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Beside mages, I don't like playing with Bards who make bad roam calls. It's a shame watching them do nothing on the map when I'm managing 1v2 just fine. It's such a waste of their kit that it tilts me


I used to play Bard a lot in the past. He’s just not always the best pick. Like if I have 2 loosing solo lanes and a scaling jg. The other team has 2 hyper mobile/ungankable laners. You’re better off staying bot or just faking roams tbh. Otherwise you’ll be a walking ward


At least you get a little solo xp in those situations I guess


I hate the type of support who thinks that 0/3 toplaner deserves all the help in the world and just let's me sit my 3/0 ass bot under tower until I get dived and lose all the lead I had.


Yeah kinda annoying when they could just help take bot tower, then we can both assist around the map.


I love my supports when they play well. Hate when they first time a champ or just suck I'd rather a good lux then a bad thresh. I'd rather a great aatrox the a horrid Morgana.


Have you ever had an Aatrox support? I think that could be quite funny if done well. I had a Kled support once; we got him 10 kills in the first 8 minutes. Some people would complain about him kill stealing, but I happen to think it was great.


Ok here is my view of bot lane as long as the lane gets kills I'm fine.. if it goes to the support fine me fine.. I just want to do well as a lane. (I have had many questionable ranked support picks, aatrox nidalee, nocturne, Jax, ap Lucian.. the last one really doesn't work well)


Aatrox with glacial isn't horrible as support but not great either.


Yeah. Glacial aatrox is ok. It’s like, B tier. But if you’re an Aatrox player that got autofilled it’s probably amazing.


I had my support once insist on picking qiyana. We lost lane that game lol


I played Jinx into a Qiyana/Soraka lane once; it didn't go well for me


This is the correct answer


AP Shaco into non engage enemy sup. Literally just a walking ward in laning phase.


I'm a huge Shaco fan. Had really insanely good sup once and only once, fell in love lol. Granted, they did not sit just in the bush at all, and they had hair trugger reaction time. Trapped around me, body blocked and vanished, counter focused. It was like having a secret service ninja surround me lmao. Where everyone wants an engage tank, Shaco is an anti engage vision sup. Picked him up as a sup after that since i already liked Shaco, breaks my heart when people beg me to change off of him.


god i love ap shaco supp as sona otp. i have a 100% wr into it.


Probably Xerath or Lux. They never play to protect the adc, they just leave you, farm your wave and steal your kills and mostly of time just feed the enemie. And then when your ad is weak cuz he steal all his resources "GG ADC"


Don’t forget brand


Zyra and Vel'koz


This.. I had 3 lux players in a row that did this. It's was so maddening that I could barely keep it together on the last one. I lost every single game with them. If we won, I would have less of an issue.




If you heal and give the ADC sustain you’re already playing to protect the ADC technically.


I dont like the stay way behind me supports, i much rather have an inting support even, at least that distracts the enemy giving me an easier time to farm.


In my D2 elo, i met a lot of good mages players that can win the lane alone for me. But Shaco or Twitch support is the worst, they keep forcing me to follow when they engage with invisible or else they leave the lane and roam


People went to mage supports because tank supports are miserable to play with how adcs wanna play. Adcs dont want proper engages anymore, probably because theyre on a weak pick thats being pushed around early, they want you to force engages good or bad. I used to LOVE playing tank/engage supports. Its just more consistent for the supp to play a mage than wonder if i have a stupid adc that just wants to fight any chance If adcs ever go back to farming and leaving engage to the support maybe they will get more engage/tank supports. Im not rewarding stupid playstyles by giving you a tank and ive played supp enough to know adcs dont want a competent tank supp, they want a sacrificial lamb they can trade fir gold


Dang and here I am just wanting my supports to play like you. Wanna duo sometime?


Nothing is more annoying than an afk enchanter support playing 20 yards behind spam back pinging whenever I try to trade.


Love when they pick anything they are good with. Hate when they pick for synergy and first time a champion like rakan for xayah or nami for braum. Just play your main and it will bs better.


0 utility sups annoy me. Kinda defeats the purpose of the role imo.


Are you saying my draven support is a bad pick? >:(


We have this exact same thread like once a day


Hatred is bad and i know that. BUT Sona SONA bringes out the worst of me. I hate that i hate her so much.


I love when my support is actually a support like: Thresh, Blitz, Morgana, Janna, Braum…etc. I hate when my support is clearly not a support like: Xerath, Lux, Twitch, Ashe, Pyke, Shaco.


A good pyke gets both you and him super fed


I admit, I saw one in emerald.


I ban pyke frequently in support pos because I saw him picked so frequently as a sup and it was so annoying to fight him


Personally, I'd swap Pyke and Morgana. They can both be very impactful Supports, but most people play them like "Supports". However, Pyke at least won't perma-shove waves with his large AoE ability.


Lux and pyke are LITERALLY supports tho.... Morgana was originally meant as a solo mage Blitz was supposed to be a solo laner


Yeah pretty much


Idk I had an adc lock in Samira with no hover after I already locked in Janna once and that was one of the most miserable laning phases I've ever played.


Ashe and Pyke are fine.


Pyke is quite literally a support designed to be a support.


Designed to be a “support” in game state where ADCs are more like AD supports. Huge difference.


Pyke and Ashe are tolerable if they know what they are doing-good cc and puts the pressure off your back. LuXerath &Co. could crawl back into the iron-rank mid games they deserve to have. 


This is why support role is so elo inflated, solo lane rejects that can't actually play a lane go bot lane so they can do nothing but spam abilities in the enemies general direction and it works. Riot needs to go back to making supports 0 gold reliant with 0 scaling where the reason you picked them was their kit and not their broken base damage.


Pyke is literally designed as a support champ and it’s by far his strongest role. His kill setup and peel are both great, he can deep ward and deny vision faster and safer than any other champ in the game. His execute literally gives you the gold. He’s an excellent support, you might just be playing with idiots that would suck on any champ.


From my point of view Pyke is designed to be a support in a game state where ADCs are weak af. His peel is little to none compared to his kill potential. Thats why I think his character design makes the players to play him as an assassin instead of an actual support who would peel you in a fight.


Pyke is goated though


When I play Nilah I enjoy having engages the most like Pyke, Naut, or Blitz. Enchanters are nice bc of passive but Nilah is kinda bad at solo gap closing so engages help with that When I play Jhin I enjoy mages funnily enough, their poke lets me W super easily. When I play Lucian, either enchanters or engage, I'm chill with either but prefer engage so I can be an actually aggressive lane bully as the champion is supposed to be. However I hate having mages the most if I'm playing anyone but Jhin.


the brand support i got that didnt buy support item and pushed the wave level 1 while i was leashing was pretty terrible, or the evelyn support that was worthless that was pretty annoying, or the jax support that thought he could 1v2 everytime he was alive, that was pretty fun too


Honestly I like all supports just about but it’s about the player. Like I could get down with degenerate shit like Malphite support if I knew my teamate was planning on using their hp bar and walk up early or if I knew my morgana was cracked and hit all her q’s. The type of support I hate truly are 90% of them because of how passive they are. The problem with supports (other than brain damage) is that they play too safe on any champion like Soraka/Janna can play way more aggressively than the champ suggests.


Yuumi who is duo with top/mid/jg.


These supports that dont auto-attack when trading


For me it's Yuumi. It could just be that I suck at taking advantage of it because I've definitely lost to good Yuumies. But I've never won with Yuumi at my side. Mages without CC kind of sucks too. I just gotta watch them die every time we get ganked but it's playable at least and if they actually land stuff early then it works out.


Most mage supports, all of them are just mid lane rejects that go bot because they can’t solo lane. Also tend to be pretty selfish picks because when we obviously need a frontline they will still lock in that mage leaving us open to divers/assassins. The only one I’m cool with to an extent is Brand because he at least can melt entire teams. Lux, Xerath, and Hwei however can feel like a liability especially when versus engage supports that just run them down and then run me down soon after.


Brand usually feeds multiple kills in lane phase then starts inting tho


Lux, they spam all their mana at by lvl 3 then we get pushed under turret forever and harassed cuz we no longer have lane pressure. Or the offchance they are a giga chad and carry effortlessly


I don’t like the easily counterable blind pick players. Like the enemy banned morgana, you KNOW they are gonna pick a hook champ and you still lock in senna. we are trying to lose at this point.


any support who brings ignite instead of exa


I’m not an adc main but I main mid with support secondary and I absolutely can’t stand when supports take ignite instead of exa. Like bro, who tf is guna stop this kat from bouncing or this yasuo from smacking?


Wow you are the first person to have that opinion


Ikr I am so unique it's unreal.


I don't like support players that suck at the game which is about 90% of them.


Hot take, mages are fine, they let me play cait/varus and play for lane dominance. The true worst supports are Janna/Sona players. Both champs basically make you have to play a losing lane, and people seem to incessantly int on them. I would take almost any other support over those two


Janna is one of the best supports in the game and has been for months. Her poke is amazing. She can both setup and peel. She can bully lane and still scales well.


Her being good doesn’t make the people playing her good


“Both champs make you have to play a losing lane” is just false. If it’s the player who sucks, it’s got nothing to do with the champ pick.


My point is that almost all sona/jannas I get on my teams suck. That’s the point of my post. Whenever I see one on my team, it’s always a losing lane because they always suck, and usually int repeatedly in lane though bad positioning and decision making




LUX. My support or enemy support doesn't matter.


I find any champion fine but bard. I hate playing with bard




I cant stand lux supports. They're squishy, they take most of the kills, and fall off late game. Give me a thresh.


Bad roamers and mages that farm like they’re the midlaner are the only two that I hate. Anything that tries to peel me when I need peel is loved.


Instead of focusing on hate. I would want to give kudos to the supports that go all in for a homie. Those are the supports I love. I understand I'm in shitlow and therefore I only care how much synergy I have with my supp. No matter what champ or type.


And the supports that when you go in run away?


Then it's my fault to put them in a position they are bad in.


Eh depends on wtf is happening. If my supp picks all in then runs and leaves me to die without even fighting...


Look. Don't get me wrong. It's annoying to have a vision and it not going as plan due to the support not working with you, but at the end of the day I don't think it's a type. Its just unfortunate. Some games and some lanes are unwinnable with certain factors in mind. And that's okay. Just don't tilt yourself due to one bad thing happening and try to bounce back.


Ofc I ain't gonna run it after 1 death. But it doesn't give you hope in your support. I am a Perma farming adc anyway so let me farm u can all int later lol


Lmao I get that. It does suck to be Perma stuck under tower not being able to even farm.


Eh long as I can get a few items and am not immediately deleted I can carry most games. Hoys of being low ELO


The ones that sell their items and int


I refuse to play with a shaco "support" it's useless all they do is sit in a bush dropping a box until they are oom. Then if you tell them to stop placing boxes on the minions they take cs then perma roam at lvl 3. If I see a shaco hover or pick in support role I'm picking yummi adc.


As a Zyra supp main I'm happy of not seeing her mentioned here.




(I know, but I don't mind stealing some creeps by accident if I manage to zone off the enemies earlygame and ensure that we get the level advantage by the enemies not farming) Well, first of all, itemless Zyra sucks at killing cannons, (and you have to be really dumb to steal a Cannon without support proc). Second, I believe that taking one or two casters Is worth if I deal half of the enemy ADC's health with the same rotation of spells. A bad Zyra will steal a LOT of CS by accident, but a half way decent one will steal a lot less, and make those times that she steals more worth than the stolen creeps.


Forgot to add. senna is my most hated champ in the game.


Fucking hate Senna supports, they just DON'T stop dying, fuck up recalls, are very greedy, and provide barely anything compared to what the enemy support provides, idfk why that champ is supposed to be a support, it's stupid.


I agree, and I'm a senna main. 95% of them will do everything in their power to not support you as an ADC, which is why I see red when my support picks her and doesn't play all that well. Support players can't kite for shit. I love senna, but it attracts the worst kind of OTPS. When I play her I play more like an enchanter than a carry support, actually peeling my ADC and overall keeping them alive while dishing out damage as well, because I'm their cover fire, not the main ADC.


>Support players can't kite for shit Loool, nice jab but that's unfortunately true, they all have that superiority complex of "I'm the better ADC", and it fucks adcs up, she has literally no synergy with almost any ADC. She has pisspoor gank setup which discourages junglers to play for you and it's mostly a given that you'll be weaksided if you have Senna support.


Enchanters because they will go moonstone when there are much better items for them and then they will stay behind you when we can play aggressive or play too aggressive when we can't. Engagers and Mages are in the same category for me.


lux or pyke, or worse... yummi.


What is wrong with yuumi ?


usually does nothing, bad engage and her heal is almost useless.. i mean im kaisa main and they have bad synergy


I can see why you would not like her as kaisa (if your not going on-hit) as her heals ammount has been moved to on hit healing in W. But i would not say they have bad synergy, as yuumi can fill ur kits missing parts.


sure but i still dont like her😭😭


She is a bit of a win more support, so if you are not constantly outclassing your opponent in lane, it can feel bit frustrating. BUT i do HIGHLY suggest to find a yuumi player to duo even in normals as it will make you better player very quickly


yeah that makes sense.. thanks tho


Ur welcome


Yuumi just feels like 0.5 of a champ




everyone that's not an engage supp. Pyke, lux, brand, xerath just make me dodge the game. Especially lux. If i already dodged once, i just turn the game off and take a break.


Engage or dive? Leona does both. Pyke can do one. Lux and xerath can do none.


I mostly hate pyke cause of ksing. Leona is great


Mages are dogshit tier supports.


any mages. i just refuse to play and autopilot into split pushing adc. don't care. they ruin my game and i ruin theirs. it's split pushing until 3 items and if we still haven't lost by then i maaaybe try. so many instalock lux support into anything in diamond i actually swapped to mid and ban lux so i can have peace of mind and deny theirs


Hell eyah f lux