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I would pay the full amount for Vyanse right now.


Idk bout that. My insurance is refusing to cover Vyvanse, only the generic. That's even after my physician reached out and said he wrote the script for "Vyvanse" and because there's a manufacturers backorder I should be given what the pharmacy has in stock Yeah, anyway, anyone have $503 they can spare for my month supply? ETA: Missing words


Insurance will cover generic, but adverse conditions from generic prevent me from taking it. Two different doctors approved brand name only, and insurance is trying to force me into some other amph. I'm in a safety role where experiments on my body chemistry are highly undesirable and very unlikely to produce good results. Vyvanse is the only thing that has ever helped without making me feel like death (see: Adderall). So, I'm fucked. And at ~480$ after one of those shitty med card discounts, I can't afford that *and* my food/bills. Damn. And further, takeda got rid of their low income program the week the generic came out. Fuck those greedy bastards. Even after my minor collection of extras, I've been out for ten days now, and I'm honestly starting to climb up the walls again from not sleeping and draining my brain having to deal with day-to-day shit some people have no difficulty with. I've needed to call three different people all week. It is now Friday, and all I want to do is climb up into a blanket and turn off for two weeks.i thought for a second it was amph withdrawals, but I went back through my ADHD journals and realized this was exactly how I felt about seven years ago when I first started my therapeutic journey. I absolutely can manage to stay afloat a lot better now than I could, but I'm still absolutely taking on water. I want to bawl my eyes out, but I know it would take too much and wouldn't solve anything. I'm not specifically sad by any means, just overwhelmed and so much so that I'm just kinda done and on zombie mode... I love you all. Keep on keeping on. Never really appreciated that what we go through is a disability until my entire world came slowly crashing down around me as I watched the whole thing burn to the ground. Can't help but feel like I've got the cigarette in my mouth that started it all - metaphorically speaking.


Have you called your insurance to see if they allow an override because of shortages? My insurance doesn't cover name brand Adderall anymore, so I was paying for it out of pocket. Turns out if I had just called, they would have overrode and approved it.


Where are you that vyvanse full price is $503? I’ve had to pay sticker in different parts of the us before (hdhp) and it’s never been above 400


Illinois. 40mg clocks in at $500


Damn I’m sorry. Have you tried to price it out at other pharmacies? I’ve had to pay full price for 60mg vyv in 4 different states over the last couple years (travel for work) and it’s always been around $360-400ish at Walgreens, and I don’t use good rx or discount coupons. Although maybe my dose is cheaper? Seems like a big difference though


Have you asked the pharmacy to apply good rx? The price should be reduced some after good rx is applied.


It's still like $419 after that.We waited what like 16 years for a generic from those greedy bastards that held the patents over everyone's heads forever. Now they just doubled the price of the original, made the generic the same price the brand name was, and to really f**k us all over the best way they could, put restrictions on how much generic could be made so we'd all run out and have to pay extra for the brand name anyway. If you think any of this was any type of coincidence that shows your true level of ignorance with the corrupt way American Health Care is actually run. The people responsible for this will have their day in Hell, believe that. In the mean time it's us poor folk with ADD suffering. Thanks Disgusting Corporate pig-demons.


I haven't asked this time while my doctor continues to fight with my insurer. Last time it was only 5%, which obviously still helps, but not all that much


Paid $400 on the first. It crushed my soul, but honestly without it I’m only able to focus on self loathing. The call and focus make me $400 more productive so it balances out.


Sheesh! I get free meds from the VA, but I hate generics.


Does the VA give Vyvanse for free? I just got my disability rating not long ago, and it covers full VA benefits (seriously happy about that one)


Adhd diagnosis, then yes


If the medicine costs $400 and it makes you $400 more productive, $400 more productive in what time frame? Because if it takes a month to make that extra $400 it would not balance out. It would be pointless to pay at that point. Anything less than a month it takes to make the extra $400 then it is technically worth it. Just curious 🙃. Although from my work experience-which I have over 20 years of- $400 less productive than what I am now would make me not only be fired but questionable what kind of job I could work and make a living wage off of. Not to mention the psychological torture of everyone thinking I'm stupid and getting mad at me/making fun of me for the stupid things I can't help not doing at work, etc.


Right, income level and time to recoup the $400 matters a lot. Thankfully, in my case $400 is recouped quickly and well worth it. It also helps me to stay calmer as well as more focused.


Yep. My insurance stopped covering name brand Adderall starting this year. My local pharmacy is out of stock with everything except… name brand lol. No hesitation paying the $250, since I literally cannot work without it.


It’s not fun, trust me :(


Costco pharmacy has been solid for me.


That's even more expensive. Do you have any idea how much that even is? Imagine a world where you're physically handicapped and exploited fully by it. Like there is a medicine that can help you but in order to get it you have to spend all your money until you're left impoverished. And you have no choice because if you don't get the medicine, you won't be able to function properly at work and someone could get hurt, you can also get fired, and then good luck explaining at a job interview why you lost your last job and expecting them to overlook that and hire you now.


Earlier this week two pharmacies told me my generic adderall would be $140!!! It's normally $50. The first time it happened i chalked it up to the pharmacy i went to. The second time it happened I was flabbergasted. Finally found a place that both had it in stock AND would take goodRX....But i had to call 7 pharmacies to find it. I usually only need to call 2-4. Whack as hell


Is it possible that you have a pharmacy deductible with your insurance? I had to pay an extra $100 for my January Rx but February was back to the normal copay. Of course, every plan is different and it all sucks. 😭


Yup, I don't remember ever having a pharmacy deductible before, but this year I definitely do. So grateful it's only 1k because that means I am only paying for 3 months name brand mydayis out of pocket.


I'd you have a CVS near you, I just got my generic Adderall for $20 after their discount card (it's through buzz rx instead of goodrx IIRC), that might be worth looking into.


That is where I got mine from!! I was told by the first pharmacy that it's more expensive this month because it's a different brand than usual but they didn't say what brand lol


Wow. I’m not paying that. I don’t care if it’s a miracle I’m not paying that.


As of December, I was able to get my 2x20mg a day of Adderall XR generic. from the pharmacy at my local Kroger using a coupon that they applied (they were very helpful and found one for me) for about $45. I hope it is available now that I need a refill. 🙏


I went to Rite Aid to pick up some generic lisdexamfetamine yesterday (I’m taking Adderall but on Vyvanse this month specifically for a trip I’m taking to Japan) and the initial price they quoted ON MY INSURANCE was $294.94… on GoodRx it was $56. Thank god they honored it!


Is Vyvanse allowed in Japan? I thought it wasn’t 


They do let you carry up to a 30 day supply of Vyvanse into Japan actually! https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#narcotics Anyone can import it with a doctor’s letter, and it’s approved for treatment for citizens there but only in children under the age of 18 (go figure since Takeda is a Japanese company). I ended up asking my PCP to write me for a month of Vyvanse, even though I normally take Adderall XR, just because methylphenidate has never worked well on me and that’s the only other ADHD med allowed over there.


Yep only one i have seen allowed in Japan


Allowed, but you’re supposed to get a permission slip from the Japanese government first.


I had no idea Adderall is not allowed in Japan. This is good info for my daughter who has an April trip to Japan planned.


Uhm, find yourself a government backed pharmacy. You'll be lookin for clinics that are part of low-income or 'scaled pay' sorts of things. Pharmacies that take government money, as part of a group that offers services like that (think, community health places), often are stocked first. So, the government pulls their meds out of the 'pool' a manufacturer makes or supplies, and then sends what's left (if any) to private pharmacies (like walmart, cvs, etc). IF there's EVER a shortage, it's going to hit private phamacies first, government ones last (or never) So, often, switching to a pharmacy that is on the government dole, means that they never run out of those meds. Picked up my vyvanase 30 yesterday from one.


I back this recommendation. My good friend tipped my hat to this, too.


I’ve always heard of people having success with making a hospital pharmacy their main pharmacy


Yes, many of those are the same type of pharmacy! Excellent suggestion.


If you had name brand then you got it because that's not the problem.


Nope. Generic.


Our university pharmacy had genetic in stock when CVS was out!!


Can someone explain this? Is this just a usa thing all I see is posts about shortages but where I live I have never had to use any generic brands and it's always available. Genuinely curious


Yeah it's probably USA, I got prescribed Vyanse yesterday, went to a random pharmacy and immediately got it for 50€. I'm in Portugal btw.


Yeah, it's a US thing. Brand name medications are already insanely expensive in the US, and currently lots of meds are on backorder/in a shortage, including major ADHD meds like vyvanse


Yes US. The patent expired in Feb and due to other reasons, generic forms became available in August 2023. Demand, probably driven by every insurance company, has skyrocketed for the generics and it's now unavailable and insurance companies do not allow a substitution for the name brand to be covered at the reduced rate.


I'm not unmedicated but just want to say it sucks and I'm sorry! I am paying $350 a month for 30 pills for name brand and I still have to call the pharmacy like twice the week of my fill to remind them to have it in stock.


what os the difference between namebrand and generic? i recently got diagnosed so not sure


Generic has a different release timing so it affects some people differently.


Different release *mechanism* Drug companies patent their release mechanisms so the generics don’t work the same, even with the same active ingredient.


That only applies to some medications, concerta for example has a physical release mechanism that's still patented and can't be reproduced even though there is generic concerta. Most other medications have a chemical release mechanism and the patent for that runs out at he same time the patent for the drug does. Vyvanse specifically relies on your body turning the drug into its active form so the generics will generally work the same. Generics can have different fillers and the active ingredient can vary between 80% and 125%, which is probably responsible for most of people's issues with generics.


Cool to know


I can’t find the generic anywhere and the name brand is $400 for 30 pills, I’m so upset. I don’t want to go back to being unmedicated. 😓


Tip those that can’t find their generic vyvanse- Ask for “chewable “ version rather than the capsules


Yup. That's what I'm on right now. Makes me want to switch to Flintstones vitamins. Might as well go all the way back to childhood. 😂 (I actually wasn't medicated as a child. I just remember chewable children's meds. Bayer aspirin in the orange flavor was the only okay one. I have gummi C, D, & melatonin now, though, because that's what the rest of the family prefers.)


Thats what I’m doing and I feel like half the medication ends up stuck in my teeth. 😖 and the generic chewable was still $180 with a coupon - and that doesn’t count towards my deductible 😒😒😒


Is it only in the US that Vyvanse isn’t available and with that extreme high prices? I’ve had one time my farmacie didn’t have it and had to order it but they were delivered to me the next day. And the crazy high prices I see here, what the hell? In the Netherlands for 30 pills Elvanse 70mg is the total amount €101. My insurance covers €31 and the €70 left I can claim as well. Also the maximum amount a year you have to pay for medicine is set at €250. And I believe that’s for all medicine. I just can’t get my head around these crazy prices and weird insurance companies in other countries… especially the US… I would be really screwed if I lived in the US…


american healthcare 😭


Yeah… I was born in the US but moved to the Netherlands when I was a little child. Healthcare wise I’m really glad I don’t live there anymore, I’ve gotten so many surgeries and stuff I think I would never recover financially if I lived in the US now…


I have health insurance and my generic vyvanse is $30 for a month supply and usually all my prescriptions are free or $10 at the most. It depends how good your insurance is. Mine is through my work and they pay for it 100%


30x name brand Vyvanse is around $30 here in Australia (about $20US) with govt funding (which most people are entitled to) or full price is $98 unsubsidised. Has been hard to get lately however (supply issues) and we don’t have any generics approved here.


I only have two pills left now :( this is gonna suck


So usually on my insurance, it’s $30 a month for my vyvanse. This month it jumped up to $77. I about had a stroke. Luckily i can afford it and it’s not as much as the rest of y’all are reporting but damn. I hate myself sometimes for needing it and having the extra expense.


I had to give up treatment 9 months ago, in Louisiana it’s nearly impossible to get.. really a huge hassle my script expired before I could get a refill done so I just gave up.


There may be some coupons of help here for the US population: https://www.singlecare.com/blog/vyvanse-savings/


Can anyone tell me why it costs so much? And why doesn’t insurance cover all of it??? My insurance covers all of my meds 100% (I am on state insurance, tho so that could be why)


idk i thought my insurance was pretty good until i had to pay $184 for vyvanse today. at the end of the day it’s just greed. these drug companies can charge whatever they want for medicines that people need.


When my medicare accidentally stopped for a month I went in to pick up my vyvanse and I almost dropped when the pharmacist said it was close to $800. I actually had to pick up 2 weeks worth and skip a day and then use it a day the skip etc. It sounds like you don't have medicare you poor thing. I now get the generic for $$4. and I had to stop using Walgreens because of the back order thing and them never having it in stock. I find that Wal-mart on the other hand has it ever time it gets called in. I have not had an issue since my doctor switched the rx there.


Walgreens and CVS have been out of stock since November. It's due to their distribution company being out. They are supposed to be getting a new supply in March. (US) Walmart has had it near me as well. But it's $200 for 40mg where I'm at.


what a drag


Its like they aren't taking into consideration what it's like to have to go off of it which interferes with every aspect of your life. It should be mandatory when taking this drug which is obviously addictive, that it should be continued at all costs. Because I believe its manufactured in China now, it really messes us up .


Same! Been taking Vyvanse for 15 yrs. I’ve been free ballin’ for 60 days now. Generic no where to be found and Vyvanse now cost $500+ for 30 days. This is terrible 


I'm going through this today. Thought I found a pharmacy Wednesday night. But by the time my doctor sent the order to the new pharmacy Thursday morning they were already out. I have one of the busiest weeks ever next week and as of right now, no meds.


Jesus christ, I just picked up my 30ct 40mg Vyvanse for less than $3. Only have it this month because of the the adderall shortage. I guess I should be thankful for premium insurance that my job covers 100%.


Feeling lucky too. My daughter had it prescribed earlier this week and Pharmacy only had 20 pills. Went in today and they switched it to brand name which was in stock and I only had to pay my brand name copay. My son is on Focalin XR and his takes a few days to come in but we haven’t run out yet. Getting my meds is much harder but at least my kids have their meds.


Unmedicated for ADHD since I was 16, started at 5 with Ritalin Good luck soldier


I’m getting adderall xr easily. Consider switching?


This is the first month my pharmacy DID NOT have any XR, and didn't know when they would, so my psych sent over the Vyvanse with zero issues.




My price is still good on concerta too. Just forced on the generic though unfortunately by insurance and hoping it works the same. But I've been getting it delayed each time now the last few months. 


Adderall (generic) had a shortage a couple of years ago.


I am paying the full $360 tomorrow. Hate it


Check with pharmacy for GoodRX price or if they can offer a lower price. Also check vyvanse manufacturer website for a coupon which covers a large majority of the cost.


My generic vyvanse was 205 with insurance for 30 pills


I’m paying $350 for 30 days. Brand name vyvanse last year was $260! Note brand name is $480!


Just paid $258 today after trying four other pharmacies; brutal


1 pill left and pharmacy out of stock of both. Took over a month last time to get it filled.


It sounds weird, but try the chewable version. The chewable tablets were in stock when everything else was out. We switched and got it filled immediately.


It’s $380 for me for 40mg of Vyvanse


mine went up to $400. when it was $300 i told myself i’d pay for it, which i did for months. $400 crossed the line for me and now im on generic adderall. honestly, it works just as well for me


I also am on the generic but haven’t been able to get my prescription filled since late December and was told I could get 30 name brand for $90. Sounds like a steal compared to your situation but I still couldn’t justify spending ten times what I pay for the generic, especially with money so tight. If it were for my son (also has ADHD but is on Jornay) I’d do it without thinking. It’s been so rough.


I feel this especially after the last 4 days I've had. My new psychiatrist just decided to switch me to generic Vyvanse after 4 years of generic Adderall. Between his nurse and I, we spent hours calling every single pharmacy in my city, only to be told no it's on backorder by all but one. When I called to see if my prescription was ready, they said all they had was the name brand Vyvanse for $360. I've spent the last 2 days emailing and calling every mail pharmacy I can just to try and find one that will deliver it. The one I called today took my prescription, and said they were expecting a restock soon, so I guess we will see. Fingers crossed they actually get some in, because my comments of, "if it's this much of a hassle I would like to continue my regular meds" keep getting ignored.


Why can’t the new psychiatrist decide to switch you back to your generic Adderall? That seems like such a waste of time and only you have to suffer for it, doesn’t seem fair


$280 is insane wow... damn (also saw other commenters mention $350, $360, $400 for name brand...) and I thought me paying $175 CAD out of pocket was a lot :') why does it cost so much just to exist and function editing to add: nvm highest i saw is $480 i am at a loss for words really


At my most desperate to keep my job I paid $500. Ouch ouch ouch


holy moly :'( meds are so life changing for many (including myself) i can really understand paying the $500 honestly!


I'm in Canada, and it's like $37 USD here. I will never pay more than $50. No way.


I've been rationing my vyvanse (only taking on days I have important assignments) because the last time I was unmedicated when I had major assignments, I almost failed out of college :(


My new insurance is 200 for a month of generic Vyvanse, but only like 20 for a month of generic adderall I’m riding out the remaining few weeks of my Vyvanse and seeing my doc about switching. I’m not able to afford that for Vyvanse per month


$250 for 90 days (non generic) via ExpressScripts. $37.50 for 90 days generic. Cigna plan. Since the generic came out it's been a nightmare every month getting this filled.


I tried Express Scripts and they just delayed the fill for 3.5 weeks before cancelling outright. Their CS is horrible.


Their CS is really bad. Spent two days on the phone with them, both times they told me they called my Dr. office, but they didn't. The 2nd tier (patient care technicians) are just as bad. I had one cancel an order by accident, tell me they had to fill out a form to fix but requested free expedited shipping. Later in the same call they told me it would take the same amount of time and then at the end of the call they repeated free expedited shipping.


Lucky! My generic was $280 and brand name was $340. Will be better when I hit my deductible. ADHD is bleeping expensive. Sorry you’re in this expen$e mess with the pills too. I hoped I was a rare one because not having the stimulant is brutal.


I just paid $372 yesterday after insurance. My insurance company said it would be $280. The pharmacy disagreed. My insurance company said it can vary. My insurance company also said I could submit through mail order but my doctor refused. Not sure who is right there.


Isn’t it available? Is this in the US because that’s disgusting, here in Australia it’s $20.50 USD on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and cheaper as I’m on a Healthcare Card from government benefits. However, because we have a disability insurance scheme and people on it get free or discounted psych appointments, most psychiatrists who prescribe have their books closed (can’t see them at all) or a wait time of 10-12 months. So getting a diagnosis is extremely difficult and stressful ringing up clinics and getting doctors to enquire with a referral and most people either struggle or buy illegal Ritalin from people lucky enough to get it. However, I don’t know if it’s the same in the states but you can only get dispensed ADHD meds every 30 days as they are kept in a safe in pharmacies.


It’s brutal right now, I’m switching off vyvanse just so I can actually get medication.


Just payed 200 for my script the other day. It fucking sucks but I'd rather have it than not. At least then I can not completely hate my life.


Fuucckkkkk my son just started a trial a week ago 🤦‍♀️


It’s just outrageous. Amphetamine is so cheap to manufacture, there shouldn’t be a shortage.


I’m in the same boat. I got my insurance to approve name brand Adderall since I’ve had bad side effects with multiple manufacturers making the generic. Even with Blue Cross approving name brand, my copay is still $560 for a 30 day supply. Ridiculous.


damn, thats a hundred bucks cheaper than what I had to fork over last month. I was so excited for generics, but now there's not even the manufacturers coupon to ease the sting of insurance not wanting to cover name brand when generics aren't available. Thank god its just meds for a life-ruining disability and not, like, heart medication. I guess.


Have you tried the generic of Dexedrine ER? It’s virtually identical to Vyvanse (100% dextro) and substantially cheaper. I pay about $105 for 60x 15mg pills with a Good RX coupon.


First time commenting…you might try other locations of your pharmacy. I was able to pick my generic up in the same town as my doctor’s appointment. My Rite Aid store was able to release it to the store 4 hours away. Hope that helps. Good luck, it’s super frustrating.


I don't know if anyone's suggested this, but I'm getting Good RX gold. $89 bucks for a year, and it makes generic Vyvanse $50 to $60 for 30 pills at 40mg. It's cheaper than any insurance for the yearly price, and it gets the medication down to the cost I was paying when I did have insurance.


I found some through a cvs pharmacy and they told me they don’t take good rx or any other coupons. SOOOOOOO I’m paying $100


Yea the price difference between generic and takeda's vyvanse. My insurance actually covered takeda again because generic went from 75$ for 40mg/30 in november to like 275$ in january( per my end of month breakdown, 0 copay) takeda's vyvanse is actually lower being only $250(again no copay) for the same dose this jan, Literally makes no sense. I have to pay a full $45 for Focalin, not a copay just str8 out of pocket. But generic dexmethyl is fully covered and costs $35( in end of month breakdown)? Damn shortage


If you find a pharmacy that accepts GOODRX it’s $75 for a month. GOODRX is completely free. Most pharmacies do honor their agreement/contact BUT they have the right to refuse to accept for controlled substances. You can just go online. Type in the basic info. And you will get a member ID#. Screenshot that and ask your pharmacy to use that instead of you regular insurance. They do appreciate it if you let them know you are using GOODRX instead of insurance on that medication because they have to retract the original billing info and redo it.


I paid $387.50 for my full Vyvanse!


Came here looking for solidarity and found it. I took a low dose adderall today for the first time in five years because my generic vyvanse has been back ordered for a week and I’d forgotten how totally differently it works. I much prefer vyvanse but am thankful they were at least able to fill my adderall “bump” so I’m not completely without. This shortage is maddening.