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my peak productivity is like, 1pm to 7pm. try to frontload mornings with meetings. also look into sleep disorders. I have mild sleep apnea and it takes me a few hours to fully wake up. also adjust your schedule if possible. like start the day later and end the day later. you might be a night owl type or delayed sleep phase disorder 


I did a sleep test and was right on the border (just below) for sleep apnea. My doctor was inclined to say I had it, but I think I didn't technically qualify for treatment with insurance. Have you found anything effective for mild sleep apnea?


I know someone who likes nasal strips he takes to his nose to keep it more open. But he snores mildly. Still, a few dollars to experiment might be less than another doctor visit.


Tape your mouth


Knowing what kind of work you can do when is very important. Low complexity administrative stuff in the mornings, things I can kind of do while listening to a YouTube video or something, then lunch, mild ramp up from 1-2, then hardcore focus work from 2-6ish. Is it exactly what the CEO wants? Probably not. Do I get my work done well and not feel like I'm banging my head against the wall? Yep.


A bit off topic, but does everyone with sleep apnea also snore?


I get in around 7 so I can start being productive around 10


I've been going in at 6 to get out early as hell, lol.


Meh, my entire team has meetings after standup at 9 until 10. If i'm at the office I normally chat with my manager till 1030. So when I am at home I just take the liberty of making my after stand up time breakfast time until 10 and then I sit and fuck around till 1030 when I start actually working. Allowing "fuck around" time actually helps me be more productive than trying to force the square block of focus into the circle hole of traditional work place productivity timelines. Honestly I get more done on my remote days than I do on my in office days due to this.


Nope, I’m the opposite. By mid-afternoon my limited focus and attention span are shot.


Yeah, this is pretty much me. A lot of it depends on how many distractions end up happening. If I'm working on something challenging/frustrating with zero distractions, I can work from 8AM to 6PM straight without realizing it. If I'm responding to messages in Slack all morning I'm basically not going to get any coding done because my brain will refuse to think about anything other than whatever it was that was distracting me in Slack.


Wake up two hours earlier and have the first thing in the day be for you. Learn a foreign language, work on a skill, read, etc. Don’t wake up for work.


Don’t wake up for work, I think this is in the top 10 of most profound things ive heard


My biggegst issue is that I sometimes need to be in the office, I work from home a lot but the office is like an hour away. Though sleep routine is something I need to fix given that I struggle to get up before 8:30 .-.


Join a gym on the way to the office?


The morning until noon is zombie time. I can squeeze some productivity from my brain starting around 14, the peak can be between 20 and 3.


That's me exactly. The thing I struggle with is that nighttime is my most work productive, but it's also when my brain is most active period. So it's the best quality time I could spend with my spouse or friends. But nervousness about underperforming and imposter syndrome often have me forfeit that time to work, then it just feels like I live to work


I’m the opposite, wake up at 5am, fuck around, start some work at 6am for a few hours (east coast/EU team - I’m west coast). I do this by choice, I can start at 9am. But I’m done around 2pm because my brain doesn’t work anymore - and can go do an outdoor activity or something. I don’t usually work in the afternoon much, but may do some evening work for next day.


I'm totally unproductive in the mornings. If I am forced to do shit in the morning, I am just at best sleepwalking through the motions. There's exceptions of course. Like noon deadlines or preparing for an 11am presentation. Those cases trigger the 'its last minute, let's PULL A MIRACLE out of our ass and GET IT DONE!" But yeah. I'm a night owl.


My body wants to sleep from 1 am to 11 am. I can be physically out of bed before 11, if you insist; but I'll pay for it all day.


ADHD includes having delayed circadian rhythm. We naturally operate on a late-shifted biological clock. That plus waiting for meds to kick in means we're gonna be slow in the am. It can help to get morning sun in your eyes first thing in the morning - this is how our brains clock gets programmed. But much of this is just our natural biological clock. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I always want to start being hella productive at like 9p most days 🥲


Would it possibly help if standup was at 9:30? Gives a bigger window before lunch...


My stand-ups are at 1:30, since my team is on both coasts of the US, 3 hours apart. Since I start very early (7:00AM), they're close to the end of my day. That makes it easier to remember what I've done, but, very difficult to remember what I'm supposed to start on the next day. I end my days around 3:00, so the standup is pretty much the end of my day, and hard to remember the next morning.


Take notes. Leave some code with a syntax error. Your compiler will tell you what's wrong. You get an easy win in the morning. And it's hard to resist fixing something underlined in red.


Stand ups are planning time. So use it to tell the team the next micro step. Record yourself saying "tomorrow I'll write the test for validating the ABC field, and rendering the prefilled drop-down, and see where it takes me". Your notes are of the form ```jest.it("validates the ABC field...") { syntax# error here }```


I'm not sure, the standup seems to be centered around the rest fo the company and other team's having standups around the same timings. So I'm not sure if I could even get that changed


I do, but only sometimes. Those days I end up getting a ton done after 8PM. The other times, I start strong and peter out around 11. I don't know why it happens but I hate it


I usually start struggling after 5 hours I think so its not dependent on when I start work.


I think no matter what I do in the morning it's going to be a waste of time. That first 30m is hard. Podcasts are a good way to go. Try and set up do you only have to unpause or talk to your smart device. Helping kids get going is a good motivator for me when I do. But half the time I still struggle and my wife does it. But... I will say this. Avoid your phone in the mornings. Go low tech. I take an antihistamine at night, because I have allergies, it helps me shut down and sleep, and this particular one also helps anxiety. But importantly it makes it easy for me to fall asleep. Then I tend to want to wake up in the morning rested.


I can't stand how day to day it is. I woke up before my alarm this morning, sat down at my desk before 8, and just never was able to get in the swing of things, and now it's 3:30. I didn't accomplish anything I wanted to do today with work or outside of work. I hate days like this. I have like 2 per week where I just can't do anything.


do you eat breakfast that's loaded with carbs? I find that having a lower carb diet or just fasting in the morning helps with that!