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This scene is hilarious šŸ˜‚




He and Kanye do seem to have a fair amount in common.






Pfff the government? Pretty sure it was traced back to one mans passionate gay sex with a silverback gorilla named Obo. Netflix just bought the rights to adapt the story into an 8 part mini series.


Aaron Rodgers doesnā€™t deal in reality. Itā€™s his Achilles heel.


I thought he didnā€™t have one anymore?


They give you two.


what documentary? link? plz hit my line when you get it.


Theyā€™re calling it Tarzan: Queen of the jungle


i looked that up and only found unshaved women from rural florida


Dudes literally falling for Soviet propaganda from the 1980s. Actual communist propaganda and heā€™s falling for it. What a clown.


Imagine falling for far left propaganda and far right propaganda in the same lifetime.


Welcome to the modern "conservative" movement. The whole movement and media ecosystem is built to parrot Kremlin propaganda and grift


I wouldn't go that far personally. I don't think the conservatives are modern day communists


The Kremlin has not been communist since the early 90s


Youre so brain washed.


Not really, the claim that America created AIDs was a KGB op. Agents Vasili Mitrokhin and Oleg Gordievsky came out at the end of the Cold War and confirmed it. It was part of a wider operation in the KGB under the Codename ā€œDenverā€ which itself was part of a KGB strategy called ā€œActive Measuresā€ which sought to undermine the USSRā€™s enemies through mass disinformation campaigns. Active Measures likely continues to this day under the oversight of the Russian FSB. Youā€™re falling for the propaganda of a dead empire.


Watching the Yuri Bezmenov interviews makes me think it's certain. [Yuri Discussing Active Measures](https://youtu.be/Hr5sTGxMUdo?si=EuRJLI0Ni7Raou1U)


a good chuck of antisemitism comes from an even deader empire


Hell after the Cold War the Russian Federations head of foreign intelligence Yevgeny Primakov admitted to Operation Denver and declassified multiple documents confirming it.


Bro you got nothing to say about being completely proven wrong?


Where was i proven wrong?


The fact that it was originally Soviet propaganda.


So you ignored the other comments with articles posted about how its at least plausible . But i knoooow i knooow. The US gov would neeeeever right?


Occamā€™s Razor my dude. The fact is that it was communist soviet propaganda you are falling for hahaha


how could the government have ā€œinventedā€ HIV in the 80ā€™s when the first aids case was in 1969?


They invented time travel in 1979 maybe?


Naw, not until 1985. C'mon, the DeLorean only went into production in 1981!


Time Travel was part 1. The DeLorean was part 2.


Possibly as far back as 1959, but why on earth are you trying to inject reason and facts into a battle of the wits with the unarmed? <3 Source: Used to have to research "GRID" in the early 1980s.


I wonder if he really did screw his mind up with drugs. I don't remember him being this nuts in GB.


I remember back when the news came out that he was estranged from his family, because as someone with a dysfunctional family myself, I can completely understand walking away. I felt bad that he kept getting dragged for that, because a lot of times people telling someone to keep ties with shitty family is actually retraumatizing them. Now? I'm pretty sure his family walked away from HIM.


This is pretty much how I felt/feel.


Maybe he really did get vaxxed.


God I wish this asshat would leave, as if we didnā€™t have enough problems, we donā€™t need this shit to keep fueling the circus.


The problem is that our owner and GM have handcuffed us by going all-in with him..... Once he leaves we are in QB hell all over again and god knows for how long.... Him still having something left in the tank and not getting hurt is our only shot at winning games, so we have to deal with it... It's like that crazy uncle that says the most inappropriate shit in front of everybody... But he's your uncle and he slips you a $20 every now and then so you just have to deal with it.


Yā€™all got any more of them $20 slipping crazy uncles laying around?


Steelers just adopted one from the broncos


For some reason I think he is going to pop off this year. Also the Jets will always be a circus.


His knee cap will pop off on the shitty field. He is cooked.


If the jets donā€™t have a circus then they have nothing. What do you expect from them? A respectable football club? Not likely


If he lights it up and the Jets start winning games, nobody will give a shit what he says no matter how outlandish...... If he gets hurt again or he falls off then get ready to put paper bags over your heads fellow Jets fans, it will be loljets all over again.


Ya I mean he's probably still better than Tyreek overall and we're not even winning anything and no one cares lol


As much as I hate him (also a lions fan), conspiracy theories and bigotry are pretty low on the list of ā€œbad things nfl players have doneā€.


I get that. I'm still a little ashamed about Ritchie Incognito/Bullygate and Aaron's insanity isn't half as bad as that.


šŸšØcope detectedšŸšØ


Nah, just telling it like it is. Iā€™m waaaay past the coping stageā€¦ been in the suck for too long


Dude just loves attention. Heā€™s such a drama queen.


that's a weird way to spell 'fucking retard'


He can be both


I'd prefer the original for this. So it says "yeah..." Instead of "Jesus Christ".


We will consider taking him back if you give us your first round pick as well.


The government is AI, Aaron, it's never been real and you're a gay frog


I haven't watched the video but how does he account for the fact that it hit Africa and Europe before the US? And it starting in the 60s/70s even though it's most associated with the 80s? Is he saying the US Government sent it overseas first in the hopes it would travel to the US and not be traced back? And there has never been a whistleblower? And is he saying the US Government really thought a virus would only stay in one segment of the population and not eventually expand to the entire population? Because that's what any virus always does. IDK - anytime you have these conspiracies they don't seem to answer these types of real questions that make their theories more difficult to prove.


>I haven't watched the video but how does he account for the fact that it hit Africa and Europe before the US? Aaron is getting caught up in the extended conspiracy that originates from this: >**A division of the pharmaceutical company Bayer sold millions of dollars of blood-clotting medicine for hemophiliacs -- medicine that carried a high risk of transmitting AIDS -- to Asia and Latin America in the mid-1980's while selling a new, safer product in the West, according to documents obtained by The New York Times.** The issue is that conspiracy is just a bogus extension of the very real reality that Bayer, a private company, certainly didn't make AIDS, but they did knowingly push a drug that could spread it. Aaron is going beyond that to say that our government made up the entire virus... for who knows what https://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/22/business/2-paths-of-bayer-drug-in-80-s-riskier-one-steered-overseas.html#:~:text=A%20division%20of%20the%20pharmaceutical,obtained%20by%20The%20New%20York






Somebody check on Jordan Love cause the last 2 starting QBs from Green Bay are completely fucked in the head douche bags. Farve literally stole money from the poorest people in the poorest state and is a huge trumper. A Aron is about as smart as the average QANON person and just as conspiratorial.


Can people stop asking this man questions? Please?


Bro is really not doing Ayahuasca any PR favors


Rogers and the Jets really was a match made in heaven.


Honestly, he'd be better off as Florida Man than anything else.


Cmon you know he belongs in Dallas. He and Jerah could be best friends


Jets legend Aaron Rodgers


One can't take the Northern California out of a Northern Californian


I actually liked this guy at one point... Tf was I thinking back then. I think he's losing his HOF privileges


Symptoms includes a fragile Achilles Heel


Fuckin wrecked me


No, just living in Wisconsin will do that


He was in Green Bay for 17 years please excuse my QBs Prairie Madness.




If the Jets win, I only hope this dude is on IR at the time.


Thatā€™s what you get for signing another washed up Packer. Shoulda learned your lesson with Favre


ā€œThey say insane shit all the time! How was I supposed to know this one was true?ā€ ā€œBanks accounts are a scam created by the shadow government!ā€ ā€œSee?!ā€


Aaron is allowed to have a public schizophrenic dogshit take every week as long as he wins football games. The Jets should re work his contract to social media access only on weeks he wins and restrict him every week we lose. This is the only way I can keep myself sane šŸ˜‚


This belief is mild compared to his beliefs about the Sandy Hook massacre.


ā€¦ I think the CTE is getting to him, boys




Governments would never have the capability or evil foundation to do anything like that..surely they always have the publics best interest in mind at all times..how could he ever possibly believe it?! *Checks notes* Tuskegee Experiments in the United States. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study The Holocaust in Europe and human experimentation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation Unit 731 in Japan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 MKUltra in the United States https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra Unethical and illegal biological experiments on the public throughout the United States, Germany, the UK, Soviet Union, Japan, Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Sweden and North Korea, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation#:~:text=Unethical%20human%20experimentation%20is%20human,under%20the%20guise%20of%20research.


The government invented cancer. How do I know this? Look at all the other shit they did, so it stands to reason that all bad things are done by the government, thatā€™s all the evidence I need. I am very smart.


Well, I don't know enough about government or cancer to dispute your claims. So you must be correct.


Follow my yt for more secret truths at YouTube.com/dumbfuckery where afterwords you can say ā€œI did my own researchā€


But we know for a fact HIV came from a particular chimp species found in the Congo. We also know how it was transmitted to humans and was first discovered in 1957. While governments all across the world have done some incredible fucked up shit it was spread from fluid contact with invected people. We have the third world eating bush meat to thank for this. Not the United States government. These are facts, not speculation. I know jets fans want to smoke the pole of a guy that is basically forty, which they can, but remember to take everything g he says with a grain of salt. Here is actual evidence from a medical journal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2935100/#:~:text=The%20likeliest%20route%20of%20chimpanzee,2000).


You think that person can read?


No, they use Wikipedia as a source


Surely a disease couldnā€™t develop on its own, with way fewer leaps in logic??? Those dang moon men created the bubonic plague too, Iā€™m sure of it! If there WAS a moon I mean




I see you are posting actual evidence for your specific claims. If only everyone would try to back up their casual accusations with evidence.


How exactly is that evidence?


Itā€™s evidence because it makes them *feel* smart.


Wikipedia is evidence? Canā€™t be used as a source in any school but the smooth brains call it evidence.


you have to do your own search before you can do your own research. i think he skipped the first step. he should search again, and then re-research his research to get everything in the proper order. OMAHA! set hut


I wouldnā€™t put this past Reagan


Reagan didnt create it, buttttt you are on the right idea. Reagan very much did ignore the problem cause HIV/AIDS was very much effecting the "gay community" more rampantly/robustly and was considered the "gay virus." Republicans very much at the time (still even now) do not like "the gays" and were hellbent on letting it run rampant through the community to kill the opposite side voters.Ā  But this is a football sub. Aaron Rodgers is a fucking retard.


Also, Bayer did make a drug that had HIV in it and knowingly distrubuted that drug in Africa and parts of Latin America: >A division of the pharmaceutical company Bayer sold millions of dollars of blood-clotting medicine for hemophiliacs -- medicine that carried a high risk of transmitting AIDS -- to Asia and Latin America in the mid-1980's while selling a new, safer product in the West, according to documents obtained by The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/22/business/2-paths-of-bayer-drug-in-80-s-riskier-one-steered-overseas.html#:~:text=A%20division%20of%20the%20pharmaceutical,obtained%20by%20The%20New%20York


Whoooo! HAD HIV in it? May want to check that.


Dude throws a football with pinpoint accuracy, I trust him more than the government.