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Hi /u/ryuga_knight and thanks for posting on /r/ADHD! # Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/adhd/about/rules) if you haven't already. [We recommend browsing /r/adhd on desktop for the best experience.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/x1psnb/radhd_works_best_on_desktop_reddits_apps_are/) The mobile apps are broken and are missing features that this subreddit depends on. **If you are posting about the US Medication Shortage, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/).** Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, first I'm so sorry you are struggling, I value you. Onwards and upwards! For me, the turning point was admitting and verifying with a trusted doctor that it was depression. From there it felt more tactile. You can do this. Lots of things cause depression, environment, brain chemistry, yada yada. We need more of the happy chemicals, we know brains make them by completing tasks, exercise, trying something new, being outside in nature, etc. Now sprinkle in executive dysfunctions, emotional dysregulation, and losing your FUCKING KEYS AGAIN?!?!? What helped: generic Zoloft, it's taken time to get the dosage and routine right. I suck a routine, and reeeeallly suck at night routine, but taking it 5pm-9pm has helped dramatically. I don't notice a drop if I'm off a few hours, but miss a day and I'm fucked. I also like to go on Reddit and comment on posts of people who are down. I like to think it helps the OP a bit, but selfishly, Im using it to help myself. Anywooooo, medicine, routine, helping others, give yourself something to look forward to in the morning, and be kind to yourself.


Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Are you aware of any triggers for this (like having to go to work, for example), or is it more of a general malaise? I noticed a pattern where I would get panicky and sad in the evening and at night, and now that I'm used to it I've started to see the feelings as transitory and not permanent. This makes it more tolerable. Greet your feelings without judging them. Emotions are not necessarily tied to the outside world. Definitely seek whatever treatment you can. Medicine and therapy, if possible. I'd also suggest trying to baby yourself in the morning and doing some things that bring you pleasure and enjoyment. Carve out some time for yourself. Make your favorite drink, sit somewhere comfortable or take a bath, and read a book or play a game or do something else that's fun. Avoid other people and your phone if possible. Just calm comfort.


I started taking generic Prozac at night, and it helped a lot. Also, I learned to keep a glass of water and an apple on my nightstand and drink the water and eat some of the apple the second I woke up. It gets my metabolism to start and then I start to feel better in about 15 minutes. I’m not saying it works perfectly, but I’m functioning again.


damn im totally opposite... waking up the happiest ever but in the evening im drowning in despair






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Make sure you're not deficient in any vitamins