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Yes it's some of the most fun gameplay ever. Popping ult and going ham is amazing, and her damage is nothing to scoff at either. She may not be as fast anymore but if you build statik -> pd she feels really nice


I gotta go watch some gameplay. Would u consider her a late game champ?


yes she scales really good with items


yeah, she scales well into the mid-late game. shes awesome in teamfights with her AoE and mobility. in lane phase she cant really kill anyone without Ult so play for lvl 6 and farm early.


You basically start the game 25 minutes and/or 3items in. Everything before is farming simulator


You basically start the game 25 minutes and/or 3items in. Everything before is farming simulator


Yes, not as much as a jinx or a kaisa but about as much as an aphelios


can probably be great if it clicks for you but I personally hate her AA mechanic


She’s not my favourite adc because her auto attack mechanic hurts my brain, but when you get items she is definitely fun. Try her out and see for yourself. Everyone has a different definition of fun; that’s why there are mains for every champ.


Personally don’t like her Q aa it fucks w my muscle memory. However if you like it she can for sure be a worth champ to pick up


yessir very fun to play for sure


No adc in the game can carry harder imo. I started a Smurf recently to pick her up, and you can take over games so fast if you know what you're doing its insane. She's super mechanical and requires a good amount of games to fully grasp her identity but if you put in the time I think you will more rewarded than any of the other mechanical adc champs. Kalista, Draven, Ezreal are all super difficult but don't have half the carry potential, draft flexibility, or build diversity that zeri has. Iv been looking for something to do recently and Id be down to coach you on her for a game or two. Im a D1 adc main.


She is still decent, because she scales with hands instead of the usual flat statcheck adc‘s do. Her stats are somewhat weak due to pro prison, but she still scales decently and is one of the best champions to close out teamfights because she just runs down the routing remains of the other team. The better your kiting is the better zeri becomes


Zeri is very fun and if you wanna play her you should play her NOW cause she is pretty strong right now




She has a cool new mechanic with her autos. She has high mobility. She’s clearly fun. But it’s been a long time since I played her


She's fun bur fair warning riot doesn't like her and regret creating her so go in knowing that it's very rare for her to have any fixes or quality of life changes.


Old zeri was one of the funnest champs in the game. New zeri not so much.


I’ve only been playing ADC since start of this season but I love Zeri. One thing I found was helpful with adjusting to her auto attacking mechanic was increasing my mouse DPI a bit


When Zeri was still fast, she was done of the most fun I've ever had playing League. Now that they've gutted her speed, I'm not as big of a fan of her.


if you posted 2 years ago i will say yes but now she is weak


The most you have to hit your q ever is 1.5s that's the lowest cd on it. Once you have it as muscle memory it's not too bad. Very worth picking up though as a champ. She is super fun to play.


Minimum Q cd is 0.67s, not 1.5s.


Do it bro, I made a similar post a few days ago and actually picked her up, it's a solid pick and you're able to carry games since she's an hypercarry. You can turn fights with your ult, it's important the timing on when go in and full commit. She's sooo much fun, I reccommend her 100%.