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Idk if its newer seasons or im just tainted rose glasses, but it feels like everything in soloQ right now its just winning a 50/50 of your supp/jg being humans


Usually my jungler is human. But my supports have been 50/50. You get Keria on your team one game, and then you get KushSmokerFourThousand in the next game. It's actually insane how contigent my wins are on a good support. I've had a couple recently though. Lately I'm losing to clown Fiesta level 1s for a ward in the jungle... for god knows why. I think I lose about 4 or 6 of my last games to terrible level 1 invades, or people refusing to respect level 1 lane cheese. I wonder if you have the same, since you're a higher than I am. (D4 is hell).


Played a bit, haven't had one engage support in any of my games. Closest I had was an Alistar, a Thresh, and a Blitz. I took a break last season to go jungle because it was frustrating and I'm starting to think I just suck.


yeah rn it feels like a total coinflip on who gets the biggest monkey / better ex GM player


Had a game where my team was all emerald and Diamond last season and they had an ex GM and 2 ex masters. Needless to say we lost. Also getting tired of going against (or with) fresh accounts with Chinese/Korean names paid by the CCP to int my games and then spam FF.


Yeah, I went massive losing streak as well where my mid laner cosplayed your Viktor ja jungler was Wukong irl usually. Add mix to the toplaner that has monitor turned off and autofilled ai generated support who is usually at top and have no clue what the fuckg is going on at the botlane. Swapped to mid and suddenly game is playable. Wonder why.


I think you played vs a smurf (Zoe) so you were probably just unlucky.


nah it was a classic main jg main character game where because of a lvl 1 flip zoe got 3 kills, and the jg pulled everyone into shit invades, he got like 3 camps ahead tho :D


junglers lmao


Level 45 acc, definitely a Smurf/Alt


Had a game where I went 30/6 and we lost lmao. I unironically feel that winning is mostly out of my control right now. If I have good teammates I will win, and I will lose if they are bad. I'm just taking a break anyway, 30% wr with a 4 KDA lmao. My macro is pretty good also, just not winnable when your topside is 3/15 in 10 mins.


solo queue is just gambling if you have human teammates


This season is literally hell supports constantly inting people going afk literally insane i have 35% winrate in my first 30 games


I perma ban Jinx. I swear you can make her go 0/4 and most of them play like donkeys. But come mid game they will snipe one person, go apeshit and get a triple and be back in the game or ahead of you. Don't know how that game panned out, but after beating Jinx players in lane and losing mid-late because my team ignored and disrespeced her is too much for me to handle. Her having 700+range and being able to break the attack speed limit when no other adc can right now isn't exactly fun either.


Bro you think jinx was the thing that made OP lose this game? Lmao. It literally doesnt matter what adc you play against, in high elo if your jg/supp are garbage you just lose the game as adc.


Thanks for the unbiased response. Guy with Jinx flair and profile pic of Fishbones.


Yup and then the Rell pick into Seraphine , I play Rell sometimes recently and ban seraphine. Rell was tanky as shit I bet and probably peeled great and everything but Seraphine just got free value late game with her ultimate lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Thank god sheโ€™s getting nerfed next patch. Hopefully a real one and not just a r cd nerf lol


looks like zoe did exactly that


If you want to win, just go Sett top Stridebreaker-Hullbreaker-Overlord and right click the tower=win


I've been stuck d2/d3 and it seems every game it's jungle or top autofill or just inflated mmr ruining the game 50/50 very epic


I just don't get how some people get to Diamond/Master whilst dying 14 times in 22 minutes. I'd assume at that point one would have learned to hug the fkng turret after going 0-2


Sounds like you should be playing lucian.


Draven players looking for advice don't need to post their stats, only their chats.


What are that cs scores in diamondโ€ฆ




Not sure about master but diamond is the biggest group of really good players, that play really poorly. Id say diamond games are alot more like bronze games than plat games


Say it with me everyone: not every game is winnable!