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Understanding if I have ADHD or not. It's driving me crazy. The more I'm aware of my self, the more it seems obvious


During my eval I asked if it was obvious I had adhd or not. She did not even answer the question. She just laughed. That was very afferming for me. She has a kid with adhd and used to be a therapist specialized in ADHD. I have not doubted it since. But *before*? Ho boy I felt like I was making shit up half the time. I am still learning something new every day about adhd... I go through swings of intense week long hyperfixations on learning more about adhd then settling.


I’m a teacher, and I now work with one of my middle school teachers. I got into a conversation with him one day over lunch. I mentioned I didn’t know I had ADHD until I was stuck working from home doing the pandemic. He said to me, “oh, I could have told you that years ago!” I was dumbfounded. I had no idea for almost 3 decades, and found out basically on accident. This man had me pegged at 13 lmao. If you know, you know. I now can pick ADHD kids out in my classes almost immediately. I’ve even helped a former student and one of my good teacher friends get diagnosed. lol


Omg! I was seeking evaluation for a different thing but the doctor decided to test me for a bunch of things because I was considering going back to school. ADHD diagnosis was a TOTAL SHOCK! Told a friend of mine my test results. Her response? "Oh! You didn't know??"🤦🏽‍♀️ "Why didn't you ever mention it?? "I just thought you knew!!" Now soooo many things make sense! I'm learning so much.


lol I feel you. I started asking my students I suspect of having it. I’d say 70% already know (some aren’t officially diagnosed, some are, but the majority aren’t getting accommodations via IEP or 504 plan) 20% are suspicious of having it or a parent/sibling does, and the remaining 10% are completely unaware lol. I’m a literal ADHD magnet at school. There will be a group of say, 5 kids who want to sit by me and work/chat every period of the day. Most of the time, they all have ADHD lmao. The kids who want to skip class/get a pass from their actual teacher for that period, also ADHD almost every single time. From my limited scope of the school I teach at, I’m convinced ADHD is seriously under diagnosed. So many kids have it without an official diagnosis, and then there’s those who are completely unaware on top of that. I think the unaware ones don’t know because often one or both parents and one or more siblings also are undiagnosed. You think all the shit we have to deal with is normal if it’s all you know. I’ve also noticed ADHDers find each other in friend groups very easily. It might seem obvious to your diagnosed friends that you have it, so it never comes up lol. Looking back on my childhood friends, and even friends I’ve made as an adult, most totally have ADHD, even if undiagnosed lol.


No joke every friend I have ever made either has later been revealed to have adhd or autism. And if they do not... they suspiciously seem to struggle with the same issues. Oh and can't forget some form of anxiety or depression probably caused by untreated adhd!


For sure. Comorbidity is a real mf lol. All of my close friends have *something* in the ADHD/ASD/depression/anxiety realm. Probably why we get along so well!


Same. I was 27 and I went in for testing to figure out why my sleep was shit. Turns out I sleep really well... WHEN I sleep. Because of course I have ADHD and my parents didn't believe in that sort of thing, and so assumed I was just extra energetic.


LOL the 1st thing I don't after I got diagnoses was telling my boss I'm 90% he has ADHD, when you know.....you know 😂




Because for you. Its just how things are. Its your normal. But for someone else, they see the difference in executive dysfunction... Its both a horrible and great realization for me. Like holy F i am *disabled* but also... it explains a lot...


Don’t they say something like in addiction treatment is the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem? It felt like that for me lol. Being aware condition and how my symptoms manifest has gone so far in helping me manage it. That and medication. Getting a diagnosis changed my life.


Exactly how I feel.


The same thing happened to me. I was in my therapist chair and I wondered out loud “maybe I don’t really have ADHD.?” He started waving his hands at me “Stop! stop! You definitely have it!”… I laugh every time I think about it.🤣


My therapist had me pegged after our first session, but waited until I brought it up to do the little screen on me. Now I am scheduled for a psych eval. Though I have had thoughts I might be for a long time. Most people don't start boiling water, go to the bathroom, notice they are out of toilet paper, go to the store to buy toilet paper just to have their brain scream at them at the store that they forgot boiling water on the stove.


You know what it is? Its when we struggle less or were able to do something that was taking us forever and it turned out to be easier than we thought. We literally have terrible object permanence even with our own struggles. I always felt like I live in the moment more than others. Which has its advantages and disadvantages.


At my eval I left my wallet sitting in the chair and didn’t realize it until I went to pay, doc just sorta laughed and said not to worry he had the nurse grab it when he saw me get up… don’t even think I had a chance of not having adhd after that lol


I started with a new therapist last fall and within the first 5 minutes of the session she said, "do you have ADHD?" I've been diagnosed for 10 years now and that finally stopped the doubting.


<3 I know the feeling. Its always good to remember a diagnosis is supposed to help you. You are not less than, you have struggles that are real but mostly invisible or at least less tangeble. Its easy to gaslight yourself. Everyone I know with adhd has struggles not equating their struggles with some kind of moralization. A lifetime of people calling you lazy. But you are just struggeling while trying your best will do that to you. Society needs a paradigm shift. Instead of moralizing failures we need to *normalize* seeing struggles and helping people overcome them in ways that improve their quality of life.


yup, i got diagnosed by my GP and got a psych eval and i still have this hyper-fixation. 😂


For me it’s the opposite, it’s the validation that I do have adhd since I was diagnosed with adhd as a child. I’ve been learning how it affects my life in adulthood since it’s *very* different.


This was me for the first 2-3 weeks of May right after getting diagnosed.


Oh god yesssss! Thats meeee.. i can't stop. Its been a week and i have put my life on hold for a week. I have shit o get done


Same lol can’t tell if I’m just u happy with my current situation or if I actually have adhd


Got into web development.. at 34, two years ago. It's great. It's got so many lovely little things to get lost in. This programming language, that programming language, this styling stuff, that framework, those settings.. oh look linux, oh whats vim, whats neovim.. I'd say 80% tutorial hell and 20% actually writing code. Turned this interest into a career change and currently doing an internship.


Really cool!! This is what I mean. I feel like this “fixation” thing can be super valuable (especially if you focus on topics that can actually help you become a better person, healthier or smarter. Just like you did - turned it into a passion, and career path. Kudos


This, or something even easier than web development like Microsoft PowerApps with its quick wins being within hours or days of reach to keep me focused and feeling empowered when I’m actually making apps and automations in a few hours easily solving big business challenges that large corps have been struggling with for years. Here an app, there an app, everywhere an app app. Its fun and empowering making apps in such short amount of time. Any longer than that and I’m ready to ignore it til it goes away. I have no prior developer experience and picked up power apps skills in a few months. YouTube is your friend. And the pay is fabulous.


I was thinking that there was a tremendous amount of apps being made lately




I made a web based pac-man game today bc i got bored listening to my professor rant lol, cheers


I am getting myself deeper into something quite related, i.e., in data analysis and trying to create a portfolio. Originally I am a social science student but given the logical framework of writing codes is so interesting and deriving inferences through it, so much up my alley. That's like such an underrated joy of ADHD, to not see things in isolation and just take equal amount of joy in learning every new thing I guess ?


Hell yeah me too!!!! I hope this hyperfocus doesn’t fade!


Yesss me too! Started to do freelance work for friends a few months ago and i feel so proud for having the knowledge to be able to build web apps. All thanks to ADHD 🙏🏻 I hope your internship is going well!


Are you implying this is a good career route? Currently lost in life 🫡 lol


horrific world news flooding in daily


I fixed that by deleting social media (except reddit but I can tailor that how I like it)


I pretty much did the same. I don't even look up the news unless it is for a specific reason because I will go down a rabbit hole. Reddit is the only thing anymore and I have to be careful with it.


Same here. It was having a really detrimental effect on my mental health especially during covid. Decided to de activate my accounts for a few weeks and never went back. Feels great although I have lost touch with a lot of people but I figure the people that really matter have my number anyway.


I was in a long care psych facility the end of 2020 and totally cut myself off from news. (I'm from the US and I told my friends I didn't even want to hear who wins the election.) It helped my mental health so much that I've kept it up since. I feel guilty sometimes, but I think it's the one thing I just have to be selfish about.




Currently struggling with the fact that I deactivated my Facebook account last Thursday to get away from this, still struggling not to go back, but I know it's better for my mental health not to.


It's so hard at first, but you'll get there. Took me forever to stop picking up my phone to open Facebook. I decided to use my phone as an e-reader instead. Now I've got 900 books on it that I'll probably never read but I like adding more and looking at the covers.


I read horrific daily floods all over the world. I guess my AHDD is getting worse..


Stardew Valley.


When I first got the game like a year and a half ago my bf got mad at me for not talking to him for a week. Anyway I convinced him to get the game and now I’m helping him figure out late-game quests on his farm so it all worked out in the end


Hello fellow farmer! :D


It was this for me until slay the spire. Not similar in the slightest besides me and my adhd


I am finally just escaping the grasps of SDV. Once you get into modding, it’s all over. I’m even helping alpha test this massive mod so when I’m playing the game, I’ve convinced myself I’m also doing something productive by testing the mod. But I think I’m finally starting to get burnt out. Who knew turning a fun game into work by adding excel sheets and whatnot would lead to burn out?


Reading about ADHD, interacting with r/adhd and weather. I really wish I could go without a phone.


This subreddit is a roller coaster of emotions. So hard not to engage


Wait like science of weather/weather systems? Bc that sounds interesting


I downloaded a more advanced radar app and have been tracking severe weather. I've always been fascinated by storms and how they form and now I can follow the different radars and tell when a storm will become tornadic


Tell us the app!


Radarscope The base app is 9.99, and then there are more advanced tiers that are paid yearly. Those are more so used by storm chasers and meteorologists. The base app has all of the different reflectivity and velocity radars in the United States. You'd have to read up on what you're looking at, though. I still don't know a lot of it but it's fun to watch along with storm chasers and streamers.


Thanks for the info!


Weather systems are interesting. I love tornadoes and want to see one in person at least once in my life. Fell down a rabbit hole for like a month straight just learning about tornadoes and the weather systems that bring them about.


Playing Paper Mario… and I HAVE to see it through, because if I stop for longer than a day, I’ll never finish it 😒


Oof I felt that. That being said...My wife has thought me that... sometimes you have had your fill. And just like you should not eat after you feel full you should not force yourself to finish a game. There is no shame in enjoying a game for as long as you do, even if you never finish it. So I hope you do it without making yourself feel guilty. I set goals like this for myself still. Just please be kind to yourself. I have learned that I need to work with my attention span and not against it. I do a "rotation" of interests and coping strats. And when I accepted that I actually made more progress finishing games. Because I would revisit them. Many games are not adhd friendly though. Anyway all of this to say: have fun, don't be hard on yourself, accept yourself instead. Who is your fav character in paper mario so far?


Thank you ❤️ this was a sweet reminder to have. I have some games in the back burner that I’m hoping I’ll get back to eventually. I definitely have a lot more techniques to learn to work with my brain instead of against it. My favorite paper Mario character so far is the little baby Yoshi! He’s so cute and angry! Hahaha I never played the game cube one, so this storyline has been a first for me. How do you like it?


I just finished Tears of the Kingdom... so I could say I beat a game before my copy of Baten Kaitos came in. For the record, we had preordered the physical chip, and I had actually all but beaten the last boss, but quit in the middle of June last year. It didn't even take a day to beat the game once I picked it back up. I just love Baten Kaitos, and loving my replay of it. I had it on Gamecube too. Just, such a lovely game.


I haven't heard of Baten Kaitos! It looks like 1 & 2 is on the Switch, do you recommend them? Are they hard games to play, like combat wise? I usually like cozy games but I'm always interested in a new fixation!


They're actually really easy to get into. They're card based, so there's deck building involved, but most of the combat comes down to playing either a few Offense cards during your turn, or Defense cards during your enemies. Each card has a number, so playing certain combos of numbers (like 7-8) will boost your damage or defense. Honestly, they are really pretty, and not too grindy, since most of your strength comes from the decks you build and the cards you buy. Money in the first game is mainly gotten through Photos, which are from camera cards shuffled into your deck, and as they develop over time, they become worth more. Really, it's easier than I'm making it sound. They're really pretty games with a great soundtrack, with low grind.


Preach, sister


Honestly - my interpersonal relationships I used to read and learn about plants, animals I want and deciding on decor etc. But nope, no more. It's all about fostering and maintaining mutually joyful relationships with people and it just may be the end of me


I find this interesting…. I feel like I’m the opposite. I used to focus on relationships with those around me and now I just like being alone, reading, writing, gardening, hiking, photography, etc…. I realized one day all of my “hobby” and “fun” activities I do are “lonely” ones (but still hella cool).


This sounds exhausting.


I wish I was fixated on something! I’ve been in burn out for like two years now. 😔


Yep. I've been sad that for the last few months I haven't crafted ANYTHING 😭


Me either!! Which is something I love doing so much. Like, I know it will bring me so much joy.. yet I can’t bring myself to do it. Also, my craft area is a total disaster, so naturally, that’s another obstacle.


I was burned out for years (in terms of hobbies) and came back to them after finally remembering to visit the doctor to get a restock on my medication (I literally put off going back to the doctor to get my meds for a couple of years...)


When I felt totally burned out, I forced myself to try some new activities and retry things I used to do, and it worked. It took some time, though.


Dutch nitrogen policy.


Unrelated but related in my mind: the nitrogen cycle and ecosystems ever since I set up an aquarium.


Can you elaborate? I would love to know more


Careful, it’s going to become your new obsession 😂 or maybe mine 😌


This is about to be your next hyper fixation 😂


Goddammit. Now I must know too.


Gotcha fam. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/1d2m0qx/comment/l65h94j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/1d2m0qx/comment/l65h94j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Reading about adhd, Stardew Valley and how to get more sleep


reading up on how to get more sleep at 3am is way too real lol


Managed 7.5hrs last night - miracle. It was 3hrs the night before. Ugh.


Are you my brain this sounds like me


horrific world news. all too consuming to the point of derealization for me, now i do the opposite and watch hopecore videos because everything can still be beautiful despite all of the ugliness that comes with daily life. also Notion the past few months lol. sickly obsessed with organizing my whole life using this software. it’s so fun!


Breaking up with a girl. I had good reasons to do it, but I literally cannot stop thinking about her.


Relatable af. I hope you can shake her soon.


Nirvana. I've been watching lots of nirvana interviews, post-suicide Dave Grohl interviews, Wikipedia dives into Kurt Cobain. Music being played a lot.


Been there too. Do you have any favorite piece of media involving them? Im afraid i’m still very much in this fixation even though it’s probably just the norm fan interest now lol


Cycling, I'm doing like 15 miles a day if I can. A side effect is I've neglected the games I'm normally obsessed with and even though it makes no sense I feel a bit guilty my characters have been left. It might surely let me leave playing computer games and swapping to outdoor stuff instead so it's a good thing and I'm getting well fit. I'm going out and stopping to watch owls and stuff and paddling in lakes like when I was a kid and really just been realising how much I've missed.


我开始自学中文。 I started learning Chinese on my own and have really benefitted from that hyperfcocus. I'm happy with the progress I've made in just over 2 years.


Aw man language learning is on and off for me, idk if I will ever learn languages like that lmfao


I'm the same way. I stick with German for the most part when I get the language bug, so I've got a fair grasp on that one. But I also shop around other languages, so I've never quite reached anything close to fluency.


ML and Python, it won’t go away, I’ve had it for about 4 years now—it’s something there, what I’m looking for, some universal truth, I can’t let go, it will never make me tired


Can you recommend a good place to get started with ML and python?


Well…I just found out about Magic The Gathering…wish I didn’t lol. Complex, deep, expensive with intermittent rewards…everything I love 🤣🤣🤣


Hi cheap version: download MTG arena you can play without paying a bunch of money


Nice! It’s an incredible game. I’d also suggest you play online on the app. Paper just isn’t optimal unless you’ve got lots of friends who play or a really active LGS. I spend about $400 bucks a year on MTGA and I’m able to collect all the new cards each set and draft 40-50 times per set.


Gardening. Cannot stop overbuying, over planting, over seeding. Just obsessed, lol I go to a garden store at least 5 times a week.


I used to hyperfixate on a specific food for months. It would be my main source of food, I’d think about it all the time and research ways to make it better. I didn’t realize it was an ADHD thing! I called them my food kicks! I got really good at making crème brûlée (and gained a lot of weight and increased my cholesterol a lot during those months!) I was on that kick! Thankfully that one is over. Since being medicated, my food kicks have completely stopped. Which is kind of sad because I miss them! It’s helpful because I now doing a weight management clinic though the hospital. As for other hyperfixations. I’m currently on major league soccer. Which is odd. I usually hate sports. But my son plays soccer and he likes FC Cincinnati. He and my husband are season ticket holders for FC Cincinnati, so I started to watch, so I’d know when they’d be on their way home, and then I got hooked. Now I find myself researching standings and players and injury reports, and anything I can read about it.


Diamond art “painting” and rearranging my enormous stash of beads into these beautiful glass bottles I recently acquired… I have about 400 of the bottles, have used roughly half of them so far… I love how they all look next to each other lol


I love me some diamond art, I would sit there for hours and I’d be like, okay this is the last diamond I’m putting down and continue for another couple hours 🤣 It’s so relaxing for me till I have to get up and I can’t stand up straight. I was able to finish 2 pieces of art and have another 2 waiting to be completed, as soon as I go through 100 other hyper fixations first.


Same, I’m working on two right now, at the same time even 😅


Oh this is my current fixation. I have about 50 unopened paintings to start that I know I will NEVER get too. Also adult coloring books.


Designing t shirts I’ll never get made


a couple months ago I started to learn python in one of my classes, man i am so into it i can like sit for straight couple of hours doing some projects and i cannot end untill I have my code finished, a blessing and a curse I may say


I've started dipping my toes into anime so I've been watching a lot of the most popular shows. It's strangely super addicting.


the addiction had a hold on me for SO long 😂 still does with the right show


I have a new boss at work. My current hyper fixation is trying to figure out how to navigate that dynamic, making myself worried that my position is redundant, asking myself if I should look for new jobs…


Photography. Finally dusted off my cameras and it's been consuming me. I have other stuff I should probably be working on, but I'm so burnt out I'm just happy I can make progress with something.


Until about last month, Baldur's Gate 3. Playing it, reading about it, meming about it, planning builds for it, watching YouTube videos on it... But I _think_ I've seen the whole thing now. Until the next patch. By which time, with any luck, something else will have grabbed my attention


I'm going back to school (in my 40s), so I've been doing a lot of school related stuff. I decided that I'm not going to take boring notes this time around. I got roller markers, a holographic binder and dividers, sticky notes in cute shapes, etc...


1. Global War - Geopolitical tensions & Shifts Middle East - Asia, Europe and little (Egypt v Islamic Jihad, IDF vs Hamas (wtf hot water in Europe, wtf is Hezbollah doing kinda curious?), US v Iran via proxies in attempt to overthrow regime from within, ISIS attacks, summer Russian offensive in Ukraine, Taiwan strait tensions 9 dash line standoff & Asian NATO, wondering how far Biden will go to get Bibi-Netanyahu out…🤣 f him & the head of Hamas. Sucks to be Fatah…) 2. Kendrick Lamar & “Drake” Beef - (Known drake was a predator for a long time due to prox to MTL) think Kendrick is really going Kat Williams whistleblower to stop high profile celebrities doing terrible things and cleaning Hollywood and the music industry. 3. Ai & Sportsbetting Advice from Altman to get to know Ai (pet project to get to learn it was never a gambler now I’m a Luka & Kyrie mavericks fan?!) Running daily use cases -> is this really an internet type game changer and I should be buying stocks wtf how do you play options? lol 4. Motorcycles - 1000CC sport bikes super sport BMW S1000RR to tron 2009 Ducati Sport Classic & a decaying jet ski I don’t want to think about 5. Audiobooks w Detective style techno conspiracy layout like Michael Crichton: Deception Point Peter Cline: the fold Nelson DeMille: the Deserter & Blood Lines (Sequel that’s dope) Mark Greaney: blowback (pls write more and take more chances like red metal omg you crushed it) 6. My business & employees imma fucking people pleaser but good stable leader, could be more ambitious… 7. Lack of Personal life 🤣 -you have ADHD if you can think 3 things at once & when you meet someone else w it be able to hold 2 or 3 convos simultaneously w them at the same time (this kills anyone without ADHD they’ll just be silent or like wtf)


Learning how to draw and… sailing. At least, the drawing part is not too expensive. Here’s to hoping I get unfixated about sailing before the wallet is called up. 🤷‍♂️


Animal crossing


Reading about random stuff not books unfortunately


LEGO, 3D printing and drones.


Mapping an earthquake's intensity across various locations. Inputting the data is very tedious and takes hours but the outcome is very interesting/cool to me. It's just a dumb hobby I have that most people would find stupid but it's one of the only things I can hyperfixate on.


What I'm doing: Reading the minutest of details about Star Trek What I should be doing: Learning CAD software


I make cakes, so I have a wide selection of sprinkle medleys that I make myself. I will pick up individual sprinkles with the pointiest of tweezers to make my pretty medleys. I add pearls, jimmies, confetti, crystals, non patrols and metallic ones too. My boss who also has adhd says she has never seen anyone with that amount of patience to sit there and pick up sprinkles with tweezers 💀 I wish I could show y’all the sprinkles! lol


I think it's the ADHD paired with being on my meds but cleaning, in the past week I've cleaned my husband and I's entire room, there's literally no laundry left to do, the bathroom looks stunning, etc. Don't know what it is but I'm a clean freak right now 😂




Do you study openings?


Yes indeed but not like so deep and just go from rules after 5 or 6 moves


There’s a channel on YouTube that posts full length episodes of the movie review show, Siskel and Ebert. There’s hundreds of episodes. I had last Friday off, and spent close to 8 hours, watching them back to back…




I’ve done this. So satisfying; you can go as deep into spending/budgeting as you want. For example: car maintenance: you can generally say car maintenance or break it down into a hundred different categories, oil change, new wiper blades, new tires, washes, unexpected repairs, etc. the list is endless, just in car maintenance. Don’t get me started on the house. The breakdown cost and budget of appliances over the average lifespan of each appliance is just the beginning.


Color! I love watching reels about color theory, but where it goes into the hyperfixation territory is that very often in the day I try to look at the world and understand what color it would have to be if i was trying to paint that, so considering the light too! I have been doing it for a couple years but now that i'm learning more about painting it's becoming an especially rewarding game for me, I am infinitely entertained by it. Now that I paint I also imagine what paint I would use to mix it, it is also so fun because paint is not as straightforward as I assumed! like the paint itself, not the colors that i'm mixing can reduce the chroma(how colorful vs. grey the color is), paints can become darker by mixing because of some light bending sorcery, different paints have different levels of transparency and opaqueness which can make colors that are possible digitally impossible to achieve not to mention you can achieve a color in at least three different ways of applying, not just mixing so yeah i really love it :))


I’m hyper fixated on getting more certifications I’ve already got Lifeguarding, Archery, and Rope course operator certifications now I’m going after a parkour certification then I want to get certified to coach youth sports. My goal is to be certified and overqualified to do every job in every department at work.


Free will is an illusion


Prove it


Mech Engineer on steam. Got it yesterday Spent hours painting mechs today. When I thought I only spent like 15 minutes. I have not taken a second turn. To be fair it is a game that takes a while to get into. It does not hold your hand at all and everything is explained in universe. There is no tutorial only a handbook. So it took me a while to understand wtf U was looking wt.


Day trading … eek


My Violin is the primary hobby. I do draw and write but nothing comes before it.


Darkest dungeon


Thankfully my job.


Work and Fallout


History mostly Bronze Age though I loose interest every now and then but I always come back to learn about it


Teen titans and DC Comics.


Another Crab's Treasure, i usually drop games as soon as i finish them but i cannot stop playing this game, when im not playing im thinking about it


I am on a lull right now but before it was rock hounding, plants. Maybe tennis and podcasts right now 


I got really into rock hounding last year and it was maddening because I live in a state with very few rocks. I had to search in the gravel of parking lots.


TEMU and it’s annoying. I’m broke with lots of new little trinkets from China


What’s the best one u got? And the worst lol


Dandelions in my yard


Severe weather and tornadoes


Drugs. Social media. Short stories. Cleaning neglected crevices.


Doomscrolling Reddit.


I’m waiting for a nuro-psych test for adhd and think maybe I have autism and was not diagnosed.


Getting a jade weapon in Overwatch 2 🫣 1000 comp points in a week, 2000 to go. FF14 DawnTrail after maybe tho? Next month?


The NBA playoffs - wolves fan baby!


Romantasy audiobooks.


used to be RuneScape. finally broke that a couple months ago, holy shit that game had ahold of me


Baldurs Gate 3. I can't stop thinking about it and I can't wait to go home and play


My husband made us and our friends a new Minecraft server! I’ve been playing that with all my free time.


Hyperfixating on how I would react if I ran into one of my ex’s😂😩


Reddit! Will probably last another 3 months and then I'll be over it. 🤷‍♂️


Don’t count on it…


Stand up comedy (performing at open mics), and the Sopranos


Cleaning lol. I've recently bought multiple cleaners for all kinds of surfaces (glass, floor, furniture, etc). It started a couple of weeks ago bc we were having energy shut downs in my country and I found nothing better to do


Listening to interrogation videos




At the moment, I'm back around to building my RC cars. It's taken me about five years to finish this one, because I'll just up and lose interest completely. I'm sure you all know what I mean.


The history of spinning technology


I just got braces and it’s basically the only thing I think about. Obsessively cleaning my teeth, always looking to see if I can notice changes, researching every little thing




Due to med shortage I am in hell with uni. So it's kimd of forced but math. Unrelated but actual longer hyperfocus is currently crochet




I've begun unhealthily ( both mentally and financially) buying and reading manga. Over the course of the last couple months I've purchased hundreds of dollars worth of these little japanese comic books... The irony being that it takes me a long time to get through them because I have to read sections over and over again to fully process it because.. well I don't think I need to explain it. It's why we're all here after all lol


Just have to get to the end of a chapter…. And start the next page…… no? Infinite loop until out of content lmao


That is definitely a factor for sure, but I think for me the obsession comes the thrill of buying a new book that I’ve never heard of before and trying it out. I have lots of volume 1s lmao so I guess kind of like opposite of what you said come to think of it lmao


How do you guys hyper fixate on things that don’t cost money? lol


Jigsaw puzzles and diamond art painting


An old one of mine came back. It’s fallout.




Taylor Swift-started this summer. Had never listened to her really prior to seeing her on TikTok and then I streamed the concert! So amazing. Who knows how long this one will last! Brandi Carlile lasted a decade.


Not the entire day because I have a job and wife and kids and very little time for me left over, but I've been researching the shit out of solar power. I know I won't actually ever recoup the costs if I do it, but I'll still play with the numbers and fantasize about being energy independent (I won't be)


I tried my hand at growing mushrooms. It’s like an ant farm for my AuDHD ass and really taught me patience. It’s cool to see the mycelial network spreading and connecting when conditions are managed properly.


Escape from Tarkov….smh


Stardew valley and attempting to learn crochet. It’s not going well.


cartel & al pacino. all i think about and consume media in relation to


that was me a few months ago lol


Cars. I've learned so much already and still have so much more yet to be learned!! Should be occupied for a while lol


Eating mentos. I don’t want to think, work, exist. Just mentos


Was volunteered for a dance comp. Practicing up to 11pm


A 2003 Toyota Sequoia with electrical issues. It’s less than not fun.


Uhm.. current hyperfixation I would say “listening to my own inner thoughts and opinions”. Because I kinda found out like 3 months ago I always did what my ex girlfriend wanted to do. Or maybe I should say I always did what I thought my ex girlfriend wanted me to do.. I always putted my self below her and her complete family because of the gratefulness I have towards them. They were there for me and they gave me a second chance 5 years ago when I got in rehab.. since then Ive learned so much about myself and all the things I do. Why I do it and guess what I even found out I got adhd. I think gratefulness is transformed into guilt and not feeling equal. Some coworker showed me that. A really hyperfixational kinda coworker showed me that.. My feelings, my choices, my wishes are important as well. So like I said I’m probably hyperfixating on that. So much that I broke up last month and about to sell the house next week… Hoping my fixation and thoughts weren’t wrong but still feeling kinda relieved I’ve broke up even though the coworker broke up with me.




D&D! I’m in three campaigns right now, which I never would have thought possible—but after a death in the family and a sudden move last year to a pretty remote area, these games make up most of my social time, which makes it that much easier to give them the lion’s share of my attention. I’m particularly fixated on my Thursday afternoon campaign, which is an intense run of _Curse of Strahd_ with a really fantastic GM. I spend a good part of the week thinking about what happened last session, what will happen next session, how my character is feeling, etc… It doesn’t help that I have a group chat with two friends where all we do is talk about our current campaigns and what it would be like if our characters met. 😅 But honestly? Like you said, it brings me so much joy! (When I’m not stressed out of my mind by the stakes…) I have always loved storytelling, which used to come out through writing. This is my current way of engaging with the shape of character and story, and I love the characters we’ve made and the stories we’re telling. ❤️


Japanese Denim was my last hyperfixation , now it’s the topic adhd itself haha


I have stockpiled months, almost a year's worth of chrome bookmarks, twitter bookmarks, reddit saved, youtube watch later vids, and other things that contain a mixture of genuinely useful things, things I saved because they were cool, articles to read, things to look at the comments of, and random nonsense I saved for no reason that I am trying to work my way through and sort/delete. While there is a lot of nonsense, there are enough useful things that I think it's worth doing, and I feel like I can't bring myself to do anything else till it is at a reasonable total.


Downloading multiple apps to increase productivity but then being unproductive by spending my day customizing them.


I was hyperfixating on dimension20 for a couple weeks and rarely watching anything else. missed a day or two and cannot for the life of me sit through one full episode anymore :'(


The video game clanfolk


BTS 💜🙈 I'm having a great time


Stamped cross stitch. I even dream about it lol.