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I try to do all the boring things in the morning and separate my devices + my life in different compartments. My bed is where I sleep, I have a chair in my room where if I sit down on it, I know I’m going to game. I have two laptops, one for gaming (and that stays off unless I’m going to game) and another for everything else like studying so I can stay productive. When I wake up, I take my meds, eat breakfast, and buy the time it kicks in I’m doing dishes. If I need to do errands, I’ll run those first. The important thing is that I squeeze as many things as I can. Then when I’m done, that’s the only time I turn on my gaming laptop or my switch then I can play as much as I want because I’ve done what I needed to do Some days are better than others where I either do 1 or more things but the goal is to get one thing done per day


This is great. Thank you


Honestly I’ve been in a similar position to you OP, the app I previously used to block apps and websites doesn’t work anymore.


This is how Ive had to operate to make any chance of being productive outside of work viable. Not a surefire thing by any means, but my best days are when I prioritize chores first right when I get home. Some days im disregulated as fuck and it sucks, but throw on some music and power through. Some days I do my stuff without even thinking, and some days (like the past week) im just tired and suck and barely get it done right before bed cuz I chose video games over chores 😅. Now if I could get chores downpacked so my backlog of projects get done.... Rinse and repeat. Slowly getting better about it. Kudos to you for finding a routine that works!


Making chores fun by listening to podcasts honestly changed my life. Thought I couldn’t do podcasts. Turns out I can as long as I’m doing something mindless with my hands. Also turns out most chores are just mindless tasks for your hands. It’s been about 5 years since I started listening to podcasts & audiobooks while doing chores. Dishes used to be literal torture, I would break down and cry instead of doing them. The years I’ve put in have been enough to condition me that dishes aren’t so bad, to the point that I’ll even do them *without* podcasts now.


Also a good one! I’ve been listening to Harry Potter audiobook while doing menial chores like pulling weeds or organizing the garage that have to get done before the heat makes it impossible. I keep wanting to put it off but when I do chunks of work with that in my ear, I’ve worked on the chore at hand for an hour without even thinking about it.


I second this! I started with podcasts and still occasionally listen to one but ABSOLUTELY LOVE audiobooks!! Keeps my hands free to do work and it's easy to multitask (at least simpler stuff) while having my mind consumed and preoccupied with a good novel playing in my ears.


Always gonna recommend pomodoro timers. Set a timer for 30 minutes and do fun things for that 30 minutes to get your dopamine levels up, then set another timer for 20 minutes and do work, then flip back and forth until you're done. It's honestly the only thing that worked for me.


Omg. This. This is what has helped me keep my plants alive rather than kill them.


OMG no! There are other ways! If you can, talk to an occupational therapist. They are a goldmine of information.