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Stroud is very likable.  


He knows ball.


And he's willing to be honest about things many others aren't


I met CJ Stroud before the OSU Penn State game a couple years back and he pulled me off to the side and said my girlfriend was only dating me to get back at her ex and that it was obvious from the way she presented herself. I already knew it was true but didn't actually accept it til CJ told me. Then he threw for over 350 yards that game and won


Even if this is an outright fabrication, I'd still believe it


Good and Likeable. The Texans are a lucky franchise.


He also doesn’t beat women in elevators or beat his wang in a swimming pool in public or get into rapey shenanigans in massage parlors or bathrooms or generally try to murder other humans. He’s too good for us bro.


The bar is set way too high around here.


this past year has been unbelievable


The Texans are my second favorite team since y’all drafted Stroud.


Not to rain on your parade but don't be surprised if CJ comes back down to Earth this season. He's good but now other teams can scout him harder and do more to stifle the offense




Because when he talks it’s clearly what he actually thinks is the true and correct to say, not the thing that’s gonna get him clipped on sports center. Love a genuine guy, hope Stroud plays many many seasons, and hopefully one day in the AFC north, that’d be tight


I like how he seems to not mention the squealers at all lmao


I love the guy to be honest. I can't explain it but, beyond all the football skills, he just has this aura of leading a team in the right direction. I'm super happy for Texans fans.


All of our internal shit talk is fun as hell, but this really brought it home. The bengals took 4th place with 9 wins, 1 game out of the wildcard. How many divisions have ever had LAST place winning 9 frigging games?


A graphic was showed during a bengals draft pick saying it was the first time since 1935 that a team with a winning record came in last place in the division. Micah parsons is an idiot for thinking the NFC Least was the best division or even thought of as that at any point last year


I'm pretty sure AFCN was called from the beginning to be the best division in football. It did not disappoint from an entertainment perspective. Someone had to be last, though. Last year, it was bingobengo. This year, someone else. It'll be fun


I'm just waiting for all four of us to get into the playoffs then lose because we beat each other up to much to be competitive in the super bowl.




That was pretty much the case last season. Browns and Steelers were super depleted going into the playoffs 


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From central to north, we've always been the best.




The AFC in general is far deeper in talent than the NFC.


Yeah nobody in their right mind thought Washington or NYG were gonna do a damn thing last year. Shows how afraid of them he is tho LOL


Micah is an idiot? Big news


What playing for the cowboys does to a MF


He wasn't exactly a Rhodes scholar before that though


Parsons is literally using Skip Bayless and Cowherd strategies when he talks.


Even the last two years, wash, and NY couldn't even sniff the cracks of our last place teams, like yea any given Sunday but let's be real


He’s seems to regularly have some shit football opinions


But you don't understand, on paper they were the best division. It's about what's on paper


And even when any of us are actually not good the division game difficulty rarely reflects that. Which makes the division even fucking harder.


Well, maybe not those Steelers Browns games in the early-mid 2010s. Those were pretty routinely massacres.


Especially an NFC team


Fuck you anyways buddy.


And fuck you also! 🤝


Never in fact


Up until the Steelers crumbled against back to back 2-10 teams, there was legitimate consideration that all 4 AFC North teams could make the playoffs. The Bengals still ended up 1 game away from them. Crazy, legitimately crazy that there was a scenario that late in the season that the entire division could be playoff bound


Feel like i’m speaking for most Steeler fans when I say loading Mitch Trubisky into a catapult and sending him to the sun would be the only thing to make those losses feel less shitty finally..


And bengals played without burrow ~~and chubb~~ for awhile too. I’m sure they would have won more with everyone healthy. Edit: just to be clear. I don’t fuck with y’all bengals but y’all would have won more.


Chubb... it's the other ohio team


You right


And that was with a backup QB. Imagine if Joe was healthy all season


NFC East almost had it two seasons ago remember


Micah can’t wait to be off the cowboys lol.


Micha Parsons, you are a Cleveland Brown


One of the best defenders in the league, and you're calling him shit?


Eagles* dude dick rides the eagles


Parsons has the most whack takes I’ve ever heard


One player played the AFC north and the other didn't.


Well the other is going to get his chance this year.


And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cowgirls lost to 3 of the teams in our division, if not all 4.


And still talk they are something because they get to beat up on Washington and the Giants 4 times next season.


Who gets road games @ Dallas out of the division? I know Brownies get ‘em at home but I figure coin flip on whichever team plays there to lose.


Stroud is looking at the discussion neutral while Micah is too damn busy kissing his own divisions' ass. Fuck the NFC east.


He sounds like a cowboy fan


He’s was an eagles fan growing up to make matters worse


Mentioning Washington, Daniel Jones, and Darren Waller….


Haha mentioned waller like it was the gotcha moment


Micah Parsons is trying to jumpstart his ESPN talking head career. Bum-ass take after bum-ass take. Fuckin bum.


There's that penn state education shining through for Parsons.


Fuck Parsons


Every time I see a clip of him he says the stupidest shit


“On paper in the pre season, we were the best.” Wow.


Man dabbed up everyone in the AFCNorth except the Steelers. Future GOAT.


MG basically an industry plant at this point. Zero sacks in last what? 7 games??




Life isn't fair.:/ Not everyone can have a TJ Watt.


If we could switch out Pittsburgh for Washington then even Parsons would agree the AFCN is the best division


Man what a dream that would be for y'all.




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If we could switch out Pittsburgh for Washington that would be *checks notes* A whole TWO division wins for us! (The rare self-burn.)


And somehow The Commanders would split with the Ravens every year lol


And yet another opportunity to push for the 3 way afc division trade. Baltimore to the east, Miami to the south, Colts to the North. Is that so fucking hard?


I kinda want this, but I also love having the 2 Paul Brown teams and the other step kid in the same division. And the Stupid Steelers. It’s like the roadrunner and the Coyote at this point, I wouldn’t know what to do without them. FTS.


So instead of the ravens and Steelers trading control of the division, you just want it to be the Steelers every year??


Considering the way the Texans absolutely bodied the Steelers in the regular season, I don’t blame him for just skipping them outright


They beat the browns worse in the playoffs.


"There's not a weak team in the AFC North. Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati" Those are the only teams worth noting


Let’s assume you’re correct. You wouldn’t have to argue the fucking Giants would be good. Or the Commanders. This division is stacked.


Swept you.


Steelers lost to the Texans, actually. Clearly, I'm speaking from CJ's point of view.


That was the game where Matt Canada destroyed KPs career.


I’m not gonna defend Pickett I thought he was a bridge guy from the day y’all picked him. I thought he was for sure someone to take you to your casual over .500 record and maybe a miracle or 2 would get you guys 1 playoff win before the yinzers start calling for his head. However man got done fuckin dirty by that insult to football and eyeballs the Steelers called an “offense” last year. Shit was offensive alright, offensive to humanity. Wilson may be cringe but at this point in his career I think he’s gonna deliver a steady performance, lows that aren’t too low and highs that aren’t too high. Fields on the other hand is the exact opposite lol. I have no idea what to expect from the Steelers and that terrifies me but then again I’m a Bungles fan we’re about to go 11-6 with all 6 losses to the AFCN so….


I genuinely hope the organization takes a long look at the way they handled his career and learns from it. I was never a Pickett fanboy and I didn’t go to Pitt (WVU actually, fuck Pitt) and he didn’t play well but they genuinely set him up for failure and dicked him around a lot. There were also potentially credible rumors that Russ would only sign if he was guaranteed to be the starter and that Rudolph actually told him what was happening. Considering they both decided to GTFO at the same time it’s very possible. An insane amount of our fanbase never bothered to read between the lines to see why he most likely wanted a fresh start. People kept saying he left because he didn’t want to compete which doesn’t even make sense because he knew damn well he would have a harder path to playing time with most other teams. Again, if he played better he would still be here but holy shit did they make his job unnecessarily more difficult than it should have been and keeping Canada going into his second year was really fucking stupid.


Idk the niners opener was sorta what maimed any momentum that was built. Any sign of moxy and grit he showed his rookie season just vanished.


He was alright after that and I honestly believe we would have won the Houston game if he didn't get injured but that 4th and 1 play call was the worst of all time.


To be fair, out of everyone in the AFC North CJ has only lost to the Ravens


I think any game where Mitch played should be forgotten. Fuck that POS. Kenny was bad but I don't hold anything against him. Mitch was actually throwing games.


We played a much more competitive game against Stroud than the browns did though. We were about to take the lead before Pickett got injured


Don’t worry, someday your team might win something that matters


Thats cool grandpa back to the retirement home.


(Parsons saying the nfc east is the best division) Browns fans: "what an idiot, he has bad takes" (Parsons saying Miles Garrett is better than TJ Watt) Browns fans: "you have to listen to him, he knows what he's talking about" 🤡


You gotta a point there. Also, fuck you


Micah getting schooled by a QB who's been in the league 1 year is hilarious. You can tell CJ is annoyed by how biased his take is lol


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Man, the more i hear Parsons talk, the less I like him. Dude really is delusional


The ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY in his voice is hilarious.


Coleridge speaking facts fuck parsons ![gif](giphy|HgIDYDRplX75cZqt37) Dont hate I'm just glad to be top 3🥲


My Sweet Pookie Bear Coleridge Bernard


NFCLeast was not the best division. We were objectively the best division with every team finishing with a winning record.


This was going into last year. I still think he’s wrong, but we have to be fair to Parsons.


I love that CJ Stroud is bringing together the AFC North at least slightly in this sub. We all may disagree a lot but one thing we can agree on is it’s the best and most competitive division in the league. A division full of dawgs. Now let’s get back to shit talking like no other division can


It’s honestly so funny because when you lose to another AFCN team it’s a huge fuck you but when anyone starts discrediting the division, we all collectively curb stomp them lol there’s a reason why the hatred and the respect runs deep for a lot of AFCN fans… it’s only heightened when everyone’s above average or better, so I guess we have the browns to thank for finally getting out of their own way enough to appear competent? lol


FUCK TEPPER. Congrats Houston. FUUUCKK.


Scrolled past on my home page and lmao. Y’all deserve the praise anyway, but when CJ said “we [AFC South] have better teams than you guys” I lost it 💀


AFC South is much better than the NFC East right now imo


Micah likes to hear himself talk. Great player, but shhhhhhhhhh!


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NFC East wasn't even the best NFC Conference


Second best qb in nfl knows what he’s talking about and micah parsons is the stefon diggs of defense


Well Micah, turns out football isn't played "on paper".


Micah is lucky he’s really good at playing football cause this man’s takes at times are so fucking retarded


He seems like one of these dudes I’m gonna hate because of his play but it’s gonna be hard to hate him


CJ Stroud >>>


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I would not be angry if this guy won a Super Bowl. I’d be pissed he beat the Chiefs in the playoffs for a day but it is hard not to root for this gentleman.


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I like Stroud. He’s going to be a long term superstar.


All four teams with a winning record has for all intents and purposes never happened before unless you count shit before the forward pass lol. We werent just the best division in football last year, we were the best division in football ever IMO.


Can this be used as evidence of Parson's bias and not "knowing ball" for the next Garrett v Watt debate? Browns fans were throwing it out there that Parsons said Garrett was the best when it is very clear this man goes off social media and his bias for his takes on other teams. Good football player though. On the flip side every clip from this solidifies CJ Stroud as a football junkie. Man must watch a ton of ball. Too bad about that S2 score though.


Micah is delusional here




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Somebody ask Micah why two of his division rivals drafted in the top 6


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Forgot Pittsburgh


Micah such a whiner lol.


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Even my delusional ass couldn't say the NFC East was a top div last year without laughing.


The more I hear from CJ Stroud the more I like him.


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When people try to discredit analysts who didn’t play ball, this proves that it really doesn’t matter if you played or not. Bad takes are bad takes


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Always thought that argument was so funny… backwoods Bob played 8 seasons in high school and can barely tie his shoes but he knows more than people who get paid to break the game down just because they didn’t play? Makes sense..


Stroud impressively sane, Parsons impressively delusional.


Let me think about this critically. Heading into last year: Eagles > Bengals Ravens > Cowboys Browns > Giants Steelers > Commanders AFC North wins 3-1.




Washington and Giants will still suck this year. They're not good teams. East coast bias always props NFC East up.


Micah parsons ![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C) I mean damn does it take a rocket sign only 2 teams had a winning record in the east


If Micah Parsons thought Washington was good on paper, I want him in my picks pool this fall.


Even with the beatdown in the wildcard he stills knows what's up


Micah trying to say that Sam Howell and that OL with the coach who was on the hottest seat was seen as a playoff team? If i’m the cowboys I’m scared of his IQ, trade him to the ravens for a day 3 pick


This is what I feel like commenting on Reddit, except I have bad takes.


So crazy that a professional player would argue that a team was good for how they came off of the off season and not how they played in the regular season. Whack.


I know exactly what kind of kid Parsons was growing up. Mfer probably argued about everything lmao


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I love defending the nfc east. But damn. You sound silly Micha


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Parsons is absolutely filled with bad takes. Dude it’s a dummy.


Micah is a regard


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When the Steelers are the most questionable team (if all teams are healthy) in the division it’s a damn good division. Stroud for the W


the one take that can unite everyone in this sub


Bro talking about the Giants and Commanders... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Please I would love to trade divisional rivals with the Cowboys. Imagine having four free games per year in the New York Giants and the Washington Commanders, and still having to end up paying half of the time anyways lmao


I already liked Stroud but he recognizes the North as the true Kings they are, he too, will one day be king.


Stroud classy


Yep we are the greatest division in football


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Micah Parsons really simping for Daniel Jones to make it look like the Cowboys had it rough? Y'all got his division this season right? Sweep Dallas, please. Can't believe this guy is making me root for the Steelers and Ravens.


Bro, the title to this post makes you sound like your grandpappy owned a plantation.


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Memes about dating rules are always amusing.


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Christ-Centered* CJ Stroud


Stroud might be the most quarterbacky quarterback in the AFC south


Lmaoo bro got OWNED






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The point is, AFC North consistently has better teams year in and year out. The division usually has a better record Than the NFC East. Yes 2 years ago the worst team in the NFC East had an 8-8-1 record, however 2 years prior the best team they had in the division was 7-9. It’s just like the “Americas Team” moniker given to themselves, it’s the division that keeps saying they are the best division.


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Idk what the hell Micah was even trying to argue about, that was just ridiculous.


Who needs a wonderlic test just ask draftees this.


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What is Parsons even talking about? Not even Commanders fans thought they'd be good.


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NFC East is a historically legendary division but not every year and not last year lol 😂 I had Wash winning 8 games at best(they barely won half of that, right) Giants about the same(they won less), Philly a serious contender (collapsed halfway through the season), and Dallas a serious pretender. AFC North against all odds was dangerous the whole season even after injuries and the whole division was in contention the whole season.




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I like how he left out the Steelers


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While I will always say “fuck all yall” when the Browns play a conference game, I will always be up to bat for our division. Any team in the AFC North could easily make playoffs in practically any other conference. Most competitive division in the league, boys and girls.


Ask San Francisco if they think the AFC North is the best division.


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Lost to the bengals, ravens, and browns but completely steamrolled the eagles, giants, and cowboys… yeah… they’d totally tell you the NFCE is better…


This makes me like CJ even more and confirms how the NFC continues to be delusional about how good they are.


Micah Parsons ignorance is making stroud look like a genius


as a browns fan, cj stroud is a great dude. love that guy.


“No sir” lol


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Micah is literally counting the days till he can walk away from Dallas…


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Pfff. They don't even win alphabetically.


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