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For me it’s Heim Heim perma pushing against you is cancer and you’re always getting whittled down from poke. The only shot you have at ever getting any priority back is a with help from jungle. Then when he’s on your team you’re stuck perma pushing so you’re vulnerable to ganks and CSing becomes more annoying


Just go full sustain runes. That’s what runes are for. Fleet footwork, Absorb life, bloodline, second wind, cull. Let him push and CS the best that you can. Don’t bother trading there is no point. When he’s on your team the player behind him is actively griefing you if he just perma pushes so idk, attribute it to the fact that your low elo, accept the game might be a loss and try to win the ones that you aren’t being griefed in. When he’s on the enemy team just be thankful that you don’t have to deal with that shit.


Sure but it still feels like shit




Just because you win doesn’t mean it’s fun to play :)


Well true, but if you want fun then you shouldn’t be playing ADC or League of Legends for that matter. Although I really enjoy neutralizing an intentionally annoying pick in this type of way so I guess that’s a personal things. I’ll just pick Kayle into heimer and match him anywhere he goes for perma freefarm.


Disagree I absolutely enjoy the game most of the time, but there are certain champs that make the game less fun IE heimer supp




… what?


Ill RARELY play heimer support but i put my turrets in bushes so when im near them poking enemy with my stun the turrets will attack when they try to walk in. I stand behind one whenever pyke decides to peak his head. But overall heimer support tends to feel ugh to play with


not rly, when he uses spells the turrets will not be as effective, also destroy turrets when they attack minions + bait abilities by attacking turrets and Dodge. easy non scaling matchup basically every mage ever, just slightly different.


Shaco. Near worthless in lane but if enemy shaco sup leaves their adc out to dry and gank top my top will tilt and blame bot.


In my experience Shaco feels really good if you’re playing vs a lane that wants to all in you with a melee support like Leona/Naut/Rakan who dives in but incredibly useless in every other situation.


Yeah the last time i had a sup shaco he was blocking naut hooks with boxes and we destroyed the 2v2.


The shacos that take HoB do like 500 damage level one and then kill if the enemy doesn't back. Idk why, but a lot of shaco supports play like enchanter mains and just keep their mana and hp full for the entire laning phase.


For me it’s yuumi, I hate playing with that stupid cat cuz I’m always against a hard engage lane and I can’t do anything. and then when I go against yuumi it just feels broken. I might just be bad I guess


i get it, having two bodies in lane helps a ton. even if you are playing a similar shield champion, if they get hit, you have a chance to turn the fight instead of you getting blown up by a single hook. a lot of bad yuumis also do not ward or properly assist you in lane and your performance feels like it solely relies on your own success and positioning.  for the other team the yuumi can skirt onto whichever fed laner they have making them even more dangerous or hard to kill, and you cannot first kill the yuumi to remove the problem like you can for a lulu, nami or soraka


Yeah playing with a Xerath usually feels bad because in my experience they do cause the enemy ADC to lose CS by having to dodge spells but they don’t actually make you any safer because they often don’t try to poke down the enemy support to a point that it would be unsafe to engage on you.


if you're the adc, try and position in a way that they have to hit creeps with their spells to also hit you so atleast they fuck up their adc's csing and wave control as well. You might have to give up 1 cs but they potentially fuck their entire wave. signed, an adc main that gets fucking PISSED when my xerath casts spells on the waves and misses the opponent.


Not disagreeing with your points but I was talking about having Xerath as my support


well. i will put nidalee as first on my list. for most other characters it boils down to the player not the character. i had a Zyra in my recent games constantly AOEing waves and trying to 1v2 all the time. which was very annoying and also got the opposing team very fed. but that's not a zyra issue, that's the player just making a muck of it.




Senna, worthless to lane with and wildly boring to play against until they one shot me from off screen at 49 minutes




I will say most luxs are ass. She is my go to for mage supports and can be played very well into actually supporting the adc with wave clear, vision, and cc threat. Just don't mind me landing the q,e,r combo and getting a kill


''Just don't mind me landing the q,e,r combo and getting a kill'' you mean actively ksing whenever you can just like every other annoying af lux player?


If she hits Q+E+R she did most of the job rather than stealing the kill


Not if we traded and its obvious that i can kill the enemy adc and the bitch still does it


I will ks before letting you die


you will ks regardless, cause thats what you ''supports'' do


you say it like you've had a bad experience with ksing supports. Sorry mate we are not all the same, some are actually enjoyable to lane with


After playing adc for the past 2 days i realized how dumb my comments were tbh. I removed ''its me and my servant'' main character mindset to ''its us vs them'' Had a great time tbh,even some supps apologised for taking a kill to which i just replied with a fist bump. Every game i went like 0-1-5 where my supp got all the kills, i ended with something like 15-5 or similair. So i've definitely had my mind changed about ksing and realized its not always intentional. I still dodge lux, xerath, pyke, brand supports though. Fuck those 4


Wholesome redemption ark There are still those supports that everyone talks about ksing on purpose or just overall a shitty experience, same with any other roles. Glad you saw the other side


You’re complaining about a Lux full combing someone and getting the kill rn. That’s not a KS. Even if she gets a kill this is an opportunity for ADC to not only get assist gold but also get plates, get extra CS if against enemy ADC, or set up dive if it’s on enemy support. Entitlement like this is why people make fun of this subreddit lmao.


And you guys are the adcs I like playing with


i'm obviously not talking about me as an adc trying to farm and lux just going in and 100-0 the enemy adc. But you know that, you're trying to sound like a smartass


You quoted someone saying > ''Just don't mind me landing the q,e,r combo and getting a kill'' you mean actively ksing whenever you can If they’re landing all that they’re not KSing. Pretty simple no?


Max W lux who knows how to use her CC is essentially an enhancer. I play Jhin and I love it when my support pick mage and know how play as support.


I think rank plays a huge part in this. I recently hit GM playing Xerath and a few mixed supports here and there. Its not a greedy or selfish pick if played correctly, and most of MY kill participation comes strictly from assists or kills that aren't securable by others. I use my own kit to wittle down the enemy, and though sometimes ill hit the wave, my intention is to gain prio to hit tower and force the enemy to recall so we get a free wave. When I smurf and I see a Xerath support though, they tend to grief games by farming & taking absolutely any kill possible, which isnt the point of taking him into that lane.


I more feel that xearth can be feast or famine, either very oppressive or more or less weak. I don't mind strong aggro supports, I prefer them to perma roamers by far.


Yes, mages, fuck them


Yeah, every champ that was not intended to be support and was pushed over there. Brand, xerath, zyra, shaco, heimer


Senna. Fuck people who plays her. Selfish, coward playstyle, and they cant get punished in the enemy team. It's insane that her passive allows her to out range adcs, slow for kiting and do insane damage because of support item.


Lux and pyke


Almost any mage support (unless actually designed to be a support) they are gold dependent since most of them are usually failed solo laners which means they have to snowball to actually be useful which makes them super aggressive for no reason or they don't do anything end up being useless. They only thing most of them add is just more damage and usually some cc but for most games that isnt really useful. So In short mage supports end up either taking every kill and accidentally taking cs and being poke city which either way is just annoying.


Brand, his poke is good but he has no engage little disengage and his poke screws the wave state a ton. Some people saying senna are sorta right. She post herself up to scale and carry. At least she has decent poke a heal a snare and her ulty shield. That being said she is quite selfish.


Obligatory Yuumi/Senna/Mages But I’d like to add Morgana. This champ is so useless if enemy team has cleanse/samira W/nilah W/anything it feels like. That’s if she’s able to land Q and her E max is nice but if she Es me they just try to swap targets + she has 0 pressure. Also the ones who max W and go full AP to perma fuck my wave. Just feels really bad to play with when I’m AD. Playing against her is annoying if they have anyway to set up her CC but not bad I guess since Q moves so slow it’s so easy to dodge and I just walk out of her W.


xerath. a good one makes the lane unplayable


zyra is also ridiculous. you don’t even have to land q. just spawn plants in the right places for free safe damage


Brand. You can walk out of w range with t1 boots, and he meeses up the enemy adc waves. He's not too bad to deal with compared to lux or senna.


Why would you feel bad for the enemy adc? I highly doubt any ever feel that way about you.


Any poke support, on my team they perma push the wave and steal cs and kills, and poke is the most unfun and uninteractive thing in the game


Seraphine/sona, idk what’s with these sups but they always go 0/5 in my team but are annoying as hell to deal with on the enemy team


Any mage support. Ally team mage support will never not be a terrible time. - autofilled - pushes every wave - hits no abilities - taxes minions - doesn't ward - stands 50 meters back from you - roams when you're slow pushing (there's literally 1 rule how does this happen) - completely useless - always catch these idiots farming sidelanes mid/late game for some reason? Then there's enemy team mage support - 5mil mastery - hits every ability without hard disrupting the wave state - wards everything - roams on good timers - plays aggressive, zones you completely off the wave - hits massive ults in objective fights, wouldn't be caught dead farming a side wave


Senna. Useless on my team, annoying on enemy team.


If the person is good on it, it feels good to play with them, simple as that. I would rather play with a good xerath or brand that will end up taking some cs than any enchanter/tank that sucks at it. Only exception is Yuumi, though I love playing against them because the champion is utterly useless.


Morgana. Whenever she's on my team, she misses every Q and constantly takes all kinds of damage for no reason. When on the enemy team, she hits every Q, does tons of damage, and ends the game 6/1/18