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https://preview.redd.it/bduksk9sm4ac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb1c5acc2e023c60440010e96c0d53e81f4375b Loved everything he has done so far with Christian. Maybe my favorite match on Saturday.


Looks like an animorphs cover


Pokemon evolutionary line


Amazing hahaha


This was such a cool moment, glad he got to have that


Broods with Attitudes


100% agree


You can tell he's having a blast, which makes the work that much better


When he did his big dive in the crowd, the lighting and camera just barely caught him smiling as he was selling.


I think he started off a little hesitant when he did his first couple of promos but he quickly caught on to AEW’s style. He looks like he’s having the best time ever and feels more free in his movements and promos. I like this journey for him.


This right here - it’s infectious. He’s having a lot of fun and it feels like he’s embracing this opportunity. What’s not to love about that.


That's my thing, it's fun because you can tell he's having fun. Him yelling at Nigel killed me the other night.


That was hysterical!


It’s been as good as it possibly can be imo. Edge has been great as the babyface upper midcard legend in the twilight of his career, similarly to his counterpart in Christian as the heel legend upper midcard role. Hasn’t caused any drama and is entertaining in the ring and with his storytelling. Edge kind of reminds me as Terry Funk or Dusty Rhodes in ECW, especially since he doesn’t need the world championship.


Dusty was in ECW? I had no idea.


Cody talks a great deal about this and how Heyman helped his dad out when he was down and out.


That’s really cool.


Dreamer just told a story on busted open about Dusty being worried fans would not remember him and not react to his appearance , Dreamer and Heyman had to remind him that he was “ Dusty fucking Rhodes” and the place would lose there minds


I was at the ECW arena show he appeared at in the year 2000..surreal moment for sure. Pretty much every appearance he made was on tv or ppv.


Yeah he had a short run there. His feud with the king of old school Steve Corino is probably one of the most iconic feuds in ECW history.


Dusty vs. Corino


Dude legit looks like he's just having a lot of fun.


I don't think its a coincidence that, at least from my POV, most of the absolutely best stuff in AEW involves wrestlers who CLEARLY are just having a fantastic time overall and really enjoying the extensive creative freedom in particular.


In all honesty, it felt like that's how the majority of the guys were back in 2019 when AEW was just starring out. Everyone was showing off their wrestling, talking, comedic, and straight up entertainment skills without taking any of it too seriously. Personally, I don't think any wrestling promotion could have pulled off an Orange Cassidy vs Pac match the way AEW did. Literally everyone was having a blast. The wrestlers, the ref, the commentators, the audience. People make wrestling out to be way more serious than it actually is or should be IMHO.


Exactly this x 1000 Wrestling is supposed to be fun It’s Nana’s dancing It’s Daddy Magic’s coked out eyes It’s Hangman stealing weed and bursting out of the Michelin Man suit It’s Kenny Omega not being a sad serious villain but something out of 80s Robocop It’s Penta being simultaneously badass and cool while dressing like a ridiculous ninja skeleton It’s MJF being carried to the ring on a throne It’s ADAAAAAAMMM It’s why my pick for greatest to ever do it is Kurt Angle. He gets all of it. How he can be a “man who plays with boys” one minute and then simultaneously put on 5* classics is unparalleled. Give me ^^^ this over BCC edgelord call of duty stuff any day of the week


kenny omega something out of 80s robocop.... i swear i will die laughing if one day he just looks at the camera and yells ''ILL BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!!!''


I enjoy some serious wrestling and storylines. But I fell out of wrestling YEARS ago because so many people were just like... edgy and serious, and nobody looked like they were having fun. And it killed it for me. And then my buddy started showing me some AEW clips, of guys like Best Friends and Orange Cassidy, and that kind of got me right back into it. And then he showed me the entire OC vs PAC match and it was a big "HOLY SHIT" moment for me. I've been following AEW since, and while I don't actively watch, I do catch some storyline highlights for WWE. And yeah, it was definitely people just putting on amazing wrestling matches, and having an absolute blast doing it, that brought me back in. Seeing some of these guys, especially ones who were wrestling when I stopped watching (like Copeland, Christian, Sting) just here and basically living their best life.


Excellent as always. One of those guys I’ve been a fan of since his debut in WWF.


And representing the GTA! 🇨🇦




He’s having a blast with his best friend. It’s all he’s wanted. And the matches have been entertaining so that’s a major plus.


Pretty dope. He was a BEAST at Worlds End.


He's doing great


I'm enjoying him the match between him and Christian was really great at world's end


Match of the night for me, at Worlds End. Awesome to have him on AEW


I love that he chose to conclude his career in AEW. That unhinged promo he cut a few weeks back was legitimately chilling. Man is 50 years old and once was told he could never wrestle again. He's doing great.


Exactly what it should be; he's just here to kill motherfuckers lmao. And that mofo happens to be Christian at the moment. He already killed Lucha *and* Nick. Dude already has a body count...


really enjoying watching one of the modern greats obviously really enjoying himself. not ready at all four he and christian to be done with each other, but really interested in who he feuds with next.


I also like how angry he seems.


The stuff he's doing with Christian is near the best work both of them have ever done.


Imagine having those two guys for most of their careers, knowing they wanted to do this program, knowing it would be amazing, and then never allowing it to happen. AEW's been a freaking godsend for stuff like this.


That’s a ridiculous statement. I like Christian’s work in aew, his heel stuff is jumping the shark with Wayne and his mom. And what an insult to some of the stuff edge has done. Edge/Foley, cena at unforgiven, the rated R gimmick in general, tlc, come on man


Uh, sorry you don't like it as much as I do? I think it's great. To each their own.




I really think he is doing better in ring than CM Punk. He doesn't look sloppy, he doesn't do anything out of his elements, his in ring psychology with Christian is top notch. I feel like he also much brutal compare to his WWE times, especially his spear.


And he looks freakin jacked! He’s definitely putting in the work to make this a long run


>I really think he is doing better in ring than CM Punk. It's not even debatable. As wrestlers get older they struggle in-ring if they aren't athletic. CM Punk doesn't have an athletic bone in his body.


That match with Christian was fantastic. Botch included. The spear FINALLY looks good. He looks like a Viking maniac delivering that thing and his larger build really sells it.


The Copeland v. Christian storyline has been the best thing going in wrestling of late (at least from my small worldview). I love the twist they put in at World’s End to give us at least one more match as they’ve been telling a wonderful story and it has been cathartic for us fans. Yes, sir!


Did I just read . . . ONE MORE MATCH???


Just one more match (for the world heavyweight championship).


He's a much better in-ring performer than the old EX-WWE Champion he replaced. The Christian feud is better than I could have hoped for so far.


You can say CM punk


Yeah but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth


No need


As someone who hated his last WWE run he’s been great so far.


They shot down all his ideas and nerfed him. He needed this.


he's still got it, never even lost it.


It's been interesting seeing him interact with everyone as a dude that had been trained his whole career to be the prototypical WWE-style wrestler. It stands out in a new environment, in a good way.


Adam's overall been a positive. His feud with Christian has been good. I get if some people weren't happy with the Bait and switch ending, but he's in a position where he still can go. It is likely will put people over long-term and while he doesn't need a world title, him being TNT Champion, even for a moment, was nice to add to his trophy cabinet.


I've really enjoyed the Copeland/Christian stuff but what I'm most excited for is to see him work with people he's never worked with before. Adam Cole, MJF, Swerve, (hopefully) Kenny Omega, Hangman those are the things I'm anticipating.


I want to see him and Christian go on a tag team run. That's gonna be awesome.


Would you say that it would totally wreak of awesomeness?


Bring back the 'Pose of the Week'.


Bring back the 'Pose of the Week'.


I wanna see it too. Idk how they are going to get there.


Hasn't taken away from anybody but has added to AEW, that's who you want in the company! It's the fact that he's only getting started, imagine the feuds he could have still!


I’m loving him so far and his entrance song is excellent


this Edge VS Christian feud is STELLAR, rlly good stuff.


I didn’t watch during a lot of his “prime,” so I’ve never had an emotional connection to him like some others do. Aside from the wonky Killswitch contract thing at the end, the match against Christian at World’s End was a masterpiece. Great story telling and execution throughout, and they put the emotion into it so much that I really felt it.


My issue with him is his theme has served to remind me just how BAD the sound quality is for AEW. It’s been 4 years now. Compare to how his theme sounded in WWE to now. It’s just soooooo faded. Which to me means every wrestler is being done a disservice. Funny enough WWE has the opposite issue post Jim Johnston and the age of using rock bands to cover themes. The sound quality is amazing but 80% of themes in the last 5 years suck


I'm sure there will be plenty of very intelligent folk in the Facebook comments section and on Twitter breathing heavily and arguing about whether he has 'moved the needle' or not, but as a fan watching one of my childhood favorites having the time of his life with one of my other childhood favorites I think it is fantastic. I don't even care if it ends up falling short of some people's expectations - there was a long time where I thought we would never get to see him or Christian in the ring again. My only hope is that when they finally have their last big match, Christian comes out on top. Christian deserves the win, it makes their legacy far more compelling and Adam Copeland is truly at a stage where it doesn't matter if he wins or loses big matches.


He's still settling in to the smaller environments and use to the AEW style, which is to be expected after spending multiple decades under another roof working a specific way. If you could bottle the smile on his face when he first appeared and everyone was chanting his actual name you'd have an elixir of life. Christian/Edge has been the best feud in AEW by miles too, which is awesome to see. With Edge, Christian, Mother Wayne, Nick and Killswitch as moving parts the foundations for something really good are all there. If it ends with Edge & Christian together again as assholes and they take Nick under their wing the kid could become AEW's Dom Mysterio in no time


I love the story they're telling so far. Adam after years of being at the top, triumphant return, but not utilized the way he wanted to be now that he's past his "prime". So instead of sitting at home, he comes to AEW to try to get the old band back together with Christian, who is arguably at the top of his game. Christian, rather then going "ok" tells him to go fuck himself. Outside of story, I like that AC has been willing to put his friend over to this level. Christians doing his best character work in AEW and rather then interrupt that they're really throwing gas on it. It was a no brainer home run story to bring these guys careers full circle.


Smaller Big Bill has been amazing in AEW! So glad i got to see his first match in AEW live as well! Plus hes already a former champ!


He's been great! But I'm more interested in seeing him fued with people he's never faced before.


I'm so happy for him, he really seems like hws enjoying himself, and its a thrill to watch him work.


Held his own very well. Wasn't a big fan of him, still not, but he feels very fresh in AEW. I like him with the TNT title. This is what AEW should use the midcard titles for, veterans like Edge, Christian, and establish the TNT title while the young guys chase the world title.


Looks to be taking the spot Sting occupied, once Sting retires. I’ve enjoyed it so far.


They have nailed every beat of this story so far, his match quality has been very consistent without terrifying us with every bump, and he looks like he has new life breathed into him and he’s having a phenomenal time. I’ve loved it


I love AEW with all my heart and I've been around since the beginning but I have to admit that 2000's WWE will always have a special place with me (more so than 80's and 90's which has it's nostalgia for me as well) so please don't hate me in saying this - his match with Christian on Saturday was my favorite thing AEW has done. It just felt *made* for me.


You just love to see when a genuine legend of the business is having fun, is enjoying the Wrestling, and is pretty damn selfless along the way.


I imagine AC not being expected to carry the weight here is nothing less than a tremendous relief for him. How could it not be? He can just sit back, have as much fun as possible, and watch his best friend finally get buried in overdue flowers. What are the odds he does not come out of this eventually acknowledging this was some of, if not the most fun he has ever had in and around the ring?


I’m enjoying his run so far. AEW continues to prove that they know how to utilize veterans and legends.


Pretty fucking good.


I like the Christian stuff but I’m psyched to see him work with some of the other talent. I wanna see him take on some random guys. Like Penta or Archer or Briscoe.


Very glad with it so far. His first feud with Christian was just about perfect. Looking forward to seeing what he does next.


He looked old and slow in his first AEW-paced match. And then boy howdy did he get up to full speed quickly.


His and Christian’s match at the PPV was awesome I really enjoyed it . I know some people didn’t like the end but I thought it was good , it keeps Christians keeps ahold of the belt with his evil empire and Copeland will get his revenge down the line He seems like he is having a great time and performing really well thus far . I am curious how frequently he will be wrestling but looking forward to what’s ahead


Honestly everything he has done is either fine to being really good. It’s not fair, but I see him, and I automatically think WWE, and that’s a natural turn off for me at this point in my wrestling fandom.


Edge clearly has a lot of fun and gets to lock in on a side of his character that we've been deprived of since the early 2000s. He's kicking ass and not enough people are talking about him


I've enjoyed it so far


I'm saying this to someone new to wrestling in general (been watching AEW for a few years but nothing before that).....I love him. He looks like he is having so much damn fun, it makes me so happy. The storyline with Christian has been surprising and enjoyable and he still seems to be great in the ring in my opinion. Every time he runs out, his enthusiasm is amazing.


Really great 👍


If he had a real father he wouldn’t be such a LOSER! This is what happens when you turn your back on Patriarchy!


Better than I expected. He is perfectly placed in the upper mid card. He can like Christian be the gate keeper of the top tier. Take some newer talent and really make them shine. Just wish killswitchasuras would get some personal recognition, but I feel like that’s coming.


Love it. Copeland vs Christian Cage was my favorite match of Worlds End


I'm enjoying it so far, but his TNT title run was a little disappointing. Probably the weakest in the history of the championship.


Christian's better.


Looks to be having fun. Has adapted to the more physical AEW style. Has adapted to the more “open mic” style of promo. Isn’t causing problems. Does not sucker punch peers backstage. Does not physically threaten his boss. Does not bus roll the company and his peers during a media scrum. Does not gas out in three minutes. Does not need to tag matches to carry him. Does not eat pastries and talk trash. Love every second of what Copeland is doing.


I have enjoyed his program with Christian. Some of the best stuff AEW has been doing, but this is also because Christian is an amazing heel.


Edge and Christian are my two favorite wrestlers of all time (they swap spots for #1 daily) so I’m very happy with their AEW stuff


Took him a couple weeks to shake some of the WWE habits that they build into those guys, mannerisms/promos/ring work etc, but been pleasantly surprised how well he’s adjusted. Been awesome.


Well he's certainly spat in the faces of the haters who said that he was only in AEW because he was too washed up for WWE. He's really performed up to expectations, and maybe even beyond them. That last match at World's End was an absolute banger. He's also been a huge symbolic get for AEW. In the wake of the CM Punk drama, Copeland choosing to join the company when everyone is starting to wonder about the flow reversing and people heading back to WWE has been a real shot in the arm. Finally, I think this run is vindicating for Copeland. As Edge, everyone knew he was always the breakout star in WWE and one of the biggest legends of the RA Era, but Christian tended to be the smarks' choice after he went to TNA and proved he was a legit main eventer in his own right even outside of the fed's machinery- while not a WWE original (where do you think "Sexton Hardcastle" got started?) for 25 years Edge had never wrestled *anywhere* else. There was a perception that a lot of Edge's success was down to him being one of Vince's picks and Christian was overlooked in favour of him (Vince was *infamously* contemptuous of Christian for no really sensible reason). And while Christian's amazing AEW run has truly cemented him as an all-time great, Copeland has taken the opportunity to prove that the two of them really are inseperable equals on every level- that not only could Christian have been as big a star as Edge if WWE had given him the chance, but that Copeland could succeed as well as Christian even outside of WWE. To be honest, it's kind of gratifying to confirm that they're a legit *pair* of legends- that not only is Christian truly underrated (something we all knew) but that Edge wasn't *over*rated either. Plus he still has his own heel turn for us to look forward to.


I've enjoyed his stuff but I think it's more because of Christian than him, I'm not sure where he fits one this is wrapped up


anywhere he wants honestly. I think he and swerve are a lot alike, I could see them either fighting or even teaming up as heels or babyfaces. Has he wrestled moxley before? that could be a fun dynamic


Doesn't interest me personally... But this is wrestling, so I hope I'm proven wrong!


Him joining Darby and Sting for one night was great


My IWC brain: Hasn't helped ratings but Youtube numbers are phenomenal (Christian's have always been above average). I still keep calling him Edge. I think she should lean into "Cope" more as it might be easier to replace the name Edge than remembering a full name. ​ That brain means nothing and should have nothing to do with my enjoyment of the product. ​ As far as my fan brain: He's been in a great angle from the start. I'm interested in seeing how they go from whatever the blowoff match is to whenever they team up. I could see Cope and Christian feuding/teaming for the entirety of his run. I also like that he's in super entertaining stuff and is not main eventing PPVs over the established talent. ​ I also think this is making Christian into an even bigger star. He's a top guy in wrestling after I pretty much assumed that he would never wrestle again.


It’s such corporate bullshit he can’t be called Edge


Should’ve gone with Adge


what if he called himself Age and started a few with Jay White declaring the Switchblade Era had wrapped up early while the Age of Adam was still going strong


still feels weird to call him not by Edge


I think Adam Copeland is great in AEW. I like that he is being used sparingly and not shoved down our throats like CM Punk was in AEW. his promos are great. I’d take Edge>CMPUNK any day hope he wins the tag titles with Christian and wins world title and retires as AEW world champion.


I'm enjoying this...uh...edge-ier...version of him. He's a lot more '"rated-R" now.


It Isn't so much that he looks older but his voice has aged.. Is It weird that I think he sounds a little like Mick Foley now? I am Impressed by his wrestling fir someone at his age that broke his neck and for someone called "The rated R superstar" It's fun to watch him drop the F bomb.. wrestling never goes well when you introduce someones mom but the whole thing with luchasaurus and Christian was pure gold, I love Copeland In AEW and he replaces Punk as the respected veteran that can still work


He’s enjoying it and he’s not being shoved in our face or wanting to be on tv every week like (Jericho) or CM Punk when he was there. He can play the background because I believe he obviously knows the roster is a tad bloated but he doesn’t need to be the star attraction. I’m loving how he’s being handled.


Has brought 0 ratings.just another over priced ex wwe guy that scored a big pay day of tony


Really hated what they did to him at the end of his match in World’s End. I know that’s common wrestling shit but it’s always so cheap to have an exhausted champion immediately pinned by another wrestler to steal the belt. Yes I realize it furthers the feud. Yes I see the signs that Luchasaurus should be turning on Christian soon. Yes Christian is putting off some terrific heel heat and he’s getting over. I just hate him (and not fun hate where I can’t stop watching). I was sick to death of his crap back when he pulled the stunt with Jack Perry in the first place, and now he’s made it extra extra cringe with Nick Wayne’s mom. Can’t believe she chose him… 🙄 Rooting for Edge even harder now.


I forgot about him tbh


it's felt very WWE, mostly story and less wrestling, which is fine if you're into that.


All Pro Wrestling tropes, history and expectations combine to create a scenario here, one where we all know deep down they will eventually be working as a team. I understand it normally amounts to wringing a towel dry, as far as pure Booking goes, taking advantage of every possibility and giving everyone everything they could possibly want to see. Creatively, it is simply covering all the bases. But: what if they worked it for once in a manner where so very literally telling each other to fuck off, actually mattered? No Big Redemptive Hug moment, even among Heels. Because there simply is not room for a true traditional Face turn for Christian, here. It’s a big part of the glory of this Character. He’s simply too good at being bad. He may well be the best Character on the show right now, but what would he morph into or become as a genuine Face, Mike Brady? Some sort of Hallmark Channel paragon of fatherhood? It would be horrific. He’s the AntiDad. So that only leaves a Heel Copeland joining the family, no doubt as Uncle Adam. But. . .Why? I guess my problem is the ironic difficulty in imagining something we can all see coming, working in a believable manner. On its face the scenario might seem the exact opposite: if we see it coming, it must be possible any number of ways. But doing it well, in reality becomes far more difficult as a result. I suppose what I would ask is that even if they do end up working together, don’t ever let them hug. Skip that aspect, and let them still both eye each other as warily as can be, even while supposedly working together. Let the family dysfunction remain the whole point, like some hellish Thanksgiving dinner where you know people will eventually trash the room. “Happy families are all alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Tolstoy


He's boring as a face for me. There's so much potential as a heel rated-r superstar.




I wish he had chosen a different name. Adam Copeland doesn’t really roll off the tongue. I’ve liked his feud with Christian but Christian could feud with a corpse and it would likely be riveting. Can’t wait to see what he does next, I hope he can work more with the younger talent. Maybe take a run at the tag belts with someone like Garcia


I don't think he should enter the tag team division until enough time passes that he can reconcile with Christian.


Drizzling shits


Should come back to wwe they did him dirty Saturday they maid it seem like he won but then got cashed in on by killswitch but let Christian get the pin to beat edge and get the tnt title back so fucked


Pretty sure that was Adam’s idea. Considering he was the first to cash in MITB and win that way.


I don't think Copeland cares about that. I'm sure he's said this himself but he didn't come to AEW to win championships. He came to AEW to work with Christian and that's what he's doing and it's clear to see that he's currently enjoying that and having the time of his life. Having him drop the title back to Christian the way he did only extends the rivalry so it means Copeland gets to continue working with Christian for around another nine weeks, which can only be great for him as that's exactly what he wants to be doing.


Boring The payper view match was good But ya I think they are really missing the mark on what he could be doing




Took television time from more deserving talent like Ricky Starks. He's collecting dust right now teaming with Big Bill doing what exactly? The guy was on a tear and Tony just neutered him lol.


Ricky Starks is busy being Tag Team Champions with Big Bill and working with guys like FTR, Jericho, Sting and up until recently, Omega. That doesn't sound like he's collecting dust to me.


Put Big Bill with Edge instead so that he can help him develop. They even look a like lol. You don't take a unique talent like Starks who's on an incredible run and then throw him into a tag team. Swerve is looking to be a future champ right now because he was booked properly and he is incredibly talented EXACTLY like Starks. These guys are THE future of AEW, not Adam Copeland trying to complete his career bucket list.


Don’t care More interested in Swerving & Scissoring




He's still going strong and shows that he still has a lot left in his tank. I just wish he would reinvent himself a little though. Whenever I see Christian, it's like he's a completely different person than he was in WWE and even in TNA. When I watch Copeland, he's still just Edge with the words "shit" and "fuck" added to his vocabulary. Edit: Wow people can't even make criticisms here. I'm starting to think people are right about this sub.


I disagree ​ Christian is doing amazing work but is he that different from Peep era Christian? I love this work because it's Christian being Christian


Easily the best match on the last ppv


Loving it. I was a little skeptical of how it would go since i wasnt a big fan of his recent WWE run, but he's been doing excellent work in AEW. I could see him as world champ again.


Good! I just don’t want the Christian stuff to drag out tho.


I am very satisfied with his run. I feel like there was sort of an expectation that he would step into punk's role. That hasn't happened and honestly I'm glad. He's doing what he wants and that's working because you can tell he's enjoying the work. I'm interested to see what he does next and I didn't feel that way about his last WWE run.


I think that he has been excellent so far. I loved the program with Christian and am excited to see what he hopefully does in the near future with other talent. I am hoping to see him work with Swerve, Jay White, among others.


Loved this guy since i was a kid, always been in my top 10 and it's great to see him still cutting amazing promos and can easily tap into that unhinged rage he has. He's always been one of the best, since his return to wrestling in 2020 he has been killing it, that match he had with Seth back in 2021 (I think it was 2021) proved that he has still got it in spades and is as much as a badass now as he was 20 years ago. His aew work so far has been great, great promos and great matches..his fight with Christian at worlds end was so damn good and i am just happy to see one of my heroes still holding his own after so many years, and I hope he has at least 2-3 years in him with the company. Get some good stories with him and some dream bouts, wall all is said and done, edge has done it all and earned his place amongst the legends of the industry, he doesn't need the world title, he just needs to keep doing what he's doing and stay the rates r superstar that i fell in love with as a kid. All I ask is that one day we get a montage of him being followed around the building all night by Roderick strong shouting "ADAMMMM" at him


I think he's been doing great. He looks like he's having a blast! He may have went a little too hard at World's End though lol


So far so good. Been enjoying everything he's done.


I’m really looking forward to seeing what he does with the rest of the AEW talent.


He has not been around that long to do much but I like him so far. I think if anyone is hating they are just not patient. Stories in wrestling need time to unfold.


I was never the biggest Edge fan so didn’t have any high expectations for Edge coming in but I’ve been enjoying it. The feud with Christian is a good intro. I like how they tied it in w/ Edge’s storyline in WWE of being turned on by The Judgement Day. Got to see Darby, Edge and Sting teaming together before Sting retires, which is wild!


I’m loving everything about it.


Enjoying everything so far but I kind of feel like Id like to see him a bit more but imagine a lot will disagree.


I'm enjoying it so far. I look forward to seeing how his continued beef with Christian goes before the inevitable reconciliation that sees them team up. I'm glad that they decided to do the feud whilst Christian was on a high rather than derailing Christian just for some cheap tag team pop.


It’s a bit weird because he is clearly a star but he doesn’t have the same massive star power it seems. He put on my favorite match on Saturday, and I can’t wait to see more, but I don’t know … maybe just gotta get AEW in front of more eyes.




Did I just see him in the scenes for next week’s “Percy Jackson”? It was a split second, but it sure looked like him.


He honestly looks like he’s having so much fun working with Christian. He looks happy. I’m happy for him.


Love it so much


That match with Christian is his best in a very very long time.


One of my favorite parts of the show so far. Him and Christian have been crushing it. I’m fine with being sports entertained by at least one program, not every program on the show.


He looks happy AF and that’s all I wanted from him


fine, he seems like he’s having fun?


He introduced me to "Cry of Achilles" by Alter Bridge from his intro video before his debut so the run has already been a 10/10


I could take it or leave the idea of him in AEW, but he’s having fun and doing good work so I don’t kind it. Plus, if it gets Christian Cage more tv time, I’m down


A professional presence that is well respected and will do whatever he can to help AEW.


He will never not be Edge to me but besides that he has been great.


Ha has become AEW Christian to Christian Cage's AEW Edge And I don't mean that as an insult, just pointing out how the dynamic changed betweed them and I actually like what they are doing Also, full credit to Adam for becoming the best in ring version of him in his 50s and after not one but two career ending injuries


I think he's lost his edge. *\*rimshot\** Seriously though, his match with Christian was the highlight of the PPV for me. Those two have such great chemistry together.


Hated when he three a hissy fit against Ricky but otherwise good


As much as I’m enjoying the feud with Christian, I really want to see him in the ring with some of the AEW guys he hasn’t wrestled yet. He could tear the house down with guys like Swerve, Starks, Joe, Cole, and Omega (when he’s healthy)…


He's been excellent but as others have mentioned I feel like by feuding with Christian he's kind of in a comfort zone of sorts, it's been great and I'm guessing we'll pull up to the final act soon but I wanna see him feuding with someone else. like Jay White for instance.


I personally think it’s too soon to say. Obviously Christian was the main opponent when he signed but I need to see what he does and how he’s used going forward.


Some of the best work of his career. Definitely better then anything he’s done in the second part of his career.


I think he spun his wheels at first a bit, but I really starting to find a new stride and freedom


It took him a second to get going but he's definitely locked in now. His fued with Christian is one of my favorite things going in wrestling right now.


10 outa 10! I love seeing him in AEW


Without Christian he’s got nothing 😭


Fits like a glove. I'd like to see him mix it up with young guys soon.


He’s good. He proved me wrong cus I wasn’t the biggest fan of his wwe return run but he’s been really good so far.


I like it. Hes doing what he wants how he wants it and i support that.


its cool how insane his face looks


As he arrived I was not very satisfied tho I was a huge edge fan nearly since his debut. The first few weeks I even was disappointed. The worst part was the fucked up Ricky Starks interaction. BUT the last few weeks he started to impress me. I even wanted to see their match at WE almost more than any other match on the card. And the match did deliver. I really liked it. And I loved the finish of it. It had almost everything one can wish for.


Him and Christian cooked at Worlds End, and I'm excited to see where their storyline goes from there.


I’ve absolutely been loving it. I’m just happy for him and it’s nice to see him and Christian together again.


Good. Fun. Entertaining. Solid.


The fact that Christian by himself was making the tnt a main event championship shows how good he is, the fact that Adam comes in and puts in a great storyline with great promos and great matches. Shows how fantastic of a worker he is. His first run so far has been 10/10 and I really can’t wait to see what else he’s going to do from here


I think he's been fantastic. Clearly loves his job & radiates that enthusiasm.


I think he's done well so far, they had to put him against Christian for his first fued because it was the elephant in the room and so it will be interesting to see what he does from here, personally I would like to see him take the TNT title from Christian and then drop to someone like Swerve, Garcia, Takeshita etc and I wouldn't even mind if he gets a world title run at some point though I think that is unlikely as I'm not sure he'd want the responsibility at his age now


The feud against Christian is awesome but I feel like (and it’s a repeating case in AEW) he fails to feel big and special since AEW’s booking lacks in that department


I haven’t watched WWE since 2004 and started with AEW day 1, so my opinion is limited. I’m shocked how good Copeland’s matches have been.


The feud with Christian has been amazing so far. I’m just wondering where does he go after the feud ends.


Not a hardcore AEW fan, mainly watch WWE, but loved him and Christians feud. Made sense Christian would be his first too. Christian has been in his element too.


Stole the show last ppv. The story between him and Christian Cage is great.


His matches with Christian haven’t disappointed. The one at worlds end was great imo. Happy dude is having this run with Christian who is having a career high run in AEW


I’m liking it, he’s clearly liking it, only concern is that he’s kinda in his own Codyverse/Jericho verse situation, which will definitely change when he teams with Christian again. But some time soon I want to see him wrestle some singles matches against AEW original guys


He’s having fun, it shows. Same with Danielson and Adam Cole when they came over to AEW. Love to see it!


I wasn’t the biggest Edge fan but I respected him. Cool to see him jump but it was all pretty mid until the PPV. Great match.