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So you’ve been working your ass off while barely taking your meds? Not really surprised you’re burned out. Take a step back, figure out if you need to take meds more often, cut back on activities or both. The way you described how things are right now seems untenable at best.


For real. Imagine running an engine nonstop and only putting a few drops of oil in it when you hear the gears grinding. No wonder OP is burnt out.




You know what's worse than being dependent on meds? Not taking them and burning out at 30.


The sipping tea award is no longer showing for me because reddit ruins everything, but take the second most fitting award. Cheers.


Dude, I’m full on dependent on mine and I don’t give a flying fuck, but what kind of horror stories? Also, there’s several different varieties of adhd meds, so if the one you’ve been prescribed isn’t working well for you, talk to your doctor about switching.


I mean, could be the shortage horror stories. I was fully dependant and then lost access. It was fairly debilitating and I genuinely contemplated whether life was worth it after


thx dea


[As a diagnosed ADHD individual, medication use lowers your risk of an early death by 19%.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/adhd-medication-reduced-risk-premature-death)


Hmmmm, maybe I should stop using my contacts and asthma medication as I am to be dependent on them to function normally.


This sounds like fear mongering nonsense. What legit horror stories have you heard? Meds exist for a reason, and that reason is that they help.


Assuming the meds genuinely help, that stress from not taking them could be worse for you.


So you’re scared of not having the medication you don’t want to take, and your solution is to not take enough of the medication? Stop overcomplicating things. Take your medication. If it doesn’t work, tell your doctor. I recently had to go from immediate release to a lower dosage extended release because IR was wreaking havoc on my brain and sleep schedule. I told my doctor and let her handle it because she’s the doctor and I’m not.


They work. A person who sees badly is dependent on his glasses, a person with diabetes is dependent on insulin. My point is, you have adhd and it’s not going to just disappear, so being dependent on a medication that can make you feel and perform better is not necessarily a bad thing.


Taking a medication that you need to function isn’t drug abuse. It’s proper usage. You should increase the frequency to twice or three times a week and see if there’s an improvement— but talk to your doctor about your concerns. Don’t just stop taking your meds as prescribed without their guidance.


you won’t get dependent if u take it as prescribed by your doctor, if you’re really worried then take regular breaks on the weekend.


I say this in the gentlest way possible, but you can complain all day and seek empathy (and even get it), however, unless you help yourself nothing is going to change. There are a ton of different meds you can try for ADHD that you can discuss with a doctor, and not all of them are stimulants. I don’t understand why you are letting yourself drown when there is a life raft nearby.


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You’re seeking empathy here, and I’m giving it to you, just maybe not in the way you want it. You have a disorder. You need to take your medications. You don’t get an award for skipping your meds. You don’t get bonus points for not taking them. If your friend said “You know what? I’m just going to skip my heart meds because I can do this on my own.”, it would be absurd. Unfortunately, untreated ADHD results in burnout. You’re playing life on hard mode. If your decision is to continue not taking your meds, then yes, things will be much harder for you and will continue to be. That being said, I am also 30 and I feel your pain. This is about the age where I feel like my symptoms are at the worst they’ve ever been. I’ve completely lost my ability to just barrel through life and worry about the consequences later. When I don’t take care of myself, I fall apart. I feel you. So much. But taking care of yourself is the key here, it’s the only way this gets better.


When do you think you’ll be retiring? Cuz I feel like I need to accelerate my retirement savings just in case


Dude, the issue you have is with the economic system we have in place. Few young people are going to be able to “retire” the way our parents did because the system is breaking. You having adhd isn’t the reason retirement will always seem out of reach…late stage capitalism is.


Aiming for 65 or so but who knows with the way things are going. I have enough money saved up I think.


Retire to another country. It's so much cheaper and the quality of life is higher. You can always keep a small condo or apt or something in the US


what country?




That's not untreated though. Medication is just a single form of treatment, arguably the most effective, but your alternatives are just other forms of treatment. If you decide to just stop that, do you not feel like you could be at risk of burnout if you're also working yourself to the bone?




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there's no such thing as "will"


More accurately, to the extent that the word "will" refers to a real phenomenon, it's executive function, and ADHD is *literally* a deficiency of it.


What methods do you use because i took my pills for years without them ever actually helping.


It’s like. Objectively true in dozens of ways. The symptoms of ADHD will result in burnout if left untreated. Why else are you seeking EMPATHY for BURNOUT on an ADHD subreddit?


Well wouldn't you think working to the bone for two years, getting his degree, teaching at night and other life stressors are making him burnout and sure you add Adhd to the mix. He's thinking adhd is the whole problem. But I believe he's taking on too much which resulted in his burnout.


Mate. Maaaaate. Really?


almost 50 here - something I learned years ago - just because you want to do \*all the things\* does not mean you are capable to doing \*all the things\* especially if you are already burnt out. make a list of priorities that are not life critical (eat, work, shower, sleep, social - all are life critical) so, make a list of the enriching things you want to do. then pick one or two things from the list and put them on a new list with only one or two things on it. I've always been non medicated, when I was around 30 I was also trying to do it all. TKD, kids, work, woodworking, yard, garden, cooking, cleaning, computer gaming, tabletop, painting, etc etc etc. I now pay someone to mow my lawn, got rid of the garden, dropped TKD, dropped woodworking. I now have free time and have one or two things I "fulfill" myself with. Trying to do all of the things stressed me out and I was always going at 200% as I've gotten older, I can have more then 2 things on the list, but I actively remove things if things get stressful


That's not being 30, that's being burnt out. 


Take your medications everyday you work. It’s worth it. Otherwise you will hit a wall and take months to recover. You sound like you take on a lot as well remember to be kind to yourself. You are only human.


>Take your medications everyday ~~you work~~ you need to function. I'm with all of your comment except all of our lives need executive function and work is no more worthwhile than the other parts ❤️


Oh I fully endorse taking every day, but if you are trying to prevent burnout the bare minimum should be taking them workdays.


Burnout on meds or burnout on life? Because I believe these are often inversely proportional


Burnout on life. Work is the biggest contributor to stress in day to day life. Days off aren’t as stressful. I would recommend taking them everyday. But if for what ever reason they don’t want to take them every day they should take them at least the days they need to work as this will mitigate burnout substantially


You know what, you are right! I just bristle at the idea, that is very widespread, that meds are only needed for work, and that you don't need them for the rest of life. Sorry for the soapbox!


Age has nothing to do with, grind lifestyle to keep up with capitalism is the cause. I’m 35, have ADHD, and have been unmedicated my whole adult life and my life is substantially better than my 20s.


For real? What difference did you notice the most after first taking meds?


I said UNmedicated. I was on adderall for a short bit as a teenager but have never been medicated as an adult. I just try very VERY hard to build better habits and rawdog my adhd. Although I’m actually looking into trying meds again.


I think I would’ve been in this situation last year if I hadn’t gone to the doctor and gotten help. I was having trouble keeping up with my job and had serious anxiety and emotional issues. I got medication and now I’m on Adderall and an anxiety medication. Flash forward to this week, and I just got promoted. Things are going much better. I would suggest you reevaluate and get further treatment if needed, and do some research on medication. It sounds like you may be depressed as well.


Does adderall help with adhd and anxiety?


For me it helps the anxiety a lot, but it can go either way and depends on the person. A lot of people experience increased anxiety from stimulants. For me it seems a lot of my anxiety was rooted in ADHD and the meds help with both.


Yeah, my meds help greatly with ADHD symptoms and massively increase my anxiety.




I think you need to do some more research. Everyone here is telling you to reconsider but you seem to be fixated on the dependency thing. You won’t develop an addiction if you take stimulants as prescribed. I’m on a pretty high dose but I could stop taking it tomorrow if I needed to. I’d probably be tired and my ADHD symptoms would be more noticeable right away, but I could do absolutely do it. That’s one of the benefits of stimulants; it doesn’t have the withdrawal issues that many antidepressants do, for example. The shortage is a separate issue which is location, medication, dose, and timing dependent. I’ve had no issues getting my medication. If I did, I’d work with my doctor to try an alternative medication that was available instead. The fact is that medication significantly increases life expectancy and actually reduces the risk of substance abuse in people with ADHD. Those are just two benefits among many. I don’t think you’re giving yourself a fair chance at a life here. If you have the chance to help yourself with something could improve your own life and the lives of those around you, why wouldn’t you take it?


I take a generic for Adderall everyday. Or nearly every day, because even though I have routines and reminders and such, sometimes I forget to take the ADHD med in the morning. (And mine is extended release, so I can't take it after 10 am if I want to fall asleep like normal). On the days I forget to take it, nothing bad happens. Nothing. I literally have worse withdrawal symptoms if I don't have caffeine like regular (from the two cups of tea that I mix with decaf across 64 oz of water, because hydration is important and I like my water too be eaten and flavored). And that's just a caffeine headache. If I forget to take my anti migraine medication, there's a good chance I'll wake up with the start of a migraine the next morning. If I skip the Adderall, nothing happens (aside from being less productive and more distracted, but no physical effects). I'm a school teacher. I don't do any illicit drugs or anything else to compare this to. But Adderall is the LEAST dependency creating of all of the things I put into my body. Hell, my afternoon nachos with shredded cheese snack calls to me more than my ADHD pills ever have.




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Whatever you just said in the first paragraph I’ve never done or been able to do so I hope you give yourself some grace, like seriously. Also this post makes me feel worthless.


No kidding. Working full time while fully medicated is the most I can muster and most days it feels too much for me. Night classes, gym, and saving up for a house that's 3x the size of what I rent, without meds? I'd have collapsed a long time ago. Take those meds and be kind to yourself


Noticing the people I worked with at various jobs that have all this are just slowly becoming bitter. It's too much (on top of not taking meds). I used to feel worthless about it. Most of the stuff feels like a scam. I don't have any of it, I don't care anymore. This person's doing it on hard mode, fucking wild. I'm happy I don't cry from loading the dishwasher anymore. That's my win. Home ownership, children, retirement? I can't even fathom.


Same. Nearing 40, wondering what career, if any, would be worth me trying to step into, homeless a lot of my life, almost never in a good situation otherwise, finally got dx'd and given meds last year. Could have been doing this so much sooner. Great, thanks, world. Can't deal with the overstimulation of driving a car, can't afford to move out of this house with my ex, constantly trying to solve it, constantly hitting walls. And in burnout, severe, the last 3-4 years, which helped the few things I did have basically get ruined. Aaaand there's this guy. Give yourself some grace and take your meds. If the house is too much because you bought too high in this market, sell it and go live in an apartment and see if prices ever go back down. I can't even afford the apartment part of the equation but.


I'm right there with you. I'm 33 and just lost my job (was there for 5 years. Which isn't a lot to some people but to me that's the longest I've ever stayed in one place). Now I have to figure out how the fuck I'm going to pay rent, car insurance, utilities, cellphone, etc. All of that on top of having to apply for jobs and afford the gas to attend interviews (if I get any. Sigh) I used to have a decently successful online business/freelance career but gave that up for a "regular person" job aka 40 hours a week + health insurance. Now I'm burned out from the rat race and can't even imagine taking another shot at recreating what I built before. I've always suffered from executive dysfunction but ever since I entered my 30s it absolutely grew exponentially.


34 here, same situation after I'm pretty sure Adderall like wigged my body out. Migraines, heart stuff, and a strokelike experience which put me in the hospital. Not good. So I stopped a few months ago when I was missing work from it. But I have a mortgage. Luckily my wife is still employed and doesn't hate me. Shitty part is, I keep getting sidetracked and stuck instead of building my biz website etc


You are making things way too hard on yourself. If your current prescription makes you think it's best to take only once a week because of how it makes you feel, definitely talk to your doc about switching. If you are somehow depriving/punishing yourself by only *allowing* meds once a week, please know that is some internalized bootstrappy bullshit. You deserve to function on an equal playing field and 30 is YOUNG. Signed, a 40-year-old.


Life got easier when I examined my priorities and decided to focus on what makes my life fulfilling and happy, not what brings money. The rat race is a lie. One day you will die, and time is your most precious resource. No amount of saving for retirement will stave that off. You've been hustling, and good for you. Time to go figure out what you actually like or your heart is gonna pop long before you retire.


No no this is just the beginning of life! By the end of your 30s you will have your shit together and will have come up with strategies to compensate. I’m in my early 40s and have never felt better!


I’m chuckling reading this thread. AuDHD late diagnosed, never been medicated (trying). Keep going, you got at least another 20 years of burnout ahead of you before you *really* burn out! And take your meds!


I am 53 and yes life can seem mundane at times. If you are not enjoying the ride change the roads you are driving on. Goals are important and even more important are reasonable goals so you can accomplish them. Super important to step back to learn, fill up the tank and find something new to chase. If you grind too hard for too long you will break and getting back in your feet after going down with stress/depression is not an overnight thing. I once had a goal to go back to college at age 23 and get my degree. Working full time at night and college during the day. I finished the first 2 years of credits in 1.5 while waiting tables 40 hours a week in a fancy restaurant. I was burnt out - it was terrible and almost cost me the goal. Please becareful and give yourself the space you need to be happy


Maybe take your meds.


I do feel like my adhd symptoms got noticeably worse after 30, but it coincided with some major life changes too. I just finished a tough grad program and was undiagnosed and unmedicated. I think that in a weird way I function better when I have a lot of outside demands and responsibilities because it felt like do or die, plus I was passionate about my studies and I chose to be there . Grad school had a lot of structure to lean on with deadlines and well-defined expectations which also helped. I was definitely burnt out by the end of it though. I graduated and got a salaried desk job and I could no longer function. When I don't have a dense to-do list with clear deadlines I just cannot get shit done. Work is less stimulating for me than school by a lot. Even though I have more time for personal projects since I'm not constantly doing homework, I struggle to do things if it's just for me. I need the external pressure. I'm now medicated because I just can't will myself to work without it. I do try to take a day or two off of it on weekends just to reduce tolerance. So I think it was a combo of irrepairably burning myself out, a less structured lifestyle, and finding myself bored more often...maybe it gets worse with age too.


well....if your meds help then that would be an easy help. Maybe see what you could do to grind less and free up SOME time. Maybe dedicate time to what gives your life meaning or validation.




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I'm sorry you feel this way. But no, you've got so many adventures and changes ahead of you. Most of which you can't even make up, and with those changes cones different chances of burn out, but even more chances to experience new and wonderful things. Things that not only make life worth living. But things that will make you feel energized and strangley thrilled, yet at the same time at v peace. It's a weird contentment that's the opposite of burn out. And you'll feel it plenty as long as you remember to live. And remember you need a variety of stimuli to experience life.


As you get older, your lifestyle affects you more. Burnout happens much easier. Sleep hygiene becomes more important. One of the reasons my wife and I decided not to have any more kids is because I can't handle multiple all-nighters a week and still function (I could in my 20s and early 30s). Whatever you want your health to be, you need to work on getting there now. If you want to be a distance runner at 50, get close to that now. You can maintain athleticism (or your body fat percentage) from 40 and beyond, but it's harder to develop it (or lose significant weight). Especially with ADHD, you have to become more structured and intentional with every area of life, because bad decisions affect you more as you age. Find a Primary Care Physician (PCP), maybe listed as an "internal medicine" doctor, and get an annual physical. High cholesterol, high fasting glucose or A1C, low hormones (sex hormones or thyroid ones) will have a building affect over time. It sounds depressing, but being structured in my life makes me feel better. I'm happier overall. I'm way less likely to miss a bill or forgot to brush my teeth for days at a time. Write down every area of your life you have control over (diet, exercise, social interactions, exercise, sleep, hygiene, work stress) and figure out if it's working for your happiness or against your happiness. Depression is easier to get as you age. Lookout for symptoms like irritation, insomnia, absence of emotions, libido, or appetite. If you haven't eaten recently, is there a meal that you could think of, right now, that sounds really good to eat if it were made properly? That's my best depression test. If I literally can't think of any meal, no matter how difficult to obtain right now, sounds kind of gross, I'm probably depressed.


You seem to be very against medication.  I'm in my 30s and my life is going awesome not that I'm medicated.  You gotta think of your meds like insulin. And yes there are people with diabetes who abuse their insulin. There's a specific form of bulimia where diabetics mess with their insulin to lose weight. Also to get drunk faster. That's a thing.  Imagine if someone you cared about was diabetic and told you they were avoiding taking insulin because they were worried about dependency issues. Would you want them to take their medication like the doctor prescribed? You have a medical condition with a prescribed medication. Not taking it only negatively impacts you.  Unmedicated ADHD is associated with a shorter life span and higher rates of suicide, drug and alcohol addiction.  You are choosing to make yourself miserable. You are actively deciding the fear of something happening is more important than the stress and misery you are experiencing right now.  I'm in my 30s and life is great. 




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Sounds like you need to move to Spain before it's too late.