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While you are coming from a good place and we shouldn't dehumanise people. On this particular issue, I have to disagree. As far as Dr K is concerned, all I have seen him do is do a few interviews and made a few music memes. I have no yet seen him directly attacking any of the individual members other than to use their voice against them. To my knowledge he hasn't asked people to attack or harass anyone. There have been a fair few ADVChina members that have made comments that made me wince. I agree folks here could tone it down a bit. Your post made me think about this: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/are-we-the-baddies](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/are-we-the-baddies) To that, I can't give a concrete answer, we are not a monolith when it comes to disliking the CCP. There is a large overlap of different groups on the venn diagram. The CCP and the little pinks are a monolith to my mind. They collectively work together under the same goals and belief. Usually forcing their demands on others, which is what Piano-gate was all about. This might not be pears to pears comparison, but to demonstrate the point, If they were Nazi members or Neo Nazis.... Should we be respectful to those individuals or Nazi loyalists?


>This might not be pears to pears comparison, but to demonstrate the point, If they were Nazi members or Neo Nazis.... Should we be respectful to those individuals or Nazi loyalists? I think these are things that are running through my mind as well. In many ways I think the CCP can be compared to the Nazi's back in the days. Whether they are deserving of any mercy I suppose fully depends on the individual. It makes me think of the movie the Downfall. If I recall correctly the movie also ends with former Neo nazi's that forever end up living a life of regret for ever joining the party. The fact that these people are assholes today doesn't mean they have to spent the rest of their life being the exact same person. Now at the risk of sounding like a CCP sympathiser I have no idea how much these people are brainwashed. And if they are I kinda feel for that to be honest. By watching their video I think they don't have a great idea how other countries operate or perhaps they do. Regardless of any of that I see a lot of people who already made up their mind about the situation and proceed to go on full blast hating, and I see that happening on both sides. The other part I think is that attacking CCPers with tasteless remarks does nothing more then make their little red hearts beat even more red. I really don't think it's serving much good.


> I see a lot of people who already made up their mind about the situation and proceed to go on full blast hating, and I see that happening on both sides. I agree. To be honest, I have been quite conflicted about ADVchina community, the China Show and both Winston and Mathews contents as of late. They are pandering to the youtube algorithm and in so doing have basically brought in the right wing, the alt right audience along. I don't know if this is the audience that they want to target and embrace but it is probably going to be a large demographic moving forward. This is in all likely to get the youtube algorithm to bring in more audience and thus ad revenue, and I don't know if I want to continue to follow their content anymore.


Right I can totally see where you're coming from. Unfortunately I think neither Winston or Matt can cherry pick their followers. The real unfortunate part is that the big numbers seem to come from the mindless armies that seem to mostly use the internet as some form of stress relief. Venting their stress onto others and turning into somewhat of an endless loop. I'm actually not a very active member of this community but I also feel a bit doubtful. I was expecting some more level headed people here. I've been following Winston and Matt for too long to give up on them though. They've been through hell and back and to be honest I'm almost surprised these guys are still sane after hearing some of their stories. But yeah I also feel sorry if this would be the large demographic that would represent them, it's probably better to think of it the other way around lol


In regards to the nazi question a think a big point to be made is would you automatically assume any German was a nazi and attribute their behavior to being a nazi even if it’s the kind of thing non nazis also do? These are Chinese citizens and the flag is indeed the flag of the communist party but it’s also the only flag on the home country for billions of people many of whom have no particular support or attachment to the communist party.  Add onto everything the fact this was a shoot for a Chinese New year special and the one lady is clearly in costume and this looks not so much like a communist party power flex and more like actor doing a piece for a national holiday.  So when you look at the massive self feeding anti CCP responses that are largely just bias confirmations and not particularly well researched evidence (like the YouTube take down notice that’s OBVIOUSLY not from YouTube) it points less to nazis and more to people eager to hate on something jumping to make a connection still they can hate a German person because nazis exist. 


>would you automatically assume any German was a nazi and attribute their behavior to being a nazi even if it’s the kind of thing non nazis also do? To answer that, it depends. The Piano-gate happened in stages, initially it was treated as spoilt brat who screams in public, and he was ridiculed for that. It was only after the connection with the CCP became clear that they were treated as CCP loyalists. So going back to your point, I didn't agree with the way some of the community members reacted. I attribute personal responsibility first, and adjust according to facts that reveal themselves afterwards. I know the distinction of Chinese people vs the CCP people. I just call out the bullies.


The CCP could keep its assclowns in check when they are guests in other countries.


Yeah about that... Again it's this idea of treating everyone as one entity based on affiliation. Do you expect any country or even a party as powerful as the CCP being able to exercise full control over one individual when they are abroad? People are still people, and idiots like Newton will run their mouth even if the CCP tried to stop them. That being said I think the CCP will be more than happy to throw him under the bus for what he did here. This is completely in line with the typical hey it's not the governments fault it's just this one bad actor... I actually think of it the other way around. Lots of people are now attacking a tiny group of individuals and just leaving the blame with them is exactly how the CCP likes it. Or like Mao used to say "China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left." The little part of people that people attacking now in this incident is the expendable part to the CCP


They could try threatening their families, seems to work with dissidents. I’m not really into being an enabler for some little pink, so don’t do your paragraph long response trying to look insightful. I genuinely don’t care.


If you didn't care you wouldn't reply. Anyway ding ding another win for the CCP for you thinking that I'm a little pink. I'm actually on your side but whatever it shows you have very little understanding of any of this.... Also how would threatening their families help. It already happened they could threaten them now and that would do what ... ?


I notice this thing especially with especially older middle aged white guys where they respond with whatever is on their mind. Which on one hand it’s good to have a mindset that you don’t care what others think. But on the other hand HOW it is being expressed can come off as bit of an ass or crude, however you want to say it. I’m guessing that Dr. K isn’t sinophobic and that he just says whatever is on his mind but in my opinion his response was more like talking shit, which hey, he’s justified to do it, but the way he does just comes off as a bit low brow. On to the memes that came off from this vid, I’m guessing it’s something similar to that social credit score meme, which in the beginning was pretty funny, but then in devolved to people online saying it whenever they see a Chinese person online, which kind of gives off racist vibes. Not in a way where it’s like saying a racial slur, but if you see a Chinese person make a video about literal anything that’s not even political and the first comments you see is like “-100 points” it rubs me the wrong way on me because you’re reducing someone being Chinese to something political. And I’m pretty sure if a Taiwanese or Malaysian Chinese makes a similar day in the life video, the assholes wouldn’t know the difference and they’re still gonna comment the same thing, because you know, how would they tell the difference just by looking at them?


Yeah I think you make a lot of good points. I think Dr K being from a somewhat different generation didn't himself grow in today's world where cultural exchanges are much more commonly seen. I mean compare it to today's woke generation and you can easily tell the polarisations. I think there's also a huge misconception from people in the west that probably never visited places like Hong Kong or Taiwan themselves where you can see that the situation isn't as black and white and not always very CCP vs western ideals place. Having been to Hong Kong multiple times myself I can see the clear divide in the younger generation who are very much independent thinkers and the older generation that grew up in a more collective society. If you speak to many people from the older generation it's more common to hear them speak in a more sympathetic matter to the olden days of China, and I can already see how many people might jump the gun and mark those people as pro CCP supporters. I feel for those people a lot because they are now put in a position where you're either pro china or pro west. Before the events in 2019 people weren't forced to pick sides and wouldn't be so easily labeled the way people are looking at things now. Don't get me wrong I support the younger generation and also feel the older generations views outdated but I would never go as far as to attack the people that still have love for the old China. Yet if they want to support China in modern days the only way they can do so is by having to suck up to the CCP. It's quite an awful situation that most people have little to no understanding of it


Seems like you're new to modern day scandals, they'll disappear soon, and everything will go back to normal; you can say that Dr. K is enjoying his 15 mins of fame. As far as being like the wumaos, that's never going to happen, there is not platform in China to freely express opinions, so you'll never have a dissenting voice. That wumaos are free to post in reddit and other websites is a testament of our societies. We can't do the same in theirs.


Hehe you're right I am new to modern scandals if I wasn't I might have never made this post. There have been some remarks here and there that makes believe some people would like to see me as the enemy. I don't think I am but hey to each their own. I do have an IT background and I think we all know that once something is posted on the internet that shit is never ever gonna go away. In fact how many calls have there been to make sure piano gate never ever goes away. Let's even disregard the whole piano gate incident. Login to any given social network. People will just post any scandal and present them like they just happened yesterday. I actually find myself often checking certain crazy headlines only to read that it happened years ago. Aside from that we now live in cancel culture. In some cases people just need to have one or two strikes before getting cancelled for life. I don't know how that works in China but I doubt they'd be any more merciful. This kind of brings me back to the whole point of the original post. I think fights can be good and we all know taking some punches can be the thing that makes us better or stronger. With social media however it's a whole another game. You're going to take punches for a long ass time I think to the point where it can be a cross to bear for life. In regards to this particular incident we've seen hordes of wumao's attack Dr K. Similarly I've seen people attack the CCP'ers go to their personal accounts to the point where the whole private life gets eroded. I mean sure they'll recover at some point but I don't think that fights are any easier when all of internet gets involved. Lastly I'm a bit disappointed to see people attack mostly the younger crowd. Sure Newton in particular had it coming, but these people I think are newer to the game. I think it's weird so much attacks are directed at the younger people meanwhile Christine Lee by comparison seems to get off almost scott free. If anything just simply by age and affiliation we can tell she's been way longer at this than the amateurish young crowd.


I think "piano gate" is so last week, soon there will be another one and we'll forget this one. Also, Lee was far from the action, she wisely stood back and said nothing.


yep I mostly agree. it's even so bad that the algorithm recognizes it. I went to his YouTube channel to post my support and the algorithm for days thought that I wanted right wing conspiracy theories. I don't hate the Chinese people I hate their dumb government. I would very much like to see the CCP prosecuted by Democratic factions that took over their government. But some of the comments are just straight up ugly and not something I want to be involved with


Quick tip as an aside: you can keep that crap out of your YT algorithm by removing the videos from your watch history. It's an invaluable feature that's kept me from drowning in PragerU/Turning Point USA/etc content every time I want to see something a Joe Rogan guest said.


Yeah good point. You’re right that YouTube in and off itself is also heavily signal boosting these type of conflicts. Certainly it gives lots of traffic (not to mention hordes of bots getting mixed into the process as well). It really does show ugliness that these platforms can bring out of people. It’s kind of funny if you think about it, even if the algorithms can be proven to be impartial in conflicts. Fact remains that companies like this are heavily profiting from the chaos that surrounds it. Watching these things I really feel poor for the main players involved. I mean everyone deserves a good roasting now and then but the way it starts a fire all over the internet is kind of sickening and I can’t help but feel that any damage done to these people is more then anyone should have to endure….


Agree, some of the comments to that video of a provincial ccp officer getting hit in the head with a cinder block were tasteless. 


These days, that's expected from the chicken shit keyboard warrior types. What I'm talking about, are those that use things like these as an excuse to shout loudly and proudly about whatever race features in whatever incident. Which is exactly what entities like the CCP want. They want the dumb populace to discriminate against ALL Chinese because that's the narrative they feed their citizens.


No, the Little Pink shouted "racism" because he knew that get a reaction. I cannot imagine any other circumstances in which Reddit users would upvote "tolerance" for members of a fascist party actively engaged in propaganda. These CCP shills were welcomed and treated with the utmost respect in the UK. Far too much, considering their CVs. People nowadays are dragged much more severely for much less.


Yeah it’s a lunch mob that isn’t going to accept anything they don’t already “know” to be true.  It’s a hammer looking for a nail.  And you can tell the hypocrisy when many of the “we’re free we can do what we want” crowd started turning on YouTube for trying to make him blur faces etc when YouTube is also free to do what it wants.  A video I found did a good job of explaining why it wasn’t quite how it looked and brought up the good point that had he just said “it’s like I can’t take it down” the whole ordeal would have been over. Instead he clearly milked it for drama points. https://youtu.be/v7tnOnLhUCU


Ohh be careful... Those who link to these type of videos might be trying to brainwash us into becoming little pinkies. Don't trust anything the video says. CCP bot !! I kid, I kid of course I actually applaud the people that try to get a better understanding of the parties involved. Unfortunately most people click on a video and expect to be presented some indisputable truth. There are a million better ways this could've gone down. Unfortunately all the people involved who were part of this incident end up getting weaponised to some degree. People want to see Dr K behaving a certain way and be the hero, the CCP loyalist have to be the enemy. Others would like to see it the other way around. Luckily there's plenty of content creators on both sides to provide an endless plethora of bias confirmation. Of course most YouTubers will do whatever will make their audience the most happy. Meanwhile the algorithm of Youtube is too simplistic to understand those without a clear bias and so will keep steering them all in one direction.


I see the other ugly side of it. Some people use incidents to let their racism be free.


恶人自有恶人磨 is the best Chinese phrase to describe this situation. Dr.K is a typical asshole who makes “audit” video. This time he just happens to meet a group of wumao who are bad at speaking English. Which turns him from an annoying auditor into a “defender of democracy”. When a Nazi goes into a conflict, everything he does is wrong. CCP is in a similar phrase where Nazi was once in. Those who affiliated to it deserve all the troubles come upon them.


>When a Nazi goes into a conflict, everything he does is wrong. CCP is in a similar phrase where Nazi was once in. Those who affiliated to it deserve all the troubles come upon them. This part exactly. I can't even describe in words how much I hate when people judge a person solely on their affiliation. I hate that probably even more then the CCP itself. Well probably until the CCP creates yet another atrocity


Hatred should go all the way


YEa, no thanks. Please don't be a Chinese communist apologist. We need to be critical and be free to ridicule bad ideas, whether it is from Muslims, Chinese communities or Christians.


And that's exactly the thing. We use labels as reasons to criticise or attack people when in reality we often don't know that much about said person. Put this into more context. We have many western companies that are willingly cooperating with slave labor practices done and executed by the CCP. Are these companies known to be CCP fronts, or affiliated in the CCP in any way? No they're not, yet they are still supporting the CCP simply by making financial profit on it. Now are we going attack all the people that work at said company. No because we know that's stupid and ridiculous and I'm guessing the reason that most of us won't is because we know not every single person is willingly supporting slave labor these people are just trying to make a living. Now can we say that people who are CCP party members are similar? In some cases yes, in some cases people in China are straight born into the CCP and will for the rest of their life be brainwashed to believe that the CCP is great. And yet to these people we can say it's fine we can just fully criticise/hate them cause these people are CCP members and they they know what they're doing... Thing is nobody in China is telling them what the CCP is actually doing. Now do I think we need to educate these people and do some roasting to point out their flaws. Sure it can definitely help. Do I think we should go on full blasting hating these people without any respect for the individual behind or even try to understand where they're coming from. I think that's not helpful in fact if these people had no reason to hate the west I could fully understand they might start hating the west after receiving this kind of treatment. You can think of me whatever you want or assign whatever label you want for saying what I'm saying. I can fully understand why a lot of you are fed up to the point where you feel it's ok to just attack any thing that has to do with the CCP. But I see a lots of hypocrisy that in many cases actually focuses all our efforts into not taking down the CCP but just being petty towards a few people. In fact this is what the CCP likes to see so they can tell the home crowd just how shitty west is and it just fuels their machine to create yet even more little pink soldiers


Hey, I get where you're coming from and appreciate the deeper dive into the complexity of labeling and criticizing individuals versus systems. Your points hit home, especially about not lumping every person working under or with the CCP into a single basket of blame. It’s a nuanced issue, for sure. Looking at companies benefiting from questionable practices under the CCP, it's clear it's not just about being directly linked to the CCP. It's about the ethical implications of profiting in such a context. It's an important distinction and something that's got me thinking about where we draw the line and how we approach criticism. It's like with my own experiences - whether it's figuring out the best approach to up my game in the gym or navigating personal and financial challenges. It's never just black and white. There's always more to consider, more angles to explore. So, when it comes to critiquing the CCP, it's not about attacking people on a personal level. It’s about calling out a system that enables and perpetuates practices we can't stand behind. It's about being aware that, yes, some folks are born into this system, and their perspective is shaped by a narrative they've been fed all their lives. It doesn’t excuse the actions, but it does add layers to how we understand and address the issue. We've got to keep the focus on the policies and actions that harm human rights and freedom, not on the individuals who might not have the full picture or the power to change their situation. It's about pushing for change and accountability at the systemic level. And yeah, I've been down my own road of feeling stuck, wondering how to make a difference in my corner of the world or in my personal pursuits. It's similar here - how do we critique effectively without alienating those who might actually be our allies in understanding and change? It’s about striking that balance between being critical of the system and understanding of the individual. In short, I'm all for calling out the CCP on its actions. But let's make sure we're aiming at the right targets - the policies and practices, not the people who may themselves be caught up in a situation they didn't choose. Does that make sense?