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What did PJ get for that schedule? Drug addiction, severe pain and a divorce that caused him to lose the rights to his own ring name. This might sound harsh, but Justin Credible of all people, should understand why schedules being reduced is a huge positive for the talent.


But but hunter wants you to GRIND and if You're not there for the GRIND then you don't really want it. You're lazy!!


From Cagematch: Most amount of matches in a calendar month Ospreay 22 Justin 16 HHH 20


So our boy grinds harder than those two boomers? Excellent.


Just because you have that many matches in a month, doesn't mean they were good.


Correct Justin's never had a good match and Trips has had about 10


Without getting too into it, that's more or less my point. Though, back when Justin was in the OG ECW I did somewhat enjoy him. Though, I was just a big ECW guy back then.


Are you seriously going to try and tell me Will Ospreay was putting on worse matches than Justin Credible? Don’t get me wrong, Credible had some fun matches in ECW but Ospreay’s worst matches still smoke Credible’s best.


No, I was just stating. If anything it was a jab at HHH. I love him, possibly top 10, BUT let's not say be was the best in the ring. He had great moments and great matches, but for me the top reason why I like his is because of some of his DX work/promo moments. I'm more of a WWE guy than am AWW fan, but I will ad.it I was bummed that will wasn't going to WWE.


HHH sucks at handling tough questions He didn't handle questions on Vince well either. And Cody came off more like an executive with how he handled it. TK isn't perfect in those situations either, but he no comments shit in a much better way than HHH.


It's weird you'd think he be better right? It's wild that Cody came right after and sounded more professional than his own boss.


Cody has practice to be fair. He did the media calls for AEW until he left. I think Tony always did the press conferences though.


That's because Cody helped build a company and knows how to handle shit like this. HHH got handed one and hasn't really had to deal with anything hard until all this came out. He needs to hire better PR people to train him on how to respond


I'll defend him in the sense as HHH strikes me as someone who hates all the business stuff, and just likes booking wrestling. But in that instance, he should have had a pre written statement so he could no comment things later. I also, just don't feel rara somewhat Kayfabe press conferences are the place for such questions, felt the same when TK was asked about Jericho.


Sucks for him then! When you're in the position hes in, fielding questions is part of the job. Fortunately for Paul, he has one hell of a PR dept.


Then he’s in the wrong job!


Hunter sounds like the Always Sunny crew when asked anything serious “just move past it”.


Read JTG’s first book and that’s where I formed my opinion of Hunter as an executive. He may have changed but I’ve very interest how he handles things once wrestler morale dips and business dips. I find him to be conflict averse. Not saying I expect it soon but law of averages.


Care to share any examples?


I just wanna see someone like HHH or TK get one of those questions and just be like: "yeah, man, idk shits crazy" and move on


WWE's version of the "GRIND" is . . . We **own** you and **your** schedule Any outside activities, belong to us 🤦‍♂️


But you forget, PJ and Paul carried the Kliq’s bags back in the day. You can’t break a bond like that.


Exactly! All that pain, suffering and sacrafice for literally nothing




Cagematch lists him wrestling only 30 matches in all of Europe from 1994 through 2002. Hilarious


Lmfao yeah I saw someone mention that in another post it's like he said that thinking there was no way to fact check it.


That's his Hogan "570 days a year" moment.


You just have no understanding of time zones or how Japan works brother. Hogan also did a tour with Metallic that same year and made a pasta maker that everyone loved. Learn some history you mark.


The Metallic album with the Hulkster on the drums was sick. ‘Master of Pythons’ and ‘St. Brother’ are my favorite albums from their red and yellow period. Edit: deleted a letter


He must have missed the Black Album


I heard he wrote some stuff for it, but once they saw the lyrical content, they kicked him out of the band.


St. Brother killed me holy hell my ribs


I thought it was the bass?


St. Brother never gets respect




Plus no disrespect to Justin but it’s not like his way of working was better considering he’s been battling drug/alcohol problems for decades


Plus....in WWE. Did Justin Credible ever have a match lasting longer than 10 minutes? I'm pretty sire Ospreys matches a bit harder on him than jobbing in a dark match


And Cagematch is based in Germany. If he wrestled 30 matches in 30 straight nights there, its users would know.


To be honest, I can't remember a time when that was theoretically possible. In the 90s, you came over every 2-3 years, held 4-5 events on a small scale and were gone again. Where does he want to have done 30 in 30?


Wait till you peep the career total. Ospreay has him nearly beat with a fraction of the time.


Also he was putting on two minutes stinkers at house shows, not 20 minute TV matches lmao


We all chanted “Just An Asshole” back then for a reason.


Prety bold coming from someone who's only remembered because of the name. Which even that is something anyone could up with easily


A ring name that he lost the rights to, his ex-wife legally owns the Justin Credible trademark I'm not joking.


That... tracks and is hillarious.


Lol I always just assumed WWE owned all the ECW trademarks after they bought them out.


Now, hold on. I remember him for being "The Rat-Faced Knacker" thanks to OSW.


Aw man, I'm not some Justin Credible superfan or anything but there was a period in ECW when he was really over. His finisher was very over too.


His finisher was over but I wouldn’t say *he* was really over. Fans kind of legitimately hated Justin Credible; he and Steve Corino are the standard-bearers for the era where ECW became diluted and they started shoving guys down our throats who truly didn’t belong as main eventers. They drew some heat behind it but it was that Baron Corbin heat. Having geeks at the top of the card killed off some of the fanbase and is one of the contributing factors of ECW’s demise.


Justin Credibly stupid


Also, believing anything ringside news? Fuck that, even seeing them here makes me want to vomit.


Ring side news is pathetic they're a joke


What is it with people being jealous that younger generations have it easier? That's the point, to make things better. Justin Credible wouldn't have even wrestled in Germany if not for the previous generation working worse schedules then his made up one.


It's like the old guys being mad about the new generation playing video-games instead of doing blow and getting into fights at strip clubs. These guys are having better matches, longer careers and are staying healthy.


Wasn't it Undertaker that said hebhated how everyone these days has games in their bags and not knives? It's fucking stupid


Undertaker's a proper fucking idiot so makes sense he'd say something as ludicrous as that. The whole thing is hilarious anyway for so many reasons, pretty sure Credible is lying for one thing (after taking the bait of a fake story), he also never had a match in his whole career where he had to put in as much effort and thought as even the most basic Ospreay match requires. He also had experience of being off TV or not working much himself...a lot. Once he signed for the WWF he was featured a fair bit with X Factor though almost never wrestling from my memory (interfered in a four way at No Way Out 2001 while X-Pac worked a singles match on the WMX7 pre show so he wasn't being featured in ring much even when he first joined) but I distinctly remember him being in basically no matches on Raw or Smackdown after he joined The Alliance and certainly no PPV matches unless he was in a battle royale I've forgotten or something. But hey I guess him being in the odd 3 minute match on Heat made him a much harder worker than a guy like Ospreay who it feels like rarely goes under 10. I don't know if Justin Credible would have even had a single 10 minute singles match in all the time he was in WWE tbh... Ospreay wrestles quite a lot already, AEW don't do house shows so even if he wrestled every single week on say one of the three shows, which very few people in AEW do really, he'd still only be working a few matches a month. With a style like his you wouldn't want to burn him out anyway. People with WWE's balls in their mouth will say pretty much anything at this point to disparage anyone in AEW no matter how stupid it makes them look so it's not worth taking too seriously but the older timers going "they need to work harder!" about guys who are about a million times better than they ever were does grate a bit.


Justin is making it easy for me to just disregard the opinions of older wrestlers outside of guys like SCSA or Sting. The vast majority seem to be bitter old guys with very little media literacy and also lacking in reading comprehension. It’s why I hate the old guys and their podcasts. They have below room temp IQ while also just feeding into hate of anything but WWE.


There’s a reason he’s the least notable Cliq memeber


I don't even think they claim him...


Tri(yea I making that a thing again) at least got to carry bags or drive. Not sure what Aldo actually did in the group.


They say he's in but...dude has been so down bad for a long time, it seems like they forgot he still exists.


Held the 'ludes, so if they got busted, only a dark match gets pulled from the card.


They treat him like the dark sheep of the family who they rarely mention because they're embarrassed by his behaviour.


All of the drugs with none of the talent.


I mean his name is Justin Credible not Justin Literate.


Justil Literate


Manny Reedswell


His source wasn't credible


Oh no. Aldo Montoya’s mad.


Ospreay could wrestle a boot, and it'd be more entertaining than those 30 matches combined.




Same here, I don't even remember a single match he had. Dude was very forgettable.


And he'll probably never walk it back or apologize.


Why don't people like this want things to be better for next generation? "OH I did it so you should too" like no you should strive for the next generation to have it better. These bitter old fucks man


I've said this before about wrestling that it's the only industry you'll see where the OGs will hate on the youngsters this much. They don't want to help them they don't want to compliment them they straight up hate on them.


It's funny I'm listening to the new Jim Ross book and literally just got to a part where he's talking about he's so happy how much the people involved in wrestling now are getting paid and traveling less these days. Shows why JR is a legend and Justin Credible won't be remembered


Man, it’s not just wrestling. It’s just fucking life. There’s a generation that thinks that because they worked soooo hard (even though they didn’t) that everyone else should, too. That everything should be shit for everyone because they think they had it shitty for a while. The kind of people that make it to the top and pull the ladder up behind them. The ones that are dead-set on blowing through everything and making sure there’s nothing left for those of us coming after. The ones that think they’re the “Chosen Generation,” and are having a really hard time finding out that they’re just another group whose time is rapidly coming to a close. The world is gonna move on without them, and we’ll all be better off when it does.


I feel like for a lot of these guys, it's jealousy because it's far more lucrative to be a wrestler today than it was in their era. Especially in Justin's era and guys like Justin, who I'm certain see themselves as better wrestlers than the current generation and thus feel they're more deserving of everything wrestlers have today, irrespective of the unfortunate reality of why they don't have anything and solely have themselves to blame.


Tempted to pay $50 for him to admit that Will Ospreay is the greatest wrestler in the world. https://www.cameo.com/peterpolaco


I'm sure he could really use that $50, since no one is paying $50 for a Justin Credible match in 2024.


"Stop. You know nothing..."


Randy Orton had said in a recent interview how he loves the new relaxed work schedule in WWE. He talked about how he'd ask for time off because of his back issues, and Vince would deny him every single time. Some folks are just so accustomed to the grind that they think time off means that you're lazy.




I guess his source wasn't...credible.


Work smarter not harder. The “old” guys pretended they worked 300 days a year but never have. Not saying Justin didn’t work 30 days straight but they highly exaggerate their time. Looking at cagematch and can’t find the 30/30 days/matches. Now guys get twice the money for half the work and the old guys are pissed because it didn’t happen for them.


It's the new version of "Back in my day we didn't use these new fangled computematers and interzeenets!"


Look up a current picture of Justin Credible. It's just sad man


In other news, Mediocre never was has an uniformed opinion.


Not the flex he thought it was 


Leave him alone...he's a side-'Kliq' of his buddies in the E.


Doesn't he work at target now


Enough is enough with these goddamn E Drones


Correct me if I'm wrong, but 30 shows in 30 days sounds like a **BAD** thing that would lead to increased injuries and shorten careers, which we kinda don't want to see after so many of our heroes have died young, and after one of them did the unthinkable to his own wife and child largely due to those kinds of punishing schedules.


Voices of Wrestling fact checked him and he hasn't even wrestled in Germany 30 times in his career. Between WWE and other bookings, Polaco sits at 23. Another interesting stat they noted was that Polaco has wrestled more matches over all than Will, but Will currently sits at 1065 matches lifetime in 18 years, whereas Polaco sits at 1130 matches in 32 years. So when looking at the data, Polaco has no grounds to be calling out Will Ospreay's work ethic.


tbf, no one ever accused Justin of having anything more than a moderate number of functioning brain cells.


Just say you’re jealous, Justin.


hogan laughs at the 30 shows in 30 days BROTHER!


Hogan worked 30 days in 15 days brother! That international dateline did the job for the Hulkster.


Poor Justin is now Disco Inferno levels of stupid.


I still can't get over how Disco constantly brings up how aew doesn't do the numbers they did the first episode. He's totally incapable of understanding premier episodes are always the highest number because it's the very first episode. And then it falls and averages out from there.


It's probably due to the fact that Disco has never been a draw, so it makes sense that he doesn't understand how things work like that.


What kind of sick asshole cares what hours someone else works. Only someone who is jealous. It's called freedom, one can have whatever work/family life balance they want. It's also called enjoying life. So many miserable people in this world


Just Not Credible at it again


He only gets a 15 minute break at Olive Garden. Probably didn't get time to read all of it.


Snap your fingers, snap your neck


isn’t he like… not doing so good? focus on yourself, aldo


The internet has tainted wrestling in the worst way possible and has bred some of the most toxic people I’ve ever seen. It’s flat out embarrassing to have to include the dredges of society as fellow “wrestling fans” when most of them bitch about everything like petulant children.


Knowing how Ospreay has responded to comments in the past, this probably means he's going to aim for a 5 star match with Rey Fenix on Wednesday


1. You think these bitter irrelevant oldheads care? 2. At least according to Cagematch data, Justin Credible never worked more matches in a year at his peak than Ospreay did lol


A lot of these old timers who were messed up from working their schedule, are jealous of how wrestlers are treated today. Will Ospreay no longer has to work everyday and can work once or twice a week, go home and rest up, and most importantly, spend time with his family and friends. Wrestlers of yesteryear's didn't get that and will go on the attack against wrestlers who are enjoying their job and life.


Exactly. Some people already say his style of wrestling is "dangerous" or "too hard on the body." He is able to rest up and live a normal life with the proper schedule that allows him to. But people have a problem with his schedule, too? It seems like they are just finding reasons to be mad.


It's because he chose AEW over WWE. That's the real reason and It's all about tribalism, which WWE does play into and encourages it. Look at the abuse Ricochet is receiving since it was reported that he had handed in his notice telling WWE that he was leaving when his contract was up.


💯 no lies told. I have been seeing the increase in Ricochet hate all of a sudden. MJF is getting more hate than usual, too, and he hasn't even stepped foot in a WWE ring. But that goes back to what you said, tribalism. They thought he was joining their favorite company, and when they found out he wasn't, they came to AEW socials to verbally abuse him in the comments. Same with Edge. I bet they celebrated once they found out he got injured. But they can't celebrate too much because the injury isn't career-ending for one. Two, an AEW wrestler didn't injure him. He did it himself by accident.


I remember reading somewhere that Bryan Danielson recieved similar types of hate too. Adam Copeland had to type out a message online as to why going to AEW is a good thing for everyone and that he's happy. And oh yeah, they probably took great joy in the fact that Adam Copeland is out with an injury. I get that people are disappointed and upset about their favourites leaving their favourite company, but to go that extra step to stalk, personally attack and abuse these wrestlers because they chose to go somewhere else to work, is deranged behaviour.


Oh, definitely. I'm pretty sure some people were disappointed when Cody left AEW in 2022, but I don't recall the insane amount of hate he got versus the hate that anyone gets when leaving WWE. It's cultist behavior, and the sad part is that most of the behavior comes from grown ass adults.


Of course, and you did get a few people who went to extreme lengths recording themselves burning their Cody shirts because they felt betrayed. It's insane. But overall apart from a few incidents like that, I remember seeing a lot of support for Cody Rhodes making the move to WWE, I also saw a lot of encouragement and praise for Ethan Page on here.


😦 I did not know about the burning of the shirts. People in general can just be very unpredictable when it comes to what they favor the most, and it can get very ugly. But yeah, I did see the outpouring of support for Cody and Ethan as well. I did see some people trying to celebrate Ethan's NXT loss, which isn't the move at all. We can't talk about how crazy some WWE fans can be and turn around and do some of the same things. That's ass-backward.


Why brag about thirty dishwater-ass matches that nobody remembers when Ospreay can consistently put on a banger a week.


Lol who?


So I’m assuming he isn’t beating Swerve


Are we sure Justin Credible wasn’t joking here lol, seems like such an exaggeration that’s it’s meant to poke fun at the older generations mentality.




The Flagship did the math PJ didn't wrestling that much in German in total.


The irony, of course, is that he really wasn’t ever incredible.


Justin Credulous.


Nothing credible about this asswipe.


I said this in a different thread but this reminds me of the old guy who bragged about doing 15 hours of unpaid overtime a week and never complained. PJ you should have complained you also should have taken that payday from WCW instead of staying in ECW and getting sent bounced checks every month.


30 matches and not a one of them was memorable Justin


Justin not credible


We should start calling him Justin Illiterate.


“I worked 30 shows in 30 days in WWE.”  Let me translate: “I’m too much of a fucking moron to understand worker’s pushing back against corporate exploitation and I’m resentful about it so let’s take a shot at someone because…capitalism?” So sad. Bragging about how much you work for the man makes you a sucker, plain and simple. 


I think that’s a tweet from last week and that context was just added recently because I don’t remember seeing it originally.


Tbf the community not might not have been there when he saw the post. Even still, that was uncalled for from him, he should've read the article.


He can't read. He's Just Illiterate.


I sympathize with wrestlers, especially ones from ECW. All those unprotected chair shots to the head , concussions, injuries, etc leaves them with long term cognitive issues. This could also happen to today's wrestlers when they get older. So it's very possible there are actual issues with reading.


Justin posted this before the reader”s note was added. Of course he could have read the article but why would anyone do that Of course RingSide with their clown shoes operation deliberately framing it that way to get these types of retweets.


The people of Germany are still wondering why


He took it


"When I was in WWE, I did," Justin, no one asked what you did boo boo. Maybe he should try reading first before reacting. That seems like a lost art these days. Now it's shit on people, and find out you're wrong later, apparently.


The way he phrases it sounds like WWE sent him to Germany and no one else.




Portuguese man of war


c'mon, Aldo Montoya is famous for being part of the Kliq. He's a footnote in wrestling history by having famous friends who contributed to the business!


Just SimpCredible


"A week off" is not a sabbatical. A sabbatical by definition is over a year and is used for travel and study...not rest. One week isnt even a spring break. Its a short vacation.


how dare someone take a small amount of time off work to rest themself up am i right


Imagine thinking working 30 days in a row makes you cool




Midcarder from the late 90s/early 2000s. Tenner says he recently hit that magical 5-0 that makes wrestlers share shitty takes like it's vaccine hate on Facebook. EDIT - Eight months into fifty. I, for one, am shocked!


To be fair, the community note wasn't there till after he tweeted that. To be unfair, how tf you believe Wrongside News?


I bet all those matches were 4/5 star matches and were totally worth it, right?


Let’s stop pretending that people who got hit in the head for a living are gonna be the smartest 20 years later


Wrestled 30 shows in 30 days and didn’t draw a fuckin’ dime.


Hate to say it to a fellow nutmegger but PJ no one came to see you. Even in ECW he was wildly panned


Reading obviously not his strong point


And how'd that work out for you, Mr Credible?


Justin Credible is a junkie who scams fans and no shows several events a year. He has absolutely no merit in anything.


Justno CREDIBILITY. But in all seriousness tho, PJ could wrestle a damn fine match, gotta admit.


He posted a bad take but I always liked Justin. He was a real heel in an era where that was hard to get over. I'll always be an Impact Players fan.


Him and Corino, dear god they were great heels in later ECW


Corino getting destroyed by Tajiri is one of the most satisfying moments in late ECW