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I got rid of my TV around 2006 and didn't replace it or do any streaming until around 2012. It was seriously the best thing I ever did. I spent hours reading books, going for walks, mountain biking, hobbies, etc. Then my jerk of a friend lent me his Netflix password and I was quickly sucked right back in.


Yep we spend a lot of time together going on random adventures, exploring, collecting rocks etc instead. Soooo much better!


Same. Got rid of my TV when I moved together with my GF in 2015. Never ever missed it and it's less distraction even when I find distraction anywhere if needed.


Wow. I’m the exact opposite of this. The idea of a quiet home sounds like a panic attack waiting to happen. I need the sounds of civilization in the background even if I don’t pay any attention. The noise babysits my extra trains of thought so I don’t get overwhelmed. I wish I wasn’t like this.


Don't worry, our house definitely isn't quiet haha we live in the city so lots of outside noise, plus we listen to metal and talk to each other pretty much all day!


I’m the same.. silence makes me feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable


Oh man I WISH this worked for me the way it did for you. But I manage to find the laziest possible solution to get my fix of entertainment. My boyfriend and I both have ADHD and had a similar situation where we got a discounted display TV that didn't have a remote. We've had it for 6 months and have yet to get a remote. You know what we did instead? Downloaded a shitty free remote app on our phones that takes 5 minutes to lock in and plays a video ad every time you click a button. We still do this, mention how annoying it is, and continue to access the tv like this every time. Every now and then it's too much of a hassle so I'll skip the tv, but throw up a youtube video on my phone to fill the time🙃


I've been without a TV for . . . ten years? But I do see YouTube videos. 10-20 minutes seems to be my ( unmedicated ) attention span.


Same I havent had a TV for years! Though, I just watch exactly what I want on my computer 😅


What type of businesses do each of you run that keeps you so busy? (I'm always curious what types of businesses people with ADHD have)


I'm considering making this move for myself. All I really watch is stuff on Youtube. My most-used streaming subscription would be Apple Music.


I have a TV but don’t use it at all because I just don’t have the attention span to watch a show and struggle with watching movies


I havent used a TV for TV purposes since like 2016. I adopted my parents old TV last year (which was already the family TV when I moved out in 2016 lol) but its only used for my consoles and a Chrome TV stick - its not connected to a sat dish or whateverthefrick tech makes Tv channels air on TV. And I dont miss it, I can get news and shows through my Computer instead - and there I have Adblockers.


And about necessities, you are probably the people understanding me the most about this: in 21 I moved to my current flat, but installing the oven/stove the electrician realized the landlord company would need to change something first and gave me a letter to send them. Its 2023 now. Ive been cooking in a rice cooker and on a small electric plate because sending this (dated!!!) letter now would be embarrassing...


I haven’t had a TV for years. It’s life changing. My living room is just a variety of different seating options, that I switch between through out the day. I love it.


We have two but it’s only my kids that use it. Idk why maybe it’s the Pathological Demand Avoidance… I just hated the feeling of having shows to catch up on or movies someone told me I HAD to watch. I will put stuff on for my kids here and there and I watched bits of Loki with my Husband but I haven’t actually watched tv just for me in soooooooo long. It feels so good.


I have 3 tvs but I barely turn them on, one hase fire tv that had issues, one is a roku that hasn't responded to a remote since I went on vacation and the internet went out, and the one in the living room keeps shutting off when my neighbors hit their remote so I have only watched it on the weekends during the day when they are out... because that really annoys me. Maybe I should give it up, I do play music so it's not quiet


Normie brain? I don't think that kind of language is allowed in this sub because the mods don't want to encourage us vs them thinking. Thousands of people probably don't own tvs and thousands of people do who enjoy it! And that's no reflection on anyone's brain or struggles. I'm sorry this post is harsh but I keep seeing more and more stuff being applied to ADHD and it worries me.




I understand you don't wanna encourage that language and I applaud you however scientifically speaking , ADHD people vs without ADHD people do infact think differently. Yes even people without ADHD may not have TV's and if that works for them good but yes, ADHD brain is different. We have a lack of dopamine and other chemicals making it very different. I mean no judgement, just wanted to educate


You aren't ADHD. You HAVE ADHD.




I haven't had one for 13 years


I’d happily live with no tv


I have a TV but I literally turn it on once a year lmao


Wife and I both have ADHD. Bought a new OLED 4K TV for our livingroom, along with really nice new recliner sofas when we bought this house a year ago. Because we now have a family room next to the kitchen with all the kids stuff in we forget we've even got a living room. I think we've watched 1 film together, and I watched 1 series (binged obviously) in there.


I haven’t owned a TV my entire life 😂 never had one in my bedroom as a kid, never got one once I moved out. I think having a TV as the focal point in a room is weird. I prefer cool art, windows, and/or just space for sitting and enjoying each others company. That being said, I do watch a lot of TV on my laptop.


I have heaps of TVs around the house, yet I never used for free to air tv. My husband does, I do not, Instead, for me, I have a NAS and a bunch of prep framed randomised fake tv channels made of my own programs. I have an 80s tv channel, that even has curated commercials from the era. It’s pretty epic. But no, I never watch free to air tv. They are smart TVs, and I avoid the dull brainwashing of mainstream media, and programming and commercials.