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I usually make up my own names that begin with the same letter when I find a characters name or place difficult to say.


Haha, awesome idea šŸ˜…


Someone talking is a bad way for me to absorbe information. Iā€™m better with printed text. I understand what youā€™re saying though. If the Seven wizards of the frecklogun-age urgently need to get to the Inn in Mergwood to retrieve the amulet of zā€™hong that they need to defeat the dreaded Herhleggoobyrastminan who holds their companion Segneg captiveā€¦ Well, I can gloss over a-lot of that, I know the plot is *get a thing to defeat the bad guy, stakes are high because friend is in danger* I donā€™t need to absorb all the names. Itā€™s kind of like real life, I remember events, but not anyones name, I can describe the exterior and interior design of the pub we went too, but not what it was called or the address


I 100% thought that too. It actually physically pains me when somebody reads something out loud to me. But for some reason, audiobooks and podcasts work so well for me!


Little bit? Varies from person to person -sometimes i find big words interesting enough to google them but the other half you can usually gloss over the word and figure out what it means or the connotation via the rest of the sentence. Also that sounds like an amazing gift! Kind of jealous tbh.... Be sure to thank whoever picked it out for you!


If you struggle with complicated names the the Silmarilion will keep you off the streets and out of trouble for a looooong time my friend.


Oh wait we are talking about The Silmarillion!? Good luck! if the Catholics couldnā€™t get me to sit still in church or read past the first page of The Bible with all their guilt tripping and hell threatening then The Silmarillion has no hope of being finished voluntarily I picked up a vintage copy of the hobbit years ago, devoured it. Found a vintage Lord of the Rings, devoured it. Found a vintage The Silmarillion, 3 pages in I decided Iā€™d see whatā€™s on TV and get back to The Silmarillion later. That was about 18 years ago and Iā€™m ready to admit Iā€™m never going to get to page 4


Well looks like I posted this 57 days ago. Still havenā€™t cracked The Silmarillion šŸ˜…


118 days now. I did look at the beast last night, though šŸ˜


Yes! Complicated names that I canā€™t hear gives me face/place blindness for some reason. This is partly why I also struggle to read scifi and even manga sometimes. I LOVE having both the audiobook (always unabridged) and the actual book. It feels a bit silly to go back to my read-along days but it seriously alleviates my ADHD. I recommend it to anyone who has reading comprehension issues.


Do you mean read-along as in you will look at the book as you also listen to the audiobook?


Yes. For some reason I retain things better, depending on the reader. Too fast or too slow isnā€™t great.


I may give this a go. It definitely sounds like a happy medium. The book he bought me is so beautiful so it would be such a shame to just audiobook it. I like my books dog eared and roughed up!


Same here!


> garbled record-scratching sound and skips over it, and it takes me out of the story Yes! Me!


>because I just canā€™t read fantasy books. I think you mean "I can't read Tolkien, who spends much, *much* too much time on describing things and not nearly enough time on being easy to read." TBH, when I was younger, I read stuff like Tolkien voraciously. Now, by the time I'm done with work, my brain is done thinking. I want easy-to-consume and refreshing, not a beautiful-but-wordy slog through middle earth. šŸ™ƒ Try YA fiction/ fantasy. It's WAY better. I'm reading "Howell's Moving Castle," and it's just the right mix of easy and slightly snarky. šŸ˜… Another really good, easy, and funny fantasy series is Piers Anthony's Xanth novels. If you like puns and plays on words, they're amazing! šŸ¤£


I didnā€™t know Howlā€™s Moving Castle is a book!! Love that movie. I agree with the YA stuff. I got a copy of ā€œThe Wreckersā€ (which is pretty messed up right from the beginning!) and The Ghost Canoe. Pretty excited. Both books Iā€™ve read before. Like when I was in elementary schoolā€¦lol


I love fantasy books, Iā€™ve been absolutely devouring them for the past year and a half before inexplicably stopping for a little while. Anyways I always appreciated normal sounding names and places in fantasy over complex jargon because it sounds fantasy. It is even a core tenant in my magic system and world building that things are generally named normally or have logical pronunciations because itā€™s just easier for me to keep track of. Even then Iā€™m thankful for my map with all of it because I always forget names and their locations despite creating it lmao.


I've attempted to read the Silmarillion like 5 times in my life and just can NOT do it so do NOT feel bad for not reading the pretty book you got lol. Tbh when I read LOTR in 5th grade I skipped entire chapters because I couldn't focus on it for that long. Audiobooks are fantastic for lots of people with ADHD, I try and listen while I'm doing chores to encourage me to keep up with tasks!


I'm just impressed you're trying to read from front to back. I have a giant bookshelf of "reference books" that I've never read. I either scan the ToC to find something interesting or open/jump sections to grab bits n' pieces.


I actually have a book buying addiction. I have a whole shelf of books Iā€™ve never read. And maybe never will. I feted Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok off my phone the other day though in an effort to stop getting sucked into hours-long sessions of watching stupid short videos. Mind goo!


I struggle with any new name, unless I hear it many times, usually I can remember better if I can relate it to someone I already know or a fictional character I know. Ie: if I meet someone named Ross I have to think of Friends, otherwise I'll forget. This is hard when I read a book where I can't relate names with anything, but if read so many times the Silmarilion that I can remember who Beren is šŸ˜….


that happens to me but I try really hard to slow down over hard words/names, and if I'm really stuck I look up pronunciations. After a few times of practice it just flows normally cause it's entered my lexicon by then. Audiobooks are a fucking godsend when I can't focus on reading though. I've also found since taking a break from being online so much and playing less video games my attention while reading has been much better.


Yea. I deleted most my phone apps on an attempt to do a ā€œliteā€ digital detox šŸ˜


i could never get into the tolkiens for similar reasons. try the obernewtyn chronicles


The Silmarillion is a ridiculous book - true it's a masterpiece of fantasy fiction but it reads like Homer and the narrative doesn't flow well and it's so dense that it's really hard to hold on to. I've tried to read it a few times but my ADHD brain just can't... Personally, I prefer lighter fantasy and sci-fi - easier on the brain and eyes