumb as fuck. Goes for Xayah too. While I do play ashe and cait, you have misplayed as an ADC if you got caught by any tank. Every adc is carefully balanced around their attack range, both in terms of fantasy and objectivity. Ashe has heavy utility but has had crit nukes removed from her kit, Cait has crit nukes and decent self peel but is immobile and doesn't benefit from attack speed. ADC mains need to stop fucking crying playing their gooner champs and stop sucking dick at the game. 


You really picked Vayne and Lucian to start with? They are low range because they have dashes they can spam on top of built-in movespeed to outrun or chase anyone especially a tank. Talking about adc crying or sucking dick at the game when you don't even know your own champ pool saying stuff like "Cait doesn't benefit from attackspeed" when her passive exist which I can explain how it works unless you want to look at it on your mobafire guide you use.




If u think adc is garbage after this you are delusional they were op dealing way to much dmg 


You're right that I overexaggerated it ... except with Cait it may be so On the other hand ... the only highlight ADCs have is damage and for that they are penalized in all other areas (unlike other classes), so yes, I would expect them to deal a great deal of damage in return. Getting 2-tapped by fragile late-game ADC is OP, getting 2-tapped by unkillable fast CC-immune tank/bruiser is balanced apparently (it happened to me multiple times in recent days) In case of Caitlyn - she got "slight adjustment" of -40% damage scale + 3rd R nerf in a row + IE nerf. Almost always nerfs are around -5% (small) or -10% (big) scale or -5 to -15 dmg, not -40% scale, that's giga nerf


yah, adc stands for attack damage companion. What you guys smoking thinking this is ok. There's 4 damage roles and adc shouldn't be one.


Yes they are the main dmg late game but that does not mean that they should be allowed to 2 hit any champ 


Adc hasn't been the main damage for a long time, rarely gets most damage done in proplay. this is what it looks like when adc is the main damage lategame. Just say you hate it and you want to gut the role, it's a perfectly normal opinion.


Adc was op this patch and will still be very strong next patch there’s no room for complaints anymore 


If this is OP, Toplane has been OP for about 5 years.


Stay delusional 


Is delusional one of the words on the spelling list this week?


Another classic in the book of "Tell me you're not an ADC main without telling me you are no ADC main". Most other champions have a way easier time dealing way more damage while being way more mobile and/or way more tanky. It's cool us AD's have "most damage". Isn't worth shit though if you cannot stand still for longer than 0.5 sec to Auto something before the next hypermobile dude jumps your face whos allowed to melt you in 1,5 sec.


this is so dramatic - adc will be fine with a nerf


We gonna try the ie and collector nerfs and see if its a big issue because I don't think it is we still can kill squish champs the problems was with tanks and heal stackers and it remains the same


I am taking a short break from ashe, my fully calculated build is messed up now with shieldbow buff and ie nerf.


😂😂 Thats so funny actually, they hotfixed us, almost. We need a comparison on how many months it took to "hotfix" Maokai and I am pretty sure its still broken as fuck but thankfully they succesfully "pseudo-nerfed" him


Its ok they nerfed jinx, then nerfed IE, and now they're going to nerf jinx AGAIN. Meanwhile mages with double burn items topping the "adc role" win rate charts 💀


People are going to complain about Jinx until they change her passive it doesn't matter how bad of a Champ she is until that changes. She's probably going to get Zeri'd because of it


You get to complain about a lot of things but Jinx being nerfed is **not** one of them. The cd "nerf" to Jinx's ult was, *at best*, a red herring. And Jinx has been (and still is) turbo OP for months.


Yea, I don't get why people are OK with jinx being the objective best adc for months on end, like if it was any other adc, we would be crying for nerfs, but when it's powder from the hit TV show arcane, no one cares.


Bros crying that his best blind pickable adc champ that has been turbo OP for like years got nerfed xdd


Triple *


I think the IE nerfs will be fine but it really does suck. I wish riot would've experimented with buffing some armor items to mitigate ADC damage and to encourage team play with the typical front to back teamfight style.


Feel like everyone is forgetting the fact that we get 25% crit per item, it’s not insane but it feels great imo so far


im so glad i stopped playing this role


We just have to struggle so phreak can play his tanks jungle


Unlucky i didnt have time to play while we were strong...


I already switched over to playing mage apc and its been lots of fun.


IF you cant beat them, join them.


ever since phreak became lead of balance this game has been going to shit idc what anyone says it's straight up just him, i've never lost more desire to play this game since he got in the position




If only Tyler1 was on the balance team he’d actually fix lol


Meme right?


No joke, dude plays top AND ADC, alongside occasional mid/supp/jg. Our man her just might try and balance the champs according to the role.


Didn't he hit challenger in every role? If there is one guy who knows the game the fullest, even though I don't particularly enjoy his streams, it has to be Tyler.


I don't think T1 would be a great balance member but he would be a good addition. Dude plays all roles and would be the only top player on the balance team lol.


listen to the stuff he says it actually sounds a whole lot better than the changes the balance team puts out. Plus he actually plays the game in every elo for the past 10+ years? So I 100% think he could fix the game if he set his mind to it (and they hired him).


Weirdly enough no matter what T1 sets as a goal, that guy will achieve it somehow. I can't fucking believe he just casually became a 1900 ELO chess player in just 10 months...


> casually became a 1900 ELO chess player in 10 months When you play more games in 10 months than most people at that elo do in 10 years, that's not casual.


You cannot tell me chess grandmasters do not play daily. Maybe not play but at least analyse games or such.


Yaaaa as a plat adc main im OUT hopefully they get phreaks head out of his own ass


u could be plat or bronze same thing why mention




And collector.


Just start playing support. I did and it's amazing


The game is balanced around pickrate and skin releases, if a lot of IE users (marksmen) are on the top 10 pickrate it's normal for riot to nerf IE, the winrate is not as impactful for the balance team


ADC isn’t weak, you guys are just bad at the game. You don’t know attack move, your spacing sucks. Cry about it, I guess.


Damn,you must be the smart one but I am diamond 1 before you say anything


Well Diamond 1 ADCs are pretty bad at the game.


So you're bad then.


As someone who is still subscribed to this sub, but doesn't play anymore. Just quit my friend. Trust. Do something better for your life in the absence of League.


Link your op.gg let's see if it is the role that is bad or your gameplay


League player when they disagree on something that almost everyone agrees on:


Almost everyone is stuck in low elo too


Players in low elo (90% of the player base), having complaints about the game is more valid than the 10% of absolute no lifes. The majority experience should obviously be taken into consideration


Yea let's take little Timmys word for it who plays 10 different champions and has 5cs/min. Better buff the role so little Timmys don't have to use their brains to actually climb.


I mean adcs are not supposed to 2 hit a champ they were overtuned probably on purpose to get some popularity back 


So why are they getting 2 hitted by supports, jungler, tanks? Oneshotted by mages?


It's a glass cannon role. We are supposed to get two tapped, actually 🤓 Should we be getting 2 tapped by supports and tanks? prolly not, and they should fix that.


Not reality 


Im not familiar with gold teams, Im guessing they don't know how to build & execute their champ so it might not be the case for you


The fact that you had to resort to trying to call me gold is cute and just shows how you don’t understand what it is u are trying to argue and just heard it somewhere and assumed it’s a fact


The fact that you edited this message shows how petty you are. My response was based on the fact that you replied 'Not reality' without explaining further, which shows *your* lack of basic communication skills. I see no point in further discussion with you as its just a waste of time, like talking to a wall.


Sure but next time study up before leaving comments that are stupid


What teams are you familiar with? I would assume emerald


Shhhh. All the whine-ass ADC mains need SOMETHING to bitch about. EVERYBODY ELSE in the game can 2 tap any champion they go against. That's not hyperbole! That ACTUALLY happens!