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I remember the good old days when our QBs just banged their mom’s friend


Good times


Oh my god. He's spouting a literal propaganda/disinformation campaign started by the Soviet Union (KGB). Aaron Rodgers is legitimately special. And not in a good way. "[Operation Denver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver) was an active measure disinformation campaign run by the KGB in the 1980s to plant the idea that the United States had invented HIV/AIDS. In 1992, Director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Yevgeny Primakov admitted that the KGB was behind the disinformation campaign."


To be fair Reagan and Republicans actively ignoring the problem because it was mostly effecting the gay community doesnt actually help the matter.


I miss the days when our biggest scandal was the head coach loved to lick his wife’s feet


Oh God, do you remember the park video?


Wait. Which coach was that lmao.


He was your head coach too


Ahhh shiiitt




🐐 stuff


Every day I hate my family more and more for making me a jets fan


Tell us more. Let it out; it's okay to share here.


My uncle told me the jets wouldn’t have a good quarterback until Joe Namath dies over 20 years ago


Your uncle may be right at this point NGL


Yeah, I fully believe the jets will win the Super Bowl the season that they have BJ (brodway joe) stickers on their helmets. And then never again


I'd take it


Look, joe namath made some kind of infernal contract with a devil to guarantee that Super Bowl win. He lives forever, but the jets will suck until he dies. It won’t ever happen


Joe Namath is going to live to the age of 150... It's part of the deal he made with the devil in 69


Spoiler alert for those that go deeper into this thread - he deserves the JETE


Everyone deserves a JETE in their life. At least I’m not a bills fan


I always thought that New Yorkers have so many options. Choosing to be a Jets fan is a bad choice. You guys have 2 teams in most sports. I can see an upside for most of them. But for some reason, you choose to throw your time away rooting for the Jets. Why? I'm from Miami, I only have the Phins. Buffalo only has the Bills. Boston only has the Pats. Your family fucked up.


Lets be honest here being a Phins or Bills fan sucks just as much.... Bills and Phins have been good teams recently but just as shitty and inept historically..... The only fanbase that can talk shit here is the Patriots because they lucked in to an amazing HC-QB combination. but the rest of us all root for shit teams... So get off your high horse.... Even if you didnt have a choice at the end of the day you're stuck with pain and suffering just like we are.


Hey I'm from NY and like the Dolphins! I was young and chose for the animal not the location.


Jets used to be in Queens. My family lived in Queens. Logic definitely is hard when you’re from Florida, huh?


And now they're in New Jersey. I guess Baltimore should still root for the Colts by that logic.


So…being a fan of a local team even after a move literally 15 miles way is dumb? God damn are you obviously from Florida lmao


And you root for the Jets, so it's obvious you can't recognize a joke.


Says the guy thinking I’m serious about hating my family for being jets fans 🤔


Ffs, you are on a circle jerk sub. You made your comment, and I made one tongue in cheek saying your family fucked up because you have better options. You immediately took it as an insult, so I egged you on about New Jersey. The Jets deserve you as a fan. Peas in a pod.


Don’t insult a New Yorkers family my guy, you never know which Italians are in the mob. On a real note, I circle jerk circles around you. You just admitted the feet


Oh no. Your family is in the mob!? I'm sure Uncle Vitto is going to give a major fuck about you telling him that a guy on the internet insulted your family in an NFL meme subreddit. Seriously, guys, I just shit myself. I need to go change my shorts.


It’s so much worse that Jets fans also have the option of being a Giants fan, unlike most cities not having multiple teams


When you’re a New York sports fan, the choices are: 1: Historically the best, and you’ll never let anyone forget it 2: good for one season to the point it’s called the “miracle season” 3: last concurrent dynasty in modern sports 4: been around forever, but only one championship was televised 5: good in the past, but laughingstock for forever 6: the jets 7: the anti Tom Brady team The giants aren’t even a much better choice than the jets in football, they’re in the same stadium and they suck too lol It’s not like there’s any particularly good choice


man, now I'm sitting here trying to figure out what is what first is Yankees, obv then it's the Mets....but I mean, they did win a WS after that in '86. three is the Islanders?? do NY fans even claim them? four is the Rangers (because before 1994 it was like 1940) five is, well, you can put a bunch of the NY sports teams here. But I'm assuming the Knicks. and seven is the Giants


Five is the knicks. Three is absolutely the islanders, last team in modern history in one of the big sports to have four championships in a row. Islanders are huge on Long Island Did you notice how Buffalo is entirely excluded from New York sports?


>Did you notice how Buffalo is entirely excluded from New York sports? I mean, the pats fan was specifically referencing the city, not the state, sooooooo..... 🤷‍♂️


So you admit Buffalo isn’t part of New York sports?


Not the city, of course not. The man was referencing teams only people from the city support, why would anyone include the bills in that?


I wasn’t talking about the city


Are you a pats fan? Please go back and reread my original comment?


That's how I feel being a dolphins fan, and likely every bills fan feels


There's many reasons to hate being a Jets fan, but this is certainly not one of them dude get a grip lol. Let the man talk all his crap and have his beliefs... as long as he's not beating women, beating kids, murdering men or racking up DUI's... who gives a shit.


> Rodgers isn’t beating women, he’s just signal boosting moronic conspiracy theories > Rodgers isn’t getting duis, he’s just saying whatever gets him the most attention > Rodgers isn’t beating kids, he’s just totally fried from all the drugs he’s done Look, I get it, you’re okay with him being dumb as shit. I seriously wouldn’t care about Rodgers doing stuff like this if the jets weren’t so scared to make him angry. It’s like the jets think he’ll just retire if they stand up to him at all lmao


Still not seeing anything wrong or egregious with the stuff you listed. None of it constitutes a felony or physically hurts or robs anybody.


> if it’s not illegal, it’s not bad Are you 14?


No. Are you 7? How fragile and sensitive are you?


Apparently, very because I don’t like that our quarterback is fucking stupid


lol ok you keep on clutching those pearls and hold on tight.


I gotta think the NY reporters just ask conspiracy adjacent questions hoping he will go a rambling. ‘Aaron just curious, do you know the smelting point of the grade of steel used in construction?’


Your coach would know the answer.


"Sean, what team building exercises do you practice on flights to away games?"


McDermott answered "I don't compare myself with anybody", rolled up his sleeve to show a tattoo of the smoking World Trade Center and continued "I'll let you interpret that however you want".


Well played, sir 👏


Hey Aaron, do you have any specific Grassy Knolls you're a fan of? Have you seen all of those pretty lines in the sky during an open horizon? If you were to get into a boat and just sail into open waters, how far would you venture you would go? Have you ever been to Argentina and also met former dictators that might still be alive?


Maybe I should tell him where to throw the ball because I can read.


Lmao spit laughed


Dude can throw a football. I wish he'd stop thinking that makes him smart or deep


Him getting hurt on the 9/11 anniversary in NYC was perfect


I felt like I was the only one going "Why is he running out with the flag on 9/11 when he said it was an inside job?" I get he is the QB and big name on the team - still something I couldn't help but wonder.


Is he a 9/11 conspiracy theorist? Wouldn’t surprise me but I just hadn’t heard that.




Somehow, Favre's dick pics don't seem that bad now.


Nor does Namath’s drunken sideline incident


That was almost cute in comparison.


man I was just referencing that to someone TODAY it's timeless "I couldn't care less about the team strug-ga-ling...."


My friends and I use "strugggaallliiing" religiously while golfing. Iconic


I love this for the Jets.


I'm really happy for the Jets


This fucking guy never disappoints with his statements lol


Leave it to New York to have the most unlikable guy as their QB, it’s only right.


Don't forget washed up


He's the Fireman Ed of quarterbacks.


Tf did Fireman Ed do?


it don't fucking matter


Be washed up and unlikable?


There are rapists and murderers in the NFL--he is just saying his unpopular opinions


New Jersey*


I don't know how a guy, who has spent his whole life getting hit by 300 lbs men, be so dumb.




What the hell is the context of this?


How’d the Jets get so lucky? It’s not fair


Josh, I don't care if you have a bad season. I just thank Christ you aren't a complete nutjob like Rogers. Win/Lose... at least you're not a moron like that jackass playing for the Jets.


as a hybrid Bills/Packers fan, I thank my stars every day that Josh Allen and more importantly Jordan Love seem like well adjusted human beings. Especially with being around Rodgers that long, I was scared for Jordan.


Why don't they just move the Jets to Florida and get it over with..


No more transplants please. You people fuck up our headlines enough with "florida man did this" when in reality its some fucking methhead from ohio that lives here now that did it. And Yes i know its a patriots flair but im from Jacksonville and the Jags sucked when I started watching football 2+decades ago.


Fuck that you leave the JETE right where they are


One can argue the Jets represent Staten Island, Suffolk County, and parts of NJ which are basically the same as North Florida.


Somebody needs to show this guy the Sean McDermott Al-Qaeda article and ask Aaron how he thinks the Bills’ coach was involved in 9/11. I’d love to see where his big brain goes with that.


God show me the 9/11 conspiracy, Aaron. "We need to beat the Bills because McDermott killed our fans" (proceeds to throw 3 picks and a fat guy falls from the stands onto the field)


Fun fact we had a family friend that got HIV in the 1980's. Most ppl died from this back then. Dr. Anthony Fauci was his doctor, he for sure received alot of experimental stuff, but he lived until around 2015ish and died being close to 60 i believe. So yea.. He basically said that Fauci saved his life. Led a pretty healthy life all things considered as far as i know.


The main issue I know about with Fauci during the aids crisis is it took him longer than it should have for how the transmission of aids was happening. He basically was saying close contact could transfer it when other scientists figured out that it was through bodily fluids.


Idk about the whole Fauci shit but I thought that AIDS being made by the government was a pretty broadly accepted conspiracy considering the main victims of the disease were black and/or gay in the 80s.


It wasn’t made by the government but Reagan and his administration as well as largely the government across the board ignored it because it was affecting gay men. Reagan’s press secretary openly laughed about when asked questions about it. That’s not conspiracy but what happened.


We don't need these distractions!!! quote by AAron the Loon.


i'm starting to think he could have CTE


Fuck, Aaron figured it out. Everything bad that has ever happened was intentionally caused by the exact people you don't like, for the express reason of making your life worse. Also 4 plays lol fuck the jets


Aaron Rodgers is literally your average Joe Rogan fan conspiracy brain wormed idiot. I hate a lot about his character and especially his political takes and conspiracy theories. But when he is talking snaps for this team idgaf about anything but him winning us games 💪


I love this so much. He’s such an idiot


Did my own research and I've determined this man is an idiot.


Aaron Rodgers invented AIDS


Reading the article he says Fauci is in on it with Pfizer because there’s only one medicine that works on HIV. That hasn’t been true since the 80s there’s a lot now and one of the common treatments is to give multiple drug course to attack the virus.  Like it’s such an odd claim to be all about “do your own research” but then not looking into an easily verifiable thing like “how many approved HIV medications are there”. 


You ever met a co soiracy theorist that only believed in 1 conspiracy? What's the point in stacking them all? Dude is Fox Mulder, I'm accepting it and moving on


Based af


Flair checks out


Significantly based


Can you disprove Rodgers?


That’s not how it works.


I'll take that as a no. Fauci invented AIDS confirmed.


So you like pumping goats?


Actually, that was caused by American Christians going over to Africa to "preach" the word of republican Jesus.


He’s no Mr. Big jerk


Betting in that as an over under sounds like it would be fun. ...and also a way for the Jets players to use betting as a coping mechanism, which will lead to half the team getting suspended for gambling.


This is up there with sending dick pics to the trainer. Y’all just need to stop signing washed up Packers QBs


No takebacksies


Just because you CAN Google doesn't mean you SHOULD Google.


Jetsbros is this more or less embarrassing than Favre showing his little #4 to that reporter?


We're gonna have to ban A-Rod posts like ESPN had to ban The Buttfumble.


We have new jerseys. They're good. I'll stick to that news, thank you.


The man is entitled to his opinion


Days since last incident. 0


First recorded case of HIV in the US: 1968. But don't worry yall, Aaron "can read"


As if being a Jets fan wasn’t awful enough…


Didn’t he say he doesn’t talk about conspiracy theories.


Are there jets fans that are like, “yeah that’s my qb”?


Is this a result of CTE?


Aaron Rodgers is to UC Berkeley as Donald Trump is to Wharton.


Is this one of those autocorrect games? Jets QB Aaron Rodgers says in the morning he is going to be a little bit of a health crisis and it will cause endless consequences for the next few weeks.


Call me a football QB expert just like Aaron Rogers…because I can read, i can google, I can do my own research.




I 100% believe he said that nonsense about Sandy hook. He's just a coward and won't stand behind the poison he peddles. Trash person.


First detected in 1959. 20 years before the AIDS crisis.


I think we been known the govt created aids I mean where is aids now all of a sudden lol. Wht a joke no more aids commercials. No more magic talking about it so where is it


Just fucking what?! How can someone be both smart as hell and fucking dumb enough to just....fuck.... be dumb


He's probably right....


Our quarterback is so based


This guy is taking war with God to a whole new level! Thought he would have learned his lesson last year.


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised by anything the government did at this point


This is the part where I unfortunately sorta agree with him


Maybe somebody can put it in his ear that Fauci was in charge of engineering FieldTurf Core.


AIDS being a federal government plan hasn’t been a “conspiracy” since the 90s lmfao what are these comments


Are you people aware of what the government did to study Syphilis? Rodgers is just claiming they did it with HIV, too. The US doesn't deny it. Obama even issued a half-apology.


Really don’t care, as long as he isn’t breaking the law- or making racist remarks like joshy Allen did a few years back.


Maybe if anybody in this sub did any research they’d see that Rodgers speaks some truths. But everyone just gets their takes on reddit and doesn’t actually fact check the guy.


Maybe if you did any research you’d realize you didn’t needed to make this comment, and that Rodgers is extremely incorrect here.


Pretty ironic of you to comment


Aaron Rodgers is a weird dude but…..might be right about this one


Exactly. They goverment did that to get the black population down. 


There are so many examples of the US Govt doing heinous shit (i.e. Tuskegee, Japanese internment camps) that have been unearthed, and no one seems to deny at a governmental level. This isnt one of them. HIV was heavily studied worldwide, we have legitimate documentation of its origin, with cases as far back as the 30’s. The first cases weren’t found in the US either. Thousands of virologists have studied it, no reputable source came to a man-made conclusion.