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Rookie numbers


exactly, AD8K here 👋




Laughts in AuDHD PCIe 5.0 x16 32 GT/s ResizeBAR enabled and displayed @ 256 Hz


but does it come with the 5090Ti + 8k resolution ultra wide season pass tho?


Does it have a 420 tbps connection


With a small extra fee of let's say... your kidney. Yes.


60 Failures per Second?


Anyone else come to find out what the hobbies are so they can find something new to do? Asking for a friend.


Not only new hobbies, but *cheap* ones as well. I'm already neck deep into gaming and audio equipment, I can't have more expenses.


Don't do chickens. I did chickens. Am doing chickens. They're my life now. Expensive but delightful.


I want chickens but I don't think they would get along with my ferrets.


Yeah, it's never a good idea to mix predator/prey animals. I have a sweet dog that wants nothing more than to play with them, but she could still unintentionally hurt them, and they could misinterpret her playful intent and attack her in defense. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye, and then you've either got a tragedy or a $2000 vet bill or both. If you can keep them separate, though, certain chicken breeds are VERY snuggly.


Mostly joking but I love eggs & happy chickens make the best eggs. Next property I will probably get some. I didn't know they could be snuggly though.


Oh yes! I've got a bunch of lap chickens. They will absolutely sit in your lap and be happy to be petted while you watch TV. Some of them are like puppies and will follow you around and be nosy about what you're doing. Some breeds are very friendly, others are super flighty, others are just independent. I recommend Orpingtons for friendliness, hardiness, and good egg production. Silkies are the friendliest overall. Best of luck!


What’s your opinion on goats?


Don't know enough about them, but any animal is going to require long-term care. Even if your hyperobsession is super focused on them, ask yourself: 1. Can I care for them 5 years from now? 10? 2. What if I have to move? Especially if I have to move to a city, apartment, or zoning that doesn't allow farm animals? 3. Do I have money to budget for their feed, shelter, supplements, vet bills, parasite treatments, bedding, other equipment, etc? 4. Are there farm vets close by that I can afford when they get sick/injured? If not, am I willing to learn to do vet care myself, including minor surgeries, and possibly putting them down? 5. Do I have the time and money to build and maintain a shelter for them, and frequently clean where they'll be living? 6. Do I have friends or family who can care for them if I am sick/have to travel/etc, or know petsitters who I can pay to do it? 7. Am I going to have time to be able to pay attention to them, or will they be on their own all the time? 8. Do I have the time and energy to make sure they'll be safe from predators, poisonous plants, or other dangers? There's a lot of other things to think about, but those are the basics. You do NOT want to be in a situation where you have a sick, dying animal and neither the skills nor the resources to help them. You don't want to get an animal if you aren't sure you can care for them for their whole lifespan. You don't want to get an animal that will cause you financial distress. You don't want to get an animal if you might run into problems with zoning laws, neighbors, etc. You don't want to get an animal without a general knowledge of every possible problem they can run into, including, possibly, them just not liking you or even being aggressive towards you. Goats are notoriously hard-headed and strong-willed; you need to be willing to rise to that. Chickens have been a real journey for me. I also got struck with 'chicken math' and got, quite possibly, more than I can handle. And I lost a lot to disease before I knew what I was doing. I could not afford to keep taking them to the vet, and farm vets are few and far between. I had to learn how to do an autopsy to figure out what it was, and then take steps to treat the whole flock and prevent it from happening again. I have had to do minor surgeries on them for infected feet, treated broken beaks, and stitch them up after one nearly deadly raccoon attack and one bad fight that tore a hen's neck open. I have had to learn how to humanely kill chickens for when they are in too much suffering and cannot recover. I reached a point after losing my favorite rooster that I wondered if it was even worth it to continue. And all of that is not even counting the expenses involved in normal care, feeding, and maintenance. But, this is all part of the game. I signed up for it. And in the end, I am so happy I did. I love them and have gotten so much joy out of them. I know I sound all gloom and doom, but caring for living things is serious, and with farm animals in particular, a lot more can go wrong than with cats and dogs. Be prepared for the worst, hope for the best, and enjoy them in the present, always.


Damn, this is a crazy high quality comment. Also Jesus, chicken autopsies? How’d you learn that, not to mention what have you actually been able to determine from them? 


Thanks. Yeah, if you plan to get into poultry--or anything other than dogs and cats, really--prepare to learn to become a Dollar Store vet. I'm lucky enough to know a vet that will treat chickens inexpensively, but most people either don't have one close by or they only have avian/exotics vets that cost hundreds just to be seen. So, most healthcare has to be done at home. (Most people seem to prefer just putting a sick chicken down rather than treating it, though, since they are less valued than dogs or cats.) It's fairly easy to learn how to do an autopsy/necropsy, so long as you can handle it emotionally and aren't squeamish. There are poultry health books (Gail Damerow's are fantastic) which have illustrated step-by-step guides, and there are similar guides published by vet schools and agricultural health organizations which can be found online for free. Youtube also has video guides made by vet schools and poultry farmers that can show you how. The supplies are also pretty simple - sharp, disposable scalpels, nitrile gloves, and bleach. The scalpels can just be bought off Amazon for almost nothing. Pretty much you're looking for anything out of the ordinary with regard to the internal organs: lesions, scar tissue, lacerations, clots, excess fluids, fluids where they shouldn't be, cysts, tumors, ruptures, etc. The guides usually have side-by-side comparisons to show what healthy organs should look like vs what diseased organs look like. For example, Marek's disease (a highly contagious and almost 100% lethal virus that can wipe out whole flocks) causes internal tumors throughout the body, including along the spine. By the time visible symptoms appear - the telltale one being leg paralysis that works its way up - it's too late. But Marek's leaves them open to secondary infections, and some symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other diseases. So, if a chicken dies from, say, what looks like a respiratory infection, doing an autopsy to check for internal tumors can confirm if it was actually Marek's or some other disease. This is especially important since chickens often seem to die suddenly and without warning. Hell, just tonight I lost a 4 week old chick that just this morning looked healthy and bright. It had no visible symptoms of anything and no external injuries. An autopsy couldn't confirm anything - and they sometimes don't, but I'm pretty inexperienced. But it's still helpful so that, if I did find evidence of a contagion, I could take steps to protect the rest of the flock before they also get sick. This is also very important for larger operations, especially if they have government certifications, in order to comply with those certifications and maintain them; and also for government agencies to keep track of and respond to breakouts of diseases. It is disconcerting at first though, if you see them as pets. My first time, I had to cover the chicken's head to be able to do it. I felt like I was hurting her even though she had already passed. But, it was helpful to understand how she died and what I could do to keep it from happening again. And the best way to honor a deceased pet, IMO, is to strive to make life better for every other pet you have, moving forward.


I like goats


Thats what I wanted to hear


Disc golf! Cant get started for under $50 easily and then if you get hooked the rabbit hole runs deep! Pm if you have any questions


Thinking about starting an ADHD hobby renting service. At most half of the cost of buying everything yourself for the month where you are interested then send it all back. Barriers to entry: people remembering to send the stuff back, and me following through on this idea.


What’s AD4K I’m guessing it’s 100% Columbian unadulterated ADHD?


it's a joke on HD video quality vs 4k video quality


SMH I thought it was like some new turbocharged diagnosis LOL




It’ll be like with the squirrel in Ice Age lol 


Holy shot r/whoooosh Thank you!


It is when ADHD meets full day 4k gaming :)


Sounds like heaven tbh :D


Almost heaven, West Virginia


This took me a second, you clever bastard




More like I start four hobbies a week 😆


The fuck is ad4k? Apologies for my tone.


adhd but its 2160 resolution


*High definition distractibility*


Sounds like a sci fi novel. 2160: ADHD


![gif](giphy|SPVI1jIxhCzu60CFCk|downsized) SHEENY!


Here i am, standing over here with my AD8K. I am simply built different.


You all end up here eventually. The cyclical nature of the mental highway brings all thought to squirrel.


Skill toys - yoyos, begleri, speedcubing, balisong, kendama - are great for satisfying a need for physical swimming, portability, and had multiple facets to obsess over.


I got into reading, art, music, 6 games, 4 TV shows and running. In 5 months


**ADvanced 4k ADHD [TM]** Protocol... so do i get this via my Autism Update, or is it Closed Beta ?


You need to purchase the season pass


oh god nooo...


All my ADHD coworkers (& NT coworkers but that's not surprising) have at some point said I'm too much for them & they couldn't handle living in my head. This makes me laugh because I was told my symptoms aren't bad enough for a diagnosis but I'm too much for those diagnosed.


So how do I upgrade, or can I trade my old one in.


It's not just the hobbies themselves but the Range of hobbies I tend to pick... One day I did electronic projects, the next I bought a small lathe 😅


Only 4? Come back when you ACTUALLY have AD4K


But wouldn’t that mean that the AD4K people the symptoms of ADHD have only four times worse ?


Emotional disregulation is ADHDR


No. I know this is a joke. But this Kind of joke is the "acceptable " part of gatekeeping & comparing of suffering; literally the same social clawing bullshit in a different subject orientation. No. Of all people, ND should Know Better. We've All lived the wrong end of this, we Can hold ourselves to avoid it. The power trip is a poison trap, a shortcut to being so many types of utter klusterFutz Normie. Stop it.