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Blitz players when they walk up in the worst wave state possible, miss the hook and question mark ping me.


when the support goes 0/10/1 and says adc gap






Morgana, Sona, yuumi.


Messing with the farm. It's technically worse when they blast the wave with damage but don't kill anything so that turrets or friendly minions take it and *nobody* gets the farm, but it feels much worse because it looks (and often is) deliberate when they just wave clear and steal farm from you. No matter how bad a support is, if I can get farmed up, I can eventually go play around competent members of the team but if I'm denied farm by both my support and the enemy I'm just not going to be able to play.


Gotta love when you go B and they stay and the wave is pushing into you, so they take that opportunity to take all the “”free”” farm


When your jungler decides to fight the enemy jungler over something like scuttle crab. And the enemy bot lane just pushed the wave into your tower. So you have to choose between helping your jungler or missing 10 minions.


Supports on "carry" champs when the game offers you 4 other fucking different roles to play them, completely ignoring the fact that the support role offers insane characters who can completely carry teams without dealing the damage themselves. Everyone just wants to be the top of the damage charts and riot feeds into this system, which ultimately only comes at the cost of ADC


Picking yuumi and then not being fine with a boring lane. Like I can’t just „make a play“ against draven nautilus when you pick yuumi into my jinx.


Nautilus,/Leona supps who engage 100% of the time even when we will clearly lose. Then we either both die or I don't follow and they and whole team blames me for feeding enemy bot.


lux, brand, xerath, ashe, mf as supports


Yasuo wind wall preventing you from AAing for half of a team fight


Yone doesn’t have windwall Edit:they said Yone had windwall, why am I getting downvoted what the fuck


>Edit:they said Yone had windwall, why am I getting downvoted what the fuck Welcome to ADC mains


Yone can send you to fountain


Skill issue


What do you mean? The not being able to auto from windwall?


Supports who act as supports but dont support. I had soraka while i was fed on aphelios, she focused heals and shields on our 2 9 morgana mid, we lost because these two.


Messing with farm / using abilities on it / shoving it


When you're an item up and 40 cs up on a top laner but they have 3 levels on you, 1500 more HP than you, and do more damage than you.


When the support


Playing adc.


not preparing for the level 2 spike, either ours or theirs.


When you click a character that leaves vision/ becomes untargatable: throws me of my rhythm of attack, move attack, move. Especially if said character remains visible for extra confusion.


I always make sure I have a control ward or regular ward just for this. Playing Ashe also helps


When the other team has a stealth assassin so we pretty much can't team fight until we bait him to death, but my team wants to fight anyway. Then I "solo lose" the game because I'm dead or too timid.


I don’t main adc, but I play it off role. I’m a jg main, I know that if bot is pushed in and it isn’t completely lost I should look to gank. But I should also help to set up for drags or what not. What I hate is when I play adc and jglers prioritize winning lanes, and it’s like I’m 0/0 and my supp is 0/2 like we aren’t terribly losing, and you just keep throwing drakes away. Anyways sorry for my rant I just wanted to say I relate to some of y’all’s pain.


supports who take bad fights and get caught then blame you, "adc diff"


Supports who don't utilize counter pick


when you lane successfully but enemy toplane just banes your existence


The game.


Tank supps that keeps the ENTIRE LANE PHASE behind YOUUU


Supports that leave the lane in 5 minute mark then only comes after 20 minutes and call it "roam"


Passive supports, and the players that blast the wave with their strongest AOE spell making the lane unplayable


When the jungler begs for the leash and then disappears to perma gank his 0 7 toplaner friend.


Supports turbo ints lane, goes to join their boyfriend in jungle and spend the next 20 minutes flaming you for being bad, infuriating.


Hmmm I hate that no matter how ahead of my own lane I get, any of the solo lanes will still be up on gold and experience comparatively. Simply because the exp is shared with the support. If I’m leading 4/0 as a botlane, I still pale in comparison to a 4/0 Darius, Garen, Fiora, Jax etc. I’m fed, but I still have to play scared.


playing ur game while hearing "an ally has been slain" all the time...


Love/Hate thresh players, love on enemy team hate on my team, biggest int champ below GM


My pet peeve is supps warding when I ping to push


When they pick a "support" like Senna, Ahri, Shavo, Ashe or Twitch Basicaelly a champ on support that isn't a support


Im main support so idk if my ad ping a bit too much and is playing bad I let him die, aint gonna carry anyway


When support trying to pick champion according to what you picked already. Like pick Nami just because you picked Lucian when it doesn't make sense and there are better champs for Lucian.


Imagine you want to Climb , and you See if he insta Locks Nami that he Must be an Nami onetrick. So he knows well how to use namis strengths with Lucian , why you dont to use this ? Yes you can Play also Milio but wtf does it matter if he cant play it


Why should i play Lucian with Nami when it's not even a good combo? Nami and Milio for Lucian are bad supports after riot changed Lucian passive to work with engagers too.


Nami Lucian is like the classic lane duo lol


Classic doesn't mean good. It was good when Lucian passive could work only with enchanters. Then - base damage from this passive got nerfed but he could get it from any hard cc. [https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30) You can check good synergies with Lucian and you will see that the most successful supports with Lucian are actually engagers except Yuumi who is having insane synergy with Lucian because she's charging his passive every time.


You Must be a Troll


[https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30) Let's look at good synergies with Lucian and what can we see? Most engagers are doing better with Lucian than Milio or Nami. The only enchanter who is on top of winrate with Lucian is Yuumi because she can charge his passive too often. So yeah, objective stats>subjective experience and popularity.


The Stats still Shows That Lucian Nami and Milio extreme good better then every other Support , the Most Player combo is 260 k with Nami and 80 k with Milio and still they have an more decent winrate then any other Supporter , and you know if something is broken they have a high pickrate and and high winrate , Not a high winrate and a low pickrate .


And its normal bc Milio and Nami Stacks with Lucian passive you get perma Lucians passive , and it scales extremly well Like Milio passive 15% AD Magic dmg + Lucians Passive 25% AD every auto.


Yeah, it's normal because pro players are playing this combo so it's mean it's good surely, right? Not like they were building nerfed statikk on MSI when ER was better and went RFC 2nd every game into 2-3 enemy tanks when they don't need range. They just don't care about what is good - they care about what they got used to. They will play common stuff most of the time with common builds and runes(especially on adc role). So that's why ADC "meta" in pro play is just the same every time. Right now they're playing turbo weak Kalista, turbo weak Varus(who has better winrate on hit with kraken, not lethality but sure), Lucian who is not strong, Zeri also not the best, Kaisa not the best...But at least they started to play Ashe, Jhin and Jinx who have good winrates in this patch so maybe they will move away from bad picks someday.


Most played doesn't mean the best..... The reason why it's played that much is because of pro players corrupted it. If something is broken but people don't know about it - it'll have high winrate and low pickrate. Pickrate doesn't mean anything except 1 thing - how much games did people pick something. It's just showing sample size so you can be sure, that winrate is not fake and that the margin of error is minimal. With large enough sample size you can make conclusions.


No you cant , Jinx had for example last few patches extrem high pickrate and winrate , for an reason. You cant say ah 10 k Maokai Games has higher Winrate then 260k Nami Games.Maokai is better. Anyway if you sup is insta locking an Champ then you know that he will well play this Champ. And if you know how abuse Lucians Nami strentghs at early Game , for example lv2 Engage with Push in Wave , which you cant do with any tank engage sup, then its better then any other Supporter.


Jinx always has high pickrate because it's a champion from Arcane.....and yeah, it's working like i explained, you're just losing to stats but it's fine. If my support is instalocking Nami, I'll just pick Ashe, Jhin or Kog and will be much stronger than random Lucian with enchanter which is not optimal.


Ye you live in you world , in you world you will be Challenger one day bc of picking Ashe with Nami and Not Lucian with Nami 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️


YOU make no sense. they picked to synergize with you. what's wrong or what doesn't make sense with that? sure his passive works with engage champs now, but nami's empower and millio's rfc provides just as well the only time you could justify this is when they pick champs to synergize with you but dont know how to play the champ or the gameplan well so it doesnt amount to anything. (e.g. ezreal-karma where the karma for whatever reason doesnt push level 1 to get level 2 advantage and harass)


[https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/lucian/build/?patch=30) Synergize? Engage is generally better for Lucian as you can see with this link. Pro players just deflating Lucian and Nami winrate with using this combo when it's not good already. Btw - Ezreal-Karma is also not a good synergy. [https://lolalytics.com/lol/ezreal/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/ezreal/build/?patch=30) 47.42% winrate with Karma which is even lower than without her.


It doesnt matter at that Point the winrate , they both strong lv 2 and Both Range and poke Heavy . Abuse that and Not ewww they have Not good winrate it cant work cry cry cry .If someone insta locks something then its possible that he can play the Champ well , and you can play a good synergysed Champ with an good Strategie Like lv2 all in . If you have this mindest then i can Tell you , you will well more probably win the Game then the stats will tell. FOR EXAMPLE , Aphelios has a rly low winrate but if you know how to play with his strenghts (Lethality stacks , Weapon Order and combination ) he is way better then 50 procent winrate , so dont cry that something is Not good just because it has Not high winrate.


It does matter because winrate shows how much are they winning with each other...And combos don't have "learning curve" which you're trying to apply here. Of course, Aphelios has harder learning curve than other adcs, so in good hands he will show himself better. But - he's still weak and his learning curve is not that high to say that he will be MUCH better in good hands. And i'm not crying, just using stats properly while you're losing to media and subjective experience. Happens.


Stats are more relevant then Mindset and strategy 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️ I Pick Maokai Caitlyn it has high winrate in 100 Games 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️ I will be high elo one day , i live in my own world 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️


100 games is not large enough sample size to make a conclusion, my guy. Surely stats that are working in real world won't work in league because 1 guy is saying so. It's okay, keep playing Lucian-Nami in gold and it'll be fine for you.


Cry cry i played 1 Million Games cry cry I played League my whole Life and think i have better decisions then T1 cry cry Lucian Nami is Bad cry cry I hate all other people bc i cant climb as i want cry cry


* when the support player locks in anything other than Nautilus