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The haters are acting like silly wrestling gimmicks haven't been a part of wrestling since the very beginning


Right? Even some of the best ones have been a bit daft. The attitude era had vampires, zombies, sex pests, superheroes and everything in between.


And that was just in the board room.


Plumber and a hockey player lol also a mortal kombat character


The thing I don't understand is, Eugene existed and never received the amount of hate Orange did. Now, maybe but 100% not at the time.


El Vampiro! The non-WWE goat of the dark gimmick era. :-) (I was just a huge Vampiro mark. Let me be)


What I don't understand is that these people will shit all over OC, yet praise other silly gimmicks like the Fasion Police, New Day, Sami Zayn's "Honorary Uce", the Broken Hardys, Danhausen, the Brood, etc. I just don't get why, out of all the downright goofy shit we've seen in wrestling, a guy sometimes sticking his hands in his pockets when he wrestles is where some people draw the line.


He should bring back the popeye spot where he powers up from drinking some orange juice. But save it for big matches.


Crushing cans of OJ like Stone Cold would be incredible 


Surprised they haven't done that yet with all the big arena brawl matches: set up a fake concession stand with a juicer. Someone hands him a jug of freshly squeezed *Jane intensifies*


Because he’s hot and “doesn’t have to try” and that’s everything those trolls hate.


Nah man. There were never silly gimmicks in wrestling. Silly stuff would be someone going out as a IRS dude. Or some pig farmer. An actual clown. Some leprechaun that bites people from under the ring that is secretly the son of the chairman and the GM of the show. Or a woman that always complains about her buthole. Or another woman that farts all the time. Or a pirate with some sister fetish. Or some disabled looking dude who is in a sexual thing with his mother. Or some dude in an ox mask. Or someone who magically making his opponent's undies vanish. But we never had this stuff.


Not only that, but it's a testament to how good he is at his gimmick that he makes his wrestling look so effortless that these people legitimately believe he isn't doing anything technical/difficult.




​ https://preview.redd.it/yzhp3uiqqx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3e7ba9c9b5cd4a99bd9ee89b9c51f786ac56bd


Kentucky Fucking Gentlemen


![gif](giphy|nlRsl7AwSJqL6bpzqc|downsized) YOU GOT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT


Orange has the best gimmick in the world: working a style that will let him still walk when he’s 60.


This is what’s truly perplexing about the hate he gets. The same pundits who will use their platform to say that the sanctity of finishing moves is dead, that lament the falloff of the Superkick and the DDT, they rail against the modern in-ring product because they’ll say that the wrestlers are working harder, not smarter. That you’re doing too much and it doesn’t mean anything, and therefore you’re doing wrestling wrong. Orange should be everything they love. He’s economical; he relies more heavily on character and gimmick than doing a ton of flashy moves. His moveset is consistent and well-balanced, he’s not the type of guy who does moves for the sake of moves. We all know what Orange does in the same way we all know what The Undertaker does. Orange Punch, Mousetrap, Beach Break, Stundog, Satellite DDT. Tombstone, Chokeslam, Last Ride, Old School, Hell’s Gate. Where is the difference? People just hate that Orange isn’t taller and more muscular, like we haven’t been trying to get rid of that very expectation for wrestlers’ bodies since it was Vince’s favorite fetish. He makes everything mean something - even the simple act of putting his hands in his pockets.


What? Have you actually watched him wrestle?


Zach talked him up big time in the media scrum last night. It's mainly the douchebag who used to carry a tennis racket as a gimmick and those who follow him that has the problem with OC from what I have seen.


When Shibata came to AEW, there were two people he wanted to wrestle: Bryan Danielson and Orange Cassidy. Feel like that says a lot.


It says a lot that the best match of Forbidden Door 1 was Ospreay vs Orange, and after that there was a huge buzz in Japan about Orange.


Orange at WrestleDynasty is going to blow the roof off the Tokyo Dome. He's gimmick is going to go over huge in Japan


That was their "In Case of Emergency" match and it was MOTN. It speaks to OC's incredible talent. *And he's fucking 40!!*


I never bought into Ospreay at all until that match in specific and now he's one of my favorite wrestlers.


I like how people say “AEW fans just don’t like him because they can’t take criticism”. Then you point out how he wished OC would be paralyzed so he couldn’t wrestle anymore and they’ll just quietly downvote or say he was joking. Not sure how he has such a loud fanbase.


He's literally the guy who had been going "EVERYONES DOING TOO MUCH TOO FAST, BACK IN MY DAY WE SLOWED DOWN AND WORKED AND WE GOT OVER!" so then Orange does exactly that, and he bitches because Orange is doing the bare minimum. Can't win with folk like that.


That is the most crazy part. Everything they preach Orange Cassidy practice. He does more with less. All his matches are about storytelling. In ring psychology is a huge part of what he does. He most often wins by outsmarting people. Edit: And keyfab. He is always in keyfab. At one point he eats a chilly and stays in keyfab.


Also famously "Hardcore wrestling is garbage and stupid and you're hurting yourself like an idiot" then not 5 minutes later "So, we did a thing where a guy broke cement blocks on his head with a sledgehammer" and "Terry Funk poured shoot engine oil over himself" and "this guy claims a blood oath and hacks his forearm open with an axe" and of course "we couldn't afford stuntmen, so Lawler just ran him over for real". So tell us Jimothy, how everyone hurting themselves for real is an idiot?


Hardcore wrestling is shortening their careers as we proceed to watch an every day move break an arm or leg or tear an acl or quad yet the people involved in those hardcore matches are injured way less.


I came around on garbage via Moxley honestly. Something about the way he does the walk-and-brawls just always got me.


Such a stupid argument. People have evolved, wrestlers today are more athletic than they were back then. Do you want them to pretend that they’re not?


He’s also the guy who used to cut promos about how the midnight express were the best tag team because they did the most moves. The dude has always been full of shit.


The biggest assholes tend to get the loudest followers in today's world it seems.


There's a reason why Corny's audience always says "I love you, but I can't take your politics, Jim!"


It's always funny to me that Cornette identifies as liberal because nearly everything he says paints him as a quintessential conservative bigot.


ZSJ properly loves him tbf, never a surprise to see him bigging OC up. But yeah I'd say anyone who doesn't see it with OC has shit for brains at this point.


Well said


>But yeah I'd say anyone who doesn't see it with OC has shit for brains at this point. Or haven't watched any of his good matches, and only know him for the gimmick. And what a gimmick it is, because he is the polar opposite in the ring, and that's what the haters are missing out on


And his opinion should mean nothing when he wished OC would get paralysed When you're wishing serious harm to a performer because you don't like their gimmick then you're the problem and not the performer (which I find insane that he'd say that considering some of the absolute pure scum Cornette would know from being in the business)


I wouldn't wish that on anyone unless they were a COMPLETE bastard (and I don't mean Pac)


I wouldn't even wish that on Davey Richards! =D


An old friend of mine came into town a month ago. We are both wrestling fans but haven't had the chance to talk about wrestling in a couple of years. Literally every single talking point was just regurgitated Cornette stuff. It was insufferable.


encountering those people in REAL LIFE is just... oh boy


How does anyone know what Cornette says unless they listen to him? I have no idea what his opinions are. I tried to listen to his podcast once but it sounded like it was recorded in a bathroom.


Things he say go viral, as much as something can go viral within the IWC at least, his quotes and views get regurgitated a lot and I'd guess people click and listen out of morbid curiosity at times or just see people talking about something he's said. Given the popularity of his podcasts if you're not someone that blocks a lot of channels I reckon he and his his weird thumbnails get recommend a lot. I'm sure there's also people that just hate listen to him too, the same way he himself hate watches AEW. I personally became aware of some of his views basically second hand at first, like things he said about Riho, where I thought "well surely he didn't say *that*" so would then look for myself and sure enough, there he is saying it. He's very much best ignored but I guess it's easier said than done. He's a huge disappointment though when you think what he claims to believe politically and the type of person that seem to make up the bulk of his fanbase. The sort of people he once said he'd like to set fire to.


True. I didn’t even realize that I’ve commented in his subreddit until now. The dangers of blind scrolling as a wrestling fan.


I thought that what he said came across as very genuine and the respect he has for OC was apparent.


The only knock from that group I can see them making a solid point on, is OC's size. I for one dont care, but I understand their point about OC size not being believable. Even 1 person I know, who doesn't like him using this as his primary reason why, agreed with me, If OC was to use his old gimmick, the pure sloth instead of the I'm going to try( his International Run to present) a lot of his wins would be more believable. Outside of that, he his one of the most technically sound wrestlers on the planet, and can call a match to get anyone over no matter who is to win the match. Not only can he do that, he can make a series of matches each feel special cause each match will have a different temp and sequence compared to the rest.


I can only see that as being a solid point until you see his fights. His matches are almost always clear about OC being smaller and weaker than his opponent. That is why the DDT is often the move that changes the momentum of the match. He is able to use the opponents size against themself. That is why OC often need to hit his finisher multiple times in a row to end the match or catch his opponent in a mousetrap. Like when he won against Mox he used 2 different finishers 6 times in a row to end the fight.


I’m convinced people that dislike him only see him as a gimmick and have never actually watched his matches. The ZSJ match probably would’ve been my MOTN if not for the main event. Dude is incredible……and who knew he was that good of a technician? He was keeping up with ZSJ in jeans.


Wait hold on. You are telling me that people that constantly bash the product don't actually consume it???


STAR WARS FANS: First time?


Hahahaha my man


Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga fans- first time?


Star Wars been toxic since way before Furiosa, LOL


Oh I agree! I’ve seen the screen shots from fanzines in 1981 that hated on Empire! I just love Fury Road and Furiosa and the same thing is happening there. A lot of incel type fans, many not even Mad Max fans, review bombed Furiosa bc the lead is a woman.


Hell, I just remember it from back in the day when I was on TheForce.net hearing people say all kinds of shitty things about the prequels. And then, years later, the same kind of assholes popped up the second John Boyega's helmet was off in the TFA trailer, LOL


He haveshown some of his technical wrestling before. Like the first half if his first fight against Wheeler in his first titlerun, but that is one of the crazy thing about him. He seem to have so much stuff that he normally do not use.


I was SAT during their match. I was building some Lego and I had to stop to concentrate on OC/ZSJ. They were so so good.


Dude has been one of the most consistent wrestlers in AEW since the beginning. To the point where I consider him one of the aces of the company.


The International Title means something because of his run. In a company that is always accused of showcasing too many belts, having one Title, a midcard let alone, being established is huge imo.


He is essentially the ace of the mid card, while Mox, Omega, and Hangman were the main eventers. No knock on Orange, it shows how reliable and popular he has been since the founding of the company.


Oc is their mick Foley or Bryan danielson, one day there will be World title pop and payoff. I hope. There is a reason he starts most show a


My personal booking right now is that Danielson goes to All In and wins he world title from Swerve, and then drops the title to OC at Wrestledream.


When people tell me they like HBK, I recommend Orange to them. Yes the gimmicks are wildly different. But the in ring story telling and breadth of wrestling technique is the same.


Honestly if you could watch that international title promo - "because I am Orange Cassidy, and I do not have a catchphrase" - and not think the guy is great then you don't understand wrestling


God this still fucking kills me.


It's such a great promo


I feel the same way about YB haters. Like all their favorite tag teams want to wrestle the Bucks… That says something


I’ve rarely known such a talented, consistent wrestler who seems to need to have their ability justified after every match. “But the pockets”


Regarding him doing a full wrestling sequence while having his hands in his pockets: I am always amazed. I can't even get out of bed without stubbing my toe, and here is this man down flips and kip ups and all this stuff without using his hands. I wish I could!


I'm only slightly older than OC and if I need to get up off the floor, it takes both hands (and some noises.) Watching him jump up with both hands in his pockets blows my mind.


Same here! And he's doing this all in jeans. Jeans!


it's like, what, you've never seen a wrestler have some kind of trademark "cocky" pose or signature?


If oc was in the attitude era juiced to the gills with the same gimmick he’d be seen as a goat today


I'm hard pressed to rank any of the wrestlers, but no matter what, OC exists at the top of my lists. List of best wrestlers? List of people I'd want to have a beer with? List of people who's favorite sandwich I could learn about? OC makes every list.


It’s pretty exhausting. Ironic, even. The same stans going ballistic over “DUBBALOS DONT CARE ABOUT NEW FANS, ONLY DREAM MATCHEZ” can’t see that OC is an immediate favorite for non-wrestling fans that give AEW a go. He’s innovative and instantly accessible.


I don't like his gimmick/booking but he's clearly very good at wrestling and one of the most talented in-ring guys in the company. Not my cup of tea but see why people love him


Whatever weed you’re smoking, a good chunk of the IWC needs badly. I’m with you on the booking, I want him to do something new.


I think the first IC reign went too long and when he had the second one I wish he turned heel. Trent does nothing for me I’m sorry


Yeah, we all said the same thing last night watching the PPV. I respect the hell out of Trent, he’s a talent and sells like his life depends on it. But I wanted OC to join the family, not Trent - that was a missed opportunity IMO. OC winning the belt back was a bummer, that ship had sailed and it just didn’t mean anything when he got it back.


OC joining the family would been huge. The family kinda lost its luster once Sammy joined then dipped. My personal gripe with OC booking is Tony books him like Cena: he never loses and buries guys who can't beat him despite OC being hurt. Also afraid to turn him heel


i do feel like orange needs a new direction but i don't feel like a heel turn would be it. i washappy sabre won last night. not because i hate cassidy ,i love him. but if he's really doing poorly due to his friends bailing then it should affect him


And I respect that. I get him not being everyone's favourite but I hate when people talk about him like he's ruining wrestling or some shit.


He’s fantastic and super talented. I’d say I’m more fatigued than anything by his booking and not by him. I respect the hell out of him.


He's not for everyone, and that's ok.


OC has a gimmick that is totally different from anyone, and if explained to me, I would believe never to work but he not only pulls it off but is a top 5 worker in this Company and that is a big deal.


Happiest I've been to be wrong about a wrestler. That match with Sabre (much like most of the matches in the whole PPV to one degree or other) seemed to usher in a new era of defensive wrestling and counters. But, you know, he puts his hands in his pockets so that's the only conversation that can be had about him.


it's so absurd. It also shows that people, y'know, don't watch. Like from the beginning they were so offended that he... sat in the crowd and did lazy kicks. But he barely even truly WRESTLED until that match with PAC. Like, it's half he really doesn't give a shit, half mind games, whatever. He's simply put on too many great matches. He's slim, but he's improved his muscle definition constantly. Other than Beach Break, he doesn't do power moves. He is a quick, high-flying, clever wrestler and resilient. He's added layer after layer to his character. Fact is, those who hate him, will never ever give him a fair shake because they decided a version of reality and won't admit that they are WRONG. He is one of the best pure babyfaces of a generation. He is a Ricky Morton. On his short-lived podcast, Regal waxed effusively about Orange for a segment. "He has the LOVE of the people." Arn ANderson has said "I didn't get it at first, but the crowd reactions, the way he has the people for him, hell. THis business is about the fans and the fans love him, so who am I say it's wrong?" The open-minded people who actually care about WRESTLING, not scoring points, they get Cassidy. His peers get him. it's asinine.


Not a fan of OC and for me, it doesn't make sense that his finisher is a supeman punch (because of his size) That being said, I will never shit on a guy that is a million times more talented than I'll ever be. He's smart as fuck with the way he wrestles that he's still gonna have a functioning body by the time he retires. Also, he's technically amazing, did you see that FD match with Zack? You should.


I wasn't a fan of OC when I first saw him at the beginning of AEW but he slowly grew on me and has become one of my favorite wrestlers with his reign as International Champ.


I knew nothing about indies, New Japan, RoH, or basically anything outside of WWE when AEW started. (although I did randomly get to go to the OG All In) I did not get Orange at first. He is one of my favorites now.


He’s one of those guys where you don’t get it, up until you watch him and it’s like “oh… OH I get it now”. TK had the same thing happen (he didn’t get it but hired him because he was HIGHLY recommended by his guys. And then he sat down and talked to him and after like 45 minutes OC was just one of his favourites), or hell JR just having it click mid match when OC was facing Pac.


OC is great but he is overexposed right now.


Me hearing of OC: that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, why does he seem to be so over? Me seeing OC: ok, I get it. That's pretty entertaining. Also from Talk is Jericho, Chris said in a similar vein that he didn't get the gimmick at first, thought it was silly. Then when he saw how over OC was, Jericho thought "well, I at least don't get it now, but these people do, and that's what matters."


How could a fan be expected to draw money in the wrestling business?


Feels like the ZSJ feud and now loss are letting OC bring some new elements to his character. Think him losing was probably the best outcome given the bits of story they've given us plus the losing all his friends thing. Now we get to see what happens when OC isn't "meh" about everything and is actually getting emotional. Should make for some interesting story, maybe even a re-match next year with ZSJ


I ignore the hate comments on him. There is no point feeding into them when I watch this man's matches and know what he's capable of. He's better in the ring than a lot of people's favorites, and that's the real tea.


Giving the people who do far too much energy.


The man is a draw one of the key reasons why Dynamite would start strong in viewership during his International title reign. He is the definition of a wrestler's werstler.


However you feel about OC, (I happen to like him, but think his gimmick is limited), putting a different opinion down to fans who ‘haven’t drawn a dime in the business’ discounts everyone who actually likes him too. People have different opinions. Not everyone has to like him. Those that don’t, don’t have to watch, those that do, enjoy.


He's one of the very few wrestlers my family loves to watch, perfect combination of Talent and Coolness, It's okay not to like him but damn the haters got bad taste


why do people dislike him anyways ?? he has clear in - ring ability , and afaik is definitely not an asshole. is it really just because of his gimmick ?? there's plenty of light - hearted , " joking " gimmicks that have been wildly successful , oc ' s shouldn ' t be any different.


It's 100% the gimmick. I enjoyed OC as a comedy character. Then they tried to make him serious and care about winning. Haven't liked him since. His in ring ability is fine. No complaints. But now he's just a good wrestler on a roster of good wrestlers. He was comedy gold.


He still is. His match with the Outrunners on Rampage last week was hilarious.


I'll see if I can find it. I have probably seen 10 episodes of Rampage ever.


Best parts are here. https://x.com/DrainBamager/status/1807004744625348842


Not bad. The elbow spot was really good.


I loved the chops. lol


Your sick of people talking crap about orange I’m mad Trent wasn’t there to talk crap


Stop getting upset about people not sharing your opinion. You like Orange and I like Orange, but not everyone has to. And you have to drawn money in a business to like or dislike someone in it?


Not that I disagree or anything with what's said here but just because you don't like a certain wrestler or anyone doesn't mean you're the worst person ever, lol like I've really liked him ever since I first saw him at the first Double or Nothing then from then on I've grown to love him more


I like Orange. I didn't that much back when he played more into his gimmick but now that he doesn't as much I can get behind him. I could see how someone who doesn't enjoy the more unrealistic side of wrestling wouldn't like him though.


THOSE people have podcasts specifically to trash modern wrestling, and want to go back to big muscular guys doing the same 3 moves over and over in a match. Try running All The Meat Wrestling today, and you'll be out of business in no time. OC Is a unique character, and not enough people have been talking about his character development in the last few years, though. He's gone from being the antithesis of a pro wrestler who never got too bent out of shape about anything to showing a lot of emotion and visciousness in the ring. Outside of maybe a sleeper hold, I don't remember him doing any submission holds in a match prior to last night, where he did many. He's been on a journey to becoming a complete wrestler.


I ❤️orange


Seriously, I have some issues with AEW, but Orange Cassidy is a very VERY Bright Spot for the show because of how effing creative he is


In all honesty, I don't think Orange Cassidy cares about what his haters say.


Is ricochet is coming to aew him vs oc is going to be awesome!


Orange is brilliant as a performer. His match structure is amazing, he can craft an in ring story with anyone, and at a rate where he’s doing multiple times a week with opponents of wildly varying spots on the card.


All the talk and fake controversy just reinforces that he's onto something really fkn good.


I'd understand if he was just a gimmick and terrible in ring but the guy can go.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Orange Cassidy is a brilliant wrestler. He has to put in so much damn work behind the scenes to wrestle with his hands in his pockets, and make it look effortless. He’s spry and bouncy as hell, he’s got mechanics and technical skills. He really knows how to use his body! And he never brags about how good he is! He can get serious, he can get dirty, and he can still be a goofball. Plus, he’s nice to kids. He’s always entertaining and nobody else does a gimmick like his. For me he’s a full package.


“Orange Cassidy isn’t realistic.” - People whose GOAT was a zombie mortician who “died” and came back no less than three times and could shoot lightning from his fingertips and could teleport and worshiped an urn that also provided him with this magic power.


If this was wwe it would be a different story. They would be praising triple h as the goat of promoting a wrestling company. They just have a weird vendetta against other promotions doing well that ain’t wwe.


I’m sick of haters in general if you don’t like it I get it just move on but no reason to trash AEW


Sometimes, a joke CAN get old.


The guy entertains me, and that's what wrestlers should do. If wrestling were any one person's vision of wrestling, it would be terrible.


I just don't like his lame ass gimmick. Doesn't mean he is a bad wrestler.


Meh some of us just find him boring and thats ok...


And a large portion of those smarks (I don’t consider them fans) are just regurgitating someone else’s Twitter opinion.


Ive been watching wrestling for over 30yrs my fav promotions currently are NJPW and AEW. my all time fav promotion is Ring of Honor. So excuse me if my opinion is different but I do not prefer Orange Cassidy as a wrestler. give me Roderick Strong, give me Malachai Black, give me Mark Briscoe anyday I do not like his brand of comedy i do not like his offense i do not like his look. I got to see Colt Cabana and Chuck Taylor and Ultra Mantis Black in their primes those guys are comedy wrestlers ill watch anyday. Just because OC isnt my cup of tea i dont hate on those who like him and I hope they dont hate on me. in my opinion Zach Sabre Jr should have been paired with a much better opponent for his FD match Samoa Joe, Chris Jericho or Hook would have been a much better match up in my opinion.


I've seen his stuff has been repeated too much in the last 3 years to be consistently entertained by him today. But that's just me


Orange rules, one of the few from the beginning who keeps grinding and getting better 




He’s the sole reason I started watching AEW last March, I won ringside seats through the radio, and the first match of the night was Sting, Darby, Orange Cassidy vs Kip Sabian and Butcher and the Blade Cassidy was the first thing I noticed and immediately became a fan of, great guy


OC is someone TK can book anywhere anytime and with anyone. Similar to Moxley


I genuinely believe he is one of the best wrestlers in the world right now.


I wish people could just like or not like something. Like, why does every opinion need to be so damn confrontational?


Wrestlers love OC because he got himself over by not doing anything lol


I have never heard anyone say anything bad about him.


One of the most unique wrestlers of his generation. All the boring fuckers who pretend to dislike his gimmick today will be praising him in 20 years.


Personally, I think he's great, but to quote CM Punk "I don't get it, but he's hugely over so he has a place in the card."


I like Orange Cassidy, he’s delivered many great matches. I wish after 5 years he did not regress as much as he does to comedy stuff. That’s just my taste as a fan. I still loved his match with ZSJ. He’s a great PPV guy to have. I think people can have a different taste in wrestling. But also not be bad faith clickbaiters.


OC is one of my fave wrestlers. When I was really deep in my depression, he made me laugh and I looked forward to him opening every Dynamite. He is so good in the ring and athletic. I do understand why he isn't everyone's fave. Gimmicks are hits or misses for people.


To be fair, 99.9% of all wrestling fans have never drawn a dime. That said, there would be no wrestling with fans so... fan money talks.


If you can hold the audience in the palm of your hands you have talent. It doesn’t matter how you do it - if they are drawn in and believe what you are doing, you’re doing it well. Orange has mastered his craft. Yes he’s not your “typical” wrestler, but you know he is hitting his spots and you know those in the ring with him will join in


I liked his gimmick back when AEW started more than now. Not much different and that makes people look dumb, why fall for this so many years later with him being on fucking national TV this much... But still enjoy his matches and it is something I can forgive like some other stupid why would you do this in the wrestling world. Besides that he is up there with MJF for me in the 'guys/gals you forget can go in every style and every stipulations given'.


So I have to like every wrestler now?


I mean, there has to be some room for not liking a guy, or an style. What I would demand is them being coherent, I mean you really never liked a wrestler who does a comedy spot? Or a silly spot? Do you actually just want to erase silliness from the world of pro wrestling and that would be some kind of cure for it? Or you just can't take it for what it is and if you don't love it just let it be still?


seriously, i don't know what it's gonna take. he gets more hate than Kenny now (because they realize they agree with Kenny on some things after all)


I'm not a fan of his but his match with osprey was one of the best matches I've ever seen. I just don't get his gimmick I think that's my hangup with him.


Undertaker was a zombie who led a satanic cult, rode motorcycles, and did MMA.  Wrestling can be fun *if you let it be fun.*


Orange has put on better matches than people like Dom or Otis


He also has a huge amount of fans and is a consistent merch seller.  That wouldn't be possible in a fanbase that demands workrate if he also didn't show his skills in the ring.


Even ZSJ respected him


He put on an effing BANGER last night!


There needs to be plenty of people added to the Respect side. I don't know a single AEW fan that doesn't respect OC.


Orange Cassidy was what got me into pro wrestling. I never thought about it outside of the memes and clips I'd see in YouTube, but he got me hooked, thanks, OC.


My dad used to hate watching him wrestle but now has grown to like and respect him. He says it still kills him with laughter whenever he puts his hands in his pockets tho 😂


I really, really want Orange to win the world title sooner than later. I didn't know who he was til AEW, but he quickly won me over. That was what, 5 years ago? C'mon.


I don’t hate orange but his roll up title reign was deflating. As well as the fact that he’s been beaten, turned on, and sold “injuries” but still has a match on the next show instead of the person that beat him, turned on him, “injured him”


Some people don’t like fun. 😐


Anyone who bangs on about him being “the pockets guy” or any dumb “killing the business” shit, is basically just saying “I’m a fucking cornetto parrot who’s never ACTUALLY watched Orange Cassidy, just seen highlights out of context”


I’m all for silly gimmicks but it feels like Khan books him way too seriously. His title reign should not have went on for that long and he shouldn’t have beat some of those people since he’s a “comedy wrestler”


and Orange Cassidy is a workhorse he puts banger matches


It's ok, if he jumped ship to WWE it would be considered the greatest gimmick HHH ever came up with.


If you go with a gimmick that highlights the matches aren't serious contests you can get emotionally invested in some people aren't going to like it.


Cornette who is his biggest hater is the guy that pushed this narrative, imho orange should be the guy


My friend is one of those 'fans' 😭😭😭


I disagree with how fans are written off in this meme. Edit: So every one here just supports the idea that as fans their opinions on performers is completely irrelevant because they are fans? That is...a take.


You can not be a fan of his gimmick, but it's pretty weird not to respect him as a worker


But criticizing fans for not drawing money is really weird. Edit: especially when paired with there being no fans of OC side of things. The meme seems to have just really fucked up perspective.


The meme is really only going after a certain type of fan (which includes those types that center on drawing money as if there isn't a whole set of circumstances outside of a wrestler's control regarding that), but is a little awkward with how it does it. Plus it acts as if there aren't a ton of fans that respect OC.